1 1! i tdny, March 20, 199 THB DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVER u Man - in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT! ALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND Lmdgiiif? income tax by not report inp- in doubtful wisdom. Tax THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND. OLD. 0! liciTs hatfe ajeajfjf diwdng up ..,: i. V HrfyiS Jtai ?.'..- -V . : V , .i. t l'. . ! but .1; f'H a man .s If jviur "(il Magistrate: "WflaWbroughl rougit here, my man?" t w Prisoner: "Two poucemehVW, "Di link, I suppose." -y, airy tth: oMhemf..-. u luyl been an iy yam s, but .Ugtainer for IjL from the ".. . . you fail to see your duty, ix-ighhora will not be that "; ' -ihted. '"'i ' ' I liey say lai k of wa hlillK. lh alive III a March 26, 1919 ICS youf tleWtot his boyi'y ot:l i)i'i;)rii.'t(ir, "who's I - . it Jut '.'" "Voi my father," said the! I,m. "i. kiik' inte. Your father is1 a t i.l.'il ..b:,tafhfli-." "To lot you ,ttftPlw "! saw Broah;,1h -thr day. Hi ii'ii. I runt inur hi a urlfa In n "K;-'.ht?'rlfr1,l",' forth ie we were roftried?" BrVsl Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Uw High I-ow m i iiaWT 3 T Jiff" .0A1.I) AND ROOM it WATKIl NOTICE Diversion and Use Thr latoit tililiL' fur marripd nvrr bnrtin In ivilnl nl nu 'JSXL .... Mumemur?cry.u.iFOU SALE Eight H.P. 2 cylin-jFuy E(jnippe(I t D!vlr ,B neEk-piece ApdWQA mAutomobileri, pianos der Standard, $450. Map-- flenefal Salvage Work. aV ? r I r T... t?ilJ. TO . .. .... ALFRED II . BRYANT. IX ntOIIATE Sit into a 'cret." fluid the bo'v. "he's TAKE NOTICE that Alfred H. Bryant. r.w (h.huK, and wants the cork SStu BundSg, .HuvB.c'.tSi i-c I'm a float " apply tot a licence to take and use one tbouaand miner Inches or 28 c. (. . of water out of Buck Oulch Greek which The water will be diverted from the In the Supreme Court of ItrltMi Colum-hl.k. n the tnattrr of the Admlnllrr-tlon Art. and: In the matter of the :tate of Dan MrN'rlll, ilerraied. TAKE TJOTICE tnat by order of III. Honor. V. McB. Young, the 21at day of December, A.D.. 1938. I waa appointed that owing to the Admlnlatrator of the eatate of Dan Mc- r iwu. jorontmx. uo.nu, paiea vim utthVra?th , Ol-lmj.JiBumH thHsMdlJ-tV-- hrD? lurnuagwiTMpii-peur mm-1 debted to the eatate are required to pay tine ungual 01 ineir inoeowfineaa ,ip me 1 vHfl " JAMEB lIcNtJLTT. way 1 wr.mHfiT'Hreat dog." Dte 4i. otH dif'w'M" A.D..BilSd ' it Scut! Whtf'vratf h'e"'dd L -. I'IMNfR IMIPKIrT TITERS 4 'hit i mint proposed to you . ,. t. L.ae. 11 atk wnr (tit "I did! TuPtJay, ilarch 26 1411b rrp. Zl.i it. ... 8:li)a.m. 2,9 ft. 20t31 p.m, 3.9 ft. Wednesday, March 27 ..... 2:28 a.m. 21.7 ft. 14:54 p.m. 20.2 ft. h;o5 a.m. 2l:03 p.m. Symphony Thursday, March 28 The Prime Rupert D . h.stia, under the leadership High j 2:59 a.m. 2U ft. ,.i ii a ifur.v m. Ita first 1ol2t p.m. 19.1 ft. public appearance last night in low- 9sM a.m I ne Kniu-ss theatre for the bene- 21:38 p.m, t -. . i a. l .j -. t vk m in hi i lit. nun mi" fwwM ...-r-.,-f'n-,'tultir? 1 &Fr Fred Stephens. belhir a B Wry w. hv .f ,rv-T 17 i LC. Lwi. uts i i i inanie one. TMiiong mw. wiu ---- i -ink p: it. Iiesides the orenesira, w.re l ianl Moore, Miases Moyn Low and .lean Bailey, Misa Lillian Kinir. Miss Edmonds, Will lkmwie, J. Toomey, Alex Rlx and ... It V. Martin, well known & CnJd Stnrage Co. are' now being I nut irt shape-to resume fishing j iperntions. (mM to a cup of hot water or hot milk 5 l5Y"Ty to make a delicious sustainingdrtnk S I'ry 0 clnsnijed ad. in the News d get RESULTS! Low St wart mining man, predicta that 2.000.000 worth of ore wjll be slni