TMrsday. October 29; 1929 Man in the Moon vnu'd think the water- oughS to br nard In this town considering til' way it rams auuiciiiucs. Who greets every day with a laugh tk. mater, oh, better by haugh "nan the bird who awakes W 'ft a groan for his alios And belle rs about like a caugh. Y,,t woman woos with honey M ui hf woos with money pn wouldn't it be lunny . U there was no money hone i:ie says woman Is never con-i M with her lot. 8he is' -always u'yr some change. Woman will do A groat many r , but she won't do as sfie Is cX;ir''ted. y.ntw women are; kissed by fools, i aors arc fooled by kisses. Ten .Years? Ago . In' Prince Rupert October 2. 1919 ? lip Trades & Labor Council :. eel ii resolution last night ak-Uk city council to purchase atabl- ambulance. A banquet was given last night V: he Presbyterian Church, to re- j Mil d men member of the oon-Lr. nation and their w4va. Refi ;. n R Grant nrestded ana a. .ikers included Lieut. Col. SKJ M Mordle D.8.O., Mayor MCCly- , ..nt Fred 8tork. Howard Pringle, K- . Mr Rowell. F. F. 8chelleri-United States Consul A. .El V K.-fiold. Simon Duff, J. H. Kel-f apt John McGregor V.C.. Ret. v1 White. W. O. Dennis and Miss l ie McLenaghan. r i C W. Peck V.C.. MP. says , . present minister of the Unlen inment at Ottawa. Hon. Dr. K Tolmle Is the only one he1 ..I r out of his way to sup-lif Of declares. to Mackenzie's Furniture a Furniture Received In Carload jof From Factory Direct. Offerinr Yod a Great Savins DfNING litJOf SUITES" to i only. B pieces, olld oak, walnut f nteh '' .iv 9 pieces, solid oak. fumed i.n 0 pieces, iolld ck.' fffntedl ' nlv, 0' pleeeav eenutne waimit. 1 -niy. seto Chtatklield suite. Con-' motion of thrbest and pleasing f -.T..ins Beds All .ines of Llno- im irrafCarpftfi. fart l'amcnt Tiown and Terms Arranfrd Oh Balance tmas will soon be here. Let n'a htfve something ready to liver Enquire about our semee. He Have Taken Additional floor Spare Next to Electric Bakery MCKENZIE'S. FURNITURE Phone 75 Auction I SALE Extraordinary UNRESERVED SALE Cndcr instructions from Mr. Fred stork. I will SELL BY AUCTION his complete household fur. nftore and furnishing and, for the convenience of the public, Koods Hill be moved and sale to be held In the premises lately occupied by Stork's Hardware Company Next to Prince Rupert Hotel. Tuesday and Wednesday Oct. 29 and Oct. 30 Commencing at 10:00 a.m. prompt. Consisting of the following articles: Solid walnut dlnlns room suite. walnut tea wagon, set of cutlery in "uiioKany caoinet, pmow arm nifsterfleld set, fireside bench, own veiour Chesterfield, comblna-J"n desk and bookcase, library Uble. SONORA PHONOGRAPH and f""irds. piano lamp. 2 wllton rugs, Jf-I-: 2 upholstered chair, 'hall rug, X4N: oak r!lnln room iiiIIa jniC ;me stand, 3 card tables, brass f " u complete, mahogany dresser chiffioneer, 2 chairs, 2 single PK 2 rugs, TWIN BEDROOM tn 0ld ,vorX. cedar chest, h pi uroom i lamp, mahogfany bed corrt.-Mt. enamel bed. Chesterfield only; quantity of bedding, wicker '"air, smoking set, maritel clock, pronie- figures, model of ship, cut 'wns. silverware, dishes and cut-'"!-y. glasses, wines sherbets, etc.; W'ver seU, kitchen range (Chan C'Uiin; electric Iron, fire Irons, rn.ubie bake board, and other w Holes too numerous to mention. Auctioneers' note Theae goods in flrst-clasS condition and " list be sold, owner le'avlrii? town. (2S2) GEO. J. DAWES Auctioneer CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Phone Mack 120 a THrT DAILY NEWS PA'dE FIVE - FOR SALE, FOR THIS IS T1TE PAGE )VHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE Yt -l'ittw ' . - '.iUJlii!' .....? .'',:.) I,. :u;l.:A -H " ': , . :1 ,, "MaajafjaagfagaMga '-' . " . -''T'.T? ' f - j MILADY BEAUTY SflOP For first-class hair dressing, permanent waving and all kind's of beauty culture. PnONE 655 .ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger and water waving. Face massage and scalp treatments. Phone 499 SINGING LESSONS Evenings J. E. DAVEY, PHONE RLACK 396 CHARLES P. BALAGNO TEACHER OF PIANO TERMS MODERATE PHONE GREEN 280 BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATBUILDERS, COW BAY Pleasure and Rowboats' For Sale Y. Suehiro, Cow Bay Bbalbiillder, V. O. Box 314 LAND ACT Stlklnr Land Ilfxtrlrt; DUtrlrt of Caasfor TAKE Notice ttus I'. Hov W. Maore 120S PMUlO Mutual Bug., LH Angeles. Caflf.. oecu&etWI. Mining En gineer, intends to apply I or permuMoni purchase the following (lesenbedl lands: Oommeeeincr tt a oomt planted about taree-quarters of a mtVe distant and In ifontMtlir direction from the mouth the Tuuequab Brr; tbencc ert 20 chain thence corto ao ehaina; thence eM 3b chalna; thence aouth 30 cblns nor&t of apnimeMeAMnt, aald pucel onUliUnf 40 acre mere or tau. Located Auguat 6th. 1930. Roy W. Moore Loeator. Jamea B. Stapler. Agent JAUES 0. oTArLEn, Agent. Date: Auirutt Vtn; 1829-. Notice of Intention to Appl far rarrna Lana In the Atlln Laad Recording DKtrtet, iad ittinte at weat Taku Ana of Tutoh Lrte. Take aotVe that I, Otto H. Prt-rldte. of Beii-Bry-Olkree. AUln. B O., occupation, mine owner. Uttendt to ply tat a porehaae of the following Commencing at a pout planted 40 rode eouth of Ben-mr-Chree 6rr. Uiritu. fheiMv weet 40 chalna: theoo enaiM; tneaor ren u cnn; ttxtooa north 46 ohalna and eontatulng ISO acrea, more or leu. OTTO It. FARTRIOOe. Dated: September 8th. 1929. EXAMINATION FOR IN SPECTOR OF STEAJl BOILERS & MACHINERY OotnpetHny enmlitattona for of meam-BoUcra and Mtchlaer w;;: be heM at the office of the BOUef Inspection Department In the Work men ComperuaMon aad Ubour Of ftcee. 411 Dunamulr Street. Vaocowrej BC. commencing Kovemoer ibw, nt. t 10 ajn. , . ftMdUtflW IOTHU UM IHWn IH- A&ItVwn iMr he obtained from the" Aoller Inapectioo vrvrunrv h wt addma A. J. WIMB. . , OMI Bervlee OdtawaleatOBer. LM ACT Notice t Intention to Apply to lie Mud Tr KOTia That I. Jaaiea Urt4i of uMett. B.C. intend to PP'r for a leM of the wuowwc uewium 'W" OomnenclM at a port pUnted it hub water A and about two hundred and Mty feet 8J5. of ahore end fwewMae(t. BC wharf: thence a Weaterljr dlrectkm and P"M the wharf to low water mark: thenar hwUrty to tho waarf: then. Northerly akm( the wharf to water mark: thence alowf the ahore t Mh water mark to the point of oort-menotinent. and containing two acre. T M.-tt. B C thU aitt div oay or of October. IM. at 12 08 AM. JAME8 MARTIN. BRINGING UP WANTED WANTED Young man for delivery caryApply Munro Bros. (253) WANTED; f- Hemstitching. Mrs. Cha. Edwards, at Wallace's. J 179 HELP WANTED, MALE MEN WANTED Learn Autos. Bricklaying and Plastering In utiyuuict, Dig ucijidliu 111 tllCC trades. Only a few weeks required. Part-time work while training at 50c an hour. Free employment service. All practical training. Thousands of successful graduates. Mail this add wltn your name and address for big free booklet. HEMPHILL AUTO it BUILDING TRADE SCHOOLS, 1043 Pender Street West, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) MISCELLANEOUS U8E OF ROOM and bed aould bei gren In exchange for small nltor