TnE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, AugUBt 27. 19 PACE FOUR The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Trlnce Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue "Let us over II. OAILY EDITION F. PULLEN - Managing-Editor . . liw; ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES, City delivery, by mail or canrier, yearly peripcl; paid In advance $5,00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month ,50 Or four months for ' 1 -I-00 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central BritUbrColumbia, paid in advance for yearly period ,..,,M..,.'.i.,' Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion j Av Transient advenisinz on front page, pet inch ... ... .... .. ..:. 2.8P ------ . . - .... . 1 (1 Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line By mail to all other countries, per year .... Bj mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year .... Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation ne .02 .15 7.50 6.00 Tuesday, August 27, 1929 Peace River and Prince Rupert Problems Are Identical and a Joint Council Is Now Proposed (Continued from page one) and it would be interesting if the d for tfc. Mwnt. what be vinwa nf other hoards could be re- . ftn mucn WM VM- lTL..,"TuV I "y near drove h!. dlt through The following i from the letter: "And when one gote to Prince Rupert he finds that the problem with the Pacific town U Identical with ours, for when he steps off the train h'e will find the best part of the population on the platform to see now many arrive. Her problems are Identical with those of, the Peace River country. Prints Rupert has a 'flee harbor wttH train elevator, three milt lion -do liar ship plant and dry dpok, that wUI take, cats cf the largest ship INSTALMENT XXXI. An Unwelcome Surprise Flaggler's was an old establishment of quiet dignity and unobtrusive elegance. Dale knew that Mr. Castle sometimes went there; in fact, he had seen him there, on several occasions. The head waiter, a man with a long and highly remunerative memory I for faces, bowed profoundly and t U jrjquired concerning Dale's pre ference with regard to a table. JpIe,' his eyes wander over the crowd of diners. (Jut of the multitude he nicked out -a nale. aris- ftoctattc ' face with a nervous train in it, but also, something mmajnding and Aggressive. Then his gai wavering, he saw another face that was equally familiar. "I see a friend," he told the head waiter. "You needn't the floor trying to raise the tariff at tra.,it, high ai Hajrman'a gallows' while Mr. . , Kennedy hammered w driving the ,He walked briskly toward a tariff down lower than the grave. And table in the rear where Virgil while these two members from the Ellsworth Castle was dining in northern empire wer, carrying on their oIitude, but when halfway there little tu penny ha penny ahow, the mem- , , ., . . , . , ber. fronT Saskawhewan were puuing he made a slight detour and for eooseetiona with the Hudson Bay stopped before another table, iraiiwajr and" the member for Manitoba "God evening. Mr. Ferryman," w Winnipeg with the h.b. line south rewryman drew u his r Um setue Rajdde bridse, and they head. twith a nervoag start that , ad,lrVwy tbt ',rvcr wawUI ,u' M Thev lanirled tv w. Bm hoshri atsr 1ioe. at tk end !L.! rg: And ai.,w' the j"fa0 ribbon, swung pr ".u;" 7 . m;::'. .rr pwpwy. ana wouw rrrZJ ':r"r.?. JL. ..:Zzr. ry, myaimiiar is in the fact aLnttered aninnt the thl (f ;w"'.uVWf. u kfZFt SM 4 ""t caught them' in WW Kni wu ana una rnnre upciv 1 beat wit ef IU own. white the Peace River people have no choice In Um matter. n .Pmtttfc 'fflfflrV!"