1 V'jir.e-dsy. January lfi, vxa, TALCUM LIPSTICK MATH SALTS HRILLIANTINE SOAP POWDER N EVERYTHING ELSE NEEDED BY MODERN WOMEN. l)rtufists --TIlfPHONES i'L20() SELVIG BRQS. !, ' . MEAT. MiVIlKET urtl Avenue Phone 7G5 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make -Frefjh every day. Superior Quality. F "CATERPILLAR" i Tractors RIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! - A Sire for Every Ue A Hundred Use for Every Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY HRTTRR QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Reoueat Sole Distributors far D. C. ) ' MORRl&jrl TRACTOR EQUIPMENT CO-LIMITED Hranfh otttof IO Mttln ntttH N.n v. ,"'r,lV,rr uwt" VANrullVEK. !. C. HOLT P5S5atWlRS3 BEST Specials for Children CHILDREN'S WINTERWEIGHT COMMNATIONS-Nutural color. SiEOs 22 to 32. Per garment . .$1.25 BOYS' OPEN KNEE TWEED PANTS-Lined. Sige 24 to 28. Pair 12 ONLY, BOYS' 8-PIBCE, ALL-WOOL TWEED SUITS One 8hado. Special, per suit 5.1)5 BOYS' GENUINE FOX SBRGB LONG PANTSir aicuB. Por pair $ZJo GIRLS' KNITTED WOOL CARDIGAN SWEATERS In blue, crimson and sand. Siios 24 to 32. Prices 2.25, 2.50 Fraser & Payne 3RD AVENUE AND GTII STttEET I " A " ' i ii " "" -nil I II -1 .... Local and Personal News In Brief . . . . THE VEUY LATEST IN Toilet Preparations is Lanirlois Sec These .New Thinjrs at yfic Pioneer THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. M t i..i . .SCAliEi.OP ( CHARGES 4 I The! following -Is theV scale of charges "made for reading notices:., ,. Birh jrioticfes 50c. . Cards' Vf Thanks, 52. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c nei' name. Marriage and Engagement i announcements $2. 4. .. 4. 4 - ANNOUNCEMENTS Social in Catholic Hall, Friday 18, at 8:30. ' ' ' Eagles Whist Drive ail3 Dance, January 31. r. C.N.II. Employe-is fitb Annual a m r-f r a Hall. Moose JIal Febn 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Rig 4 Taxi, tf Elks' whist tournament Monday nlirht in Klka' Hnme nt 840. Ad mission BOe. 12 Ewart Iyne (Pianist, Capitol Theatre)' tsacher of pianoforte, Studio 10 Federal Block. Phon Red 701. tf i Hear M. M. Stephen! discus !the mittiatil Financial State- meat at the Capitol Theatre to- night ! ; 12 Mr. and ilrts. J. H. Macey and Child sailed yeatefOar afternoon by the Gatala on a trip'to Van- couve. ( Adjutant William Kerr. Salvat- ion Army, who has been, on a week's trip to the Interior, vlelt- ing varlouM corps along the Skeena River, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon s train. Week-end Specials ! GRANULATBD SUGAR 16 lbs. for .'..$1.00 EGGS Pullet fresh extras. 8 doc. for $100 NABOB ORANGE MARMALADE 4-lb. fln BOc COLUMRlrt PURE STRAWBER RY JAM 4-lb. tin nfa, , , ,ir- OUAKHIt PORK '&. IIKAKS j ' Tin nn i: COHN-s . Tift .' 20c ROYAL CITY OUT GREEN AUNT JRAHMA PANCAKE FLOUR Pkg 20c ROGERS SYRUP 6-Ib. tin 45c PURE SWIFT'S LARD 3-lb. tin ..05c Per B-lb. tin $1.06 Per 10-lb. tin $2.00 COLUMBIA PEARS C 1-S. Tin 30c ICING SUGAR 2-lb. pkg. 20c EMPRESS JELLY POWDER 12 4-oe. pkgs. for 86C Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 20S watjonai steamships, who pro- w "im iirem. Duri,w h'8 brlf sU' in the c Capt. Kicholaon renewed a nunv .. t to.i i.... All Testify tc Its Quick Action A tUaJr (trwin of voluntary tMthnoatal teU tb Mm ilory BwckWy'i UUtur UUrmllyMU lUt k fUth la rtlitvinc Colb, Oauch, IbmiMH, L Gripp. "Flu" and Bronchltt. Mta, wo. na and thUdnn tad - Duck-ler'i" a pleasant. aura war to throat and cheat health. Sol4 under a money-refunded auaran. t tea by drutffiiU everywhere. Try K ioaay. "A W. K. TJeckley. United. IU Mataal 8L. Tere.t Acii like J? a tingle tip a floih prove! It Clearance Prices WKtKKKKHKtSOKKSK3i' nnd 40c, Ba-HnBHa-BaBs-BsnBa H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. January Special , Dentist. Dr, J. It Gosse. ?hone G8C. . - J. A. tllinton returned to the eity on yesterday afternoon's trflfn from a business trip to the interior. Hear M. M Stephens discuss tthe. pflbliahed Financial State meat a the Capitol Theatre to rnfcht. 