V .hicsday, January 16, 1929 AMERICANIZATION OF JAPAN IS DEPLORED IN NEWSPAPER EDITORIAL WASHINGTON, Jan. 1C: A ..ti ,,nr!y worded editorial in one , f Japan's leading newspapers -pc: kf of the downhill trend of rlu.t country and the domination dt .lananese life by America and Amrriran ideals. It deplore the many change which have taken ,l;i' of recent years including the claim for Jhe rights of women am! the unread of irreligion. It point to the Americanizing, f whih is going, on everywhere here. Ten Years-Ago in Pp nc Rupert January 1G, 1919 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has written a new book 'The New Ue elation" which is causing widespread interest among those1 inclined to believe in spiritual-1 iHin. , :r The rUWlHk! i' reme n Court . Assize a.-i-.' Was ..,. opened. h.r this ramming by Mr. Justice Iienis Murpby. There-1s only ne criminal case, mat being a' murder trial from Stewart The .gen. G. W. K'trr. W. It. MeWar. .m v. Mctarronr. A. T. Parkin. W. Potter. R. H. Sheeklev. J. . SUe, M. M. 9tephr, D. O.l ie wan, rrea stone ana uougtas utherland. On suggestloo of D. C. McRae, ".e .ongrogakHi of First IW vtenuri Chnrcb. at Ha anmral T'.'-etiiu' last night, decided tt ! ,1 1 oy mortgage to pay ' i th" church dobt. . Auction to SALE itbe FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, at 2:96 p.m. in THE FEDERAL BLOCK consisting of V UftSlftliribLilJ SUUCi UaiiBes. Monarch CKaneeiler & Tavideon. HooJr KRchen Cab- . . ,. ....... . n. . et. small Tables, Hand Wish- n Machine, 2 Dining Room 5 Red Snrinffs. 2 llpler8- Heaters, , , tf 7 3 'mp-ienf af Table. Blinds, Drea- n rx, Ricyete. Sewing Machine M-t..r and other artW which th n t be cleared. List yeur goods for thfs Sale, loa GEO. J. DAWES I Auctioneer I'hone Black 120 ' 1 MIVtlClL ACT ira.nl i (retfin inreiwn yi 97 (4) mi notici or APPUCATios,. for r EHTmOATE OT lUPWBUBkia. ... B b MUt'ilONAL AMD WAKN 1-R t ACTIONAL MINERAL CLAIMS, alt-1 t id the Auin Minlna OWUtoo of ' .-.r D steiaf. Ulatre iHedj The' Bob i' i -.ai amoral claim on nio Arm. vtrn t nm SuMiiiimi aui fmkmafka Mii.itri claim on W ana ftlvar. adjourn 1 tin Jack Floe Ula-1 ml Claim ! CLASSIFIED i Kixiv data from tC. Jnia hereof td'latelf S3r. sadBooAceounv ap- ' :i! v Uj the Ulnii a. K RaMedet: for a ; ! '(Irate of IniOWW ' ft tut Bt sot- of obiuinlns n drante J the And furtiwr Uka ndlltt thai actlao u;irl.i nee tion i ji M We ef the warn "Mtnefal jh isirsis Art" v niUH "I iv.i:..d ihla lat da ot iafwary. iftM, LM.INEEH GOLD MINES, 4.TD , McN. rraner. Aient. r r- -r Coal! Nanalmo-Wellingtori Screened Lump. Nanalmo-Welllngton Screened Nut. Nanalmo-Welllngton Mine-Run. Beacon Hard Sootless Lump. Beacon Hard Sootless Egg. Telkwa Lump. Of he above there It dNE that is particularly suited to your hesting equipment We shall be glad to advUs you. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phonea 116 and 117 ADVERT! "fe v-HUKvv WW vaaawt , wWTeMlinv. Kiattrlsftwa iumm In. i nn,n( nanber of other tronferrs. is easily ineeome by our new form dietetic and spinal treatment. Ro suits guaranteed m every case. except those requiring anrsieal aid. I Commit E. EYOLFSON, D.C.. Ph.C Phonwr Offln Blue S. . It& Red 585). !CJtR. IKAINS or the fet ' Moadam. Wadaajdjajav sMLsttcnlaai at 1140 Mm. COAL Ytwr cooke EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKV'A " Alo Belkle?' Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flott'r. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MINING i Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We ean give instant service in buying and selling Mining Storks on' Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order' on Winnipeg Stjck Exchange. Itepresenting Miller, Court k Co- Ltd. v Vancouver. S.D Johnston Colli 617 2nd Amine Prince Rupert, B.C FATHER THfe XJiAfLY NET7S PAGE SEVER THIS IS TIIJE PAGE WHICH MQST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT FOR RENT FOR RENT furnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week. .or. month. Phone Red C07. , tf j OR RENT Automobile, pianos' I pnonographa and sewing mach-t lnes. Walker Music Store. i FOR RENT Furnished- house, 1 close in. Apply 215 Fourth) i Avenue East. tfi FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, Apply Mussallum Gro-tf. eery. FOR RENT Four and Five 1 room, heated suites, "Summit Apartments" now ready. Phone 1 Hejgarsorfi Ltd., or Blue 846. for Irffttaiatran. 25 1 FOR mi. t. .. ,5 r , RENT PurnisKetL five- tIC Piano. r, itiams. JL6U. FOR RENT Small ffirj sJhd aF art men t, fully modern., Phone mue 11)5 or call atv41l Seventh Avenue W, ft. i. u. F0? RENT-SupwssVLarge . ' I roomed Flat Healed and verV rookabank Block, a ?h'rd Avae mMi m v,. U Land la Piw? Bum una m ItaooMlne UU- iJCSo? fllSMS ltuate tlx d- 1 uHur..i tn .. R .S 5. """v? ln"1 JHUSior ocrunr Mill avftj tor ie of um foiiom at- orlbcd land ComBMmclnc t tl oprtbn'. onrntr of Lot SUB. Rajw t CIS., thence ith-clr SS drres 10 minutes eut 600 frw more or to low witw nurit: outhwt!'v follci.. la .-;er n:jt-. t ocln. due east on th no' rf - !v oolnt of an unnamed lalif t n- northerlv followiiw tb alnuoait.n f taiand to the moat nortbveiteriy iv. .in ol raw rhence lb a northp r-'v 2i-r-ilm to th rortheaaterlT oolnt t un-namd talmiMl:. thesi Battau iv t- tm water tHfc ANet in a norttt.-.eaatertT einnc tke southern b-undart of J. H4!:V to the neniwori eorper s Loe ewoa: wnaw wiiowiai ,cne aOMoMee of U a4MT to the paint of B1LIJ41 OR SPRUCE MILLS LIMITED E afomn. Aaent :nd IMS H ATER NOTICE ltferle and IV Tak oouoe thM Butssor Swiaoe MUU uawted whom addnst ka sn tMMaiM. ia Ofa OMTinr at VanooilVrr a Itoaooe to take and looMo'STlatai watar eut of an unnamed toraav wntefc flows aautbtrlT and An m the hee ef Jtorpo HarSour haf srueat er bat mm fiw . c . Te weter will b Clerted from the awesM at a pent ascut na:. as:.e ai- 'h.uT'd? iterwM aa lmM.smnm b. ooaat d- met. TWa no Wee wed aot'ed on t he round Ot M aVar of Dnamtwr. ISM