- Yith hili nbiMl ciiripslty, That toU gate for Princ Rupert is the Whlcl) extended even to trifles, city or Vancoover ppoD(e fuve . at tiie leases, more amali town strife Ideas than any, ULg. , ., j I .u K. . a mKW if c iiaiiuweu ana Thta year ...tin i Peace River oounki,(tb ,w th pipfi!'. It 1 rrtheVed. He sUrted a little. tit to start at onte on the eoast .outlet. the; nVfterS vlctorU . to Mr, 'Ferryman. It to a aaf ,bt that the reace, Klver UM Q thanks," the older bushel!" fettlni a dry AaU: they wtMlkt wjjjsio , y,, . - wiwi man enuntrv wlfl have 30 million a, scnooi w nan lo go up nwraoiea. ne seemea rit lightly em-; I befer. before tht that outlet u 1. eomoieted completed. the coast tc Prujce Rupert without the bprraiied. 0h. it's you. Mr. I Y,. Why Not !" J":. IO Dale." A littl rhlll tnlJ i . . .... , laci. anruiina ioml aoea not cau mm. -c- put r through In. ssy two ' years. What Vancouver has no business nrL"i- """rr. ates sr. mine to doae." and th. mw- neaveBS! tie SIC Is not to be linked up with Prince Rupert? "Again their problems are Identical In the first place while the country and the eondttlocs are one. asset the interests are onev yet -we are the back eonossaioDa.,ttf Vo prorlnce. ad our rapreeentaUon to the fovenuaenU of the two provtrtcas is pracUoaUy nil We In the Peace River country send our member to the ALBERTA legislat ure, not our 'Own. and when pl-Bal gUV VpUBU H VOB UprOUlg -- - aeaa'aais MID ay I Ca.g. XI II U brings business to Bdaonton. An air- then, as he was approaching the " - 5fth uXt 1aav the labl a( whlok f ..t I... aanltAl nitv sIM 'IK. MM. ..l. w v " ""v. CN R. lines and came into Idmonton' Tfe Tti'lrl h'mVf tnirothar eminent has Its gigantic probtwiii ??ryt,'ln vu'; PP ol nd moved OP. But Ms mnd WAS etore at hand, such as the Sumas re tairaUon. which so overshadows Prince Rupert and all her wants that she is like a stone pile In a fanner's cm mom down east. Prom this standpoint it would appear to be In the Interest of tne norwi country or the two oro- enoweV pato the nTrth" 7Z collection of flr praying their gardens. i "t'"iB; Mla Oetl hid aald. "And so this grea; north country is Tr- Moffatf. had told ),r th-t one bottled up between these two newer- f Vil. ....... r. .4 i- ful gates. Idmonton la determined u. , , , . . . - . Wal-ly. and he ws very much Inter- -Ver n tc be backed by . the tallwar esteo as to how long Pete Tomklas -owers of Oaaada." ' . ' For Diarrhoea And All Bowel Complaints There i nothing Bijirrior to "Dr. Fowlnr's" hcro there is any loonravna of tbo Inwela. This valuable prenaration has tocn on the Canadian market for the past eighty-four years, and is always looked upon ss the old standby, by thowatxls of families, whenever s medicine of this nature is required. I'rice, SO rents a lottle at all druggieta or dealers, rut up only by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd, Toronto Oni. ; outlet outlet for for ln"l n(wi vq e that there shall be no coast vVncTr wTTJufd get ZJZ - at all. wnliTvanr U -t f In rreatioo. Daja, now forrr. a council whoee movement wauM 1 erminsd that the outlet wtU movinr tntf Mr fltstle's la We, be felt. n( by way of Prince Rupert, which worWwl whtr nre cJtmU Vta leders, KepreaenUHve. lT? . -T f-e, Ml fl, wtid ' "Our problem s-e Identical in our toured the Peace River country a year' "r''v the one he had Just reprewntaUon at Ottawa Our Mr. r -c wa crt tvlklne east aui a wit n.nBm7 iroiu rrace rover aits cn the raffle, but he would hate toe traffic