. n ; ' 'till vii.ti ,J..lt- -IS - I THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST. ' : r H I You are Not Old at Fo ty Improperly fitted glasses; use of two pairs of glasses when one is better; unsightly "old appearing" pasted bifocal lenses; "diicking" and "peering" over the e'dgaa 6f your "reading glasses"; trying to do without glasses -all make you look old and prtive that YOU NEED. :GLASSES. ' ThJ kind of glasses that 'overcome these earmarks of ! age are our JvUVITOK LENSES They will do all that two pairs can do and do it better. They are really two pairs in one. t John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS I DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST HUEAKTAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Sloraga Co., Ltd. Prince Itupcrt. B.C. Ltd Vbhccr Drttei&t& TELEPHONES 1200 SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Sty' All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANI PRESSED We Djllver, to Any, Part of th city. : Ling, the Tailor Phone CI!) Dr Alexander IMIONT. 573 lirSNKK IU.OCK DENTIST i Thomas McCubbin. well known j Pacific merchant, arrived in thq j city from the interior on yester-i day afternoon's train for n brief business trip ho arrived in Canada before Jun 6th I92S may bring their WIVES FAMILIES CANADA oo (chlldrt n under 17 yar tnt) Apply tJI lUitlngiSt. Wfil Vancouvrr. 11. C 1 ntJ et Any Slfmihtp Atrmt "llulld ILC Friends Around The World II 8 rvjiikiiTf The little story we printed th' other day about Pacific Milk go Ing Into the West Indies, China. Africa, etc., shows that this good milk Is making friends around the world. This is a pleasing thought and it is a point of compliment too for British Columbia, proud home of Pacific Milk. PACIFIC MILK Hclorlm at Abbntururd ana Udnrr. ILC "llulld IIC." wiiminTmriirnmisn : THE VMM KEWS Deniist Dr. J. It. Gosse. Fhone 686. , T. J. Shenton, inspector of mines, left on this morning's train for a trip to Topley on official duties. J. S. Appenzaller nvas a pas senger sailing from here on the Pr Incest Mary yesterday mornini ; for Vancouver. Inspector' James M. Tupper, II ;C. M. P. left on this morning! train for a trip to Prince Georgi ion official duties. ANNOUNCEMENTS OH pa.:x nUfip. - - J : - . , , - . , Local and Personal News In Brief i i i i vs. n m w i i si w wi i i i s i i v. - a n Candy Easter Eggs For the:KiddieSr--all sizes and colors Here is an array of Easter candies and sweets that will delight every member of your household, and please all guests of your parties. For This Easter Week, we are making a special offer of superior candies, in novolty ideas, at our ajBt?omqry low pr'cep forJiigheat quality ; 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi. If Islands. James Boyd and D. S. Camerou of the local Dominion. Fisheries Ewaft Lyne, Pianist, Capitol Theatre Teacher of Piano. Red 701. 74' Father Joseph Allard 0. M. 1. 1 returned to the city on yesterday afternoon s train from a brief trip to Smithers. Angus McDonald of the Esper-anza Mining Co., arrived in the Ity on the Camosun last evening from Vancouver. Provincial Constable H. Ii. Mc-Kenney of Terrace . arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train i M. P. McCaffery and James Gibbons are on a brief business A. i nobertson pv..-a Massett f . .4 sawmill in trJ tfl Vancouver. They e t rivl hV,n 8peilt.a W toeturrt to the city this week of days i- in the city on business, Prbfed Your" Health and Your Pockefboolc Gives cold weather health at low cost Full size biscuits of warmth and eitenfy Crisp in oven and serve with warm milk Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. naneu uy me rnncfi jonn .saiur- A , . ,.r .Tii r ' .... v7 V day night on his return to the RIm" n , E 5?...' W uaWa TfWtZ'tZm has been on a business trip'south, gtiop.. Phone. 