COHDENSED X YVO MOTHER can afford to T experiment -with her A X bjjftxvl. NireyowcMU. W of rourc, tf pcvl. brt daa! w -try Mra" co B jrt of fcJ Li . that u kov fink about. .Eaflc Brand, tsfnt&y pre- Q v tf raredfer bafcfcs. has been th Hi tiifdhaMrf fcalfcrym- W H i& twov tt to entirely pure, F y eceediacly digestible, awl I jBf ase i as ew raay aupper 0 V MwUMMr Tamf -5 Iwtanfatiiw Siajr Boots. I f ,: AliSOLUTE SATISFACTION GOES WITH EVERY ART KRAFT Suit or Overcoat THAT LEAVES OUR STORE Every ciKteiner mean one more man who taunm the word around that this More a piae to boy e ra. SUirS OR OVERCOATS FROM J3Q HP Samuel Wood Sixth Street Phone 3S P. 0. Box 265 BLACK r as the Ace orSpacfer BRIGHT I ar it Diamond m with less UVcsr . and dtkn haadt Uquld Stovt Polish Get a Tin To-day and Try U. I' y jrf r at XeJra MsDC T THt stittM Of cxrrrt f.rx 0 With aaattle lVraber property. 1 Work oa the oa Four Mile HaaeJtAa, steadily ' . nter ia a ay emu and Vaaeoaver oa the directorate, aa beec fuiand ia wall kaaara Caawt mf csaaat aa Poar lUa wdmr New Baaeitoc. add it is iabeaalad ta start at aa arly date aa aa wlteaarte araarraa) of aritiMaauai pat the aroaertj ia the pradacias- cias at aa early da. The lanet adjoins the Mohaara aad Mae rood akaw-iaaa have Wan ted oa the aar-face aad proved to a certain ex- lexteat. H. L Baun. M.E.. 1 a rereet iaapertion of the Tefty aad ivaorted farorafcfr. Tw Uaiac has fyvoraa-e uaditiaai af nrar.apjrtataa tteisif oaly a ah art .distance from the raiNray at Xew Owia ta the dtaartare af cham T tha aperattaa M tae pfc Silver Cap auae. aaar Xear Htal crmat far the aM-aatiaat. aad will there aatii rtWlw is raaaiac saaoathly aad the aull an fail saeratiaa. A roaSrart has been let to a Vaacoam asaa so haal rsactatxatea da a a frcai the auae aad frrifht aad swpplte ta the auae. Tw track U ha ward a the work. Sacae lUtuM I ajtO he speak this sraaaa ia pat- tlat the aiaaaMle road ia shape. I Bverythisai is asia amoothly at the an ae which is Macreaoaa th aatonat of art aaaad af ta vstll which wiU aaaa at friadiaff (or at. H W. S. Waivnrt9a. u abrsi&ff ap a sew i wiaertj lain, aexr Sew ram aa the raat tiTak i-mmU y A raise is near tkrwer i rsan ' fit : ur.aei to the rfaoe, riiac -P aulatjoa and aiaa prond-; "I aroaad The taaaeJ , . tx-ittf drnea aaoad hy two .-hfu j- t day aad it i craorud that tar Are i arain ideaif osi J thai Uere i ah: foot af . acr The, tar.tie w .li be caa- : nard -ntil another raise raa he -; ap rAsaex-, W'th : aM knavka .,aft atere therr , a (rood dea! of (vmd ore. Tii ari-tr Ptva met af tidrfAa last tiitir a lapac a-awwnt aa the British Colsav t - T Te isdaatT Nwr ? ' -vlaadita amnr dtr.;u ".i i , ",r.' TBS DAiMf NBWS page six ft ;! News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT jl Plans of Lorraine Company for Victoria Group; i Comet Mine Near New Hazelton Taken Over; Dornberg Personally in Charge Silver Cup The 5000 feet uf tunnel work which it wi reeenUy an-- nounced would be undertaken this seaman by the Lorraine-Copper Silver Mines Ltd. on the Victoria group