vously at the carnation be always wore to his buttonhole. Until tbte r PAGE POUR INSTALMENT XXXIX. Axelson groeeeded to obey orders. Soon the visitor was ushered into the same room in which tbe interview between AdeJe and Dr. Mof'ett bad taken place. He car this sort When Axelson had with orawn and closed the door, he sat down art'! looked about him be-a ilde redly He seemed a MUe ner-YotK and the curious eharaeted of the illumination appeared to puzzle h'av 1 Hello. Castle." amid a voice. moment he had seen no one bvi tbe room, and even now he saw only a shadowy figure seated about dx feet away, and this dhn phone ThriRIng ' Mystery Story In 30 chapters P-al Ma -M v. MB aBBEa" BABi a 1 ub xi . hi raa bb ram -mm cay xm HE,tMAN LANDON the visiter: -Did he teh yon how to find ray pbveer "He gave me very elaborate directions.- T see." Tbe doctor's tone was My informant spoke very im-.'Dr. itiaiilaalB iwiA.kl..i, ft'- . shape appeared to have no bead. J "Yes." came tbe answer after a With a mutter of surprise he j moment's hesitation. sprang to bis fett. j The visitor sat silent for a "Sit down," said the voice. "I j time. His shoulders heaved a lit- am Dr. Moffett." ' tie. His voice, when he spoke was The visitor stared hi staeefae- thkk with emotion. "Moffett," he tion in the direction whence the'!, "I am not going to waste voice came. He stroked bis time telling you what I think of forehead, surmoaated bv the side. The strange sight a hu- ar beneath my contemat.' man fWre whose torso tapered The mysserwos Mr. Graves,) is off into a greenish mist seemed peaMag to a very lofty tone," Dr. -nerve him completely. As If Moffett sneered. lport himself, he gripped. The ether smiled wanly. "Your of tbe table. sneers eant hurt me. Moffett. town." said Dr. Moffett I nave pasted that stage. I made lis voice was a little gruff, a mistake a grievous mistake. e why you came here. Yon can crush me"Stidbreak. me.) my length I answered nnd some one inquired If my daughter were at home." "Whovwas the Inquirer?" "I don't know. He refused to But I can still bold mv bead hath. i use eaetasaatfen trembled When I compare myself with you,' caller's lips. The green I have nothing to be ashamed of. eeentnated his pallor. He I dont have to hide my face as eakly into the chair. you are biding yours. I never ' aordinaryr he mambied. fought with dirty weapons. I nev-htog seems to have hap- er stooped to the infamy of fight-to my eyes.. I I can't seejlng women and children. I " -" "Very pretty. Castle." the other n ling has happened to your j interrupted. "You ought to carry ' prefer that you shan't see a pulpit along with you on your, ' oipoxe yourself and tell me' travels. But suppose we drop the n are here." ( oratory and get down to bastneas? ? visitor shook himself, re- What do you want?" ' - d the stick he had dropped, i The visitor, as was his oocaa-ned his hps. and did hls,ional habit, tapped the Uble best to conquer uneasiness slowly with hi knuckles, t In thaw strange surround- "I suppose it would be utterly useteas to appeal to a spark of I i the green hast. I suppose." manhood and deeencv in vou tn 'aaoned aloud "It lent as ask you to confine your warfare t as an ordinary Ught- That to me and let my daughter t :iy " ! alone?" ou. no. not the light altogeth- j "It would. I use whatever aether. Castle." the doctor Interrupted, od I see. fit to adept." , "1 can see you quite dearly 1- Then what are year terms?" most u clearly as in an ordinary "You know them one hundred hnt. But let's not waste time thousand dollars. You are getting over that I am atlH waiting to , double value for your money hoar what brought you here." Icastie. In the bagtonhuc you were The caller drew up his ahoul- to receive only the Forrester pa-dors a little, as If striving for hisipers. Now I am throwing In your cnaraciensuc poise. "Very well. One of your cecentrieitits, I take It. Dr. Moffett." He paused for a moment. "I suppose it would be a waste of tune and breath to express my opinion of you." "An absolute waste." "Then" he appeared to choose bis words "my daughter came here tonight." now ao you xnow mat? was te instantaneous rejoinder. "I learned it tn a rather pecu liar