M-nriay. March 25, 1929 SCHOOLBOY HOWLERS .-JUT Two little girls writing at a tvhool examination were required to describe certain Biblical characters, amonjrst which were Esau und Salome. One tackjed Esau ii id I'lKiiounccd him as "an hairy man who wrote fables and sold b - cnpyriKht .I'm- a plate of por- r(H'f. I he other waa more am-hitiom and informed the world Hi ! "SuIonv was a very wicked nnn. Sh- triok off all her c - and darned in front of 1! .1- !." t- .f , tin . ii i March 2., 1919 ii. tiuv at a luncheon of the t'.m l .n C!u' in the Prince '. -ii 1I"!'1 today, Newman Erb, I" -ii.cn! of Ma- Prince Rupert I." ' k iMiKinenny uy.rTe- i - m 1 io I'riiiii Hupert'swoner-- Ii 11...-,. are .-.. ,.,.ii.c.r It e 1 ' i.i ! 1 I I :'t;.l,ii''ty Z;h nl a st ible a'lni'i.-.ls w ri uie .vuuuuui uieaSiiriQusand miners inches or 2b c. f. nn wnr; M in rmr aniniaiw .uc. vuiw mrc uuw tTwn, wmcn - - . asvu ua vj iinaia iiAiitMH F-.'ifo is a child inil 'A'lii'e J..' 1'OIltH. To Hi iimmik. The head contains yes .-tn! bniiis, if any; the '-ii I he lunjrg and a of Ou- liver; the stummick ''.t. to th- bowels, of h th re an five, a, e, i, o, u, '.onu.-timcs.w ami y. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert REDS Transfer Fifteen years' experience Is, FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8. kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CKMLNTfl.SAND GRAVEL Our$ price, weights and mcasurcw are right So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Ti ,1 i-laMsified ad. In the'Ncwa and get ItESUL'fS! I IWItllClil the art of tAkintr Creek of i Lake. and drafhi Into Dense about eight miles (ram Deuc . The -water will be diverted from tfce hlfi'rir ",,m at point about three-quarters ot a mile from Dease Creek and will be lined lor nvdraullc minimi Durnm limn il : i it ilili. s and expressed! PRINCE HIIPEKT TIDES oniifief trmt "Ork-ntal steam-L. vt- s.o ,t W k k . . . I i. uiis wcjiild soon ue eatnb-l " . a J throuKh'the port. 'VK A tiillo. f. naiT'at rt'i.a'ut last last night's nights meeting meeUnffT f the ritjrfniiiK'il, stated that 'H- i-rorljVT'overnmentl was pi ..t"l jii.uy in; third of.-tho flff ..J i J)fe)n netting! i?ec with the city. .... , . . )W fc..k- i iic mrmation oi n nousing ' ne nv in Prince Rupert fa planned. 1 .. ; . .v J'lViu'rldVyjrch' Low . n n Severe Colds Always Ended Sn Bronchitis Mrv l.,l,n ViKor, 143 Mamelon SU, Lo:-! 'ni . writei-"1 hae alwaVM tn . i i'. nl.! . .1 v.ith afvere outils vhieji a i.- 'iiiMl in broniliiUW, but eiBte tu- Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup , I hart nn fr of this trsill, m it a.:t ! r rurifjp, aAdtiideafre to rough wns- ii' r-lv XnistM, Thf SMttlftiC fJ6ig' It iB irlx tii fMa'.bfutKliiaT tubes is aimnly wondt-rful. "Our. ,l.ty nn husband same home with h Ik iv y roll, but after a few dimes ho wa- -ntirely Ire of it." Prvn 3-Vi. a bottle; large family site flOc at all druggists and dealers. rut op only by Tic T. Milburn Co, Ltd, Toruuto, (Jul. lltgh. Low High HiKh Low H7 a.m. S6 p.m. 7.01 a.rr. 19sl8 p.m. '20.8 it. 2llS ft: 4.4 ft. 2.7 ft. Monday March 25 12 .ra.: 2iJt it. 18587 p.m. 21.4 ft. . 7:41.a.ra. 1?:56 p.m.' i4 ft' 3:1 ft Tuesday, March 26 ...K - 1.-6G a.ra. 21.7 ft. ' 14:1G p.m. 1.0 ft. 8:19 a".m. 2.9 ft 2011 p.m. 3.9 ft. Wednesday, March 27 2:28 a.m. 21.7 ft. 14:54 p.m. 20.2 ft. ....... 8:56 a.m. 3.1 ft 21:03 p.m. 4.9 ft Thursday, March 28 Zm a.m. 21.4 ft 1T:32 p.m. 19 J t. !...,. 9:32 a.m. 36 ft Frfdi v v af 21 an. p.m. ' c.i ft HfgK ...... 