opposition side of the houte with the' down to Vancouver and when he rroaTesv-u.r.A.inger group party; itunrx n!, st towlassnti 1iem -" ormar -inm rnnw tcupeetf y tn's country he .ejtst aot get west m- . wii vKimmin aloe ox w . ee urrge . hoie. but he Is with the National R-e1. whole scheme Mkmi .. u ... ... hi iur we pon "'r wjs "ajue woroeo oorrect. y t all lyi. Mr. Brady had his tiff with the "Can anyone Imxgine what the watt- HIg brain reeled a HtMe. The Vnt rfom amed to resolve At- a trtsjiviu with jl Air. J? ,ctl? l one IKrlnC Mr. Frry- 'ofTanoSw oi Vancouver or T" " the T P-Hh iine-ffwtiy fAfat p , jt,fr,j t t"V ttt! Un n rhrtlnnn. .... . , If'- TW Wh" Mr "--ro -n tbatrwiy ort on tilt ' ha-i h'a r w with the prime , minister i-e Pnririo .1! th:e years? And tot1' w '1np, ft thfl tw Wra all m over his (Kennedy's) lsst year's spoech. hl s the areat p-wer that tlade1 an1 si-" with the postmaster general -"ur-i and the P'V mrer roilat! Hra fore V. a A ui. - . ... . c ip najHanst. ana aD&aatntv 'thiakaai.Mu A ' He Mafi laW Mt-w t. in. mvaiatrMia Ur firavaa tVI. anaala." W. a 1 1 in an unrhWon en slipnod fn-J ' n fh vocnnt gajit. . TV oMer vnin stavt4 vlAlt. 'v anrl at" In tfftl wtv at unbidden oomnari. "nn't "1nms, VOMialf. Mr ..,!. ntA iuu quickly.- "I am - o n fHnnd." rgii Hlitwwt Castla t hack and continued to stare. Ills Thrilling ' Mystery Story In 30 chapters It HERMAN UNOON Poch Mr. CnUlc drained his coffee cup. "Now if you will, excuse me, I have a great many things to attend to at the office." Don't forget," said Dale. spike into Dr. Moffett's big gun. In doing jm, he had anticipated, an emergency that might not de-i velop, but ha wished to tic pre-1 pared against every possible; chance. Even If Dr. Moffett's plan should succeed up to a I certain point, he would be thrown into confusion by his in-1 for tie work. Half an hour later 1 J 1 m . 1 it A. .1 . t-u i rec crew up ill. iron i oi vue visile Z 'V, 1 V 1 Mopt of tn windows were Good This Is 11 I have to dark.. The sidwalks on either ask yo. If yonr tel-nhone -houkl xid, were rt-ted, gUme.I WA It Will Unll ...rn. In - , . . " J i. .. . . nt "Keiy to apitear for o r lfii- asr. trau wiparrieo: mm with mtnti,, a,i i,- aia nn r-i WOflS"rnent anrrirrHcfor.. ntit rnd trr trm than twt8 J. expression vanUhI Mry JyJn , ttf civrJ. t in "OB lMsen me two told or. Its most -i eatrnary," ji L he ttm Hp Mecfded tb rram4 ' began. I doa t undarstand " at thp whce j f i "Ple-emi't try to under- r,g.rette hofor. he cWmDaJr,i atarhd. -Iliat Hn in I u inJ I'll i . . .. . . Fj; TfT i , "iliZJ1 j',,T . ma aneoBirorTatiie aiding pi ryto t,iai in a ir oriwyoti "Hello. Dale," said 4 naed havei no ftnr of IV Mnf. t.' . v . . . an "Oh. you Summers! py conversational tone. "Now was hard and gruff. Brim, iow-piicnMi voice. fett- it . ' HaV parted. A sharp quiver,, Mr. Castla awilofl- amila of of apprehension ran through hlm.j vague uncertain hope. "What you A short, stocky, curiously soft- a toe um rjoB. iMi. la aJninltt kp rmarlr1 "lint fnntiul Mn ..t r il. . . . . .. . naniUr, Pulflo mm. "VI.. r..ll. t!J I1..1 1 ' ' ' " '""' "i U1C wouia tace waoe at ijuoaod nope, at , wiu me vuai yuu your nrnmiao ia nKtaumlinir Verv hilntv r . a-.. ti,i nnlay Porta "and on the ingenli The T" 'have offered to help her," aald R? T .1 f! II. P ag tMifb. r iw. "The toll gate to the Peace Ql. River . . ., ' .p ' """' weal, 1 il no as you suggest. from his . scat t f t million bushels of Peace River wheat eomuJ u " of Kdmonton. who "-'" . VT jnHKii "Splendid." -Splendid," Dal.