way. Tonight my telephone kopt ringing Incessantly. I er nu qfierminea to answer no daughter for good measure." I can't pay It," the other de clared flatly. "I couldn't even pay half of what you ask." The doctor laughed contemptuously. "I don't believe you. The mysterious Mr. Oram can easily get his hands on a little extra money, especially when his lovely daughter's safety .is concerned Now listen. Castle. I shan't argue this matter further. I hold MUs Castle's check for one hundred thousand and I " "What?" Dr. Moffett elucidated. "Tomor- telephone " calls tonight, wmgni, but out ine the: row." row," he he went went nn on. pants, including the charming Miss Oastle.farill.be gone. "Irf the morning you will go t9 your bank-ind prqcuroSlOOJloo In cash or casllv nwotlAhle . Rive his name. He Implored me Injcurlties. About 11 o'clock you will .i very exciiea manner to a seer-1 receive a message from me direction whether my daughter was in Ing you where to go to redeem her room. I went to her door and the check and claim your daugh-knocked. No answer .came. I op-iter. Those terms are final and ened the door and looked In. Her unalterable. There Is nothing fur-bed was untouched. I went back,ther to be said." to the telephone, and my myster-i The other's Jaw .sagged a little. i-u.T iiiiuiiuh wiu, me i wouiaiiie Deerea lrreaiinteiv intn v piobably find her here." ,"The Picaroon," said Dr. Moffett Btitllly under hU breath. Then to green sheen where only a vague wur indicated the speaker's face. "Yes, one thing more." he pro-. tested. "Even if I should be able to procure the money, what quar-antee Ture I you win surrender my daughter and; the papers?" "Xene. Yea wm Jut bare to trwt me. "Trnstr-you?" . "Too have no' other choice.' THE DAILY KEVTS 8.terut- Sport Chat The schedule of the CUT Base out in mil strengtn Sun- dav. and each will flabt to the "I can tell you where be is." the but dttrh to iret into the fin.i doetor interrupted. "He Is in JaU. charaptor&h p game. Both games Thats where yoor information wlU the full nine hudnga. and eaa tT0CL" as the season s play has proved The visitor appeared not to un- that the three teams are Jus I it a 4 Il J aurnT' " was rJLnrr abouf evenly matched. Interest in his uuokjub Km 01 uiionnauon. You th final n hruM nnt h 1 a a Murzeo movement 01 a band. A 1 . was a matter of life or death. I woe muse ensued, and thej A far a th hui nf h.uh.11 was worried about my daughter. . gaunt old man entered. nlaved u roneernMi th la the drcsEMtanees features. His fingers fumbled ner- "Who?" exclaimed tbe visitor. I couldnt, -Bring Miss Castle here. Axel- this year has been a complete ignore wnat ne ana.- eon," Dr. Moffett directed The Interruptor I nnooai- mamntea ix. moi- , ine oic man nodded- and with- weather experts try to ten The visitor's stick clattered to,1"- 1 aoni w me nca-iarew. ine vmior snowed signs of about having bad more sunshine the floor. A look of stark amaae-j1000 leftraed now to rech this nervoBsness. He quickly began to this summer than ever before, merit crossed his fine, classical ' P-" .move aboai. said weather certainly has not itep sou," tbe doctor snapped, been favorable to good baseball eatehing the sabdaed remark. ' in atber stopped and leaned This has kept attendance at "It doeant matter. WeU, Castle, ', hghtly against the Uble. Rest- games down and in consequence now that you are here, what do ! le,lT' wh his cane, he drew lm- the receipts have suffered. How-yon Intend to do?" , aginary figareson the floor. Soon ever If the fans turn out in force "My daughter is here.' lantj0 opened again. Adele for the last two games, the league she?" walked rn, and behind her was executive hope to keep the bal- Axejsan. sne was deathly white ance sheet clear of the red ink and she leaned against the door ' Trama afhtla aha - - mum; iwixu low Ulr txrtm UiTOinatton. new Jin a .u T "ur cneo, ano Tork. bound for Germany. Thei wc aino( IWWS1T1. man who mfcvht hs hwn tM la a moment tbe visitor's arms weteht i9mninn h- mfoWed her. He whispered to her rest and think tMr. ., srav-'a gray-' high, a blackguard blackguard who who asea ases a a voane: j eari a iiniver ran through her. a deeftnin which robbed him of v j m 1 rVai conrmced?