Coastgi Capt. Dan Larsen's new 2-foot halibut boat Capellt, a handsome addition to the local fishing fleet,; took gracefully to the water at 1 :;o this afternoon when the launching took place at the: high tide. There were no special ceren monies in connection with the, event. The craft, which is equipped with a 45 h.p. Bollnder deisel engine, will be ready for sea In about two weeks' time. kera for the Island Packing Co. SENT TO JAIL FOR BEATING CHINAMAN AND ROBBING HIM Having in their custody three Indian prisoners who were scn- guard headquarters said that the Louisiana and Crew Captured Smuggler Followed by Americans Until 200 Miles Coast and Then Scuttled ; Captain Defies the Invaders Off NFAV ORLEANS. March 25. The crew of the British Kchnoner Imalone. sunk by the coast guard patrol boat's irun fire in the Gulf of Mexico 200 miles off the Louisiana shore, landed nere last nigm. The mon were manacled and under a heavy guard when brought ashore. They were permitted to talk only to Uni-: ted States oinciais anu uie Drawn vitctunoui . c guard officers reported the Imalone at anchor 10 or 11 . miles off the Louisiana coast when HALIBUT BOAT Capt. Dan i.arsen's New Vessel Captlla Took Smoothly to Water at Dry Dock This Afternoon I first sighted and as the coast ; guard came up to the captain, John - I Randall of Liverpool, Nova Scotia, tood on .the deck of the Imalone, and ah ng a pistol ana snouung ;hat any man that attempted to board his shrp would be killed, lie js being held formally charged with interference of a merchant man customs pt leer-, inl his boarding- duttesr "No eflarge- has. yet been -placed against the ' i .r. nil i )i I -i. i ' Later Randall,, admitted ,, being, engaged in rum smuggling, ,b.ut said that He was. outside Aro.riT. can water Jnd pn. the ii'Kh sea when hailed by the patrol boat. He1 said "bccause 'lfe" raew'Mlat he was within his rights and en-; titled to the freedom of the seat, this was the roost cowardly attack on a merchant ship since the submarine warfare." He said he The dry dock is now engaged j carried only liquors. In construction of three other .,!..- ktota TVioan rp the .u' n.-At. vuh Jt-'official statement ' from coast Cold Storage Coi and two pac WASHINGTON, March 23. An pursuit and sinking of the Uritisn anxiliary schooner Imalone, suspected rum runner, was In accord with the well known doctrine of international law which authorises! pursuit of a vessel that violated the law within, waters over which the United States had control. FOREIGN OFFICE SILENT LONDON,! March' .25.-yiTfie ?. British forcigii hflih will -mafce ' J" , ,,, j r; a Rob ! no "tatejnent 9t unpff Cial 90m-at Oka la by ?J jmcnt tolnK the Mnot crtson in County Court at Smith- nrltf.h Sooner.! Imabnfe' by era for beating up a nml rnbbinir him of a Chinaman i bottle of whiskey and rum, Provincial Constable G. A. Wyman of Srnith-era and Constable H. L McKen- to the interior this morning. The trio will bo taken on south later in the week. They are Daniel Joseph, who has been sent down for 18 months; Alfred Pierce, who drew 15 months, and Sam Brown, who irot 12 monih. Sit Sim wn thn name of the victim of the attack. PATTULLOTO TOURPROVINCE VANCOUVER. March 25. T I). Pattullo plans to devote most of the comlnir year to touring tne province and building up the party organization, he announces. He will bo the guest of the Vancouver Liberal Association at a banquet here on April 4. the United States coast guard ves sel until they receive a full report from Sir Esme Howard. However, the affair appears to the British nfriMnla m n most serious rum- ney of Terrace arrived In the (runnng incident If unofficial re- city from the interior on yesier-( tg