service. Arralicant must" be known1 in the city and thor ougniy trustwortny. box wi Daily News. (tf) FOUND ruuND saver Maltese cross brooch with letters W. A. Apply uany news oince. LOST LOST Brown and white spaniel pup, blaek face. Answers to Zip. Finder please phone Black 254. Reward. SPRINGS . . . Made and repaired forianykind of Auto or Truck. . noiKxi Prompt Service. SatSsfaetJoh feiftrfl - anteed. ' ,ra 1 Star Welding and Repair Works ' P.O. Box 764 Prince Rupert. B.C. . ,.k.. i Concrete Foundations Tunnels and shafts in difficult : ground a specialty. NELS KOKKJAU, CENTRAL HOTEL'' ' QUEEN CHARLdTtE-PORf CLEMENTS STAGE Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey ipassengers- to' Port Clements,- and meets soutnoouna Doats at, ron aement? to recervo pa6ngers for Queen Charlotte city. Fare $5.00, and in' proportion to intermediate points. R. G, McKENZlE PREMIER HOTEL QCEEN ClfARLOTTtf CiTT; B.C. TIMBER SALE X1I"91 Reeled tenders will he reOHred bfr Kne MiMatef of Latrda.. fl)ellrla ndl later than noon on the itm aay oi Licence- XMTBi. tO Cut 1 .088 .000 F B M. mutm TtMAlM.k rwt OAmt it mwM- iAMaMi an KkKKealni Inlht hatod Lattton. Dfluglar Ohanne. Range 4. ooasi Liana uiswicv. Two (21 yean will be allowed for removal 91 tlhtBet. C...k.. uMImiUm aI llu rati? W,P. Ira-far, VietMav B.O.. of DH-JWet For- ter. iTince Ktipen, o.v. im The weasel is a pur killer, de straying more animals' than It can consume. FATHER FOR SALE PiANO FOR SALE In good condition. For particulars apply Mrs. S. O.. care Daily News Office, tf. FOR SALE 4ron and wooden pul leys, also two pieces shafting. Apply Daify News, Box xx. it) FOR SALE Johnson Floor Polisher, practically new, going cheap. Apply Fishman. Power Corporation. (252) Pnn SALE Boat, suitable for deep-sea trawler or packer, leneth 45 feet. 20 h.o. Frisco Standard Engine. Phone 355. (tf) FOR SALE McClary kitchen range In good condition, and golden oak buffet. Apply J. B. MacKay, 530 'Sixth Avenue East. r ; (tf) FOR SALE Gasoline boat, 38 feetl Ions? by 11 feet four inch beam. 3A h n Hull and engine newlv overhauled. Sacrifice Annlv Pap-1 Hie salvage company. OS) FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room flat with, bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR RENT, t Five-room suite, Summit Apt& Phone Blue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Double or single housekeeping' rooms. Phone 427. 7 (tf) FOR RENT Four roomed modern house. Apply J. Bl MacKay, 530-1 sixtn Avenue -East. tti) FOR RENT Automobiles. pianos' phonographs'- end sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and three room-. ed suites. Palmer Apartments. 1 Phone Red 444. tr) : REAL ESTATE rFOR SAtBeTwrr lots on Tenth Avenue, near- Alfred" Street. buUdfhg. .Apply Box 228, Dally ' News Office. tf)' FOR SAIX TW6roirfhly modernLwctlI1.n ,,vn IT1. vimrr house;, seven rooms with gar- age. Magnificent harbor view. Very reasonable. Terms. O. P. Tinker Limltefl, j FOR SALE Twd lots on Oraftl Hin, Fifth Aventie West. $1,000 cash or terms arranged. This! years taxes paid. Apply Box-23S Dally News Office. (tf) 113 ACRES' ON SKEENA Highway, Woodcock) Partly Cultivated. Fine Fruit District. $500.00 M. 5f. STEPHENS Si CO. LTD. Rentals Loans Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE Four Rooms and Bath In vert fine condition with two Hots; double corner Dunsmulr St. A REAL' BOY AT $1000.00 m G. HELGERSON, LTD. Phone 9ff 216 Sixth St, Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers; Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 . PHONE 22 Dally News Want-Ada bring results. af IS FULL OF HUBfAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO4 . , '' JTS. . - I . L . " FV AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, macninery, etc. uenerai repairs crating, packing and shiDDinsr vv ui fi.uitaaiii(j' Kuamnieea'. JUSli;rT, u.c phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block THE ELECTRIC BAKERY The' Store That Quality' Built IH' EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There' Is! P. O. BOX 416 PHONE CC7 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SALVAGE ANI TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General. Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Oas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern- B. O. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel, In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or Nlftit 561 P. O. Box 15C4 CHIROPRACTIC SUNSniNE ULTRA VIOLET RATf IN Fit A AND CLTRA RED RAY CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ASPEVALL B.C. 6, 7 Exchange BL Phone Green 241 ""UV'nr R A V TREATMENTS mfvt! a-R. E.EYOLFSON. D.C. . AJJALITE ADJDSTMENT " '"INDICATOR SERVICE 62S Third Avenue West Blue 85 Phones Red 589 II. J. ZUMKEHR CHIMNEY SWEEP General Handy Man New Address at Red's Transfer PHONE 201 WATER NOTICE Dlverolon and I'se TAKE NOTICE that Jamea B. Stap ler, whose address Is Hotel Outlneau, jnnMii Alrnti will nnlv"for a lleenaer to take' and use 1000 cuhle aecond feetj sequan Itlver which- flows Southerly ancfl arams' -iaio ine -raau reiver, sdow v mile a bene the mouth. Tha water wUl be diverted from the stream at a point about Three miles ud stream from tfce mouth of the East Fork and win be used for Mining Power purpose' upon the Tulaequah-Chief Oroup Mineral Claims. Thia nirttce waa posted on the ground on the eth day oi August, ivn A oodt of this notice and an appll- i cation tnereto and to uie W'aur Act. 1014, " vlll he filed in the offiea of the Water Recorder at Atlln, August 22. 1999. Objections to the snpllcatlon may be filed wtrh the said Water Recorder or ; with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Butldlnaa, Victoria . B.C.. within thirty days after the nnt ap - ! pearanee of this notice In a local newa - The date of the first publication of this notice Is October 10. 1929. JAMBS B. STAPLER, Applicant. By-ir. MtN. FRASKR. Agent. RENT, LOST LANli ACT Votlre of Intention to Apply to- LraN land In Prince Rupert Land .Becordinc DUtrlet of BrKUh OoliuotoU, and' ltu-ate on thg North bank of Rkm .. r , n i nn n nattnn.i n.u. ur .t . Take notice that Northern Britten Power Company, Limited of Prince Rupert, B.C. , occupation Power Cor-pbartlon Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands : Commcnetno; at a post planted about to ft. distant, and in a southerly direction' from centre line of Canadian-National Railways, Mile 28.76 East of Prince Rupert, on- the north bank of Skeena River thence Eouth 2 chains, more or leas, to Low Water Mark: thence Easterly along L.W.M. 5 chains; thence North 2 chalna more or leal to High Water MsMC thence Wes - terly along H.W.M. 5 chains, more or less to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. 