- v-i- ikpfl e w- ee.A asked Dr. Moffett. simima inr Tbe other, with one arm around her neck, caressed the girl's dark r-- hair. He was mambttng endear- f mentt. I I -rnats enough," said Dr. Moffett Impatiently. "Take her away,' Axelson." The old man came forward, bat the visitor wound his arm more tightly about the gtrL "Not yet." , be said, and there was a strange, defiant quality in hk voice. "This is the end of your game, Moffett. I cttdnt come here alone. There are three poheetaen in the woods outside the gate. In a few minutes." he glanced at his watch "tn exactly two minutes and a half they win hammer their way in." A dead silence feU. It was bro ken at length by the sound of. footsteps. A gleam of steel flicker-1 ed In the green light. Dr. Moffett' was coming forward. He moved in slow, creeping manner, like beast crawling upon its prey. Tbe ugly outlines of an. automatic emerged out of the green mist. The doctor's arms, lags and torso came into clear relief, but stttt the face was only a green blur. "I think that's a lie," he declared evenly. ' "Walt and see." eame the response. To Be Continued .Monday DRYDOCKWINS SOFTBALL GAME Will Play off In Three Games With Station For Season's Honors In he play-off game last night for the second half honors la the C. N. Softball schedule, the Dry Dock beat the Station team 10 to I 3, to win the second half of thei schedule. There will be a series of! three games now to decide the winners of the league, between these two teams. The Station played rir-ticht bull for six Innings and were leading "this house will three to nothing up to that time LrS,!!r:i mind. T At de,me chanK!lbe Prht occu- but. after thaf they seemed to I blow up and let the Dry Dock net HO. The Dry Dock boys played! first class ,balL. throughout, wltfc j the exception Ipf Howe making a couple of poor throws to first. The teams were as follows: Dry Dock Oawthome, Kelsey. Howe. Smith, McKeown. Hadden.j Macfee, Hedstrom. Palmer. I StaUon Mcintosh. Astoria. Stalker, Horton. Downey, B. Skat-teboi. Styles, lloltby, A. Skattebol.. Umpires Jackson and Coma-dlna. One of the finals will bo played tonight and the two others tomor-l TOW. Down-hearted and dejected Max Schmeiing sailed from New Scott and Jack Sharkey, and a! return. According to Jacobs, "Pad- from both Van glorious chance at tbe vacated dy Harmon, oi unegQ, naa oi- a determined was later ousted by Max to hax.g Paolino Uscudun in June black-haired German the most popular figure In the heavyweight division. He was only a jump from the heavyweight title. Oolng home, he i: Just another foreign fighter and one who going to have a harl time getting breaks he received in his first Journey here, if he returns Jacobs, who is up to his eyebrows in trouble with the commission, now says that he has under consideration offers from several promoters for Schmaling to Oght, lr with Phil the United States on the German'? i tna fered s&anGO IWJJW ror ior himnnutne scnreeimg in made tn rat.. title. "I am tired and worn oat rrom my troubles with the New I meet either Otto Von Porat York Boxing CommJasten." he! "Tuff y" Griffiths at Chicago said. "I am in no shape to fight J November or December. ball iinnw vW wtod un vith twolScatt or anyone else right now. Ii The meMm tbe first to be maved have Just completed a tour of 36 rfl L7 U7ETV AT dta flgare at the other end of Jbe tomorrow and thelast game of. cities i which 1 boxed .Uotai.,OclLtI II LdLiil. ri I room got up to indicate that the the season win ne on September 104 rounds and got most of my Interview was ended. '22. Thfc Sunday's gm wffl be rest between sleeper Jumps. I've Tbe visitor bad also risen. With between the His and Ovros. and ! had eooagh now. I'm coming back 'bead hang low he peered at the the winner will psay the "league- in October. I think, to straighten gnMcsqttr snape m me omanre leuifa smut of Canada for the out my iron Die wnn we coranus- wnose face was only a greenish estv ahamoionshiD on the twenty jblur in the emerald light. Iseeena. The first game wm be of sion." - ". .uvuch. BtniMiBr interest Because met Himwiino-' arnni m fniri' a ' There was a traee of Anmrt in hi 1 . . , . . . We nrklp trmhv MmnftHtlnn m1 inirf was easily ' from this main event there will also be ladies' and men's oampeU-tions and a number of attractive trophies, cups and other prizes awsdt the fortunate romaetitnra IN LONDON A SHILLING NO COUPONS ALL QUALITY or western Canadtf t. In Pacific coast t. . cation, howrv. -Sforts a ill be rr..