PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Morujay, lie 10, it The Daily News The World's Largest' Sound System PHINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue I I A 4Mb , H. PULLER - nangdijgr g g SUBSCRIITI City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance S6.00 for lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 Iiy mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period . 3.00 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion Transient advertising on front page, per inch Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line ur tour montns lor By mail to all other countries, per year Bj mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em pire and United States, paid in advance, per year Contract rates vn application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone ,.,,,88 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION RLISS f!AHAIAJ down the inlei, upon which devel- 1.40 2.80 .25 .02. .15 1.00 7.5() 6.00 Bliss Carman has passed on to sing his sweet songs tb the people on the other side and to make heaven a little more enjoyable When statesmen are forgotten and their wprks have passed away, Carman will still be known and loved. That is one of the rewards of the poet. He usually leads a gypsy life, often with less than a dollar in his pocket, but he sees and enjoys life and attains fame among posterity. So to some extent was Carman, with the exception that he is already famous. One biographer says of him: "He kept aloof from the world to a great extent and no hampering responsibilities came between him and his dreams. Blithe and care-free, he was essentially a bohemian. A new oomnany known n ihu with John' occupy the early ' part of the .. season otuu ! wjyneni is Being carried on by . George Jlruggy-and associate. ?"dJr ,a V00' tUnneI wl11 The sample., comprising almost rf'SL i I TUntJ f bwdoe eolld ofVwere taken from the dui- tur,nel, .which has been extended J cveu, r a distance , Z ilttXr Director, of the Woodbine Gold jnaf runnings hfg'h w?!S ' Mining Co. are negotia ing for one-half ounces per ton. The vein the operation of a mill seven An which the Big Missouri com-i miles from the property to fur- pany found eensational gold1 X.UMN COWGIRLS CU'KK ON WILD HORSES Thcee two glrta trokft and 'rained ;hsa broncho tlwmielves and thay ran do all kind at thrilling alunta with their teedi. Ther r VkJ Breck-enridge aixl Barbate Brawn, tvo noted Canadian cowgirl rkKrs of Watcrton Lake National Park, which to an adjunct of OUetec flatten! Park. . values is close by, and apparently, heads into Unicorn ground. The ; directors of the company, beside Monday, June 10, 1920 Mr. Hovland, are II. L. Batten, 1 MOVE CAREFULLY The Board of Trade did well to move carefully in the matter of the proposed new province. They took steps at their meeting the other evening to start an inquiry to find out if the move was really necessary. While most people are fully convinced that it is. desirable, all must be convinced of this if the move is to be a success. Let a good committee be appointed to inquire carefully into the matter and then let them come forward with their reasons in detail why it would be for the betterment of the people of the north to manage their own affairs. If they cannot do this, then the agitation will naturally cease. We have had complaints from Conservatives jn the interior of British Columbia in regard, to the treatment they are now receiving. Many of the supporters of the Government here are not satisfied. Strong pressure will have to be brought to remedy the condition. If it is not remedied, we suggest that the new province be-pushed forward with all the force at our command. We do not have to submit to unfair discrimination. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Britannia Co. Resumes Work on Toric at Alice Arm; New Company for Stewart Mine; Discovery on Portland Canal The Britannia Mining & Smelting Co. has resumed development operations on the Toric mine at Alice Arm. Present plans calls for a diamond drill campaign to determine values at depth of the big ore body and also the extent of the ore. Drilling will be carried on underground by Boyle Bros, under contract. A diamond drill arrived recently from Vancouver, accompanied by B. B. Brock, who will take charge of work on the property. Future ' operatkwui at the mine will de-' 1 L. IT"' 'T attttined ter develop the possibilities of the drill. The whole property will the mine, and it Is expected that be given a thorough testing this arrangements will soon be com- lor e. 06 feat wide from wall to tire production at that point, wall was developed by numerous Road condition to'the mine are and the whole ore body was will shortly be made in larger proved to be of good commercial quantities. The present manage-grade Laat winter the property mcnt of the Woodbine seems to was thoroughly sampled by the be Quite optimistc as to the future Britannia company, woic.i wv, f the property evidently, satisfied. The mine is ' equipped with a power plant, 50- i'n vuHi.-riiirai.iiiK imii, as wen a rirtfi ii i... ii.n Unicorn MlrN T.tit ........ u A,viirm &UIH4IHKB. t i . ifvini ana is an ready for operation as , uovianu as president, has been a big tonnage producer. formed to develop the property of j that name in the Portland Canal Some extraordinary fine sped- ?"trl'ct- The '8umme,r' program' mens of W were recently de-i , J crew will Nvered to, AUce Arm from the' ".he snow; TMo,i.o Pnnitfl,., of surface eXDrorarinn. . W. Smitheringale and H. J. Turney of Vancouver and II. Falding of Vancouver ia the A erew has been started fit work on the United Empire property, back of Stewart, by William Dann, who recently returned to the camp from theouth. The camp is being renovated and preparations are being made for starting tunnel work at once. Work, for the time being, will continue on the main drift, which showed a full face of ore when work wa closed down last year. Interesting results are expected from the( property during the coming: summer. ! Great interest has been mani-; fested around Stewart in a new mineral discovery made by Sam Robinson, an Indian, near Rivers Point, about 20 