Man in the Moon One of the evils of most cities the presence of a group of al dermen who like to make speeches. Th. i'c are plenty of queer people But the queerest one by far I- he who offers to pay cash When he buy the Jateat car. 'i hi' latent method of describing . nit hi' the local speeches is to ,;i situate them non-atop flights. Thf world Is ill right again, Tl;i King has itaken a drive A headline in yesterdays paper "Baldwin- Stock is Jmprov- . , . I. ill fi'. inf. ''nu Wins 01 ip biuck jtumbltTs were tryfwf to buy some t , i t in on the advance. I'm sui t' you'll all be glad to know In this age,.ff specnJatiPff'tir at BaMwiif sJoclfF Jll right And so's the British Nation. v.. matter how the mining booms Or if oils .should still be moving t "! to know from day to day 'j Baldwin's stock's Ten Years i Ago ., in Pr'nce Kupcrt April 171 1919 1 ' Th.' Department of Marine Is imii' for tenders for the con-Mi t oi) at BfrtiSt Rock of a . t.y ffl In . a 111 X- iWi ai'liht tfi 'I'h I ,... i reaf Wi 31 fog la eterans' .. As- n- w follown: honorary praakl- i. I.i.-ut. Col. C. W. Peck, V.C.; i i. i.lent. T. W. aitwid: flrt m. - president Di il. irsNeH; cd v ire-president, W. B. Kerr: utive, II. Ward, W. Patterson, ff J Bradbury and G. B. Hull; i;im ial secretary, J. F. Hutch-; .n; ntording secretary, C. L. V..ungman; trustees, Hubert U .i nl :md Jack Csrgill. High I...W Hi.'h Low l.nw W. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wcdnesilay, April 17 7:44 a.m. 18.1 ft. 21-.1G p.m. 17.1 ft 1:31 ajn. 10.1 ft. 14:83 p.m. 5.1 ft. Thursday, April 18 9:0S a.m. 1S.2 ft. 22:14 p.m. 184 ft. S:03 a.m. 9 ft. ' 15:40 p.m. 6.2 fL Friday, April 19 10:1C a.m. 18.7 ft. 22:58 p.m. 19.2 ft. 4:1G a.m. 8.1 ft. lf:38 p.m. 4.9 ft. IN I IIK SI I'ltKMl: cm kt op iihitikii t'Ol.l 'Mill , HMITIICKH lir.lllstUV III Hie Multer of the "("omiwnlrs Art" .nl In the Mattrr of Sinlthrrs Hall t .)ii):iny. I.linlteil T kf: NOTICE that an application wUl i -f tin.di' t the Local Judw of the tsu ' ni' court of nrltiah Oolumbfa, In ' nib. nt tbe Court House, Smltheft, r. sii columiila, on Thursday, the and i' May, mg, at the hour of ten : v .. I lock in the forenoon or so soon l ifter my counsel msy be heard fr iihi t restore to the register of ; ' .i i.imes the Smlthert Hall Company, ' '! va. with auch directions ai may be and Ft HTllER take notice that in " ( nirh application will be read irtttvlt o( Lawrence Beverley sworn the 13th day of April, in duly filed. ' i at Brolthera, British Columbia, ' 1 "ii day of April, 1920. L, S. McOILU ' :' i fur Smlthers Hall Company, . Limited. Ho. mtrar of Companies, Victoria, J1 1 unii to Whom it Msy Concern! hum NOTICE Is filed and published by , ; M mil. Solicitor for the Bmlthers ,1 : any. Limited, whose place of "' ' mil address for service Is at 4SS 1 s n-t. Bmlthers. British Columbia. v Kcw."CUsglfled" adver;. U;;t Wings reBUltu:1 BQARIVAND ROOM 1 Ed i o a ,. ok; Tl AAlf . , i nuufli Ana noara. uenirdi nl artmonta cation. Steam heat, Blue 153. p" lf WATF.h NOTICE Dlvmlon anil t'e TAKE NOTICE thtt ArJ H. Brrasjt, hAu. addMM la SOB Bsnk of Nt ! Scotia BuUdlne, Vancouver. B.C.. H1 idojt lot a licence to take ana uac oa tbouurxl mun Inch or as c. f. ol wstrr out of Buck Oulch Creek, whleh flowa northtrlT and dralM Into DaaM Crrck about eutr.t mll from Doaar Uke. Tlx water wUl tie dlvarted from tlx atream at a point about three-quarter 'of a mile front 'DeaM Croek add will be uaed for hydraulic mJnlns purpoae upon in mine -iacneo u nemaj vumn Vtie. Sunilw itrM No. 103 and Creek Waur to. be dlvected fmsi fluda at a point at lower en.t of canjoa . crek ni- eairlecl by ditch aa ol Drncnee uj poinr 01 Hp, ......... TbU nMIc' teas tXMtrd OU tan Csvna on the Hit day of December. 