J II fAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News I'MNCE HUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Trince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue . - . iH. PiilULLEN-'tf. - Manilging-Editor I . . .!.,.'' subScrh'tionrAtes' City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period,! paid ifl advance $5.0,0 For lesser period, paid. in..advance, per month .50 Dy mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion . . .' 1.40 Transient advertising on front page, per Inch , .;'. 2 !.80 Local readers, "per InsertJoh, per line ...... .1 25 Classified advertising, rr, insertion, per word.. .02 Legal notices, "dach insertion,' per aate line '. 15 Or four months for 1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year COO By mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation -Telephone ..... Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION .98 .86 Wednesday, April 17, 1929 ' WHAT('SIiANAE? It's interesting tQ note , that in the recent fisheries treaty for the protection-of salmon of the Fraser river that Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg was empowered to make the treaty by President Hooyer with His Majesty the King of Gre'at. Britain; Ireland and. , the British Dominions Beydhd the Seas, Emperor of India, through the Honorable Charles Vincent Massey, P.C., his envoy extra-! 1 -' 1 ". . I L 1 1 J y-l . , I onunary ami minister plenipotentiary ior uanaua at Washington. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE It looks as if there might be considerable delay in the matrcr ot tanif revision or other matters before the spe cial session of tha.U. S.Conirress. Such m.iv not ho t.ho' iiiK as ianner 19 me soutn, so inat inp.tnp was tne more chaud exitsiS the centres of the south and also to and from Alaska. PUBLIC SERVICE . (E,(ihoriton ilourna)); , When a "private" institution accents ernnts frnm thn city and provincial treasuries, it becomes a "publib" concern. Whether it be a hosplt.11, a sporting venture pr a cb; operative commercial organization, ii'oses that coiiplete privacy that might have been its had it refrained from crviii iiiiaiwiai ircijj luill ClltJ 1UUIIL ANCIENT JEWISH FESTIVAL HAS BEEN REVIVED CALLS LIBERAL WOMEN TOGETHER sii r-' Hon. Mr V Vancouver, tionnl FeI rnpn of case, but it seems as if the matter is likely to bo referred K00U l,eal ,r a?WUI mnum-M-, to the tariff cprnmission. The' message of the president 'lv,,lh " , T"1! W .JM the speech Kr'M can take almost any action they .ish.-tn J 'Mil be withinM; "Mr. the terms of .the incident's messao. Where the nrpsiilenrl Won the roatt." V, Uh his brother. , MiclutBd owns by ioca-fl' ' St Paul irrouu oL Jrvai has it "all over" a -British premier is-that he is there fbu:-'1"'8- --thii" is, a ! miWiwrP- four years anyway unless he happens to be assassinate1 5r,ty Avh,icK ,ia raiuc!Mn oH,' or worked to.deatjl and he has the power of veto witfyiit Jg having to answer to anyone. . y y& - JJJ 'SPLENDID FLIGHT i:iLWBBwu-iiw to nderstood report. ke a del Me iiutauie. vvnue jj, qoos noi compare wun tne Dig hop 01 year.. The pttpTtf: yik xiuuuuiy , lbvwus u guuu test oi nymg aDinty ana me- ana n" m ine .iKeise roa Chani'cal reliability. t an elevation of l.OOO feet from We hope t see airplanes come hero regularly soon. We the ro"d and could ,,e serv,'(l with shall begin to feel that we -are adopted by the rest of the tJ"?? HtritnK aDd continent if .we have a -emMveekly air service to and from K ' " il.. L .(11 11. J .1 . 1 .1 . ' i The St Paul is not the only promising property on ThornWll , Mountain. There are also groups owned by Dan Mason and Vernon Roy of Copper City as as single claims owned by Chrls Cire$r and T..X tClrkptrii; , , HOTEL Hl MLS V Prln'fil Xupcrt Heib Dnv. 11. E. (oiilbotira. II. The role of a newspapen is neeuMarj To servo thh nnVi. c. Johnston, c. K. i meson. Artn-1 lie faithfully it nfust iecord, at times, things that are not ur eihornc, E. Yorston ad 0. pleasant, things that might be described as a "knock." " v"' w- 8;! rather than a boost." If it printed nothing but news that .Tm" V J JJST fil was handed out to it by the 2. 5K' person or institution or organ- n. Hoi and A K. ization concerned, it would never publish anything to Cushion, Waterloo, Ont. ;. A. I). Which anyoha COUld Object. How blissful that would be Matherson. Carlisle Cannery; CM 101 ue newspaper! Uut how unfair to all its readers p- 1 r' R"00. 0nt-5 c . Wht-n a paper prints something that Ls likely to arouse re- 7"' Tjron,tf 5 ,J tV9ti sentment in-certain quarters, it is quite well aware that it LXV.L SfKS. will hrar from the persons affected. It would bo much-FUZhriSSSS easier to say : "Oh, just kill that story ; it will only cause a fuss.' But the easy way is pot always the right wav. i WHAT WOULD BE THE BEST ME f MS TO ! ADVANCE INTERESTS OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL B. C.? PRIZES ARE OFFERED 1 x' J. Jlndnen, Anyoxj Aniliwj . ... Jli . -Strand. Stewart; 1'aul Tickolo 51 l,WTniW'f tWVW'nH 5 to the boat medHs oN '" v;""''1" '" interests of northern and central Ilritlsh Col urn-Ira. As a recoKnition.of our interest in the subject, we-pffer three prizes fo, flic lnt uKKetlonn put forward In n brier newspaper miidi' nut to exceed 500 words. First prise, 6; second prise, a year's subscription to The Daily News; and', third, six months' .subscription to the paper. A school boy or school jfirl is just as likely to win the priic for this as is a grownup. Write and mail addressed: Contest Editor, The Daliy News, Prince Itupert, IJ.C. I'onher Island; Mrs. J". J. Stt and son. New Hasillon; C. II. Underwood, Georye Johnston ami T. I-ek, C.N.U.; Poter Droaat and M. A Kruits, cityM. I). 