A-ip-usr 27, 1029 Tins DAILY NEWS page seven in T fflf ATI 'If", fj I IX . I I (H i.. sir- M 1 B n at UNITED STATES CLASS1F IED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR S ALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND ...... , Not Tri-nt miniate TiS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD. BECAUSE. IT IS, FULL OK HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AM) OLD. v' Well In Mstfer .it urtrr .. : oiK'u mentiuneti, DUl SO . u,. nHtrltatc consumer- , tmttn entirely In the ho tree list. Many ar-;iip in without puyinent , li!:pn to need them r.in be purchased at . niiccj. Of course, riece ! nt: In realHSnfHhe btne- i at them: .'r . ., , sulphuric aeld arid vlt-,, ., and ltoarlce root ate ... charted 'or broken bella, Tii.iy be inVborted in un-ii,i:tity withafit the payment ,,r tax. , :,. is dried bleed and' bones., :, too. along with nyarw chestnut, fossils, cut-, p.ilm leaf fans, the hair arxd or uncleaned," Mid '.ihshjm. w left lee on the free llat. , u range Juice and Ume come In without dttlT. ,:umr will discover that his are protected in the matter! akx. jo sticks), lavl, leeches pilrohaM. without oneV'i" ' owkb wavwi ,j , w. he7wst1u I l4Terrace 9 a-ni.. Monday, Wednes-Mid "ff: W;e day and Saturday, $2 return. 1. iMera; Kmp4.' altars, t pnfp.,. as hr WHf a-fw s and tcetfl wind up with turtles, and Venetian glaai mo- Man in the Moon a j,i a eawftdate Brady if was quite ready, iifd a flare i 'rielr man ttMfe, . pf each mM and each ime eame elect htm, .special weekly rates R. E DIX, PROPUIETORj. Terrace, Jl.C. , WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trbut Fishing. River and Sea Bathing. Excellent Cusine. Parties can be met at SkttTegate Clement. Wireless for rHeet or ur 1 Port ,,rl t night they .mljht n. if . ' reservations a black eat htm. . . t i d Sir Henry Is comlhg W-U'ime. Sir knight. We. ... king for tret tMngsl " now have boat that f ran to New York ill less Tim is a greet improve For American roord, fair It! nioered it toes tmem inree - in reach Germany. t)i' Invented ts seat-hen tnusteians were lax been so. i.jff hot him you know, -! his skull with an axe. Ten Years Ago In Pr nee Rupert the Au-u.t 21. i!s ' MRS. RAJOUT Tlell, Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE AT BEAUTIFUL- FRANCOIS LAKE Rent By the Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Ilenkel Francois Lake Lodge QUEEN CHARLOTTE- PORT CLEMENTS STAGE A new 8-passenger stage is now . operating between Queen Char-i otte City and Port Clements, over new uranam lsiana highway. scenic Regular trips win De run every if nsi written a letter, Wednesday to Port Clements, mak-imencu of France, Jng connection with the S. S. ; ii of the Urn ted States. tTnr rharliMi. returning the ';:;.B: tt'arne day to Queen Charlotte ' to RuesM to M rn'City. ' i ivagee ot the Boiaheriki.l Fare, one way, ?5.00,intermeUi- 'ate points In proportion . Special and oreenviue handspring mad any time for iree or J for cotiweMtSMi at the Harry Harvey. J. E. s OTsy haw been asked m of tur of British Dr. J. II.. King, mln-works, left fr fKe In-'iiiik after visiting Alice x He was aoeompanled imx by A. M. Manson Coal? Coal? Tik, ndvanlsge of low price In jour winter supply. '""ON and CAsslDY-Wr.fXtNO-T(,N la any quitntllles. Alo ll iir ii;1J. (Utitn nnd rfri Pnnce Rupert Feed CV 1'HONES 58 AND 558 Dr Alexander! sa bbwbh aawssi ssssssBsaisMssaws mmm PHONE fl7S HKSNER IILOCfcj DENTIST N ."Classified; ndverj . .. . .tii y- ' Su: Resorts Where to spend nn enjoyable holiday hunting, bathing,- fishing, mountain climb-Inc. etc. KITSUMGALLUM LAKE LODGE Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at i;.,: Kalum Lake Good fishing, boating and bath ing; oeauinui scenery; twenty m-L-... at i more fares. Visit the beautifdl Queen Charlotte Islands. Phone, write, or wire . It. C. McKENtlE The Premier Hotel Queen Charlotte City, B.C. LAKELSB LODGE AND HOT SPRINGS Is opened to guests. The lodge Is situated on the shore at LiKeise ijike. Gocd fly fishing for rain I FOR SALE FOR SALE Iron and wooden pulleys, also two pieces shafting. Apply-Daily News, Box xx,ttf ) FOR S.ALE Axmlrfster Rug, 9xl0, McLary range, kitchen table,- heater. Phone Blue 712. 