19M. A COPT of thl notice and kl.tpiei' Uon Bunuant thereto and to (be "WateskAer wHW-to.lld la.- o wlU) the OemptroHer of Water BrtatU.J FOR RENT .wwwiu uu uyum, per imiTfii.'a rv -.. .. iiiuuiM, nviiy jfiu mn Ave. , SUITES For rent. F. W. llart. 91 Summit .Ap- 101 g,OAK Dining room suite for sale, 1 cheap. Phone 742. 90 CHIROPRACTIC RHI.IHVE IIEADACIIKS? CKKTAINLY This distressing malady is vary prevalent at this time of i be year, and as a rule is a .ymptom of a deeper trouble, uch as affections of the, eyes, iver, kidneys, stomacn, etc. it may be also due to the aftW efr fects of influenza. ' ' Consult the Chiropractor in all cases, ueiier guaranieea.t Consult DR. W. C. ASPINAU, tf W 9 ai SB jtrtiamMt Bulldlnrs. Victoria. BO . i1inn hist night elected offlc-,wlthln thirty days after ihe first ap- Dearance-of Uila notice .in a Inral new-. oaoer. . . The date or the first Dunucauun oi inw F ' Open EJ i PKancs-- Black: 281 enings . RESULTS COUNT Pain in the side, Indigestion, ?. on. 4iaah, neidaches, Nn isflaneJnJftmiiU'CaUrrh ad I TlEeumatlsin arej.Avnpletely re- We are Imiwrters of canaries, i lieved h our "V of difcUt-parrots, foreign birds, goldfish, ic 1 ,in1 tretnfenL monkeys, dogs, cats and rabbits, j Read our National "Ad's." In If you want a pet of any kind.) the liberty Magatlne every week, write us and we will ship on ap-itnen consult proval. Money refunded if not satisfied. PET SHOP largest Store of Its kind in Canada 573 Broadtvay West. Vancouver CI)! DR. EYOLFSON Phone Blue 85,' or Red 589 Open Evenings Advertise In The News. BRINGING UP FATHER FOR SALE Flowering garden shrubs Lilac, hush Honeysuckle, flowering Crabs, Siberian Pea treM, Carrigana, Skee- na Wonder 'strawberry plants and white .Banana Potato seed. Miehaud Bros, Terrace, B.C. 9C FOR SALE 8ft "room house and lot. "Three feedfooms, bath and 'enclosed 'ttfrfvpxirch. Garage on property; 8lx minutes drive from Sixth Strt. Harbor view which eannof be excelled anywhere within city limits. Phone Blue 38Q. 80 FOR SALE Ope line shaft 18 feet long and 1 inches thick. One 20 inch Hanger; Four 11 inch hanger. Two large Iron Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 inch. 3Vj inch belt Two line shafts 8 feet long, l'2 inch thick. Three Iron Pulleys, three speeds 12 inch to 8 inch. TVo Wooden Pulleys. Apply Daily News. ' " - tf FURNITURE VRRWillNG FOJI THE'liaME Dining SuiUs, Chesterfield Suites, '.ppdalB&'ln'Vnd Iat treses, Rng(8,T.rn)lum, BlindB, 6 and.lsExchange Blo'ck lCurtain Uodfc,.-. . MACKENZIE tAPKKV7IR VI FURNITURE Phone 775 " ''-ii-L.ii 'MllNCE RtiPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, Wl or . change flnj' kfeSd or furniture er household goods, musical in- Mrumnts, rnajhln,wy. "-aU. Gen BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern i methods in all lines of beauty i culture and hair d resting. I Red 339. SALVAGE AND TOWING General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows -of all dcserpl- tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Has Fnidnw. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck, Basthope, Hicks & Rallantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Phone, Day or Night. 50 1 P. O. Box 1561 Canadian Government Merchant Marine, Limited FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders wUl be recelTed v the 1 Undersigned ae Agents for the Owners at 384 8. James Street, Montreal, unUl noon AprU !2od. 1939. for toe purchase of. ttte foQpwlpg steamers; teftders to be veasets ' In Uietr present eomUttoq and located at Vaaoouver. B.C. Any aterrt or bunker oaal that may be on board exolUdedr. 8. b. 'XJaiiMllan Coaster." ascertained deadweight capacity 3999 tons. butylSWIlt a. a. uumhh Korer, aacenatnea deajwettht capacity. 3920 tons. bup.l93CL a. a. uanacnan uoserver, asceiasiB' ed deadwetgltt eapacttf 398 bull 1990. iCONDITIONS:- I Tenders may be submitted for one or more of the three r easels, renders must be accompanied by cheque for flee per cent (5 ) of the amount of the tender. eral repairs, crating, packing j cheque to be made payable to the order and shipping. Workmanship of the OanfUh Geenmsnt uerekant guaranteed, dirtt phone Black Marine. limited. ad accepted by a ca-120 nnd we will call. OEORGE inatan Tlx otfheit or J. DAWES. Federal Block. CM. 1KA1NS lor the Kant Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 11:30 am. from the Kim uij wnarr doc neceieniy accepvea . IRar and speetfleaittona of steamers can be seen and particulars of deUrery as eertalned on application to tbe Under signed, or Mr. B. C. Keeiey. Pacific Onset Manager, at Vancouver. Name of vessels must be ehaaged before the transfer Is completed. D. O. WOOD. Acting General Manager. Sundays. Tuesdays and Thurtdiys at Canadian OmameM Merefcant Marine 330 pm. Umlted. i STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS I For Vanciorer , For Naa Illvtr -. ..... ".- If It us nr unucr me wilier wPirrom .sua Kirer do if PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving anil CHESTNUTS Theatre Owner How did the lien iuuicuiAU unn kci dtiuu. , .Vg btage Manager Moat of them. . came with William the Conquer-j j or. Stage Review. ! Ml V H ekV' F A.I OUND The baxobnll season is on. What CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & F i the matter with Prince Rupert? . THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Prince Rupert is a wonderful por- town.4-The residents take i 1 1 l... s about time he old , folks' tmuH'd talking aboii the. old-in . nioned education. Look at the ,.(er dinner Speakers ' thejupro. I JV ANTED j FOR RENT Five room furnish- VAJ?TKD Woman cook! Apply j ed flut- Musaallem Croccry. tf. Inlander or Phone 137. tf j F0R RRNT-Four room flat with GRADING, Excavating, Concrete bath. Furnished. Phone 547. foundations. Nels Ilokkjar, Phone Red 025 or Black 700 LOST LfiSTVrBurteji of .tyCin post oi, Saturday w nf&Tit. Fim ' please retQrn to Electric Bafc- JT1 . ery. iiewaru. UUNI) " FOUND Sum VL money on Fifi " AVeuOi btweeiklIospiUl a lussaiiem urocery. apply r. bSnaTJ ntv Ileafiinir Room ween M and 9 p.m. tf. Room 9, G28 Third Avenue, FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos" phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT lurnlchtd house keeping rooms by the day, wek, or month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RUNT Modern four roomed flat with bath, Bank Block. Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf. FOR RKNT Furnisfied modern house. Harbor vjw. Monarch range, $25.00. Applj 218 Fourth ' Avenue East. FOR SALE FOR SALE Quarter Oak Dining Table, Chairs, Singer Machine. Red409- 90 SMALL Improved farm for sale one mfje from 'Terrace station. For particular apply to Box 122, Terrace, B.C. 92 NOW Is the time to order garden manure. First orders will be first delivered. While It lasts, Z a load. Phone 303. Casey Cartage & Fuel Co. 93 MAIL SCHEDULE I or the Eokt Sundaya-aa. Prince Rupert . . .10 p.m. xUy. Wednesdays. Saturdays matt Tuesdays- -ea. Catala 3:30 p.m. I ..l0 10:30 "m- Thursdays-sa. Prince Oeont 10 p.m. tlie PrldaysAs. Princess Royal 10 p.m. i ""M"' 1 Thursday.. Fridays es. Oardena ....13 mlditlxht UU due 3:30 p.m. 5gfS PF?a?. ::::?:S: : 'Vneada,. and Saturdays. Make appointment by phoning r'sndaVas" cttai. N p m ! Tuiy. ::::::::::::.:::::2io Pp.m: Frldajr--s. O.P.R.-Aprtl 14 and 24 p.m. cardena .. a m. Saturday as. Prince Huoert 1030 pjn. Irom Vancouver-April 10 ae. Prtntew 'ice .m. Sundys 4 p.m. April 30 as. Princess Alice .....a.m. Wednesdays 1030 a.m. maays a.m. Saturdays 1030 a.m. C P. h - April 10 and 20 a.m. Tuesday sa. CateJa 11:30 a.m. 'or Mcwart. nemier, Aiiyox and Alice For Mewart. Premier, Anyox and Alice Ann Sundays 7 pm SJuaday t. CateJa. a p.m. Wedneadaya 3 p.m. Wednesday s. Pr. Oeorie . ..4 p.m. Bhturaays 3 p.m. Saturday -as. Prince Rupert... 4 p.m. Prom 8 swart. Premier. Anyox and Alice From Ktrwart. Prrmier. Anui au. AImw .nnT . mt Sundays 730 p.m. Sunday ss. Prince Rupert 7:S0 p.m.. Tuescny- as. Calais 11:80 a. m j Thursdays 730 p.m. Thursdays as. Prince Ueorfe 7:30 p.m. ; xo Nius iiher Points For Ijueen Charlode lunnrtii t ' liunuaye 1 pn Aprtl 20 as. Prince John .... 8 p.m. i roln Slta!i Rlxrt i'itA From (Jneen Charlotte Inland I iuau,s II iO am. April 18 as. Prince John a.m. : Vo (jurrn Chariotirs Fof MlttK April 20 7 p.m. April 10 sa. Prtnoeas Alice . ajn 1 1 iu.u orrn ciwrloiirw Aprtl 30 ae. Princess Alice ......a.m. I AprU 18 a m From Alaska jjo Alaska IKlnts April 14 s. Princess Alice p.m. APl 10 and 20 Noon April 24 ss. Prince Alice p.m. From Alaska Points For Itort Mmpson and Wales Inland I April 14 and 34 p.m. Fridays s. Cardena a.m. To l"ort Slmpwn and Waies Island From lirt NlmuMin and tValen InlaiMl FMdaya a.m. Fridays as Cardena pjn. From I"ort Simpson and Wales Island I'rldays p.m. CATARRH cf the BLADDEil ?acJi ran le I cars flnrt 'ffounterfitu mn'iif vi VsV smx$si BARBER: "What do you think of Communism?" CLIENT: "My views are the same as yours." BARBER: "But you don't know my views." CLIENT: "No, but you have a razor in your hand." v From Passing Show, London. . . . , . .... . i . , . . . , - - - . - - . . t i i . , . ' By George McManus f DAOOY-Pt.S6 DOMT 5tT j H ,( DAOCMTRR 14 .Rllf, TTci V oA A T) f " J J ) AROOMO MCAMINC AU,TMI1 I'V-V. SEARCH THC CLOSE. 1 y hlS tt'JU mM ' S. I TlME-ABOOT DlfslTV- WKV HIM, BUTT WIH t fl V V, jH " StJ ' Zr-VOONfT-t'OUCOOOXIANloJ HAD A CUPS ' tZtoSk ( q V I ' ' ' ''' " ' " ' , e5iti,ii ; , , t tr'00" D,J-JX,5l.x . 1 FrT 1 O I MTV'S 1 I I ITNBwTt- HCHAol I I f Iki'T -VMl "fmE -"TTS DlKlTV'b I SJSJ ,1 a I WATl y MELT WITH FOUL OINTVft MAT- HE GAVE T TO M C l '