12 I Opening o" tenders for the purehme of the Grand Terminal Ciufc ha been further deferred 'by the creditors. Biahop G. A. Rix returned to 60 Chapter I.O.D.E. will hold a tea and' sale of home-cook-' ing In the Prince Rupert Hotel Dining Room on Saturday, Jan uary 19 from 3 to 5.30 pm. 14' " I the city on yerterday afternoon's The Public Meeting In the in-train from a trip to the Vander- tereats of M. M. Stephens, can-hoof district on ecclesiastical didate for Mayor, will be held in outies. A. It. Roltbv. armarintomlont of the 11. and U. department of the Canaaren National Railways, returned to the city on yesterday hftetnooii' train from a ... trip to "11 f a V ' A a the interior on official duties. A charge against A. 0. Morse jof unlawfully shooting cattle on Pore her Island belonging to WII-! liam Kim u-:,x fiiamiuuMt In nm.1 vincial police court by Stipen-' .11 r....: . ... . .r, Krate n r. MMOO. A misunuerHianding led to Morse shooting the stock in good faith., " was proven. Algy lranter, formerly of this and new locatd at Stewart enatoms service, and Mrs. ll?T "ve ,eft for Vancouver .wf y wiU motor 10 Tex8 tovtoHwith Mr. Hunter's mother whom he has not Seen for twenty Tlly expect to return nn ln about three weeks' time. Mrs. Breadon of Grand Prairie, Alta., and Mis. Marsh of Und- ay. Ont. who have been visiting at Terrace ' with their broth., Canon T. J". Mareh, are at present In the city as the guests of thojr niece, Mrs. James Farquhar, Fifth Avenue East, and will pro- ceed Friday morning by the rr.nce uper 10 vanvou - garner . Capt. C. II. Nicholsen, formerly munafrer of Grand Trunk Pacific Steamship Co. on this coast and now manager of the Canada At- .lantic Transit Co. and Detroit River and Lake Erie ear ferries' iWith headquarters in Toronto, and Mrs .Nicholson, who have been on a holiday visit to this coast for the' peat month, arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert today and en- trained for Toronto. They were accompanied north by Reginald Beaumont, aaalstant to the Pac- ific Coast manager of Canadian SEE 0UK WINDOWS PHONE 9 3U1) AVE. & FULTON STREET. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, (Capt. Thomas! llff, arrived . in port at 3 O'clock' this afternoon from Alaska and will sail at 4 p.m. for Vancouver and Victoria. Thi eaiw of Jo fin GeL Chin- ese, who Is charged with having ' opium in his possession, was further adjourned for eight days jln city police court this morn- Ing. the Capitol Theatre tonight, in- stead of in the Moose Hall as previously announced W. 11. Tdbey, CJ.R. divisional superintendent, left on today's train for Smilhers, actompinj'- ing the party of Capt. C. II. Nicholson that far. Mr. Tobey will return to the. slty .tomorrow at- ternoon. . ai m a t s The executive 01 me rnnce Rupert Gyro Club at a meeting , , .. . . . yesieruay ueciuea inai a uanquet and dance should be held on January 23 in connection with the installation of 192!) officers of the club. M T. u left on todav train for Smithers fhere he will act as interpreter tomorrow in the case of a Chinaman from Hawl- ton who Is appealing from a rec- ent conviction for violation of the liquor laws. Milton Gontales left on today's train for Smithers where he will act for the appelant in the ease 0f a Haielton Chinaman who is appealing In County Court" ag - alnst a recent fine for infraction Df the liquor regulations. . C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. Harry Nedden, arrived in - port a, 18:30 noon today from Vancouver Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight for Stewart and Anyox whence she will retarn here at C o'colck Friday morning and sail south at 9 a.m. The local branch of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union had its regular monthly meeting last night Business Included the voting on a delegate from the unions at Seattle, Ketchl'an and Prinee Rupert to the convention of the International Seamen's Union at Washington. D.C. Mr. and Mrs. A. Halls and ramtly or Aruana, &asK., auer - " - ' - the e,ti' M,,ed yesterday after- noon on the Catala for Vaneeu- .. i it... are prairie lormere ana n is me nao never ueen on fore. ha. had a holiday In twenty-two years. At Prince Rupert they laid eyes on the ocean for the first time in their . lives. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central J. Wels, ON,R. J. Killer, Francois Lake; F. Conner. Uurns Uke; W. Lasslter and Warren Seott. Edmontont W. O. UPointe and T. II. Elswlck. eity . . . U .aj Dr. R. Ajtnew. Edmonton J. M. Storie. Stewart; II Howard, C. N. R.; G G.. Hlbbs, Cwlarvale; ,G. Snidel, Caspaeo; J. A. McCoy, Spiller River. Savoy K. Brydon. Cedarrale; Alex Dodds, Stewart; W. 0. LaPointe. 8 orcher Island; A, Roaanp. Ivte Urosart and M. J. Halden, Lewis sland. Prince Rupert II. L .Batten and C E. Imeson. ; Vancouver; A. E. Goodenouirh, I Smithers; K. E. Lindsay and W F. Herr, Winnipeg: W; W Thornborrow, Victoria. Our January Clearance Sale will Close Saturday, January 19 Rot do not forget we are selling out our "Men's and Boys' De-parfment and this will continue until every article is sofd. There a: e still a number of bargains left in shoes, hosiery, underwear, etc. SEE OUR WINDOWS JAB0UR BROS. LTD. ' PHONE 615 3RD AVE., 7TH ST. ,J - : tr Mrs. D. J- Mathesoii, whoihas aeen on a trip sou in, returned 'from Vancouver on. the Prince Rupert today. P nhl, aA ..i,,. ',. ' ,, huvb utrcii uu a r,yed fom Vancouver on the pHt. n,,,,-. todav Mr. and Mra. M. J. Dougherty and child returned to the city on tn 1 rlnce "upert toaay irom a holidy tr,P to Vancouver. D. Cavalier, who has been on a trip south, is a paasenger ab- oard the Prince itupert today bound from Vancouver to Anyox. Don Browil and Jaek Morrjson J." BrT f wlver turned to the nn the Prince 'Jrttodw nupe" Y' T If nl.tr. 4k. mhonloal I ' .. r . r-v, ,n IrVival iB t on h La... 1 vi.J 0Q offida, dut, . Mm R Knwb tsahv nrHrwl nn ' p 4.i,r tmm Vancouver to viait with her son and dauirhter-in-iaw. Mr. and Mrs, H. N. Brockletby. Sixth Av-i .nue Bast. Richard Gosse, F. D. Mathers and J. E. Strang, officials of the J. C. Pack nt Co.. arrived on the Prince Rupert today from Vnn-ouver and will he hero lor a cay r so on buaint 's. R. E. Allw, district forester, - w 1 .!!- ana C &. vre. , :. 'isuiul uip- foje.ter, retoraed to the sfty on tne rrince nuperi ioaay trlp to th 0cean Fan, jUrW nn flril riutiea Provincial Cbattalile a A. Wy- e? lla.1ntn Xnf nnu M tQm Vancouw , nrocied to the . . . i int,"or b tnl,n- W. Wilkinson of the Alex Me-1 Rae Co. Ltd. staff returned, to the city on the Prince Rupert today after having spent the t;hrltmaa and New Year vacat ion v.'slting at Ma home in Van- eouver. .,. . i r- ""ZTa f the W8 Hupart Salvage A Tw,n rJlTSiJJ j city on the Prince Rupert today I from a business trip to Vaneou- ver; "e Vnt m"st of " w e uin hush'"" , suilering troni an hhhck oi in-fluensa from which he Is now makiiig satisfactory jycovtry. r 0X0 7 w riiavBC av s mm MAKaCOCW COOKINC BETTER (3aiNADRA 10 dAIL lilUKbUAi Loading of Seventh Vessel of Season Completed Today; Wheat Moving Into Elevator Prince Rupert's seventh grain Shin of the season, the British .teamer Adra. will have competed oading today and will sail tomoi- y, wlth a fun eariro of wheat for the united Kingdom or con- jtinent. N fu ther charters for this port were reported up to this morning. Seventeen curs of grain arrived today from the prairies and some ,08 carloads are reported to be on lthe division west of Jasper Park bound here. Alex Mltchell arrived on the Prince Rupert today from Vancouver, lie has discontinued his KtllfllpK lit tflp UntVerSllV OI JJTll- li.v, rniumhin will rpmain at nome. ; Husband Was Afraid She Was Getting Pneumonia Mrs. Chatles Edwards, R R. No. 2, Wbeatley, Ont., writes:- "Lftt winter I was botbertd with a very bad cold, a&d my husband ws afraid I was getting pneumonia. "One day one of my nejEhbort came in and she suggested that 1 try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine wsinn Syrup I Urk a few doaea and I was greatly relkved. "It nbo relisved my son, sged nine, of the croup. "I will ben- be without a bottle of 'Dr. Wood's' in the hour, and 1 cannot recommend it too highly." Price 35v. a bottle; Urge family sue 60c. at aB druggist and dealers. "Putt!p'onlv !v The T. MUburn Co, Ltd., Toronto, Out. Specials FLOUR Any brand, 98s, .J4.C0 FLOUR Any brand, 4s, . . .$2.o5 PASTRY FLOUR 10s. 2 ax U-m ROLLED OATS -b. sx. . . .40c ROLLED OATS B 4 K. 7s B5c PILCHARDS Is. 3 tins ....5()c PORK & BEANS Hedlands . 7 tins l-"0 BAKING POWDER Malkin's. 12 nc 26c BAKING COWDEflreMalkin's ! 2.-25.7. c COOKING APPLES Per box J160 Mussallem Grocery Co. l.im'ted iJ7-42" .r)th Ave. K. Phones 18&S4