198 FOU SALE 3 8et8 adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. Ap ply Box 00 Daily News Office. (tf FOR SALE Six II. P. 2-cylinder 2-cycle Wilson marine engine in good condition. A bargain. Apply Box 212 Daily News Office, (tf) FOK SALE Fishing boat W. T., 62 Iet.long; b6am, 13V4 feet. , ' fd h.p. Frisco Standard engine; eight years old, in No. 1 condition. Phone Blue 159, tf FOR SALE Gasboat "Greyfish." 20 x 7 1-2, 14 li.n. engine, fully eqtilpijHl wih -trolling ge6r.4- Snap, $450.00. Apply II. Mol-by. Western Rooms. . (200) FDR. SALE Gasboat "Half IMjtor for $950.00. Hull 3 yMM old, 29 by 8 foot beam. 1 r- T. M.I i iu n.p. iKtuier eiiKine un year j old. Gear and everything com-1 pleta awl in good running or-! der. Apply George James, Bos- ton Cafe. 198 WANTED WOM.' N WANTS House work. Plfii ' cooking. Phone Red G9. . m. Jilttnihg. M Chga Elwms, Jil WalLic-e'sIra laVi . s sTsTT D i general ifousewor k. Phone Red 464 after 6 p.m 2011 WA&TED Third class enrlnear 'fbrArTghf Shift Appfy-Big iM Lumber Co.. Ltd, 200! 7 WANTED I or bottdinV house by September 1. Two BOX J$l? DailE Htnie. Office. I WANTEOi-P'osition as hotef rifan.! .: ager. Fifteen years' experi-! ence; capable of taWng full charge; age 48; good references. Would rent suitable place. Apply Box 220, Daily News Office. (200) ROARD AND ROOM HOARD And Room $35 per month. Phone Green 216. tf MILADY BEAUTY SH0P For first-class hair dressing, pcr-l mnnanr nflvinn nn1 11 L-tnrla r $ ' isfu ii v it k vs si unu an ntitua ti beauty culture. PHONE 655 TENDERS Sealed tenders marked "Concrete Side-walks" will be received by the under-satned Up1 to 3 p.m September 3, 1919. for the construction of concrete walks on the following etreeta In the Ofty of Prince Rupert, B.C.: 1. Second Are . from 6th St. to 7th St. I north aide). 1. Third Ave. from 7th St. to 8th St. (north aide). 3 Third Ave. from Lot 39, Block 34, to McBrlde St. (south side). 4. Seventh St. from 2nd Ave. to 3rd Ave. least side). Instructions to bidders, pians ana ape- X&FZ aaniy accepteo.. p JONES, (203 City Clerk. FATHER bow trout. The hot springs oon-: the CU Engineer, City Hall. Prince Rup-tain which is fine fori Llthia e 1wwt or ,ny tMltK.r neoM. rheumatism. Cottages lor rent. J. Bruce Johnston, .Manager.! BRINGING UP FOR RENT FOR RENT Fbtfivrbom flat with, bath. Furnished. Phone $47.: 1 . .Jt F0R RUjjf Double or single ! houseWeptntf'riJo'ms. Phorie 127. ' " (225) . FOR RENT Furnished suite, i Summit Apartments. Phono! Blue 315. (tf) FOR RENT Tlftee roomed cot tage. Summit Avenue. Phone! Red 623. - . 200 FOR ItENt Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walter "Music Sture. FOR RENT- -Furnfahed and un furnished houses. Apply 2lfi. Fourth. Avenu'e East. (tOiFulIy Equipped for Dlvtnir and FOR RENT Clean, well furnish-rfnnn Sfllvngc ort.i ( ed moifern two and three room-1 10ats an(1 Stfows of all descrip-ed suifes. Palmer Apartments, jtions-for Charter. Phine Red 444. (tf) jRow Boats and Canf)esfor hire. - CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS TVia nr-irtioa nf eriirAnrnetii i recognked . . in fortytates m . of the I union. J his reCOgBUlon nas oeen i sought and gaineoVby the people i who have benMltted tnrouga; ch!top"ractie iras not until ' 191C that lesal recognition wa i first accorded. . i For1 your health; ake consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Brock Grtch 211 Phone Black 283 ()Den EvenlnM vC I II R OPR A iff OR I GETS Efaau REMARKETS: RlSUT! -win Neuritis, Lumbago, Sciatica, Rhcpmatrsm, Stomach Trouble, lUadMhe&v.j ijpuMaV- f -, Consultation Free , HEi K,YOLF$O.V . ' 0S3 Third Avenue West Office Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Jled ''589 DUCiVTIOJAL FORMHY HOUSE SCHOOL FOR BOYS Ganges Harbor, B.C. Sound Modern Education ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATRIC Boys taken for holidays Moderate Fees Prospectus on Application THE STIRLING TEA ROOM Next to Prince Rupert Hofcl Light lunches from noon to 11 0 p.m. Reasonable rates for dinner and supper to regular boarders. llbnie cooking.' Cakes and pies made tb order. PHONE BLUE 129 Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port 'Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and truciw from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidcgate, B.C. ts AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION! MART. We buy, sell or cx-l cnange any Kinn or mrhtiure! or household goods, niustrvil -.. r . , '. struments, machinery, etc. Gen- eral rendfrs. erjtlnff mvlflnil ' c, i n . and shipping. Workmanship Kuaanieeu. truainntppil juhi Int nrinnn pnone lllatK It!i,.V 120 an.t we will call. k GEO RGB J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER : Federal Block l I SALVAGE ANI TOWING ' If it' oh nr under Ine' water we do If." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO, LIMITED Bnruains in Gas Engirier. -jAGBNTS-FOn-r. EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern it.. CJlLiributars 00 clg'c rlfers Tnd an , GraveL, Krt 1uan" T '1 W f IAI ITTAMAik a V vrfttt Si a a a IS MV """iiu water. Phone. Dny or Night. 561 P. O. Ilrtx lS5t Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Vallpapers, Paints, I Glass and Art Supplies , O. BOX 120 rilONb ZZ I . 1 I T,..i.vmTii.in EVERYTHING FOR 1 THE HOME fuitea, walnut and oakt Cneenirl siiftA, guaranteed; bedroom suites; Simmons beds, fapriaoa and mattresses. Wate our dollar window this week-ena McKENZIE'S, I'URNITUKE Phone 775 LNI ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l,oae Land In The Sttkwe -ntf Recording District of British Onlumfcts. and altuate about one half talle Saatrrty (rani tbe mouth of the TUbexiuah Rrrer. wbtA Into tbe Taku Hlver abwit tlx miles up-ftream iitna the AlasWt Boundary Line. Take nutlet that 1. James a. Btap er! nt Tvi 4n.AIS MSnLilSn mtnltur n. I lMer .ntind'to wr. tor nmu.li,n 7 " T .J , ' w Minmwi kic mwwiiH utnenura lands: Commencing at a post planted on half mile Easterly from re month of the Tuleequah River, ttvence Bast 20 ohalna; thence North 30 chains: thencs West 20 chains: thenoe South 20 chains and containing 40 acre, more or lees. JAMBS B. STAPIBll. Dated June 10th, 1929. 320 EXTKNMON Or TIME NOTICE is hereby given that the time for the reception "f tenders for Fishermen's .J Floats. rjJ" Prince Rupert, "uSIl B.C., .1" Is IBM. Bv order S. S. O'BRIEN. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 0, 1019 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l,CIIH iJlllll , in the Queen Charlotte Land District. Diatrtet of Prince Rjip- lert, and situate near Klashwun Point, ahwn daianu ..'1RlA,,rS i5at.?u.5ne. ?J.mJl!5.n vi w. P1in,,1 f pp,lT 1. JlHot tn . CTDCIthli, uSStmaSsS u SrS? SiW. Qramm uiZ. tftimjre wrtt in enainM: therite north 3 chains to low water; thence east 10 chains: the-ice south 6 chains to point lot commencement, and containing 6 sere, more or less. i Dated May llth. 1129. EUGENE HUMPHRY SIMPSON Penry White. AKent LAM ACT Not Ire or Intention (nf'ApMT to lease Ijind In the :he queen cnutotte Land rls. Land Reoordlre Distttst of Pll P ert. and