8ullyan, Jap Inlet CVnfrnl iIHUdlJ3twartQKiy4lKnW!en, Canary; H. Irvine, CM$ " Snvny T. I-oubeed, Usk; Oona River. II. Carlaon, Inspector James M. Tupper It. C. M. V. ri'tiirnpil to the city on yesterday ;iftrrnonn'H tiiifn from a brief trip to Hazclton on official duties. :Jbananasfrom The flight from Seattle to Juneau, verv close to4iLholiyKWd JI,'intf & M!"ir sand miles without a stnnJ vraMi rlpHflifl ' r ' i ww v viawaauB va J ill All i l iij -i . - northern waters the weather is not alWiivs as troodr-flv- La!"lHr-J INDIES FREE OTTAWA, April 1C The revised tariff on bananas giving the British West Indies n preference over all other nations exporting to Canada will go into effect on May 2. The duty under the gen eral and intermediate tariff is 50c a bunch. West Indies' bananas will enter free. TARIFF BOARD TO HEAR EVIDENCE OTTAWA, April 161 Products of the agricultural and fishing industries will occupy an important ry FUfii Smith of! place in the public hearings here President of the Na- during May by the advisory tariff r:;tion of Liberal Wo-iboard. The sessions open on CatrwK who hits called May 14. the mnmbcrs ne th-f 'lofiy to meet: in Ottawa on M ly 16. SEES ACTIVITY " ' NEAR TERRACE J., A. .Michaud Holds Valuable Claims on Thornhill Mountain J. A. Michaud, well known Lakelse valley rancher And pioneer of the Terrace district vxho returned to the interior tnl morning after having spent several days in the city, his first visit to Prince Rupert in eight eara, states that he eapects. to eee a WedneadAy, April 17, 1929 "The Feast of the Trees," revived by Jews in Palestine, is com trees by children at Beit-Veigan, a suburb of Jerusalem. L.-niorutud by the planting of London's most distinguished beauty expert i Madame JAGOBSON " recommends one treatment . . . and only one ,to is: retain the charm of facial loveliness I A pr'tctlas tr mils emheji. ig the pretuut tilt f palm sJ ilhl, famtkt lincl tbl ddjt tf Cleopatra ftrpreltng-inf btatlb and beauty. 4314 Retail Prut 10c ROVALTYandthe smart women of London lvc, for yesrs, entrusted all tlxir beauty problems to MUme Bertha Jacobton of London's select West End. Those In search of the technique of beauty culture consider her teaching invaluable After 22 years' experience as beauty dictator, Madame Jacobson turns to one of the simplest of all beauty treat mcnts for home use. Madame Jacobson's invaluable advice on skin care To enable my clients to safeguard their complexions-to tetain radiant skin texture," says Madamejacobson, "I provide them with my own special Skin Food Creme to be used ' at night and I ask them to use my famous Skin Tonic after cleansing the skin. "I urge them to use no soap other than Palmolivc, as I have found that the bland oils of which this soap is made provide the absolute skin cleanliness, which muse be die foundation of beauty, "Mmc. Jacpbson writes us. "At the same time, I warn them of all the harsh effects of soaps n6f made exclusively of these oils." In these brief phrases, London's chief expo nent of beauty culture voices an opinion held by specialists on skin care all over the world. ' .... .; i' ' . L is .IF .i Si 'Royalty and the most fashionable women in the British Isles learn from Madame Bertha J acobson .a simple home treatment and ycfjitjiful f At tl-12 Onn Street, in IjnJtn'iultct Tea Bmi, it lit Maitti de Duutt Vtm-paimf, Ltd., praidtd Her by bUdm Brrtta Jjcjntn. He, fer the fit 22 )nri, MtJanH Jjaimn las MfeJ di the bunt) pnUrmi Ltndtn'l imjrleit uimtH. "Iurgu my clients to usq only the soap hlciulcil:of (xilm and olive oils. It prov'uvs that absolute shin cleanliness which must be the foundation of beauty."- ij 1112 Dove Stmct, Lokdon, W. t M4UMXH Btrtkt Jtenbun hs Uftt lh Munliiii tUurj crnhkrt f mtnj tflke mtWi nut ctmrtttJ kuntj uiettuu. Why palm and .olive' oils ' The poisonous, the daagerous secretions of dirt and dust, of make-up and cream whkh find their way deep into the pores must be removed, Jacobson will tell you. Palm and olive oils, as they are blended in Palmolive Soap, act to soften the skin, to cleanse the pores, to refresh the natural coloring. They provide the natural way to skin beauty. In Canada this is, of course, well known. Leading specialists advise the Palmolive method of skin care wherever beauty culture is practiced. The method they use is that subscribed to by Madame Jacobson. This treatment, night and morning: make a creamy lather of Palmolive Soap and warm water. With both hands massage this well into the skin two minutes, allowing it to penetrate the pores. Then rinse, first with warm water, gradually with colder. A final rinse with ice water is refreshing as an astringent Tor a dry skin, a touch of cold cream be-fore adding powder and rouge, for oily skin, an astringent lotion, a surface application of vanishing cream before make-up. That is what specialists tell youj . Mldime J-cobson, in hctSnjon salon: Lina Cavalicri, in Paris; Pcssl, in Vienna; Elise Dock, in Berlin-all over the world specialists in beauty are recommend Palmolive, which Is the leading soap ia Canada and 48 other countries. Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns