v. PAGE SIX News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Large Body of Hgh-Grade Ore Encountered at Cron-in Mine; Road Improvcmens Jon Hudson Bay Mountain Beneficial to Mines The Smithers Board of Trade, with the co-operation of the Oml- neca branch of the British Colum-. bia Chamber of Mines, Js getting out a special mining booklet dealing with all the well known mines and prospects in that district. The body of the book is composed of brief descriptions of 80 district properties, giving htftory, ownership, location, development, ore values and nature of ore. A fea ture of Uie publication will be a large scale map of the district showing the location of all the properties dealt with. Later de !D. ti flfi . BCTimmir nt stivoi I airau Wli Jfrm x'i5w- result of the work V p1ahpea?wll o to bring all of the mining properties on the northern end ot Hudson Bay mountain, practically two and a half miles closer to Smithers. These include : the important Schufer property,' the holdings of the Mount Evelyn neers to predict that during the present year the company would be in a position to commence ship ments of high grade, ore. Work now proceeding has this object in view. The ore came in at a point 140 feet north of the shaft and it has been decided to break down the ore and run a raise to No. 1 level, being a distance of approxi mately 120 feet and with a total overhead of 225 feet. As the work proceeds the ore will be stored for shipment. Meantime, the drift is being extended to connect up other drill holes, all of which showed good ore. In the south drift some fine ore has also been disclosed velopments on the better known and with each foot of headway ex- projwrueB oi uie uisinci win uet tensive ore reserves are being depltted in- illustrations. The, built up .from the-knowledge 6 booklet is to be ready for distribu- conditions at higher levels on the ; tionliy the end of Aprjl, property. V . -" ; ; , The provincial department of , mine has made an appropriation , Qf 51750 for Improvements to the $ilrer Lakes trail on Hudson Bay mountain, tfear Smithers. A new bridge will be built at Tobaggan ' crlek to replace one which was washed out bS' high wvater" last ; sflOUPfer. CoWruction of tMs, 'bridge will be the first Item on JpcheT anlung CANADIAN CLUB ISSED HEARING ABOUT COUNTRY "present trail intfa-md as far as,: F ".T ' . this new bridge. Improvements Mii ? ti Jo W made on the way up -About Last Unspoiled Land WHERE BUFFALO nOAM Hans Laid to Drite Herd iCeindeer From Alsaka o Barren Lands of North of Major D, L, McKeand, who was Mines Ltd. fPhllin J. Job'a com- to have addressed the Women's pany), the Reco-Aspen group, the Canadian Club of Prince Iiupert Joe Matus claims on Toboggan telling them aberat the attractions creek glacier, the trade Dollar and wonders of the Northwest group, on which Angus Chisholm Territories where Buffalo rtfam, made a setisatlonal galena dlseov-, caribou, moose and other animals ery last season, the Silver Lake) hold revel and where it Is now group, djoinlnsc this, and the Last proposed to place herds of rein-Chance group, belonging to Olof deer for the use of the native In-Hanson and associates, as well as dians artd Eskimos, was the snea- olher claims of lesser Imnortance. Iter at the joint meetfttir of fVm It is expeeted that development adian Clubs at Edmonton on SatH will be in progress on the most of ;iirday. He could not stop off In these properties during the com-! Prince ittipert oVlng td there being seafcn." The ImprbvenfenUiing JKnuijjy. tralitervrta.v Telling ...ill l - -r 1 1, 4 1 ! . . . 1. . , 1 . . win uv 01 ueneiii. tur luurisi iiur- uuoui me norm country in poses as well as for miners and prospectors. The new ore body which wan recently encountered on the Topley-1'ichfield mine is reported to be five feet wide with values assay S.D. Johnston Coltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. , , 'rlosing' "prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will reoeive our prompt attention, S.D. Johnston Coltd. CIO 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, B.C. roonton. the Major said year. Ed The first movement of Alaska reindeer into the so-called "Bar ren Lands" of the Northwest .Territories will commence this The flfst appropriation for the ing 6 in gold and 151 ounces in purpose, a sum of $50,000, Is now " 1 1 going through, and the necessa equipment for the two Por brothers; who will have charge of the movement, is being assembled Creation of a new meat supply for the Eskimo and Indian, arid the populating of the great spaces Of the territories from