A eoev of twp nottee and an ano'ica-1 tiea oumiajs taefeto and to the tr , Watjr Recorder at Prince Rtioert B C Oetacueaa to the alieatton itkt be i ftfed with tke said Water Heeorder or pits te ooancniier oi min Stjtail rt Bu 1 1 d W Victoria. IX.. : wllBin .r rif oevs aiWT ma ur. ivm- '-wu f tan notice In a lneal nwopr. mUhti sritocE uuxa mm ADllrant. BY B E MOROAN Ai-ent. n-a dale of the fl'" mi-"-auon of tela notice u Januanr 5Ut. I9U - r mi fif tr if r r ii-T'riii'itffi jt- JinOCLH. UMIIEII X IntHonied AxIihoM irauHIS wu mot i - wwuMvy "wr.r2r:a' i.t t gfek iw nook Aeaour,u , m TM WWBeaa ,' .r"'i" ,.T.; tender Lowtit or an or tne jTemr ratrt I unirtll on, aftDTOVr or runner momnuvu iniT i,u'"v ALEX A CONNOR p O Bos 351. Prince Kupen-. b v BRINGING UP WANTED SEMENTS FOR SALE WANTED Girl for housework. FOR SALE Sawmill, boiler, en-to live in. Small family. Phone gine and planer in running Blaejk 127. 4 ": 15 'order. Price $1,400.00. Would V rt. '' ' ' ' " " : consider good car or power 3 CHIMNKT SWEEP , ) hay press as part payment. T. 11. J, Zumtthr R. Tothlrnsort, Cedarvale, &C. Ceaer.il Handy Man. ! FOR SALE House and furniture Vutvii and Slaves Cleaned andj on Atllrr Avenue, See Dave KopaJj-uii j Ross or phone 52. ,tf. 1'noM 3 I'r.'jee llfapert, U. T.l '" . " " .-J : FOR SALE Small MeCfery AUTOMOBILES USBIJ CARS Ford ton truck chassis 193S, Ford Roa-lster Delivery 1926, '. .. .$100.00 Ford Tn Sedajlg27, $875.00 ifrms nQerBingea IHlBKUpAfiE RKCKING fllDAY AJND T 5 ,RHIUIEB COUNT w3f AHfi.'f-aiie maiontj "Quebec Heater," Brick lined. Phone Black 127. 15 WRAPPING PAPER for sale cheap. Roll of Newsprint, good, clean paper for only a cent a pound. Daily News, tf ItOWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS We have moved oar officer and showroom to 319 Third Avenue, where we have , everything in sheet metal pipe fittings and furnaces. Phone 340. Box 4C7. 319 Third Avenue SALVAGE AND TOWING FOR SALE, FOR 'If It's on or Under the waler weiior t-nrmn- do it" PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE & TOWING- COMPANY LIMITED I . . . relly tqulpped lor uivfog and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrpi- tionfrfor Charter; flow- Boats arrd tiBnoes for hire. Bargains' lb Has Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blertk, Eastiiope. Hides & Ballantyhe Engines Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge iPofjeflers i'hone, Day or NighU SCI P. 0.1.. ; ALBERT A HARD SMOKELESS We keep it under there- fore yu get valde fof your ; money. I ALSO LADYSMtTH, WEUIKG- TON .AND TELKWA COAL Sand, Gravel and Cement C, C KETCHUM & CO LTD. PHONE 771 SWANSON General Handy Man Side walks, fence repaired Grading or any other odd jobs, contract or otherwise. Phone 101 LETTtK tiO CUIXECTIOSS Ail, VM Oraham Atlia Avd. ...... BOO 130 lat Ave. As '8th St. B.0J 1M Uth Ate; A Pulton 6i. ...... 9.10 7 40 dU Are. Ar Tbompeopt Bt, y ,0.15 1.4$ Uth Are. it 3hehjrooV .... 90 tl'thAr- V Conrad . 