gh0U)j prve correct. ...nnnU trnln rptumlnC HALIFAX, March 26: Cap tain Randell of the scnooner Imalone Is known in British admiralty circles ns Lt- Commander J. T. Randell D.S.C., Croix de Guerre with two' palms. He has had wide experience in the Arctic and last summer he was commander of the auxiliary whnnner MorBO on an expedition to Hudson Bay. .He is a resident of Liverpool,- No-a Seotlai jyid, was born nt Newfoundland. The Imalone was registered at Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. DIRIGIBLE LEAVES piiHnERICIISIIAFEN. March or. TVio f!irmnn dlriirible Graf t t itv -- - Zeppelin started its Mediterran ean flight last night. L0SELIVE5 FROM FLOODS IN KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE, Ky, March 23. Floods rushing down from the Cumberland mountain watersheds took toll of 37 lives In southeastern Kentucky i nd northeastern Tennessee over the week-end, while tornadoes and storms spread death over four other southern states, bringing the south') death toll to 49 and possibly more. UEE-SAVED F Pringle J, Howard ' 1'rfnclV Ha THREE PROVINCES JOIN IN APPEAL arrow Escape When Auto Plunges Into Francui)iilake,t., H i.' Howard PringTei' manageV of the Prince Rupert Logging Co., operating in the central interior lakes district, plunged through a soft spot in the ice of Francois Lake while on a tour of camp inspection in hia AtltAmnhilp anva n marlnl rtla. leaped to safety and then succeeded in aiding Pringle to rech solid LOWER FREIGHTS ! TORONTO, March 25. After the completion of an exhaustive search of the colonist cur burned i in the collision at Dorcourt and ! -. ... .. ... .... after checking all the available records and the official statement, the offices of the general manager WWWM w i '"fHca I. I II 111 IS Ult 3F 1 Ml I HEAVY SHIPMENTS tit Inlet south at 12 persons. OF POLESflJEING 1 J i One boat loaded for the last week and another is patch to the Vancouver Province diiLthi8 week-from Burns Lake. His dog Rastusj MADE TO SEATTLE PRICE OF WHEAT k. The car WMWtftt ftftiANCOUVER, iMarch'. 25: Mr. Prlnaleiiir arson iofjMrJ. S. Wheat was quoted on the local ! of 'Prince Rupert. ' exchange toddy at 1.22Vi. CALL MONET ADVANCE SENDS NEW YORK ' STOCKS TOBOGGANING, WASHING AWAY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN QUOTED VALUES NEW YOKK, .March 25 A storm of selling orders poured into the stock exchange today, washing away millions of dollars in quoted values and sending nearly two score railroad and industrial shares to new low levels for the year. The declines in active issues ranged from $2 to S10 a share. The selling received its stimulus from an advance in call money from 9 to 12 per cent. Later Despatch . 1 1 Call money went to 11 pcr centy the highest sincc 1920. Some stocks lost fcs much as $13. FELL TO GROUND FROM : i ;SIXTYrF00T CHIMNEY I VANCOUVER. March 2H. REGINA, March 25: Saskat- Crashing to the groiind from a 60-chewan will join with British foot chimney of the Columbia laun-Columbia and Alberta in an ap- dry yesterday, Tercy Taylor was peal to the Dominion government Instantly killed. He was repair-for equalisation of the freight ing the chimney and it Is believed rate structure, Minister of Railways, Labor and Industry Spence announced yesterday. that he lost his balance or that the rigging on which he was working gave way. CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill LARGE CAIIAHET Brerjona read tb Claulfled Ad. 8pedal Dinners Thursday! and It jou Iom, advertlM (or tt. Saturdays Dancing ever)' ftaturday nlfht If jou find, locate tb owper, from 9 to 1Z. Hall tor Hire Dance WbaUver jou need, tdrertlM for It V Accommodation for Prlrate PRINCE RUPERT Parties I1ET