- Knottier city. . . layer? bave 1: " ur . JASPER PARKci :lt i anticipi;.- Leading Players From All Orer;ready regis., :. Canada to Gather at Moun- Lodge .iiat tain Resort ution will be ;. r - fought one JASPBR, Sept. 7. Plans are now Tlu- Jaiper p.. . . IT . ajn " a ui, contract maae oy Aimur tsuutw., . . . . , w)il ,u I came here on rather insubsUn- V7 ,h.t wv, ..ZZ It! ..TJ,. Turth arffloal put week at Jasper ' per Nat; tial inforsutJnn t my hw. v . . . I T . . ' 7" iPanc Lodge Kou course, iue pre- ason. as re. who my rnfonnant was famtry aareastte. "And you came hare confirmed it You tell me ried himself with an air of spar-tout here hotfoot on no stronger daughter wua loriiuiac. eemcn n- evidence than an anonymous tele iMirman nr mwau ipi ma n wbtbbwi . event of this week., which amateur champ. Ptm actott ror Promoter Humbert of on the ( yearb, wtnrt goUepi note from courv Pugaiy. caused the trouble which boa, eMtern and western Canada, ceded by thav resulted in the commission revk-ta the totem pole trophy, which ha on of the be tog the license of Schmeiing 3Wl beaome the aolf classic of the and unexcelled the managerial licenses of Joe JaclWMt -jvea to the winner a tro- tthig. "' and WUuarn McCartney, two ofpj,y unue among golf eompett-' managers. Bcnmei:ng maae.uon tbe world over. Of solid sll-AT Til in plenty of mistakes but he is not ver it tnkmm th form nf titm 11 6 W nlnnri Hnv my kina. With anv anrt of hna fmm I . ki . ...rfv.. . . . . I VI ' :""") ."Winn poie, wim a ease 01 waunn, uanaea 1 Uhi hnt w. ... . . . nere. out it be may th wcihr vian th ftmnMi.k.. 1 1 r...i . : onlv 9 hlnff J V ' uu iulh-ucu. duiu wulucu oy I our DeaTS ano SIMMS OB tfte amy a MUXI. be s vnrwi rrnvd of flm m hiiul . .k. ..w w.. -nu.. - .. . . . .. , -nhi " " w iu "'-" j ochuih sjaes oi me oase recoru uie name . well - in it aaH-fv , . VD- 1 w aatury you Sundav to rheer. their fs.vnritM tnl-.i;..i. oi m . .t , - . "w . ,uir urcu ii cuuiitriutK a hi tunsF w nntr mnn LnsF voar nr tract to an American eroun. It virtnrv A attA irflvr rniu nf Dr "IWInt of PortUnd r turned ont that soon afterwards the totem pole trophy is held per-the American group bad Rohmel- manently by tbe winner of each ing under th"ir win? and the tournament. !TmitAn ra ftt ni.t Riilnw P Minor w . -i. t i m but in cntte of what tt nr uyn rfc mhc (u wew 1 tottght for his rights and every-, this year Is opened this after- body 8chlir.R Bulow, Jacobs. noon by Hon. Dr. Egbert, ueut-and the others lost isoveraor of Alberta, who will be ac companied by bis daughter. Miss v U. VJU11 i For Amatfur TiUt PEBBLE BEAC H Brushing iai1- 8tates amateur Dr. o f. Wi::i!iL' and Jimmy . lost lot of friends Mtn" -sterd,.y Schmeiing a , Etnel 11m Dr. by his actions. After he whipped . ;atao be a amtenoer i ta the totem l!l?f, o1 Willing defe,,- four and thre. Francis Oimet The Chinese -p. Is easy to ii". ! . The golf weekVwill close on Sep- haj murn nh' timber 14 broke To date the premier honors of An optima wtaritag the totem pole trophy cheertulry lha. , have gone to Vancouver, it being ta.n Gor won to its mittal year by E A Jones, and subsequently by R. T. Spoiled pe. pi, Baker and Alfred Bull Jadgtac with serf -on- from the number of entries of own way am. prominent golfers already received They suppor : says Talkie Star Joseph Sehihflcraut, dramatic star, appcafing in "5fov Boat", the creat talking, tinging movie play, guards his ton e fry moling Bucldnghanu. "Permit me to express my preference for Buckingham cigarettes. There is something about a Buckingham; a very satisfying blending of flavor?; a delicate tobacco fragrance, v hi h I have found in no oilier cigarette. Too, one may light one Buckingham aft-x another without any effect upon the voice. Buckingham for me every time," 8 I BYSPCOAWmiCNT WW PHILIP MORRIS &C0. LIMITED ESTABLISHED OVER60YEARS Vlf r : 5. 't t u Or h