74 6th Are. & Haya Oore Are., a 19 sas fith Are. HaW Oote OlNle t SO 8th Ate. As OMtrd St- ...... 8.00 7A0. Bth Are. et Qrren Bt. (Haptl. Vfl a.10 Kh Ave. AjilieBrlde Bt. ..... 9 W 8.11 Pror. novo. Hwittot 9 50 8J0 Prof. tiv. Wliarr ......... 6 .58 8.3 O.TJ. Wharf 16.00 8-t O.T.P BUtlen 10.06 - Xi 2sA Avo. to Snd St. ........ 1040 8.40 Ird Ave; & ftM at. ....... 10.16 8.4i 8rd Ave. At 0th St. 1030 150 IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS 3IARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods In ,all lines . f beauty culture and hair pressing. ' Muke appointment by phoning Red 3S9. CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC VIBRATORY MASSAGE INFRA-RED-RAY GET WELL ! 1 By the use of these approved drugless and scientific methods you will find that this office is fitted up to give you the best of service and -satiitaetion in these branches of DRUG LESS HEAL-'KG. Consult DR. W. C ASPItfALL C and 7 Exchange Block Green: 241 Phones BlackJ 283 Open Evenings . ; . STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Tuesdays as. Catale 330 pjn. SSHmSs.'I-Ki .Vk rura-aa. cudena .... 12 midnight ; Jan. 16. aa. Pr:neeaa Mry p.m Jan. SO. aa. PMneeatMarv .p.m. Krm Tanrniivrr Onr.dajF 4 CatftU 4 pm Wednaaday aa. Pr Raort 10:80 ajc Friday aa. Prtnoaaa Royal 4 pm. rriiHj aa. 0arsea pjs Jan. IS aa. STliuuia Uary Noon . Jan. JS- ej. PHnoaaa Mart Noon ur I'ort tthnpMMi and Naax Klter Sunday -m Calais' 8 p.m. Krem Pur wnipHed and; Naan Rlrrr TeewJay ea. OataH 11 SO a j For Stewart, ITemler, Anyot and Allcf Arm , Suadaf- Hat. Oatala 8 pm. WianeT Prlare Rupert 10 pjrx. rrom si'ewrt, Trrmli' An)oi and Alice Arm j-Tuewtay -m. CoAala ........ 1130 sa Frtdaje af. Prince Buimt ...it ajn. for fjoeen Chartntfe rm1 i Jan. IS aa. Prlnoe John lb D.m. Jaa. SS aa Prteee Jtoi ,...W D.m. .a.m. I Prince John 3 aa. I far Alaska- Jan. IS aa. PrtaeMa Man .Noon Ukn .Noon a jaa. 14 aa. Prtaeesa Msry .p.m. jaa. ao at. rruwan Maw .. .p.m. MAIL SCHEDULE For the Et Ueeaayi, Weancadaya, SaMfdayt.mai dkaaea 1030 an t.... the Eact BMnd. TueMUys and Tfewndaya. tail dve 3. S9 prri Via train Wedneadaya and Bator- iosiu a. i-ueadaya J.II pJn Frtdaya .. .SflS am mdaya .. P C.P.B. Jaa 10 and 90 o m Irwtf t4HMt. SriMtayt 1 4 pjB Weanetday . ........ I0ie J nteeya pm e Atm& . -i . ' undayt v.... rfT pa Weeaeaya .... p- trtmi Mewart and Ifentter Teeedaea 11) am PfMaya 9 ajn Buatfayc ' pm rm ve Rlvfr Pon. Tads UiS9 aa To Qnern Chariot ir Jan. IS and 16 9 D m. Iom Queen Charhrtte 1 aa- ro'Ki&msz Jan. II and as a.m. tYom Alaska Peteta Jaa. 14 aad SO a.m. RENT, LO ST ft EMBARRASSING OCT "STUCK -M-THE. Mw. l- r B. 11 V 1 THE HOME OF "Doat mention it, my dear fe the spare tables." Humorist, Lo By iiaa iiii FOUND YOUNG AND OLD. MOMENTS rote MU0. ' .ii..uj GM anMa tyn THE VERY RI II U"w. Talking.. n, m ml up one of ndon. George McManus MtRfWB9PStK& IT WUI S crtKAT I I I IWaBrTTc'c.-rUC RlC Vamj lal COttl HA.O OCTTStn PUT I W'VM liM oy flotuf- Are-rs-n "W 1 IJ t