in the Ba- bines is designed to open up at a depth oi about 500 feet the rich ore shoots which have been exposed by surface cuts, shafts and tuuneis nearer the surface. Some very high assays have been obtained from strong bodies of ore 1 on the Victoria group which is the nucleus of the holdings 1 of the Lorraine company. It is expected that high grade or stay be skipped njrht truss" - - ' ;be start or as soon as a new road ! eaa be coaetreoted to the property. Fran a eery strong rein chewia ia the face of the epper ibBM-1 has been Uiken ore that raa img o-vj . ser lJeO .mi are of tuier aad a hiu a it t-ttlu .o the ;oa. A ..ur-driii coaj.vj.vir planned tar loa propeity. The excf poo-aiir cany pr.B" .&d lack of zkw .r.jjr akjukc ua.-por.t !oa f ; saacaiaery iaaaosfibie ;uI ' i . ia aay caoe. work wilt f ahead tiT aaad asdVr cootrac: ' :,ati! the Mteds are if zliis sna c-tr. Kariy work wilt cit af t x r & ji&y ihe lav laaael for a aia- ia the edition and there are fea-tere angles by H. W. M. Rota-tea oa '.he Portland Ca&al aad by L. S. M.ii'5 oa the Oauaeca nun- of . Xevr in th history ' r ia iai prwviace. Mr? toa. a a - auaenxie, ajiniM-r of auaa .a a aaeeial articW. ha' there hn ach a gaaeraJ auai-, f tlataiB i-f iataraat. Coaftoeare, p pears k haw braa established, j lie vekaar-f c! is aader way. with! iBaate faads aaceaaary to pay for' iL ia toe iorUaad Canal. akarj the liar f the Grand Trunk Pa- t-ifle, ia iv faaw Rivrr. the Car-' ia. ur uraowi tae Koteaara iie of Me feet, work already Sotiadary distonrta. ,i well ".ar.l or lore the arw cttcaaaas . fanaed. At a distaaer oC 500 feet H i exaeetad to ix.; ma la sacwiar ia the zrTr tuaaeJ ahaat Sha fvt fraai the portal. While Um work i go- oa the other tae 014- veaa. mm Vaacoavar lalaad and the aaid that I ahall be ditappotaied if. fnna aaMHar! the Buy pmaartiai bow beiar ; Waad a. there do not pr. at , 'rtani pracacer. Taaiar hitahed ptuai Caaai diatrki for the the hull and iltaatratiea, it aaay be ct has now the sorface far diataace of aver whka id a p.t wo a fad. will he devefomd froaa ta aroaue the ope w; ay af. of at VaK oor ar aaare iaaairtan; taaei af cawrx-rcia! ore. la the Skeeaa aad the Oaiaeca there are auaiaf ( properti- - aaaat of which five Tery ajrfiraatsraT heeoanac pro-, daet( fc aaaaali scale, while srr-eral have earaaarks should thel work uader way roatinae with aatintoctoy raaajti of beaaaiaaj lahrtaiiTial eaaftrnValaH ta tiart adacral , sdattlaa of the province. " Miaea reeaiviay iadii Mail asesrM ia the aappleaMatt ia- rlade the Hny la the dfatrid. waieh haa he ty OnaHdaTrd; Sate Arreata : fllewact, which it aader derei-; The a saprnateasVat at the : car Silrar p auae, k left the serv- 3tac it af th caaapaay. aad WiKiaai Shersiff. wha was ia charge of the We afftea, haa'roar -ojlh ior audi- via ia ai treatan at, af:- fetch ht will Mt iaaj proceed to T4lTrea. wr Mr. . Stack it my the UaUuf aitereats- fUlecr KJaw aad Bytaad R;- ;a propeatiaa ia the Bahiae; Mo-. - Croat. aLSMrt: Gaone Caooeri a shart traai atrow tae nw. are . , , t " eoaM he