3Jfip'a.m. 20.7 ft. , - : lGVl2p.m. 17.8 ft " Low 1.0 :09 a.m. 4.5 ft. 2202 p.m. 7.7 ft. Saturday, March 30 High 4:64 a.m. 19.7 ft. 1G:5G p.m. 1G.4 ft Low 10:48 a.m. 5.7 ft 22:34 p.m. 9.2 ft. Sunday, March 31 High 4:40 a.m. 18.5 ft 17:52 p.m. 15.1 ft. !Low 11:35 a.m. 7.0 ft. 28:14 p.m. 10.6 ft boaer pu cny to ent FOR RENT the mine described as Ready Money! t-'filJ ftMNT 1 iimWhprt hniisi" -in in .,omeunnjr xo (10 WIM 'Lease. Sunrise Lease No. 103 and Creek ir drunk iwauiw uuisj ana May cioasom I UCTaJ Ka s I m mm T...U n..i.v M". tulat on is a medical a Point at lower end of canyon of eald fi.r creek and carried by ditch and flume m '"I qm-ill snail unv iox. over benches to point of use. 'neastrv ' : a tilaci- where mon? T"1 notice was posted on the ground on the 2Ut day of December. 19i8 A copy ot this notice and an appllca- tht num. nf tlm Pursuant thereto and to the me names oi "w ,m k. m, . .v.. ...t. f" i lifnt hi'vs who killed each OI th W41"" Recorder at Telegraph . . Creek, B.C. 1 Objection to the application may be (! t thr- 1 ninoi- ' 001 Hi- rovUtnnpA "'Stance ' la wltn 'd Water Recorder or , I" with the Comptroller of Water Right. I s Anatorr.y the human Parliament Bulldlacs. Victoria, B.C.. li.nlv whlnli ,.i.uita f n,.., tWrtr dy after the lint ap- consists of whiiyi three pearance of thla notice in aloeal Bfii-p.-M-t.. (he hi A, the (hint and the:"''1- The date of the first publication of tola notice Is March 11. 1929. ALFRED H. BRYANT. , IN ritOIlATE In the Supreme Court of llrltlh Colmn-ll:k In the matter of the Administration Art, and In the matter of the Kfctale ik l)an Mi-N'eUI, iln rttril, TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor. P. McB. YounK. the 21st day of December, A D.. 1928, I was appointed AdmlnMrator of the estate of Dan McNeill, deceased, and all parties harm claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 9th day of April, A.D., 1929. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. JAMES McNVLTY. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 9th day of March. A.D.. 1929 FOR RENT Furnished flat, four rooms and hath. Prjone 547. tf FOlt KENT A utomobileZ pia no phonographs nnd sewing mach- me. walker Music fatore. kieninir rooms by the day. week. or month. Phone Red 007. tf.FOR FOR RENT Modern four roomed flat with bath. Bank Block. Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf. FOR RENT Seven room house with bath, near Audi tot ium. $20.00 a month. Phone 76 or 200. ' tf. FOR RENT Furnished modem house. Harbor view. Monarch rantre, $25.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue Eatt. FOR RENT Modern Flat, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Phone 180or 045 S 72 FOR RENT Building containing large workshop on ground floor with 7 room modern flat above at 177 Third Avenue East Apply Hyde Transfer. tf FURNITURE Mackenzie Furniture, Phone 775 EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Chesterfield Suites, ' Dining firings a-nFld'tffelAes, Curtain Rods ami Blind. PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or ex-' change any kind or furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs,, .crating, ( packing and- shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, Federal Block. ISOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREBY QtVETt that an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province ot Brit- Utt UMumoia at us present session oj the Corporation of the City ot Prince Rupert (hereinafter called the City) for an Act empowering the City to sell, free from all encumbrances upon such terms as It may deem fit. to the Power Cot poratlon of Canada, Limited, (herein after ealied the company), the entire si- sets ot tu electric light and power de partment as a going concern, ion to; (Tant to the Company the solt and ex-, elusive right, power, licence and prlvt- eg to carry on In the City of Prince f tupert the business ot a light, heat and ; power company, and for such purposes to Isstal. extend, operate, repair and maintain In the said City's streets, lanes 1 and other public place poles, conduit. 