4G. 74 SJoquiat Terence B. returned from Vancouver ipn tlwa . : ' - ?'',J' J ': !e"rl Erfl Smittt Willi, Camosun last evening.'' ;M. -f - William Shrubsall, piboeer! figh Uach1 George Willis 'Ur..JCionth' Provincial Constable New Beauty Shop, expert mar- were William Fisher, Peter Ed- 'o njjy rs, fwtnDfri iveun s uaroer uwsx rfa . ,u .. , 4. Hi.. A ... i.j j Wyman y of uiiiiiiiciD Smithers' arrived uiuicu in 111 establishment TOtttuiiBuiiiciii on vu the viic government Kuvirriiiiivni Joan vll, Johnson Pyle, Ronald James Orme, Rob- iam Charles urn Minns. dealer of this city, has received James Richard Winslow, William George u permit to build a fish curing Joseph Scott, Amelia Pillsbury, Cross, viyop, UlCllua ClUUUISt, cenennference. ,SEoon, Vrin' ad'r I Bob Frizzell. son of George i , Frinell of this city, who has been turned to Smithers this morning. - lieJen JIarie Stamp-Vinc'nt, Vio- W. A. Dell, commissary agent let Kathleen Stamp-Vincent, Win- hert for the Caiuuvn Nutiuiuil nifred Eva Tucker. Annie Lhz;i- f.anrrm W D ....II 1 n..:l . i a. .1 . .:a.. hatVl ftn.it A'a Irlu Vful.l RniMia it , j i . . uwm.jsc ii. muss, ncu niiuwii naiiwayB. reiurnea iu me cny on uuuu.c. ! winter . (fcVw Ji.t f v! pIoneer A,Ice Arm merchant, was yesterday afternoon's train from Myra Louise Kinslor. Florence !,t TTVTt irnJ a Passengef'aboard the Camosun a brief trip 11 to the interior. Marjorie Blance. Margaret Gil-jcouver has Island, returned to ,agt , fct return, north ft christ. Annie Kach. Helen Dorothy !T.I " ZJZ ZZ ZZ S'V ' having spent the winter in Van- A successful dance was held Trait. Joyce Bertha Collison, Lau- I there for the B. C. as scout Pac kers cannery. couver. Saturday night in the Metropole ra frirzeii, tnzabetn Jane x Hall under Scandinavian aus- Bartlelt, Alice Evelyn WatU, Ell J. P. Hawklnson. well known nicea. nuite a larire crowd beinir Angus, Frances Margaret Cum- Stewart restauranteur and laun- in attendance. Tdry operatorv?aiIed: by the Camo- chestral music. ft sun uast-iiugnt on. his return a couBle 'inorth afterlKating Having BDent spent i Pflthral AiiirmpntPfl Thnfr nn HiaKes tier nXt ca r. Fr,,!v t s.ntn bound.on Saturday ' inia win De tne last vovaire on There was or- m,ng8 and MrB- "ara- Dido Gurvich announces the! ' Paste diamonds are sometimes Presbyterian Easter Sale krch daya thtxl n1 of hi .tax bu,f llj.; . . His phone phone number number is is 32 32 and and his his-fury, tury. wm whx h. n. s Good Friday, evening-Baptist th nc,rth' p' eme! Pmi w,n a day and,1 ChiirlusledC lecture. "The ees? HJ u?- S.C' Sa,ntfy' wilh 8 brand new klagVlferaldV Refreshments. Refreshments. aTriv arr'a l" " V0 Prtat ai 7:80 :au yesteraay Jterday and ana assures assures his his patr patrons ..fffWntatWThA WAV nf Alaska points and sailed it ' 9ixt 32 i 74 Aii" Rt . Arow.'. . . p,v- . is ni- rri for t nr Vancouv v Dnpniirop The Mary A WtJI!ttj SERVICE HELD J 1 for the uxiii. s x vu iauuis spring, . by the steamer ' Royal Purple Bridge, Whist rrincess Alice. . ,; . . ' T .. and Dance, Elte' Home, April 2., rt , - , iniriy-inree uanmoaies lesteraay - iv. vreeiman, ianaaian ixationai .iorning a at. Anarew a Anglican W. i. Easter Sale, Railways passenger traffic man- Anglican Catheiral April 3. "er for the western region, with -- headquarters in Winnipeg, and There was a large class of 33 United Church Easter Bazaar, G- A- 3Ic Nlcholl, general pas- candidates, mostly young people., U