- Dale fell fell int. Into Kolna into Prince Rupert would draw cM to have IU letters patent as oi you. 1 tnougnt 1 would thank hips from off the seven sees: meting " wsy of the entire north, and you on her behalf.' Prince Ruren a port for transpacific proclaimed to the nertb country. je bowed slightly and moved . l TIa aveaesa &aa w t sn m aa mi obWa anitkMiNai iii i askMei ie w u : aB"e bnv iismjc bw uawu gaa msltc: aart a a Ills voice "What do tell me soroethJng .you notice the you want?' ' , man awiy over in the rear. No, Summer ernne closer, flr.'ng a little farther to the left. The Dsle with alert, warv ejrea. "You one with scarecrow face. Ew have ur traveled a quer course ee him beforeT , toniphl Dale. I tried to get the iety i. . tnma "' I've v5 seen him hari of ft hut I couldn't. Too ' " " o"7 "r- . v. irf.. in. ... Uthlns mie The peop of Dvw 'l fB . a'!h 'fpw timoa Ki.l I rn't lll .1.- r. t aimonton bed an epidemic of nu y had wandered to the far . un, . ... ,., . , -JlR who Wiy do ask? "Wh "Wha 'lo you n you b- tn o.P R. Wirilnielbn kne a -rtrlw M th rnnm -W 11 threading IU way wst oetween C.N. 4-w.w t i.-j - " n " Ot curtoalty. rei ier (m rear th.. mat t mi.w . oh . aa. to h . :- " utl- Ue i-nes north-country and migm peas tdnxtatsn go 1'!" 'L.iii fevee . the Ugliest ,, face! up, ana a tram oi wneat might get " wu crer um in nis Hie and .v out of the north country without go- for a moment ho ataml In atm tor anything It Is asking for a f.vcr 1 'niff f"cion- TnB only as much as it we asked It frjoi Sea. f UB' tUrn? "ou? n1 h u h -V l, -.t,.,,v. .. w..-i .. two cr three diamonds In mwin. U "r" Wit rT"'l'V) ag -.11 well ' Dale airain. want?' asked "Youre under arrest for murder," said Summers. . , , To Be Continued Tomorrow (This number ends the twentieth t r i nio Kn,il,.,l nurnc chapter. There are still 10 chap- .bElI tad driven another,' come.-Editor) NO PESSIMISM IN THE PEACE EDMONTON. Aug. 37: "I had heard lot about the country north of ROSEVEAR IS RETIRING AND HORN GETS JOB wiNNivprn I Air ii- t,. ,Tciivt livthe perwnnl oi u,. traffic department yf 1 tbe : , National Hallways in Wester n i were announced tiidajr. in h Issued by W C Sttdorh traffic manager of the west.-.,, and approved by A V. Wli. ability to communicate with his Feace mm. tout what 1 actually new1": vice-president. The chu;.. I far umnwwl mr most ODtlmtstlc i 8 ireu;iu i i hnm" hopes." n R. .1 J. Dinning, ninnimr nnmmiaaiorier commissioner Winnipeg, Winnipeg, U is assigned to .,11 , . Dale lingered a long a, time over Af tK AMveta. TJmior Oftntrol Board, until December 15, when h coffee and cigarette, lie naa told the Journal in speaking of, Uip uuon n tuimliBp nf atrnnirc thirnrs Into sh DFetlnee'n hinterlands from ! tire on toe oomnanra nri. since he entered the restaurant.! dm returned with rre. "toe. " I . I country norm oi .wie iwace fnr una naliAn tlf .,u? hail hn. 'wa over in uia iiujiu, uul hicb hivt has tremrnaoua potential agn- come a quivering lump. Slowly ho developments wouUV not "t.x his plans for the night. recovered a little compose. De- Dominion spite the startling greeting, there was something that Inspired con fidence. Dale consulted his card and a moment. Mr. Ferryman wac M he did so he looked about him gon, but the man with the ugly Wl-tn a faintly bewildered air. fW Whs Still at his table. Hp SAmolhinir amml f fluali n seemed to send a covert glance in wrnJl)K to hfs bpairi( but he -"cvwv. C0Ult not trace u t0 ils ,ource. "Mr. Cattle," he murmurel In The bystanders and pedestrians i discreetly lowered tone, "my looked harmless, name J Martin