1 surface and underground wires, cables) and all other equipment and appliances' fer. the iransmlitlon. ?'..?'!.tIib.ul'?n distribution ai ci eiecuio power fir light, neat and BRINGING UP FATHER THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & TAKE NOTICE that Alfred II. Bryant. Whom address la 000 Bank of Nova jSoolla Building, Vancouver. B.C., wttl . f I ... m 1... . V. VM I.11U UBC VIIO FOR SALE Avenue E. tf., PACIFIC r,ALV.2 C3. llvit"!) i FOR SALE Eight H.P.- 2 cylin- yuy Rquippc'tf rVr Diving and der Standard . $3&0.h, Snap. :t,em Salvage Work. .Apply Cow Bay Float 70 iV)at and Scwws of all descrpi. HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale.lt!"ns for Charter. N. W. Pringle, 64 G Fourth Ave. Rv Boats and Cnnoes for hire. East Phone Green 450. tf Bargains in Oas Pngines. ' ! AfiP.KTR vnn SALE Well established v,. i?o.i... inv. business, two cars and a best ...... .1 i. o...n ru.. LUUU III kUVVII. 011UJJ. I IIUIIC I 275 for particulars. 731- FOR SALE Philco radio, Console model, batteryiess six tube set. Snap for cash. Will consider terms. Prince Rupert Auction Mart tf FOB SALE Hatching eggs from B'arred Rock ahd White Leg horn Hens with Individual trap-, nest records of 200 to 260 eggs in one year. These are mated to vigorous cockerels from dames with, records of oveY 208 eggs. $2.00 per sitting of fifteen. Ou Westrom, Prince George, B.C. WANTED 82 foot boat hull. Apply Box 187, Daily News Office. 69 C. H. WANTED 'Man tnsvellina; east i to take care f team of horses to Quick station. Valentin Dairy. 70 ; GRADING, Hxoamtin, Concrete PETS you want a pet of any kind, write us and we will ship on approval. Money refunded if not sattsfied. PET SHOP . Largest Stars ot Ha kind in Canada 573 Broadway Wef, Vancouver e , , what'i L fc:b and H taotvb i'uu -y , JT-v,S. ) THE. POOR I MA,Vti TO CAMCEU f I J rr,PI IUU Doa HAJ ; WOOU5MT CO J IT ?V HeHA,N'T ACOOCJH ' WHIUC riFl . '. J SALVAGE ANI TOWING FOR RENT Five room furnish-jFOR SALE Four roomed house j"'f it's on or under the water we ed flat. Musuallem Grocery, tf. I and two lots. Anulv 10-10. 10th ' 'lo it." 1 hii a 1 v. r . iMintiiaywvy itiwnu u liallnntyne Engines. Northern U. C. Distributors foolidtre PropHlora Phone. Day or Night. 564 P. O. Box 1561 CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CEUTAIN.Y ! This distressing malady is1 vry prevalent at this time of; the year, and as a rule is aj 'ymptora of a defer trouble, ' ".nih as affections of the eyes, liver, kidneys, stomach, etc. It may be also due to the after ef fects of influensa. i FOR SALE One line shaft 18 Consult the Chiropractor In all feet long and Hi inches hick cases. Relief guaranteed. One 20 inch Hanger; Foui 11 1 Consult inch hangers. Two Urge Iron Pulleys, speed 16 to 12 inch, nit W. C ASPINALL 3'A inch belt Two line shafts j 6 and 7 Exchange Bock 8 feet long, l'i inch thick, if.rrcn: 241 Phone Black t 21 Three Iron Pulleys, three j speeds 12 Inch to 8 inch. Two Pn nlnss Wooden Pulleys. Apply Daily News. tf WANTED results comfr Pain in the side, Indigestion. Gas on stomach. Heftdaclies, Nervousness Insomnia, Catirrh a"d Khoumatisln are corrrpletely relieved by our new form of dietetic and spinal treatrrentj Read our National "Ad's," in WANTED Competent girl for I the Mberty Magatlne evfry week, V.r.?e- "I n rvmrcnv' iy at M lit (T7 ' f Phone Blue 85, or Red 5.S9 Open Kveninjts foundations. ilCela Rokkjar, I O rax .fkl.J A ..... I for the lat VJS V, VSftf illllll TCUUEi nck-piece Apply .. 71, REAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIB .1 CN.R. TRAINS 3 at 11:M am. trwM iih- Kal Sundays. SAO p-m. iOrhham A AUln Ave. .. j th Ave McBrtd $A. Proy. Oo bulMlBg .. iPror. Uart Wbarf .... !a.TJ Wharf I O.T.P WaWon We are imnortm nf cnria " " to be submitted I empowering the City to mrmt. f,,.i jii. -.ij,... nd Ave. St tad St. . enter Into an agreement with the Com- Parrots, foreign bird, goldfish, Jm a. pany autboHdng the City to enter into I mnnl.vii Anma rnU .,( ..kkli. ,M AT PuIton - 81 (h n nrf n.lll.l k. ..M " - . ment and to grant ahd confirm to th If Company all the powers, privileges' and rignt tnereny comerreo. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 8th day ot February. A.D.. 1929. a. P. JONES, Solicitor tar the Corporation of th City of Print Rupert 67-tw. Try n Dally News WANT-AD. Ird Ave to 6th St. PNEUMONIA Call a physician, "msrgency" trs V i Phone Red J25 or Black 700. "?fH'- Saturdays FOUND Fur Daily News. FOUND 81 Tuesday and Thursdays at i.r.rTi.u im nn. irnr ions Ait. PJ.. 0.00 730 1st A. Ac 8th St. 1.05 !th Ave. Si Pulton at 9.10 8th Ave. 4r Thompson St. .. s it Exerlenccd operator, BKHlern : )! t ! fk n3 methods in all llnM of beauty '" " M ' . IZ rposea. ana empowering ter into an agreement with the Company for supplying to the City and the culture and hair dressing. ;th Ave. to hm Oois circle, as Us tltlxen electric light, heat and power fted 339, upon auch term and condition a th City may deem fit, and further empow-; Tin the City to hcrtsfter burchas or take over the whole or any part ot th Ompanv's electric light heat and ltower system upon such term a may be at reed upon, and to validate a bvlaw (11 as-' sented to by th electors, to whom It 1 Make appointment bv nhonfhar ' th st -8.06 vin Ave. urres era. I lispil ) 9 40 9il .' 9.M .. M ..10.00 . ISM . .al.3S .. 10.10 . . 10 is . . 10.30 TO DirvJTV moorb'6 1M 7P 7.4S 7.5(1 1M 8jD0 8.0S 7.00 8.10 SIS 8.20 S.29 8J0 8 40 8.50 Thsn btgta trcatmsnt wltn 9CKS VAPORun Ow il HSU 1 Jmr, tW ..T& EMBARRASSING MOMENTS FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH. MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. WATER NOTICE DIvrrMon and the ten. A la st&zSstfti,K Uwbz you T7.HIRITS A SML&l 1 theitri'starj to arr tvib &eT TONM WHAT'S 1MB. r-tATTCtn AH V6U ICK? BH . . . the placid waters of pool take life as the pebble disappears. Firsti circle, then two, then six, then twelve, as if by magic tne ripples race over the surface of the pool to its furthermost edges. The stone that stirred the pool to life was one of your dollar bills, the pool is British Columbia . . . B.C. with its industries and natural resources, you, me, and everyone. The . ripples are beneficial disturbances set up by your dollar ... all the elements of B.C. industry responding to replace that commodity purchased by your dollar. . . ..a il the moral of the stone. In the pool? Every dollar you spend for B.C. products helps sustain B.C. labour and all iti depend-Ajt oufrc of production $$4 distribution. Your own prosperity is dependent on your purchasing inttrett in those articles manufactured for you by your fellow men and women. Every man employed earns wages, spends wagrt; and keeps others employed. Demand the B.C. product! It is an expression of faith in your local industries ant pride in the products of your Homeland. Tint WrrrrMMf it ik ff4 f terirt mjttrtntmrmtt mutkmit4 v IS B.C. frWMlf SrMfi iht fmroi,er Board ol Irit in lh intrmt of Matttwrt Mriti$k CWmmIm. BE PROUD TO BUYPRODUCTS By George McManus rTfi 1 m Mi. T fNtrjtf ynr4 Mt:i r