Hi 1 A Folding Kodaks I jm $12.25 11 2 l Folding Kodaks From $18.50 Or .77 m i- 1 KODAK TIME Brownies from '.'.$2'.25' ' Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks From $n.25 No. 3 A Folding Kodaks From $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), F. 3.5 Lens $100.00 Kodak Films, al sizes in stock. Developing and printing .. a-s. Dally service. Quality finish. ' he Pioneer Druceisls for THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPI10NFS 8?&200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED HilMnjt Irum i'rlnrc Kuixrt I t TAM OtVKK. VICTORIA. Swanwn Itar. Ilutetlale. Alrrt lluj. etc.. Tuet- diir. S:3U p.m. r ; VAN .Oil Kit. VICTORIA. Ilulrdule. Alrrt Ray. etc.. Friday mldnlxht i ; Af.HV, A KM. ANVUX, 8TKWAKT. Mill RUer, 1'urt Mmpxou, Sun-djiv. i:im p.m. ro:.i NIMI'XON ANIl WALKS ISLAM, rnurmir. P.m. ii Auime It M SMITH Agent ITInce Ituprrt. II. C. ,1 ticket oll to Victoria am Kcatlle .and baggage cheeked u.-li t.i destination. Vacific Am- B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES JMIUMJH HHI.M PRIME lil I'I KT To KHehlkni. tVranfHI, Juneau and RkHfway Septrmber 7. IS. SS. To Vamtiuvrr, Victoria and heat tie ' Kept l 111 tier 7, II. . rltl.VCLSS MAUV Krun Fall, rtr., Vanmuvrr and Vlrtorla every Friday 10 p.m. Acrnts fr all ttearatlp Line ' C OKCIIAHD. (IKNLHAI. AOEXT I'rlnrr Uupert. II C riione SI Canadian National Qjc Largefl 'Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE s - fr.'tn ruiNCK RCI'KRT for VASCOI't F.H VlrrtiRlt. iK.TTI.F.. and Intermediate point, Mondays, ThutMlayi, 4 p.m.; HalorJajt, 7 p.m. f ir A VOX and STHTART. Monday. 8 p.m.; ITldaji, I p.m. to M.I.1SKTT INLET PORTS. Monday. S p.m. F M)tTH (JI LEX CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, lortnl(UMy for HKAUIYAY, MrdiiCTdajt, 4 p.m. PASSFMIIIK TRAINS IF.. WE TUIX I. fH'I'KKT Ulll.V EXCEPT HINOAV at! ll:IO a m fur HI I MX (itOIUlE, EDMUN-TON, Ml.NNlrtU, all point Eastern Canada. United Mate. AGENCY ALL orK AN STEAMSHIP LINE City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Hupcrt Phone 260 LUMBER Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S-IS Dimension and Boards. KILN DRIED Sitka Spruce and Cedar Finish, Ceiling, and P.. lie. SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edgegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and 4" Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and G" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, 11. C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Ketail Yard, Cow Hay, Telephone 123 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST "BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PHINCE RUPERT, B.C. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results 6. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf This afternoon's train, due from i the cast at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Father Godfrey O.M.I. arrived In the city from Smlthc'rs on yesterday afternoon's train. ' David' Wilton of Sunnyslde Cannery, arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the Skeena River. ' C. E. Cullln, who has been spending a vacation In Vancouver, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train. A. D. Matheson, manager of Carlisle Cannery, arrived in the - terday afternoon's train. Presbyterian Baiaar November! SPECIALS; CORNED BEEF Helmet brand, Is. 2 tins PICKLED PIGS' FEET-3 bottles BRANDS A-l SAUCE 3 bottles COCKTAIL OYSTERS 2 Una ! DUTCH MAID DRE88INO8 SALAD OS. pot. SWAN8DOWN CAKE FLOUR Per pkg LUX TOILET SOAP Per cjm. rvk: 45c sa.oo 85c 45c DUTCH MAID MAYON- OCn NAISE 8 -os. bottle OOl J 40c 95c BRAID'S BB8T BLUE LABEL TEA AND Utia , Cur AND QA SAUCBrt Prr lh OUL LUX ' 3 pkg 35c 4 PKGS. RINSO. regular 50c: 1 "Wearever" Sauce Pan, regular ji.w. roiai value Off $2.15. Special vli03 STROjl'. WtALT SYRUP Bohem- : 51.00 "T?r v We are sole agents for this line. The real malt to suit your taste. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-123 51 h Ave. R. Phones 1S&81 P. O. Box 575. Dentist Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone C86. Scandlna Boston Hall 11 viah"tfail6e 'torilght'fA1? F& awa'ulting Joe' Hanson, Emtl at 8:30. ' "riJ Wlckgwas fined $50 by Magis Charles P. Balagno, teacher of Pianoforte, has resumed teaching. (tf) Albert & McCaffery Limited. Phone 11C and 117. Try our Bootless stove coal. We guarantee satisfaction. Sale of work, homecookirig and afternoon tea will be held in St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove on Thursday, October 24. R. O. Johnston, manager of In verness Cannery, arrived on yes- ' city from the Skeena River on yes-; terday afternoon's train from the Skeena River for a brief business visit In town. Inspector James M. Tupper R.I C. M. P. returned to the city on A. R. Holtby. CNil. brldzes and I yesterday afternoon's train from building master, returned to the la trip to the interior on of f iclal . city on yesterday afternoon's train duties. from a brief trip to the interior Albert & McCaffery. Limited. Premier Orchestra's opening dance. The dance of the season. Moose Hall, September 20. A' whoopee I j I Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and ' 3. 158' on official duties. Phone 116 and 117. Two scows I For ck of a quorum, the regu-of Nanaimo-W'ellincton lurrm coal lar monthly meeting;' of the Prince arrived today. We are now pre- Rupert Board of Trade, called for pared to Kupply you wilh vour iasi "'gnt, was deferred for a winter's coal. tf ,wee. Inaugurating the company's 10- F. S. Walton, CNH. roadmaster, day schedule to Alaska, aPJt. returned to the city on yesterday steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Ar-: afternoon's train from one of his thur Slater, having been delayed ! periodical trips up the line on of by fog down the coast, arrived In port at 12 this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 1 pjn. for Skagway. The vessel Is scheduled to call her southbound next Wednesday afternoon. jflclal business. oeorge urosvener, who has been spending the past year with his brother-in-law, Oeorge J. Dawes, left . on this morning's train. acrnmnnnlpH hu llttta CMiin Mln T TTorrlr, Ti M ,Ji . vuu.v. .vc. .v,., .aujr oawes, for Estevan, Alte., to en- superintendent of the Prince Ru-!gage ln harvesting on his farm pert General Hospital, will sall ,Mr. orosvener expects to return Monday afternoon on the Prince here before Christmas with his ww18C wumo wjicre wie wife and family, ui aviena me convention oi ine B.C. Hospitals Association, as well as that of the Graduate Nurses, Association of British Columbia. NERVES CONE CANT SLEEP? "Fruit-a-tive" restores good health Are you tired? Downcast most of the time? Worried at trifle! ? Cantaleep? Mr. O. Rjngbcim, Wj dnndcl, B.C., writes: soothes the digestive tract, and calms the troubled nerves. ZSt or 50c boxes at al) druggists. Will you please let us talk KINGS with you some of these days? Wc don't mean In an ad. What wc request is. that you step into the store and ask to sec our Ladles' rings. Don't expect us to parti cularlzc here. ' Always glad- to answer your question , and , assist you In selecting ' " I n nun cJEWELLqiS ii.-j.ii .TtIC STORE WITH THE CLOCK C. Martinson, missionary from the east, sailed last night on the Princess Mary for Vancouver. Corp. Cameron R.C.M.P. sailed on the Princess Louise today for a week's business trip to Dawson trate McClymont in city .police ' " ' " court" this morning; Mrs. Bert Long, who has been on a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Princess Louise today. Mrs. R. A. Deacon and daughter of Dlgby Island will sail this evening on the- Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver Island. T. J. Shenton, inspector of mines, sailed yesterday afternoon by the Prince Rupert on a trip to Stewart pn official duties. Mrs. C. H. Orme and family will sail this evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver Island where they will spend the next year. Matt Videck, charged with Hqor for- sale, was further remanded until next Saturday lrri city police court this morning. Miss Thcra Nelson of the staff of H.'O. Helgerson Ltd., sailed this afternoon on the Princess. Louise to. spend a holiday ln Ketchikan Mr. and Mrs. Will Jancowskl and family of Stewart will be passengers aboard the Prince Rupert this evening bound for Vancou ver. Pete Davles of the Dlgby Island wireless station staff, sails this evening on the Prince RuDert to snend a month's vacation ln Miss Polema Cameron and Miss Margaret Smith, who have been spending' a vacation In Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle, returned home yesterday. The Christian1 Science SoWety of Provincial Constable A. J. Pom-Prince Rupert1 anri6ancesr-' Freeicroy, transferred from here to 5 LB&3fLr CIT Rcr l hUSS? cnC ffl SiiS s!hthe'JTd dlstrlct t0 teke ovr hu new P05t- mim kut n ., rJL of Lectureship of he Mother . . ihrTtoihMmth Church, The First ChuTch of Mr. aria Mrs. E. D. Judsoh. who y 1 T ine souin- J Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass.. have been