TIIR CLASSIFIED IUIIIT. X ftione 457 Northern and Central British Columbia' iNewspaper w Vt PRICE FIVE CENTS IVol. XX., No. 69. TRINCB RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY. MARCH 25, 1929 ITISH RUNNER AH'e-t Won-riot'.M, Ascd 3fi. Had Been Many Years With Big Ray Lumber Co. Albrrt Woodhouse, aged about 58 nd a native of Ontario, sawyer for years with the Big Bay ofrthe centraI.regioi.of'tb.Cana-. body tionr of the death list, as ri nn r t ni f scan.bffdeUrmined; may be Hi AfUH I K AMI ,1 UiUlU V1U1U11 AT EDMONTON Moth Machine U Total Loas and Two Occupants Are Seriously Injured The Baxter Pole Co. is making; EDMONTON, March 25: heavy pole shipments to Seattle ; Crashing in a field near the city from its camp at Meyer Lake limits, a moth airplane, owned near Port Clements in Massett bv the Edmonton and Northern Aero Club, is a total wreck. The occupants, R. F. Brinkman and J. S. Clare, both mechanics, are In hospital suffering from serious injuries. DISPLACED HER JAW WHEN SHE YAWNED TORONTO, March 25. Yawn- kjng early one morning recently,! lAflcs Xfttrv firav dlilniMltfi fiAl" jaw. Being employed at the To- ronto. General Hospital, Miss Gray did not have to go very far to have the joint manipulated into work ing order. The young woman states that her jaw has been dis King George designated his heir to represent him instead of Prince George. ANOTHER PLANE DUE HERE SOON TO MAP OUT ROUTE SEATTLE, March 25: Plans are being made for an eight passenger amphibian airplane operated by the Gorst Air-, Transport; Incorporated, to leave for Alaska soon to survey a route over which the company expects to establish a passenger service. It Is understood that Prince Rupert will be Included in the ports of call both ways. IS province. SEIZED AM MANSON MENTIONED AS CANDIDATE FOR JUDGESHIP British Schooner Sunk by U. S. uard Patrol off Coast of rniTfiDTAT I Manson is Being Boosted for JliDi 1 VjKlALi I SPANISH AVIATORS FILING INCOME TAX Attention is drawn to a provincial government notice appearing on another page warning the pepple of the north that Mark 31 is the final day for filing returns of ' income earned during the year 1 928 . Forms may- be obtained from the provincial assessor, t If not already received. No mcney'Is required to be 1 paid this month,- but only the forms filled lip and returned I so that the assessment may be made up. DE ATH LIST REACHES ! TWELVE IN ACCIDENT CROSSING OCEAN SEVILLE, Spain, March 25: The famous aviators Jimenez and Igesias left aboard their plane Jesus Gran Poder for Rio de Jan-erio late yesterday afternoon. MILLSAWYER DROPPED DEAD Vacant Supreme Court Judgeship as a Rival to Dugald Donaghy John Hickey, correspondent of the Vancouver Star at Victoria, writing to his paper says that A. M. Manson, member for Omineca, is being boosted for the vacant, supreme court judgeship. He says: t. With entry ot Mr. Manson into the field, it t was considered that competition for the vacancy might narrow down eventually to two veteran Liberal parliamentarians, for the only other person widely mentioned for the post Lumber Co. and at Georgetown wanted it, at the same time it was before the prent company .aCff jWognlred that Mr,,Manson had q.ulred that milldropped dad a.i S xith claim tq consideration after 'h Seal Cove mill about, 2,;S0 this hi many years of service as chief -fternoon. He is survived by a law officer ot the crown In this wif'ow and family of six grownup children, the most of whom Mve here. An enquiry will be. made by the coroner and the B. C. Undertakers have charge of heretofore has been Dugald Don-i-ghy, K.C., of Vancouver. While it was believed generally in political circles that Mr. Donaghy, on