PAGE SIX f- I I In Tune with Nature f I I I t i m Nature has dictated the colour scheme for Men's Clothes this FalL With allof the artistry for which they are famous, Fashion-Craft have translated Nature's bid ding in line and drape that will delight college "grad." and business dad alike. Smart individuality and com mon sense have been happily blended in the new Fall suits. 4 'Remarkable value from $29.50 up BORSALINO HATS FORSYTH SHIRTS Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Bryant & Greer Limited Quality Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 297 rtOOUCED Ifif 1 www A Sixth Street Even the best bottled milk cannot equal Carnation Milk in cooking results. Velvety smoothness, rich creaxniness, fragile texture, delicacy these are some of the qualities which Carnation Milk gives to foods. Try It! Write for Kmtj BUla Cook Book 1 -i; 1 1 I 3 I 3 1 i I i i; I; -3 Smoother, Creamier Sauces "from Contented Cows n th UM m,nt EVAPORATED MILK of hlgf,t quality A WONDERFUL "SKIN SPECIALIST A A Two NC1 Box I have something you want; you have something want. Wc get together through the classified ads. William Johnson, an aged man, j who had been, Identified with the staff of1 the Bablne hatchery for ' many years, was dragged to death by his horse on the road In the l neighborhood of Topley on Mon-I day. He suffered a broken leg fractured skull and broken ribs. He was returning by horseback to Bablne after attending the Prince Rupert Exhibition, when the ac cldent occurred. The marriage took place here, quietly, on Tuesday evening, of TUB DAILT NEWS Saturday. Stptrabo t NORTHERN B. C. NEWS TERRACE I Miss Martha Fanner, sister of I f f n If mil rVoiH T7nu' Col. Cy. Peck V.C., M1.A. and The couple left yesterday for ?n ?ropeojr. Major uus. Lyons, alu.. oi vie-, prince Rupert en route to Na toria, who spent several days at Lakelse Lake and had good angling, left on Thursday for interior points. W. Simpson of Anyox k a visitor here this week. A. S. Tordiffe of Cedarvale was in town on Wednesday. Miss Helen Grcig. who has ; spent the summer vacation with! nalmo, where they will reside. BURNS LAKE The new St. Church here, an John's Anglican ,Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fowler in uui vMtors in town during business visitor here during the week. ' Mrs. Leggatt and daughter, Malzle, of Hornepayne, Ont, have arrived in town to Join Mr. Leggatt, who is relieving at the CNJt. depot during Mr. MeLeod's vacation. They are taking the home of Rev. A. W. Robinson dur- jicg their stay in town. F. P. Caddy of Prince Rupert was a visitor here on Wednesday. Miss Elliott Head returned on Wednesday from Smithers where she has been the guest of Miss Vtyiah Graham during the past week. She visited the Telkwa Bar-beeue before returning. J. A. Robertson of Edmonton was a visitor In town during the week. Mrs. S. A. Cooper and sons re- I turned on Wednesday following a i holiday visit with friends In Tel kwa. Joseph Karcbiet of Utk was In town Wednesday. W. L. Jordan returned on Wednesday after spending the weekend and holiday In Smithers and Telkwa. mer and Mis Avis Wan. Smith - ers; Mrs. Howard Pringle, South-1 I bank; Oscar Lerault. Sonthbank, ! Miss Gladys Kenney returned on and R. M. Carroll. Decker Lake. Wednesday after a short visit with friends in Smith ers. She also Miss Mary McRac of the student took in the Telle wa Barbecue. staff of the Prince Rupert Gener- j al Hospital,. Is visiting at Palling ! O. A. Woodland of the Imperial ad Mrs. A. H. Silk. Oil Co., Prince Rupert, was a Mrs. Nell Van de Veen and daughter, Miss Lillian Van de the ore body and a diamond drin la being used for development purpose. About 20 men are employed and it Is expected work will be continued throughout the winter. A rumor persists here that the Britannia company may become interested In the Dolly Var , Practically all of many Anyox I residents who- spent summer noli- days at Alice Arm had returned to I their homes in the smelter town by the end of last week. attractive and, A Hedejaad of Denmark. well appointed edifice, was