Dale I know yoir t Yel just to play he Btnr. Te the mysterious Mr. firave. I i a threatening jwu. Plnse tlan't trouble to deny the facts. It would only be a waste of tlroo I am n Mi nastte's confidence. Will you do likewise?" The astounding signed to throw a shadow off his trail, the sharp twists, convolutions and detours occupied the Iietter part of an hour. lie stopped and looked about 'him aenin. and now the nngginir r.nd Husivc statementr Impression of stealthy espionage seemed to come little too fast waa gone. He looked at his for Mr. Castle. Ills eyes alter watch. It would soon be time to natcly bulged and narrowed. A m back to the garage and claim meflley of expressions r.roeaeU the car. h,!...fCe-, The car was waiting for him WTir-t have yoo to say to me?' whrn- he arrived. He inspected' he askd thickly. thc new top catreCuliy. and cheer- Mre y.y rwr"injT to yniir oi- fn,iv - -.tortlonate clianri- fire aft-" dinner? "Yea." ceme ----- in - answer lU a bct trip was Ideal Lh," he declared. settlers are pour- from start to tin- STOMACH PAINS? Get rid of them. Perman' ently with "Fruit-a-tives." "Fruit-a-tives" will rid you of p, flatulence, or pain a(Ur eating, and make life worth living again. Mrs. Annie Clover, Ottawa, writes: ,WA Mflfvrvr f r m rxl'irloat rofMtwtIn. dreadful ilonuch pint, 1 trid Fnii.4iv. Sooa ibM all r a thiag ef ib par." "Fruit-a-tim" arts naturally on the system. Gently and qukkly it Mr-iwtnejM the whole digestive tract. It swakfnn liver, bowels and kidney, soothes thr stomarb. Get a 25c or SOc box at ynur druggist' today. Eltd digestive troubles haying oomp-AUr s'yoar. . Horn, general tn-iv Vancouver, to be aaalntam traffic managei. Wlanlix'K Macrae, aaslatant rencral irn that they are now wtniucet. to be aeneral fr(1 Survey and vinmuw. Waiter h..k Afterward, in A. telephone ; are simply "squatting." Another thitu gm,m freight agent. Winn 'j- booth acrosb the street, he called, h'chT liUrly impressed rne w leneral freight agit, w, , 1 dld not m pesslml-t 0. Adams un up Mia Wiss Tuallp Castle nn.l and gave ff-iv he lior assistant gewr, aro U confident oX trlp &Wyoe t. Winnipeg, to have .., few final instructions. Out in the . the future. Although the erao cannot irave his order. Then his glance street again, he stood at the classified as a "toumper," it is fsirly ..utrters at Winnipeg, wandered over the restaurant for curb and lighted a cigarette, and f?n .f.rt ! o. B. Truaeott chief h(! turn. (tarlff bureau, Winnipeg t-i "We found the highways In excel-' th itgHt wrth hend r lent condition everywhere and the wiunipeg. iw appointux cnangea ceoixne enecuve at There wUl be a grmeral re; . ratlrrment of Mr. Boswrnir. ,, a-scclaUon with the trupr , ' dutry in CImaaa ahd par r I the went, has made htm I.wt known and most rn, 'official rn t&r'DwriMnrr. I L - SYNAGOGUES ! MS BURNED j JKRUBALBM Aug. 27 scrolls of tog aw, some n thousand yean old, arm- ii lire lajit niKht. wlien tp :; ir'if In tlw OeurKlan u r- iniriird by M ilem At if.-' JACKSON tot 3& EL Mli F CORN started with breakfast. But since then, Kellogg's Corn Flakes have gone clear around the clock lunch, between meals, supper for the kiddies, bedtime whenever appetite calls! CORN FLAKES JL- DtlUloui with Irviti or honty aJJtdl CIGARS J JlVe yt& AaJA li. 3 i Si "Poker Hands" for Cigar Smohdrs P VER Y ixickcl. parli' of five Stnnrtfiill JncIfSoti Cipara contairiH a "Poker Ilunri," complete fotfj of tvliich may )'!!lox'liiiiigi'l for valuable I'lresenlH.' Always buy tlio pricket pack of five Stonewall JackpoiiH and save tlio Poker Hands."