Great Bear Lake to Hudson Bay, with reindeer herds, was decided upon following an intensive sur vey and report made by the two Porslids during the past two or three.years. -1 - 1 nLPi9tnwr n0 are expertsi. in relndder fanning, were engagH ed byn department to coyTrT the entire proposed line of travel from Norte, Alaska, to Great B&r Lake, and so report on the available pasturage, water supply, speed of the movement, size- of 'the; herds, etc. Movement Feasible Their report, made publlo last year, stated that the proposed ( movement Wafl entirely feasible that the" ttvet land roUle ffoflld hi followed with success, If undertaken in a leisurely manner, and that in the so-called- "Barren No more buffalo will be moved from Wainwrlght) at least, for a year or two, Major McKeand states. A total of some C.700 have been taken north since the movement commenced four years ago. These animals have settled down to a natural life in their new domain. They are inter-breeding with the! THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, A,,r velopment in lead and zinc, the recent gold exploration of the Na-! hanni country, and similar move- Lands," there was pasturage ments, are an indicative of this, ample for enormous herd's, in aiH Unspoiled Country union to .ne a, U, vt mr.u. , B , Ug not forget the rQ. W caribou wh.ch roara the nor-; pog!J,b(Iitfes of the North. Ui"."1;.-.-.,,.. . .. wtTerritoriesMJajotlcKeaiul.. ' Th6 nWemfhl therefore w m Vflst ,and 8tands to. jue CUa,,H,avu MM-.,-.,.-uu..... lW M m ,a9t Unapon6d euuntry Workmen on the contact tunpel to he. crosscut from Soiionswhich n maximal- for tfle touris,t and out-f-d . No. 1 tunnel on the Croniri mine in theBabihei which is TyZtai" J JSX -";" ,,s gaT 1" a,bu n being developed by eastern interests recently broke into a. but the plan marks a new eco- tSSTJt. large body of the highest grade ore ever opened up in such omic era for the native popuia- carfb;u anJ muRk.oX The9e Strength on that property. Samples of this ore have'0" of t,ie Territories. things are and fill increasingly reached Smithers during the past week and show a steel The Eskm. as Major McKeand become, a lure to visitors from galena -of very fine grain. By actual measurement the P"?tB ut-' nftn" the f-our cornerS of the earth- A vein of is inches wide. This 1 located ent CltUeil Ol Uinatla, UnlIKe tne trinisnnrtiiHnn transportation fntn into thrf the fprfltnrlps territories clean ore 57 ore was Indian, who is a ward of Canada. much earlier than was expected. Though large bodies of jo retain this economic indepen ore were known to exist in tne area where the contact tunnel would silver. jdence, he must 1e assured of a The new ore was opened i permanent meat supply, and the pnni act wirn I no prnea.ftiT rrnm .. . i . . . i . ,. ,. t r . I .... . . v " - - - uj vy a onuri, tiuas-tui jrum mc , reindeer nerus to De transplanted ffef No. 1 tunnel, preparations had main north drift and work is con-from Alaska, will form the nuc- ueen maue 10 exienu ine lunnei u unuing to establish the extent of eus 0f this supply. considerable distance beyond the the zone. This ore body is con point where the rich ore was actu- sidered to be the mo3t spectacular -u.. j itr i, , . . . . . " improves, more and more people will seek this vast land for re- creation purposes. It is an asset, we must not for a moment for Incidentally, the question of granting permits for hunters t( As for the Indian, his wants .w"tiffln n ih UW n,.f. to a large extent will in the fu- falo preserve 8 8t,j, undei. con anv encuuiiLeieu. iiuia ib iua- nnn mnnrrnni rmvpinnmonr in no'. . . . t n tinuing to test the extent of the "tn Jong program of work at the Top-1 pI f buffa o Jieavv snowiall of late has lav PirhfiMH zone. rt waa n fu tmiu . . - " o wv herds now made transportation difficult be-, that diamond drill cores last year .,rprvR tween Smithers and the mine, but showed such high gold and silver it is expected the snow will soon values as to lead consulting engi disappear. in the wood buffalo American and Canadian sports men long for the thrill of a shot at a buffalo, and there is a pos sibility that in the future some time, permits to kill one animal each, may be issued to sDortsmen. Displacing the Hifle The motion picture camera, however, is displacing the rifle as a means of "shooting" wild game. The sportsman of today almost prefers a record of imperishable larger wood buffalo, and a new 1 celluloid strip, to a mouldering, and sturdy race of animals is be-' moth-eaten head or pelt that loses ing built up as a result. its vnlue with the passing of the Speaking