con- who came to this country to at-secrsted recently by Rt. Rev. G. tend an International nurses' con A. Rix. Bishop of stated by Rev. J. H Caledonia, as- vention which was held in Mbn- Kerr. the rec- tresd during the past summer. tor. and Rev. William Sweetman has arrived here to spend several of Endako. J weeks visiting with her coustn Jens Larson. :DlUiUi5, u ume wi n- u,e mdaded; Batter. T. J. Shenton. lrtspector of jneeaay- 'Harrison, Wistaria: R. Hougen, mine. Prince Rupert, spent a few , Dickie; Mr. aad Mrs. H. C. Sptan. davs here last week on official ! T. W. McPherson of Prince Ru- so. and Mrs. Prank duties. pc waa a 0um vwwi ikik j smlih, Francois Lake; R. a on Thursday. R. E. Allen and A. H. Wadding- Stearns. Ttntairct: Pay S. Short.! The auction of lots on the In -Colleymount: Charles Solberg, Un- dlan Reserve here will be condu-cha Valley; Mrs. Oeone Wall, ted this h j w Rmtth nm ton of the forestry department, Mrs. N. P. Koran Miss M. J3. Par- rincial government auctioneer. Prince Rupert, were tn town dur ing the week. The Letter Box KELLOOO PACT Editor. Daily News In your issue of August 24, there Veen, were in attendance at the was an article reprinted from the fall fair in Smithers where they Winnipeg Free Press regarding took many prizes. tha Kellogg Pact. In order to cor- rcct a somewhat prevalent view J. B. Umbaeh surveyor general let me say a few words. for the provtme. has been spend- First of aU, let us get rid of the ing a few days here and In the idea that the Pact is only a gee- district on official business. , ture. Is there anyone who thinks that his country has put her sig- Mr. and Mrs. R. W. MeGowan nature to a worthless document? and daughter. Miss Dorothy Me- Then her signature is of the same Gowan. have returned to Burns value. One canot entertain the Lake after spending the summer idea that Canada regards the pact vacation to. the south. Mr. Mc- as equal tn value to a scrap of Gowan is .principal of the local paper, as the phrase "only a ges- scnooL . ture," would signUy. It is quite true, and more true than many Mrs. J. Blaad and family have realise, that the pact has been al ien for a trip to Shelley where most the sole reason for the they wttl visit ith friends. avoidance of war between China W. L. Brintnell operating manager for the Western Can ad Airways, stopped here from 11 o'clock Tuesday morning last week to 1 o'clock in the afternoon while flying back to Winnipeg after his flight from Aklavik to Dawson. A Vancouver mining syndicate, headed by Col. Nelson Spencer, has made arrangements to undertake the development of a,, number of, mining claims in the vicin ity of Tchento Lake in the Nation River district and within the next few days will take a number of men Into the district by airplane ALICE Arm The Britannia Mining & Co. is reported to be having good success with the develop ment of the Tortc mine here. One machine is engaged In drifting on and Russia. nntvnn t,t. Again, as to the matter of sane- imirj un,wmjl , ttona, the pact would be weakened The niehta ar Mttimr cnoi hro by allusion to any such matter. It and fan frosts may be soon ex- wouW contradict its very nature pec ted If it keeps clear as it has to 8Uch ctausea included. The been for the osut week Th Wwr- Pt caus for the settlement oi est thermometer reading of the duPuUiS onlT peaceful means week was 34 above on Mondav. ,n wouid become only a meanlng- . 'less gesture were it to endeavor Samples of Manson Creek ore to I" Peace by the use ol sent out for assay by T. R. Rush rorc- A rell on the honor showed nickel content of 1.56 rr & the nation signing it. in any cent and 20c gold and 74c silver, case, and no sanction to sufficient to supply that honor, If it be lac- On the reopening of school here lcln-there was an . almost complete In his address at Geneva, on the change in the' personnel of the wbject, "Why Canada Signed the CMiTIIFRc; teaching staff. Newly appointed frenuer King sara: "u is o mmvo teachers Include Miss C. L. Irwin, the very brevity and simplicity of B. F. Massner and crew of men Vancouver: Miss