residing for the past -r- j In the Capitol Theatre on Sep- year at Terrace, where Mr. Judson jtember 8, 1929 at three In the af- has been engaged In pole produc- IT"TT"T""Tii ternoon. The public is- cordially! tion, sailed last night on the Car1 i ANNOUNCEMENTS Invited to attend; BASEBALL First game of City Series. Gyros vs. Elks, at 2:30 p.m. dena for Vancouver. Miss Credwyn Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, was the winner of the Bank of Montreal gold medal at the fair here last week for taking the most first prizes ln the school domestic science section. Richmond Mortimer will sail Monday afternoon on the Prlnje George for Vancouver en route to California where he will visit his sister, Mrs. Don Yelton, before resuming his duties with the Bank of Commerce ln Vancouver. L. W. Patmore is sailing this evening on the Prince Runrt nn Mr nrr,. .r fompln.tr o.. I w. ,0 u.i- , .t..i Tt- n, prMi gooj btib l. 'Ffuii--uM". """""" e wiu Fruit-a-tiveV is a combination of in. tensified freth fruit Juices and the most scientific medicinal ingredients. In a na be accompanied by Eloanore and Lewis, who will resume their stu attend the Provincial School at Victoria. Sep. Sept, Sep. Sept. EE II t PARE TTTTU515 SALADA quality never changes while cheap brands constantly vary with market prices SALAD A TEA " 'Fresh from the gardens1 ST. ANDREW'S PRO-CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Rev. J. B. Gibson, Rector Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Preacher, Rt. Rev. O. A. Rix. Children's service at 2:30. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, ln Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "MAN." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially invited. Reading room, 24S Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5 pjn. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher, Rev. W. U. Cummins of Morden, Manitoba Morning service at 11 o'clock. Solo and chorus by junior choir. Sunday school at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor, Rev. John II. Hanson Phone Blue 451 ' III Sunday school 12 noon in the Lutheran Church on corner of 8th and 9th Avenues E. Scandinavian service at 7:30 p.m. No morning service. Eastside Sunday school at St Peter's Church (Church of England), at 12:20. A cordial welcome to all. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, BJV. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 12:15. "Evening worship at 7:30. Organ solo by Ewart Lyne, "The '' Heavens Are Telling," Haydu. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school at 10 ajn Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "MAN'S GREATEST NEED." Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "TWO FORTRESSES." Services to be conducted by P. II. Linzey. Judge F. McB. Young, who has been vlsltlne for a few weeks in Vancouver with his son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Car-michael. returned to the city from the south on the Princess Louise today. There were but 44 passerurrs going north aboard the steamer dies at Columbian Colleee. Npw , t 1.1.1. . . t,.r! .nU I. L..V . :' " UUUUK WU1U1 WHO U V Z?mrJ: a '"e?n: w.ft. wU at noon today bound from Van Normal couver to Skagway. The bip na-Iscnger movement this month will FROM MONTREAL To l'l) mouth- Clierhnurg Soutlumpton-Hamburg Sept. Is Montcalm To Cherlitmrg-Koutliampton-Anlwerp Sep. 26, Oct. 24 Montclare Oct. 10, Nov. 7 MontroM To ('lierbotirgMutlianiptuii-IUiiihurg Cct. 17. Nov. 14 Mcntoalm To n-lfat-l.lverH)iil-(ilai;uw Sept. 31, Oat. 18, Duotieas ot Richmond btp. as, Oct. 98 Mtnnedoia Oot. 4, Not. I Duchew ot Atholl ua. io, mov. s Mellta Kt oalllof at Liverpool. To I.IVffjMMil , IS. Oe(. 11 . .bucheaa oi Bc4Iorl 27 Oot. 38 ....Dueheu ot York FROM QUEBEC To t'lifrl)iirg-Soutliainiton 17 Montroyai 34 BmprcM ot Auatralla 1. Oct. 31 .Emprew of Scotland Calling at Hamburg. Arinlv to Arenta ererv where or j. J. roit.snn ' S. 8. General fans. Awnt CP R. Station. Vancouver. Telephone: Seymour S30. 'Jhln.i 4"t M i:A J l-l M I 4 j I be southbound. I C.P.R. steamer Princess Char-! lottc. Capt. C. C. Salntey, complet-! ing the company's last Alaska tourist sailing of Uie year. Is due, ln port at 3:30 tills afternoon! from Skagway and will sail at 5 pan. for Vancouver and Victoria, j FLIT KILLS Roaches "Caterpillar Tractors" MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributors for I). C. AIOKKISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STHEKT. VANCOUVER. B.C. Ilrnnchen: Prince George, Kelowna, Nelson