-'Jill ft 3 ! V I ft 5 9 s I 5 li T '.V a Y. SUKHIKO IlOATJiyjLDER, COW RAY For sale, 35 x 9'a trolling boat, now building, j 1. 0. Kox ill4- Prince Rupejrt K. E. EY0LFSON CHIROPRACTOR f.23 Third Ave., Prince Kupert Office Phone Wue 85 Residence Phone Red 589 FOR REST LEATHER AND WORKMANSHIP LOUIS SCHIBIG I SHOEMAKER & REPAIRER 333 2nd Ave., PrlnceujMjrt, .C KIY BOAf SHOP i . t COWdUlYH 1 Speed and j)easure boats, any size, built to order. Phoit Red 4l5PAMioi4sl , i Dentist DR. J R. GOSSE SMITH BLOCK , PHONE G8G Hour' 9 tr 6. O&ttttftes by Appointment. ! FOR QUALITY FOOTWEAR McARTHUR'S SHOE STORE THIRD AVENUE Repairs While You Wait 32 TAXI AND CIGAR STORE Cpur$eou,Tfwtfljfnt , D. GURVICH, PROP, i i Shamrock Rootrfe I, 2 and 3-Roomed Flats to Rent 436 TAXI" Eighth Street and Second' Avenue The Elite Beauty Parlor Mrs. Sutherland 207 Second St. Expert mafcelinir, finger and water waving Phone 499 For Appointment Smith & Mallet! Limited SANITARY AND HEATINC1 iENtJWEEUs.tM .-). W'e carry a complete Jlne'of Pipes, Valves and Fittings FOR MODERN HATllROOM FIX TURES SEE OUR SHOWROOM Phone 174, P. 0. Ilox 274 250 third Ave., Prince Rupert . . ; ... ) , . . a mmm mwm mm,m mws mnrn mm&j a tummA mmu??M':x 7T nnce 9 IT and ,i i. v Fair shows to the , ,, t glory of the 3 machinerj More fun that can ball games, Dodger : The grttRl fltiic supply your Valentin Dairy Dealers in Hinh-Gradc u CRFlAiM BUTTER ICE CREAJI Phone 657 Prince Rupert LET PRINCE RUPERT, 1 ! FL6URISII- ' 1 j Support the ELECTRIC BAKERY Phone 667 P. 0. Box 416 THE DAILY NEWS Ruperts BMumal .. Exhibitions ' ' ... . . . AM' . 1 1 . Ml vllNJIi G ?I I J f: bewitch the eye and mind of man. ' . u if n i.M v Week is the annual event in Prince Rupert that petoplc of the citjr and the surrounding districts the soil, the product of the hand and patience of man .and the triumph of man over the elements. than that, you who attend Fair Week v. ill have all the he assembled and much of it free. You'll see races, you'll ride with the children, you'll try to hit the Afri-''can you'll have a big day every day you cdme in. merchants of the city will co-operate in this constructive work. They wish to make you comfortable arid-to wants, so that, you will ret'Jrn. ATLAS BOILER WORKS J. HARRIS PRESIDENT! BOILERS of all descriptions built and repaired to, cover requirement of B. p.i Doilw Acts. Complete HeaUnjr InatalTationT , ' Sole Ajrents For LACO AUTOMATIC OIL BURNER . Electric Welding Phone Green 400, P. 0. Rox 491 Prince Rupert, 15. C. 1 i U IIMlllUIHIIMIIimHMIIHJUII . I i 1 j . .ft t ( 'j!'. VlT D. McLEOD Pioneer Shoemaker ROOTS, SHOES, RURRERS Expert Shoe Repairing Special atention tp-out-of-town ' Orders ' The Florsheim Shoe "For tire Man Who Cares" 218SixthSt., Prince Rupert, II. C. Attention, Logsers, Sportsmen, Surveyors nnd Olhcrs M If you want to keep dry in ' wet-weather '"PIONEER RRANI) DRY-RAK WATERPROOF CLOTHING" will keep you dry longer than any other similar arment. Stock carried in Prince Rupert at Jones & Son Tent & Awnfng Co., Ltd. Manufacturers of fcenulno Yukon Eiderdown Sleeping Hobea and Canvas Goods of nil descriptions. s 27, i: "THE PLACE CALKED' HOME' Centra Hotel L. Martin, ManaKer European or American Plan Free Bus Meets All Trains and Ilual PRINCE RUPERT, R. C. The Old Reliable! WM. GOLDBLOOM : The Fur Specialist Inspect; Oor ShowiOBM. Opposite CfPUpl T,heatre II, LETOURNEAU ! 'silEBT METAL vORiS , Plumbinn and Heau'nj: (SIXTH AVE, FULTON ST r Phone SIS P. O. Rox 188 r THE IM&T I'riACtj'TO EAT ; ( VHITE.1J3U!,TGII 'Third Ave.. PRnce Runeftr,R.C TRY OUR WAFFLES Tommy's Taxi PHONE 671 Day and Night Service Opposite Library Dybhavn & Hanson Fire Insurant? and Slcjnfchlp ' Axents ( " Nolnrto Public Fair Special ME.NTION THfS ADVERTISE-SIftNT AND UBCHIVE 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT Steve King Gentlemen's Outfitter Third Avenue, Prince Rupert SPECIAL SUIT BARGAINS Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. HEAVY irARDWARE WIRE ROPES. MANILA ROPES ROOFING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS C. N. D. DockPhone G 18