milea down Portland Canal from Hyde'r, on the American side. Ernest Blue, who is interested with Robinson, says it is a really great find. The ore is in a sugar quartz formation, entirely different from any other in the area, and is under from one to 40 feet of overburden. Assays from dose samples run from $20 to $29 per ton with copper' predominating and good gold arid ' silver values, some specimen running 21 per cent pure copper. : Three experienced men are at ; present on the property and further plans for development will, depend on their reports. The find was made about three-quarters of a mile from the beach and ' is the only mineral dieiovery that has been made in that locality. District News TERRACE Mrs. Thoa. Young and Mies Janet ami Mias Annie Allan and Bertha Moore returned on Thursday from Prince Rupert where the girls were taking musical Miss J. Donald left on Thurs day to spend the summer with relatives in Vancouver and Se attle. She will attend the wed ding of her niece, Misa Jean Don. aid in Seattle early in July. The latter spent a summer here some years ago and will be remembered by many friends. Mrs. Harry King left Thursday fqr Kamloops as representative of the local Rebekah Lodge at. their convention being held In Kamloops. She will visit Mrs. George Andersen, nee Miss Mayme Dobb,. en route. W. E. Smith left Thursday to attend the LO.O.F. convention In Kamloops. E. l)r Judson left on Thursday for Seattle. Mr. Judson expected to make connections with an airplane in Prince Rupert and go through to Seattle on it W. Bailey, arrived from the coast on Wednesday and is rislt-ing his sister,' Mrt. Fred Hall. George Little, who has been on a trip to the interior on a visit to his lumber yards at Smithera and Vanderhoof, left from the latter place on Friday for Edmonton and' other prairie cities. A. S. Tordiffe, of Cedarvale, was a visitor here, duripg the week. " A. Goodenough, of Smlthers, was In town on Friday. FROM TERRACE TOUSKBYCAR J. II. Agar First to Make Trip but Not Exactly a Pleasure Ride TERRACE, June 10. To J. B. Agar of Terrace goes the honor of being the first to drive a motor ear over the provincial highway from Terrace right through to Usk. Trips were made over the road on both Wednesday and Thursday nights In his Chevrolet Landau. The old government road had to be used in some places, but the trip up was made in less than two hours. On Wednesday night Mr. Agar could not get across the ferry at Usk, but Thursday niirht drove I right into the town amid the cheers of manv of the citizen of j that place. Those "who accom panied him da not speak of it as exactly a pleasure trip, however. Policeman? "'Ere, what d'you mean 'Rorn Blind'-- when 1 Just saw you reading the noonday paper T" Beggar: "Oo said I was born blind? This 'ere belongs to the puppy dawg." -London Opinion. Pil K I "1 .STK Mlt' cofpHoa of tti Js" N Slitl Vtm !l orll' UrfMt nd mmi cnmplri lT. t il ' i& ImW &r on4 num, lntlli In ih ff V JfVL IId X Kojtl Xorit Holtl, Toronto. g fr ; U ZJifi I, Boyl VrkllL , I 1 It J 1 2. Amplllrf, mliar and cnntrol I Sm2I S 1 I NT -!5"' - nU and tAa rrlrlnt hh, W.'H57 fV I 1 ; gtf I 7" ihblroofiiM'alathtlMick- t I I- i iinHRd thawljl llmdMl lUadMl and and f TbL' jr I ' The Roysl York, tks nsw Canadian Ptcine Hotel In Toronto and tha larrtit modtrn dear ndtnt of tht VlUaca Inn benrath tha Union Jsck, is binr equipped with the moat ixtenirv etntraliied radio and public addrtas iyitm imtallatloa evar attempted In any part of ths world. Tha equipment was deaicned and manufactured In tha Radio and Telephone Laboratories of tha Northern Electric Company, In Montreal aod la bow beinf initalled in the hotel. When tha Royal York it declared officially opened on June 12th, thli year in each of it twelve hundred bed rooms will he a radio outlet oa the wail to which headphones may be attached, so that gueaU may enjoy one or two programs crljinatinc from anyone of five different aoureea. The Vice-Reral Suite will be equipped with 22 1h (rtat nlnn foot aoami prnlxffir horn wd la tha BauqiMt IUIL tperially dwlzned loudspeakers having the most pleasing tone quality and an artUtlc appearance ia keeping with the decoration of the suite. In the main dining room, ball room, banquet hall, convention hall, rool garden, and the prKate dining rooms will be located groups of both microphone and corns; permitting either the picking up of programs from there location and the "broadening" of them to all part of tha houe. or th dintribution of a program to any one of theoe polnta from any other locality or via radio from outside. Two highly seniitive sad ultra elective radio receiving set will be located in the control room on the fourth floor. 4 There aUo will be found imposing "miter" and control panel and five steel framed amplifier panels capaM of booacing up the itrength of the received aigaau one million. million 1.000,000,000.000) time- power ful enough to delivtr good volume at all points in the building and jet may be tuned down to t :e aoiteat toaea desired for the rnost retful entertainment in the private rooms. A five hone-power motor gcncN ator set is ueed to convert the 2a cyetej current svppiy into the 60 cycle power source necessary to operate theee rarious tyitcm. Tbeae (unction through some twelve hundred and 6(ty outlta eenected toaetber by a network of nearly ten mile of high quality rubber insulated and cotton cv ered, tinned, copper wire. Kuj ib" ing muedeal entertainment to every sorrier ot tlrU meder a hottL EXTRACTS FROM VICKERS' DIARY- 1752 ii i a v r r i vm ww anK mw vi --- cm h X rW 'I fii&tfo gaining Jcor WiQAaU 'l t -r- J wryuherc, be- nwTi-. '(""llr' Jt-'il 1 cau$t it tttn u- y- K J I A J 6 I taint that tamt y Vl M'Jjp, A J Uk , j VIC "Brother John sends a message that he hath called on many inns, taverns, and hostels at Bath, and he doth wax enthusiastic over the way the gentry have received our worthy product This, he doth explain, is a true indication of. the popularity and demand for Vickcrs' London Dry Gia" KERS FINEST IfONBON DRY GIN ESTABLISH M BY JOSEPH d JOHN VICKERS if CO.. LtJ. ION DON iyQ INCIAND This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British British Columbia. i