ned out of the Portland High Canal district this year and that the district will soon have n population of 2,000 people. Following the settlement of the . U'l- Low dlrttftittv with' the fishermen, nauTt but lirwtK tf th Canadian Fih Ilif! 1 tuS c: l' idny,Ojarc 29 'lHJht.AJ.A fttSO'rfm. 20.7 ft 16:12 p.m. 10:09 a.m. 22:02 p.m. 17.8 ft. 4.5 ft. 7.7 ft. Saturday, March 30 4:03 a.m. 19.7 ft. 16:56 p.m. 16.4 ft. 10:48 a.m. 5.7 ft. 22:34 p.m. 9.2 ft. Sunday, March 31 4:40 a.m. 18.5 ft. 17:52 p.m. 15.1 ft. 11:35 a.m. 7.0 ft. 23:14 p.m. 10.6 ft. FOR RENT BOARD And room. Phone C.reen 1 HOUSES For rent 210. 95 F. W. Hart. 94! .-.;.i r. 1 lit. mach U phSijKrafiRs-and sewing ine. WfllKer Music otore. l'OIl UF.NT Furnished house kaeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf Show.- tome before marriane ?.? liT'LA" I'.flT Sf! FOR RENT Seven room house savs storm follow. Uke. . with bath, near Auditorium, When you sfee honesty written- a mile from Dease Greek and will be r' f.. ... ., wkcu ivi tiyurwuuc miMiii. uuriwiw uiwu irtL-c iticic .be mint, deecri IFOR RENT Five room Jurnish- !.- I TK'H ...... .. tedif rom Buck OulcH i 'i to rut Annl.. Oil! mirlti . t.u.t i. IUJ1XC, vv. niMii 5f -n f chug ueiri "-I--., - -1 the flr-t dance 1?", W iFOR RENT-Modern Fid), 3 bed In,, . i . - i the rastio Lwlore they copy or mia notice ano an appucm- ,i tion purauant thereto and to tne men t!,?n,iJ3,y.J-r. K tm-y are lf ijrw to . "waterAct" "WfctetAct" win will be be filed filed m In the the att office i. av, norm- Tlu're wa a man in our town i hi' i hump thought he waa ' wise; He sv,ui .It was his policy) Hr'd never advertise, lint, one day, he advertised, And ihtn-by Bangs a tali His m! .vas set' in six-ioint type a in! Iii .-.(led "Sheriff Sale." taJana-VriDllcatiori mir be filed wits t)ie 4)d Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rlcht. PrUm't nmldln Victoria. B.C. within tnlrtv davi after the flft ap-r"iiK ef thla notice In a local newspaper. i The date of the flrat nubllratlon of this notice ia Maren ii. tizb rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath, Phone 180 or 645. 72 FOR RENT Building containing large workshop on ground floor with 7 room modern flat above : l&tanation will be made to 9h Uftto- lUrTe Aaeemniy l asAJTOTince oi uru-UU Ctplumbla at U eaent seiaton by the' Corporation of the City . of Prlnc. Rupert (hereinafter called the City) for an Act empowering the City to aell, free from all encumbrance, upon auch terma M it may deem fit, to the Power Oor-naratlon of Canada, Limited, (hereinafter calleu the Company), the entire ai-aeta of 1U electric light and power department w a nolni concern, and to grant to the Company the eola and ez-(BualTe rlaht. power, licence and prlrt- lege to carry on In the City of Prince 3.1 ft, (Rupert the buslneaa of a light, beat and; Red 339. A O f r power rvoiptuir. miw iwr aucii uurt'v-o. 3.6 ft. 6.3 ft. . to uuiai, for the extend, operate, repair and i ' maintain In the laid Clty'a itreeta, lane. I and other publio oiacea poiea. connuiu. i urface and undenrround wire, cablca I and aU other equipment and appllancei tranamiMion, aiainouuon ana FOR SALE FOR SALE Four roomed houae and two lots. Apply 1040, 10th Avenue l2. tf. business, two stand in town. 275 for particulars. FOR SALt3--Philco radio. Con-j sole mode), baiteryless six tube! se-t, Snap for aah. Will con-, sider terms. Prince Rupert ; Auction Mart. tf FOR ALK--JIalbing eggs from Barred Rock .and White-Leghorn Hens with individual trap-nest records of 200 to 260 egfrs in one yar. these are mated at 177 Third Avenue East. FOR SALE One