generally of the de;'ears velopments going on in the Ter- ' ritories. Maior McKeand fotsees A. t. llarrer, well known an increased growth in mineral Smithers mining man, arrived In development, both from the Hud- the city on the Prince George this son Bay side, and from the in- morning from Vancouver and pro-terior. The Great Slate Lake de- ceeded to the interior by train. if A FEW FACTS ABOUT PRINCE RUPERT . . . l'i i . it-- Prince is: Rupert : ,( The terminus of the Canadian Rational. Railway. The Central administrative point for the whole, of central and northern British Columbia. . - The nearest point in British Columbia to the Orient. The centre of (he halibut and salmon fishing btiineHfj The centre of an extensive mining dnd lumbering district. Prince Iiupert has: One of the finest harbors in the world. r .. The largest fr6sh halibut business in the world. The largest fish cold storage plant In the world. A large, strictly modern dryduck and shipbuilding plant. A grain elevator leased to the Alberta Wheat Pool with capacity of 1,230.000 bushels. A large, modern ocean dock. A new modern lumber mill, planing and shingle mills nnd box factory with capacity output of 60,000 board feet dally. Fish reduction plant. A new mill at Porpoise Harbor and another building alongside it seven miles from the city. Railway shops employing about "5 men. Several ship sheds for building and repairing nmall craft. Provincial government district offices and court house. Dominion government fisheries, customs, and other office Marine department central station)) . Dominion government wlrelensiatlon. . . ' Canadian Rational district offices. Dominion fisheries experimental idation. B. C. Packers district offices. ' Consolidated Mining & Smelting dislrlct assay office. P. Burns Co., Ltd. ( modern abattoir. Several docks and wharves used by coasting vessels. Number of fish houses doing an export business. About twenty salmon canneries in the neighborhood. Several fishery supply and shlpchandlery establishments. Severn! wholesale houses doing a large business in the district. Fine modern retail stores. Good steamship services tj Alaska and south to Vancouver and Virtoria and west to the Queen Charlnlte Islands. Three large oil and gasoline distribution stations, Good hotels and restaurants. Prince Hupcrt has: Modern high school with first year university classes. Four public schools with over thirty teachers, Seven rburches representing the most important demonina-;4 lions. , jedjKtreets and concrete sidewalks In the business section. Wkepl gardens and pretty residences. ' - $?iflj ' Number of clubs and fraternal organizations. Prince Rupert has J No severe cold in winter. , No extreme heat in nummer. No mosqultos or other Insect pests. . Great opportunities for boating, fishing and hunting. Fewer climatic or other disadvantages than most places in Canada. A hnrhor that never freezes. r C O N G O L E Uk? m.. m rv NG0LEUm fl V1 COt HAL I U H'AXTO 1 ESS .15 at its best initio PER NEW SAN" The new 1929 range of Cuugolcuni Coltl Seal Hug patterns pet a new standard of beauty in rugs . . . at a price within reach of all ... particularly the new colourful all-over' effect secured In the "Person" pattern Nil. 612. Genuine Congolcum Gold Seal Hugs are so low in cost they leave plenty in the .budget for the other attractive accessories that help to make tip charming room interiors. Guaranteed to your satisfaction t . . by the Gold Seal on the ntlrfare . , but make sure you actually Bee the Gold Seal before purchasing . . . then, and then only, can you be sure of the genuliic. fjDNGOLEUM RUGS Um CONCOLEUM CANADA. LIMITED. MONTREAL. CANADA A w The true purpose of a Budget pr'RRY'jreiir you spend a large proportion of the money you tget, So much fur clothing. So muih for shoes. So muelffflr thing t6 eatfor house furnishings, books k'hd what not. , , Here Is the way to get the most for your money. Keep a budget. Decide what you can afford to spend for each Item, and hold y6ursc!f within this amount. Then to get the most for your budget money read advertisements carefully. The advertisements you read tell you what is newest and best. Theyjflvc you th8 lateet Ideas and Int-protemenlfc. They help yoU to get more from each dotlar you have apportioned in youf budget and so live better and dress better with the same income. ' The true purpose of a budget is to enable you to spend wisely and only by careful reading of advertising can you liopo to accomplish this result. mt Ml. 1, ; 0 . titu i,k Read advertising regularly. It points the ' r . , way to better livinj;. -;; ' f Wl