senger agent, Vancouver, are ex- for confirmation by Bishop G. A. :pected to arrive in the city on Rix at morning service in St. An- C.W.L. Spring Sale In Catholic the Prince George Wednesday drew's Cathedral on Palm Sunday morning from Vancouver where Bids conducting Hall, Thursday, April 4. After- noon from 3 to C. Social in eve- they have been attending a pas- 5irm"0"' the burh,?P ning starting at 8;0. .wnfer traffic conference. It is prched a suitable ser. .he I likely that Mr. Creelman will cho,r the -3 -4 :a - ja' ,or . ... . nf tkaUWIH " Pw,l. nnnr An. proceea east we tame aay. k. - . ril 5 .Moose Hall. Tickets ob- K McNaughton. district naen-Uinable at, McCutcheon's Drug f er, here' ,a a,f expected Store or from members. Get back edndF morning. ' yours now. , Eagles Whist Drive and Dance, James f jndlay,- arrived in port Thursday, April 11. Gyro Hoedown, April 19. , Auditorium, STOPPED HIS STOMACH TROUBLE " Fruit-a-tives" Made Him Entirely Well MR. BOVAY I wish I could tell every sufferer in tho world what 'Fnut-a-tives' has dona for me." write Mr. Roy A. Uovsy, Trenton, Ont. "For yean I was troubled by Bad Headaches, Nervous DyspcpaJn and Liver Troublo. Then I commenced taking 'l'ruit-a-tives.' Very soon my condition improved, and now, thanks to this wontjoriul medicine, I am onco mort entirely well." "Fruit-a-tivcs" rcgulatesatomach, LVer, kidneys, bowels .and skin purifies tho blood and tones up the whols system. 25o. and 60c. a box at dealers everywhere. at 8 o'clock last evening from : the south and, having a large! cargo of local freight to dis-l charge, did not get away until i midnight to Anyox, Stewart and i ! other norhern points of call whence she will return here tomorrow to sail for the south at 3:30 p.m. Passengers coming north on the Camosun included: I. W. Cameron, A. C. Mattingsley, W. Chatwin, S. Hyne. H. L. Gray. B E Morgan, James Boyd. D. S. Cameron, A. McDonald, Mrs. G. W. Larkln, D. Yorston and W. Laing, fpr Prince Ilupart; B Uut-J ler. F. Howe. and T. iftdMI, fW Anyox; A. N. Mapojfrld, A..B Root, H. Langeville, h. H. Den-nison. M. A. Bonham, C. W. Golds-borough and F. Hunter, for Stewart; G. W. Bruggy, for Alice Arm. and C. Trimble, for Kln-colith. - I SCALE' QF-CHAUQES Tho following Is the scale of charge made for reading notieesj Birth Notices 60c. Cards of Thanks. 12. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c ner name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. The candidates for confirmation Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER nULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN ?Vii.ct' Rutr't Feed Co. PHONE 58 little ups of mer- sfving as mirrsrs, Having made a fast trip frrfm stand at the Exchange Block. He improve their jarilliancy. night service . Hudson car; " ' prompt-morning from Skagway and otheffltelfs Ind fioifrtpstf. Phonfe num- ijjiii j b j ) JBT'JlLsl ilMlfD "lllJJMtMlJ "I took Lyou t. i'mUmm's ft-table Cn3iKuiut hv.iuNc I uli to fkrk every month that 1 fijj tu krap c vs anJ I suffered to tiux i Ii' i. . . the tinte. I had been wo:'- - ictory hut for a lonco. -i t Je to wotL u I aa ao rui - ' t. .uvi nervoui. My rnenij toki nu- of (fee Vrgctiblc Compound. I am now totinJ and wetl and have Rune back to work. 1 have a good appetite, m aolor it good and 1 am in good ipirkt." Evelyn Biiunm-, i n Alma Sareer, MmiCtDrt, Ntl. Rrinu h'k. i y j , " 'I 1 " SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue IMionc 763 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty : "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" . Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. I