1 Pef: Thomas D. McLean. Agent. Dated September 21st. 1929. LAND ACT Notice1 of Intention to Apply to Lease Land' In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of BrrtUH- Oorumbla', hd situ- ate" between Low Water .Mark on t North side ad Low WMer Mark off South side t 8keesaa Rive oppcette Mile1 28.76 of Canadian National Rail' ways. East of Prrnce Rupert Tske notjoe that Northern Brtt&h4 Columbia Power Company, Limited ef Prince Rupert. B O., occupation Power Corporation mtendi to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencmg' at' a pott planted' ISO feet distant, and 'In a southerly direction from centre lice of Canadian National Railways. Mile 28.79 Batt ot Prince Rupert thence 6outn S daft. 40 min. Basf 114 chains more of less to' L.W.M. on South bank Skeena River: thence BaeteHy alone L.W.M. 3 chains: thence Nerth 9 def . 40- mtn' Wear 114 caalna, mora or ImH to LJV. M. on' North bank! of Slfeena River thence Westerly aloatc L.-W.M-. t chalnii more or lea to pofftt or eoarr! mencement ana containing ss aaru more or less. NORTHERN BRlTSBir OOLOMBLw POWBHf COMPANY, LIMITED' Per: ThdSBM D. McLean. Azeht. I3ate eeptembef 2 lit, 1929. Sn(lce-iffLrTitfiitlon to Apply -ro-loc Ln In Prince Rnnert Land Reeonfllae' uuinn or unttsn imusiMi. and situate on tttr South Bank of Skeena River, opposite Mil M 79 on Canadian National Railway. Bast of Pflnoe Rupert. B.C. TaVa KAtL. Vaa Ta.s ul.k Cotumhla fSwer Cemnany. umhxr of ranee napen, J.o.. oceupation Power Oorporatten intends to appty for a lease of tte following described! Unds: Oommeneteg at a post planted about 120 chalna distant and in a Southerly direction from centre line oY Canadian National Railway, opposite mUe &? East of Prince Rupert, on the aouth bank of the Skeena River, thence North 5 chains more or len to Low Water Mark: thence Westerly along L.W.M. S chains: thence South 5 chains, more or leas to H.W.M. : thence Easterly along H.W.M. to point of commencement and containing twoj ixi acres, more or leas. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 21st. 1939. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE 8ml th Fractional Mineral Ctatm. situ - 1 fJ.V Ctmar Dlstrtet. At"p lk Mining Dlvuion ot j Where located: Between the' Dal, and Mickey Mineral Olalms. ' Lawful tolder: Enzlneer Oold Mines w a i ii j "SJrVt e, mi..,.. r. t!fittoooo.n 1 mint Knrmr that Vniinur run uitm Limited Inc.. Free Miner's Certificate. !no. 19990-D, Intend at the end of sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to 1 the Mining Recorder for a Certificate ot i Improvemcnta for the purpose of obtain-1 lng a Crown grant of the above claim. And runner take notice that acuon. lr " L0 J,SL . . . . Dated this Sth day of - September. 1929. REGINALD 8IUEQ, Agent Try a Dally News want-ad. & FOUND Y0UN6 AND OLD. LAND ACT Notice' of Intention to Apply1 to Purchase Land In Prince-, Rupert Land Recording (strict Of British' Columbia, and situ, te on tfie' South Bank of the Skeena Met opposite Mile 28.76 of Canadian rational Railways, East of Prince Ru pert. Take notice that Northern BrltlsK Columbla Power Company, Limited", of. Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Power Corporation Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deJ scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted'' 2S chalna distant, and in a Southerly1 direction from centre line of Canadian National Railways, Mile 28.76. East of Prince Rupert, on the South bank of Skeena River: thence South 10 chains tnence west io chains: thence North 10' chains: more or less to High Water ,1": menee isaaieny aiong h.w.m. 10 chalna more or less to point of commencement, and containing 10 Mm more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA . POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. Per: TaoraM D. McLean. Agent. Dated September 21st, 1979. LtND ACT Notice of Intention fb Apply to PBirnae Land lit' The Etlklne' Land BecordlhE Dli vision, Lane? Recording District of "SHegrapb Creek, amt annate liff MapM Slough, one half mile" nerth of the Umain channel cf the Taku River and about one mile In a North-easterly direction from the lunctkra df the Tulaequah and Taku Rivers. .Take notice tnert Itell Fortes' Of Alice Arm, B.C., occupation Miner, intends te abjUy for pefmltwpn to purchase the rbllrfWng descrtbed And Oommeeelhg at a rJost planted one half mile north erf the Tnktf River and a"bMit dhe mRe In a North-easterly direction from the Junction- of the ,Taku and Tulaequah Rivera; thence South 20- chdins: thence east 20 chains; thence North 20 eoa&s; thence Weat 20 cfcalnrf and containing 40 acres', more of lesV NEIL FORBES. Miner of Alice' And. B.C. Dated1 Septerftber 23rd. 19291. WATER NOflCD Divert and If take KfyrTrrer t.t.t vfttinnl ir.ri strife, white artVreiur It MO Kmvthe attract. VaatttuveftXB.O.. wui apply for a license to- take' add usa' water in a flume 4 fee by feet out of an un named- creex wnjMi nows southerly Sd drains lhtd Kent Bay, Mussel In-Vcf. The water will be diverted from the- stream at g point about fifteen hundred feet from the- nxuth of the stream and will be used for mining wUrpone upon tit land covered by aalnera claims "CMant No. 1." a tact No. 2." Olant Nt 3" and Giant No. i TM notice wlai coated on the irouna on ttie 7th day oTIAugust. 1929. A copy J?Mfk52?Ce an andlieatlon nur. 3 sast thereto ancf to the Water Act 1914. wJl be fHed in the Office of the Water Recorder" tt Prince Rupert. B.C. vojeciiens 19 tne apDiieation' may be filed1 Wttb trie said Water Recorder or with the OxaptnOer of Water Rights. Prrtlameut Bttladtegs. Victoria. B.C. wrthfm wtrte daw after the nnt in. peaMnce" of Otis aatlce in a- local news- paper. The dste ot the first publication of tttta notice la October IO. 192V. t. K. LENTZ. Applicant. W.tTEIt NOTItrT Plvernlon. and Vac TAKE NOTICE that rranelk Ever-IS aa) BUentnau; whose addreU 24 mt tnreec. Vancouver. Ba. .. i vlU ap- y far a license to take and' use water i b iuoH ieei ot i leer out or an anamaj- ereek: which flows into a bay ti? aorcn snore or trie sau Arm MtLwel Inlet. B.C. shout taur irtllea East f Mathison Chanr.H. The Water wui be diverted from the stream at a DOiflt fclMWlt fifteen Hunrfrwfl fet fmm the meaitH Ae h. tmm uui wut k. used for mining purposes upon the una covered ay mineral arngm Black tMrf uiaK Lead no. b" "Black V- ..b, f.1H v. , iSiJ- ...B1c.k if i Ha sura rta. t.' nisnTE lmq no. St- "QreenVJllsJttt," "Oreen Olanf No. 1 " TJrren Olant No. 2," "Green Olant No. S." Ttil notice waa poated on the ground on the 1st day of August. 1929. A Copy of this notice and an application pur. uant thereto and to the Water Act 1914. will ba filed" IB the Office of the' Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. BjC.' Objection to the application may ba w,tn Wster Recorder or r-arii&uMiii xiuuainKH v rumt i, I : witnin tniny asys aner trie nrtt ap pearanee of this notice in a local news, paper. The date of the first publican tlon of this notice la October 10. 1929. FRANCIS EVERMAN BUCHANAN. Applicant. By George McManus rf r wj.J - " j 1. 1 DONTTf CftV-MACClE- liiClK OH DEARA 1 I I I i -rvn"TWCJAlL'y!? I I I CALLED UP AM' ASKEP TOR 'jgtWjsaHsti !lB 1 j . to call ate&saAM'm VetoejT bkim jail, fl .THeoA.uAsio x- ' ' v I " rao ITvE. 4 j : ' 1 1 -IS tf!