delivered for hjpaa at - 77 .! Canal aad of the afftoals af the Sirear Cap htiaiay Co.. W. B. Darmberj. the If oar Hwaideas. haa takea peraoaal Siher. ka paa. thoafat take rary fimiia. Oa the c auwry M is raalt aa arat aay other kiai of MINING Stocks ' ' aa rants at kct- kaqrac aad aetCgz i Wc alaa hare farifttio far aioeajrf Weat ardsw aa V" tup at Sues Cxcfcaare. Bus re cadre MoBm. Coart & Co- Ud. S.D Johnston Colli (IT Sad Aeesvae ratocc ahBpert. EiC. MILK MILK Pre ratratated Mifk and Creaa Dklrr. EARLY DEXJVKT rkioachoat hW CUtj. VALENTIN DAIRY f Teiephoae oil. ttt-T 'ftiijaa aft U iW aw iis"'waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I1 n (' i Vahawrt ac oar J ht hoard daihr. M Hefcaats badnaul let. C0 hmm Hov form aii aatax o&iy a few ataVc afece Pro- day. Aad hipy raed. aap . . . tastes. Now. aVe oahce eaaSe Ve eaaal to ke. W taif Teey dWjr ... beaaiaat Wiaeal! Cnnafiiliaa taVj,tji aaaar M 1 itfwi l . . r re. at raka the 1 i- .j l dheaae. Yet aaiaanliiii avaa be retTtd iiifl. eaaaaat. k caa W prrreatedi KeaWecs ALL-asXAK is roaraateea to crrc aa m a a : pemaasal Crown, Bridge & Plate Work SCIENTIFIC EXTRACTION OF TEETH Plates of the Finest Material and Workmanship alaUi. are haitt ta rotate th ax aral appearance af the fezture- M abe af the teeth are caret sM electrd in ord r to hlead ith the contoar ..' . t PAINLESS METHODS I hear aaaaV a saedaj stedjr a( H the Tkricas airthow af pain tWiahui ;M i rrn arexftds la carried awt ta the satlf actio af the patferts ha hae aude x . t :t Your Friends Are My Patients ASK THEM cwajodcratiaa rjvea ta sH atinor aperalMfM a w at hand. The office U renir Ny located aad at t KO ttssitl m Jkmn cevaS tde aW oaaroaierfat Was. They kaarv dkat 1wte braa isfasj lwty i l aaaj Keretsvajn As AiX-SRAN traeeai tkrovda tLc rrstrca, its bafk afcoarhs maiHai u AxmI it ceear -teaais hW aatestaaes, peryiac. irmorgrr arastes aadl pKni. ALLULS a pratJacaJry ALL-BRAN 1 he riffj -it ae MODERN DENTISTRY MY niiCK are held aithia the rcarh a alt. not chap hat reaoaahst rUaSOX fraaa TOOTft INFECTION tmx. damajre Ttal artCBs aaar raa rt sent si treajhtn, headache r aaj aac at tbJ-XJ?t oi avrioBt allaeats IF TCBTH are fc.arrtfWSl abOfte ?&u be'aiade wMrh i fewt Wart, rd ad afHcjeai ereire. GOOD HEALTH IS IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT GOOD TEETH Dr. ,afdjLe7.o2g Maguire, The Dentist Appaiatateais Over Orme's D u$ Store Lady Aitant OFFK OfEN f Tt V;-A.r' SBs0 Today. . . he might be fired! ANDtadaak - years aaoaooa had WnaWi pa ObCS awBwCaHsaaatkT waekedTeeaieerr . PJ- t . . .-WT Si bwkttSOt dVaft ALLCAAN works a n weak. How o-fe L.bsli.aafcFC pla.v-i rwhdaaa BMe lit atlC k yoa- kotrti. S '?'iT ftUseal cereal Se-re fnaitt or ko&ey J pa. VLv s i aJ ailt 1 1 an ill Pat jl sjaT Use it as war eookety Raj 9 fZ packare. Eat fa kaadfeoaioa &aty eitraek cases, wwh rrrry aaeal j veeais oi cKi fot yeea faaaS see that Jiey eat AILRAN rrf r Bat dWt rai pasteaa safct,. a oa KesWcr's-.tbe Atalrreecn. 5erred W iv cafcteriaa. Gb dera. Ma3c W Ka6 Le&aW. Oatarkx ALL-BRAN !Mr au.