line shaft 18 Apply Hyde Transfer. tf i feet long and 1 inches thick. FURNITURE Mackenzie Furniture, Phone 775 EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Chesterfield Suites, Dining Suites, walnut and oak Beds, Springs and MattrensosCurtain Rods and Blinds. RRINCE RUPERT AUCTION . iMART. We buy, seljj or ex- ' rcpajwe any 'c,n( or fJimiture or household goods, ni'JWcal instruments, machinery, etc. Gi-eral repairs, crating,! packing and ' shipping. Workmanship . guai-anteed. Just, phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE . J.i DAWES; Federal Block I . otice . ' . t r 4 nirvrirn! T nnanv otvftj that an George, B.C. One 20 inch Hanger; Foui 11 inch hangers. Tv large Iron Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 inch, 3V. inch bt. two line shafts 8 feet long. - inch thick. Three Iron Pulleys, three Speeds 12 Inch to 8 inch. Two Wooden Puljeya, Apply Daily News, tf WANTED culture and hair dreaaing Make appointment by phoning PETS !!t!!:!,.,l ana foreign blrda. goldfish. iv n v a purpose., w.vi Hav n . - a . City to enter enter Into Into an an i agreement with the monkeys, dogs, call and rabbits. yorapany lor -uppiymg kj vn. wiy ma . . nt . Ul-J ita cmiejia eiectrw ngnt, neat ana power ju- '"" i'- nuj nmu, int the CStv to hereafter purchase or proval. Money em tne wnoie or any nan oi una , .i.flul a.e jBnana electric llht heat and poweti "VV1 ayKtm upon auch terma &" may be agreed upon, and to validate a bylaw (it assented to by the electora, to whom it ia to be submitted) empowering the city to enter into an agreement with the Oom-pany authorizing the City to enter Idol the aame and to validate the aald agree-1 ment and to grant and confirm to the ! company all the powera, privilege, a fa rights thereby conierred. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., tt)U 5tb day.pt february, A.D.. 1929. H. P. JONES. Bolleltor far the Ovrporatlon M thg City of Prince Runert Try a Dally News WANT-AP- BRINGING UP FATHER Ot tiOWt-t MAOOlB MAS uAWftfll v-tcin MiNO AClM' MOW .HE OOMT WAWT TOdO 1 tp iTA-r L2P "l mmm ami mm JT.li I e 'Si 111 rts'lMy 8ks. 1st Qnt BrIUla tlU Nssnta. imuiram 11 u. pirr siidi' Largest Storo of its kind Ip Canada 573 Broadway West. Vancouver ' sf -m. C.N.R. lflAlNS For the rast Monday. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 11:30 aan. (torn the East 8undaya, Tuesdays and Thursdays at S;30 pjn. SALVAGE AM' TOWING "If it's on or under the water wt c'o it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITF!) Ai'jy vjw uuy iwi. ".uont and iscows ot all aescrpi- HOUSEHPLD Furniture for sale, t'ons for Charter. N. W. Pringle, 616 Fourth Ave. Row Coats an'l Canoes for hire. East. Phono Green 450. tf Bargains in tis Knjrines. . . , r I AflPMTS pnn F0R SALEWe11 established . v&n B)er(.k K-8t,1(,pe Hlcki & FOR RENT Modern four .-TrTed roomed flat with bath. Bank Block. Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf. $20.Q0 a month. Phone 7C or Ibed m Bfady Monsv pad ii-'vit p,.,n.l,o a ,u.-h th,,W typogrhic err!u house Harbor view, ilondreh car ana d-!i-ii vi. Snap. Phone, Nnl.thprn n r. Distributors Cooli'life Proppllers lhonp, Day or Night. R61 P. O. Box 1561 CIHItOritACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? . CERTAINLY This distressing malady Us very prevalent at this .time I . a 1 I tn vfirnrntt- ntu-lpra f rnm WU year, illiu .'. iuiv i i A- ,inm. u,il, rorrfa f nvr 200 i symptom f a deepw trouble, onn .iiin nf fir. such as affections of the eyes, ' -!., w-.trnm uia i liver, kidneys, stomacli, etc. It may be nlso due to the after ef- fecte of influenza. Consult the Chiropractor in all fuses. Relief (ruaranteed. Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green: 211 Phones Black: Open Etenjngs 2S RESULTS COUNT j Pain in the side1,' Indigestion. Gas on stomach, Headach! Ner-voutnesa Insomnia, Catarrh a"d Rhenmitiam are eomntetelv re- WANTED Competent girl, for ,leved by our new form of Bietet- general. housework. Apply Mrs. fc and pninal trtateent. ' f C. II. Orme. i. ; if; Read our NatioUr "Adt" in WANTED Man '(ravelling eat berty, rgatie everyj week, . ..l . 7J, t i then consult ij Vane v(v u jnui Yf nwna to Quick station. Valentin I Datry. . , . 70 CRAPING, 'Excavatrng, Concrete fpuhdations. Nela Rokkjar, Room. 9, 2S TJiIrd ' Avenue. Phone Red 625 or Black .700. ; 81 BEAUTY 0PERAT0R MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern DR. EYOIjFSON t'tr ''ancmret-- Sundaya aa. Prince aupert Tueadaya rueaaay aa. aa. Tburadaya aa i Phone Bine 83, or Red iS9 Open Evcnlnits ' J STEAMSHIP KOVEittlrcs . .10 p.m Calais 1:90 p.m. mnce Oeoree it) p.m. Wednaaday aa. Pr. Oaorg . . .'4 p.m. oBiuraay a, mnct anipan. . . p. I iinii t ur Ar I'ri'unrr, Tuesday at. Catala . a.iu as), a.,. 7huraoa)a. Prtooe Oeorge eiirinty ). .ll:Ma.m. March sa aa. Prince John . ,10 pja, Apni v aa. mnce jonn wo p.m April 30 as. Prince John .'. . . .0 pan From (jueen Trariwlte I April a as. prince Jotua AprU ia at. Prince John ... i it Alaska-March SO at. Prlneeaa Mary . April 10 aa. Prlneeaa Allot . .a.m. . .Noon friiin Ala April a as. PrmoM Mary p.m. AprU 14- -as. Princess Alice p.nt. MJ Try a Daily Newa want-ad, 't will brinir ri";ii:. I . . . i...-- .toy.. .. to pan.; Wf Mara riMn 1. n-nlh . methods in all lines of beauty Apru a a.. Prtnos. Mary ......pn( apru 11 ea. rriucumi Alive Pin. , l'rm V.iiruiiver I Sunday aa. eatate 4 p.m. ' Wednesday- aa. Pr. Oeerfte 10 -W uo. r.iutty i-'ir.cea. Kuyai njn i Friday aa. Cardans pan. Saturday a. Prince Rupert t00 da. iUrch SO aa PrlaeeM Iter ....Moos pru in at. lwaeeaa aiiee .....a.m.. We are importera of canaries, ! Sunday a. oanoaua a pa. to-- i-'n aimpann n lUver Sunday aa. Cattle. 8 p.m. '" ,'U'i. itmiKcf, Aui anil anie Araa ' Bitnday at. Catala B p.m EMBARRASSING MOMENTS tour Wjou) vX yE' . r " 7-.-.T,- - - f,-- - travelling salesrhari. A bona of. Lilliputians. ea?h repressing some one foal industry in vncn her fellow merfUna women are employed, sf ? f, 7: Ekick of each local product the taw irobitious families just like her own. That i why the enjoyed a teme of pride and loyalty every bae dse pur chased the product of her fellow men. In every room in her house the saw the vision of the erane work nam, for the article of her home from attic to batement were the product of her home land. TIictc's a mora to, thw story rDC irutManfe&actl toe , banasft, .itBbctire : praHutli rWHmfli Wt Koal house wive. Every w.xnnan who knows the parity of British CMumba hu- 1111 -I I vcs,.Mmi.jiafi& THi 4thc l . If.1 i T , 7 I 1 11 MirT I COs.-.OLA, TSAMH1P COMPAMV I I BUT H OQkJ'T 1 'jOta-r A.; MIKIOTC'I V'K WOULD UK8TO KKIOW IP-rtDCJ III h SO MAN HUSBANDS her kitchen .' nFPPMfi SHEsawthcmin UE,i f iN U rra hdstcof elf-ukegfe ;v A mfllerlVcap tM&, a - ON ME A fable for Britiifj Columbia Housewives aW til aawt ' b-si -lis. SC. , rrsi-ns nsa ! iW Vtmmmrt Jtf-f tfaStHpRXnteevt flf asMsMsi BE PROUD TO BUYPRODUCTS Advertise in "The Daily New.s" By George McManus ruu. mot esrvm it jw- MOtT faviTivt-Or IMTKMO to GO- KIOWILU HAVE L UPJoVuTlJ OVfl .TATE-ROOM 3V,a,.. V- r W KOOM ON THE f I J ROOM KIS.XT TO TOO Aa&i5rlfc.Z ' I v OAT- J 1 J ' OClETT PRlGNDi OF WAK1T v JBhfe C ' .jj "v i 1 1 Li ixmm . l mm il m i . 1 1 1 -