Marforie Rob- that solemn renunciation which resumed work this week on the erU and Miss Ruth Kornsby. Bites the pact its unique foree and driving of the long cross-cut tun- . Prince George; Miss M. McMillan value." Quoting again. "If I ven-nel on the Victoria group of the 'and Gordon Lcveraage. Vancou- ture to stress somewhat the Lorraine Copper-Silver Mines Ltd. ver; and James Fraaer. Resigning Brland-Kellogg treaty, it is bell. L. Batten, consulting engineer, teachers have Included Miss E. cause of the experience of Can-vistted the property last week and MtKee. Mist J. Pack, Miss S. ad under n agreement entered it Is In view of the encourage-! Cowan. Miss L. Davis. Leroy th over a century ago, which ment given by him that work to'Sttbbs and J. A. K. Armour. .agreement was essentially in- the now being resumed on the tunnel i , nature of a renunciation of war The annual Ubor Day Barbecue! William Horsman, who sued & n instrument of national pol-at Telkwa was one of the biggest Robert Lowe and Dr. J. T. Steele JcJr " H ft on to show that the successes on record. There were ' of the board of village commis- Pct endeavors to do for the many good horse races as well as ; sioners of Burns Lake for dam- world, what the Rush-Bagot treaty rodeo events and Smithers beat ages as a result of Injuries he sus- dw Ior lnc 1818 KUptox eight to three in a base- talned whUe engaged in the clear- Again. "Much 1 heard in the ball game. The usual big dance in lng of an airplane field there, has oW world of the prosperity of the the evening brought the day's been awarded $400 and $200 costs There are doubtless economic I proceedings to a fitting close. by Mr. Justin Fisher. The case causes which account In no lncon-I ! was tried at the last session of iderable measure for that pcos- I A recent new find of ore made the Supreme Court Assises here, peniy. mere are. nowever, oiner by C. O. Harvey, while doing work on the Rainbow group In the Ba-bine Range, has served to revive Interest In that property which is held by a syndicate of Smithers men. headed by James Wright. The new discovery was of a six-foot vein, down the hill from the older workings. In which there is a two foot body of high grade copper ore, carrying good silver values. The property Is close to the main Driftwood Creek road. about 14 miles from Smithers. His Lordship found that there causes scarcely less important Of was nothing in the village charter these, I am inclined to put first enpowtrina Lowe andteele to en- and foremost the elimination of gage Horsman for the work. all fear -of aggression, which has been brought about in the manner I have described." Hoping I have not written at too great length. Terrace, B.C. H. T. ALLEN. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Dally News "Classified" ndver Using brings results. I IN- FW. AND JttT 1o Showw 1 and 9 p m. BUDDY ROGERS um 1 SiJU2LiA r J The River of Romance COMEDY 'SINGLE BLISS" COLOR CLASSIC-"ROMANY LOVE" Admission, ISc & 50c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30, Admission, 10c & n:,r "IS Our Shipment of Caps Has Arrived You are sure to be able to make your choice in this new fall shipment of G and C caps. PRICED REASONABLY AT $2.00 J. A. Kirkpatrick 6th Street Since 1908 Prince Rupert FURNACE or STOVE WOOD Inside Spruce and Hemlock, Cut 11 and 16-Inch $1.50 PER DOUBLE LOAD BOX CUTTINGS, $3.50 PER LOAD HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage BAGGAGE COAL CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ol'KKATlNU (i. T. 1 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYPOt K Engineers, Machinists, llollermakers, Hlacksmith-s I'aUcrn Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Ktc. ELECTIUC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our-I'lant, Is Equipped to;Handle AU Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK I'HONES 43 AND 385 Dr Alexander riiosr. sts Itr.SNKK UI.OCK DENTIST SKATING A ( t n tr r nn r tt . . . 2 t " 8 " t" Evenings t0 Competent Instrurt'" teach bejflnners. Fhorie-lllncK Furniture for sale. Watch the classified coly"5- 4