the score of his long legal experience and personal popularity among all parties, could probably get the place if h iVhether . Mr., ,Man,son paj-ty would permit, Him,, to, wjtfiaraw i'rom politics was another factor regarded as a possible obstacle. At present he is the member for Omineca and if appointed to the bench would have to resign his seat, thereby bringing on a by-election. As Omineca has been a safe Liberal " constituency sfnee 1915, however, It was polnted out that the party might not view this contingency with anyrreat alarm. Bar Holds Power. . While the appointment will be made by the Dominion government, the wishes of the provincial administration will carry a certain count of weight, according to Fish & SHAKESPEARE & ABERDEEN After Shakespeare paid a visit to Aberdeen, he wrote: "Who steals my purse trash." steals HALIBUT BIDS AGAIN HIGHER Up to, 15.2c and 8c Paid For , American . Fjsh And 13.7c ' And 6c For Canadian Halibut, prices showed a further Improvement a. the local ish Exchange this morning, when a .tota of 1,10Q, pounds were sold. Eleven American vessels received from 14c and 6c to 15.2c Uhd 8c for 1033WrjWfhds 'while severt Canadian boats wer6 paid 13.5c and 6c to 13.7c -and 6c for SOftOO VUnds. " ' (( -ifi-i ( i Arrival artd'feales:iwere a& fol-n Venture, 2.000 pounds;. Royal fltK,QiHUxy and CcJ- "''' 1 ' Panama; 18,000- pounds Atlin Fisheries,' 14J and Cc, Ilene, 1C.OO0 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 14.8c and Cc. Ithona, 4,000 pound's, Canadian Cold Storage Co., 14.7c opinion expressed here. The Otland Cc. tnwa cabinet would not be dictated , Brisk, 10.000 pounds, to by the province, it was explain- Fisheries,. 14.7c and 6q. cd, but at the same time it was Betty, 10,000 pounds, unlikely to name any one to whom pjaheries, 14.Cc and 7c. the British Columbia government would object. In the last analysis, it was considered that the choice would b" guided ultimately more by the representations of the Bar Association than those from any other sources. STORM WARNING ISSUEDTODAY Booth Atlin Unimak, 8,000 pounds; Wilson, 7,000 pounds, and Tyee, 7,000 pounds, Pacific Fisheries, 15.2c , 1 M ' ' and 8c. Viola. 30 .otlnds, ' fttHd 1 f&ceihlm, 'Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 15c and 8c. Canadian Livingstone, II, 10n000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 13,6c and 6c, Covenant, ll.dOO pounds; Ter-nen, 4,000 pounds, and Mayflower, 2.000 pounds, Canadian Fish & located several times from very IIarametf r I)ropM From 29.79Col W .Co.. nd simple causes LONDON, March 25. Because of the great desire of the Prince of Wales to personally attend the At 8 A.M. to 29.30 At 1:30 P.M. A storm is predicted today at the Dominion meteorological funeral of Marshal Foch In Paris,. station at Digby Island. The' barometer has been Bingo, 5,000 pounds, Fish Co.. 13.6c and 6c. Royal Helge H., 4,000 pounds, Canad ian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 13.7c and 6c. Ruth, 2,800 pounds, Royal Fish -Co- 137c and dropping rapidly this morning. At 8 a.m. 29.79 was registered; at 12 noon, 29.45. and at 1:30 p.m, 29.30. In the first six months that the new Mms. Tuasaud's exhibition was open to the public, 1,000.000 people paid for admission. Scottish Humor Imported direct Aberdeen Joke from the Factory C.P.R.PLAN LONDON HOTEL OTTAWA, March 25. The Canadian Pacific contemplates tho construction of a modern hotcj tai' TnJnn t.'nUn It 1Vpvrnlpd tk t - - - - fjUIIUUII, the annual Ulster oe comme LEFT BIG ESTATE WINNIPEG, March 25. Application for probate was made today of the will of the late Sir James Alklns, former lieutenant-governor of Manitoba. The estatq Is valued at $1,700,000.