situate Mar Jtbc mwuth of Na- den itarfjfcr. on Mporredo Island. Tate afrtlee that I, A other Robertson, of Maasstt. B.C., occupation. nCil owlitr. lhteada to anoly for a lease of the lotlvWinft described lends: Oon M-in enema- at t . a pp nn.t m.ivteri ountea near the south east corner of Lot 7719. Mazor- i redo Island: thence nothly 10 chains: ItAetice easterly S chains to MwVwa,ter, thence foUowlna low water southerly 10 ' chains: thence westerLr to rjolnt of com. ! !nwl2 ,n4 "O"1'01"' Rwr ttnt ARTHUR ROBERTSON. By Hiry White. Aent. tinted May 15th ivxa SKEE.N'A LAM RhCOItprNO DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE thi.t the Brtthh Columbia Flanlne- & Paeklnz Comoany. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation, I fishing and packing, intends to apply I fee a lease ot the following deAcjtbed ; foresMore, situate fronttnc on Lot 110, Range 5, Coast District: Commencing 'at a post planted at the southwest jot- tner of Lot 10, Range S, Cout District; 1 thsnea south & chains: thence in a south- easterly dtratilon 15 ofcslnir thence in a south -esateriy' direction 23 chains, more i or less, to Mfti wster mark at a point , distant 10 cnams. more or less, westerly i from the southeast corner of Lot 10: Unce northwesterli. following high 1 water mark, to' the point of oommence- !meM and containing 15 acres, more or . le. BHmSH COLQUBlA flSHlNG ft PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. K. Bushiftll. Agent. Dated 20tb Jwne. 1929. tANU ACT Notice o Intention to Apply to lease Land la the Queen Charlotte Land District. Lsad ttee tlhg District of Prince Rupert. MM situate at Arntston Potnt Ntttn Dundas Island. Take notice that Larsjara Fishing Paeklac OomiMuly, Limited, of Massett. B. C occupation, can new. miends to apply for a ee of the followlne described lands: Fores More. Ooanbenesng at a post planted at the extremity X land on Arnlston Point thent westerlv 20 chains: thence nortn- erlv ft tbslns to low water: thence east-erlv 20 vnauu; thence southerly to point of rommeneeRjent. and containing 90 sett, more or less. LANOARA FISI1INO PACKINO CO.. LTD. By IU Agent. John Wlllam Mtorefiouae Dated June 7tn. tinea. LAND ACT Notice of Intention lo Apply to lw land In the Queen Charlotte Land Dlatnct. Land Recording District 61 Pltaee Rupert, and situate near the mouth of Mas sett Inlet, oraham Island. Take notice that Langara Flatting tt Packing Company. Limited, of Maseett. 'B.C.. occupation, salmon ranners. In- 1 tends to apply for a lease of the follow-In described lands: Foreshore. . Commencing at a post planted near the southern end ot Hidden Island: thence northerly 10 chains: thence easterly S chains, thence southerly 10 i ehslns. following low water, thence westerly to point of commencement, and I coatMvrat 9 seres more or less. LANOARA FISHING it .PACKINO CO.. LTD Henry White. Agent. Dated Msy llth. 1929. I 1 i 1 n i Try a Dally News Want-ad, It wllf bring results. $KEKNA l.ANIf ItKOOKPINO DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia Pishing St Packing Company, Ltd.. of Vnncouver, B.C., occupation, fishing and rmctrng intends to apply for n lease of the followlne described lore shore, situate frontlnir on Lot a. Range 5. Ooat Dlatnct: commencing ,t a pait planted at a ftolnt on the uthtrtr bo?ndarv or ?r Vn Wlboul from tbe south- option southerly of the east boundart ottm : inence nortneny to mean high- r mar;: thence westerly and souA- f"' toBy"f mfft" water mark,' 0lSZnL? a" BR mail COLUMBIA nsHINO St PACKINO CO.. LTD, J. H. Uusnneli. Agent. Dateci 24th June 1038. LAXD ACT Notice dt Intention to Apply to Lense Land Id the Queen Charlotte Land District Land Record in District of Prince Rup-crt. and situate near the mouth of as sett Iftfet St Seven Mile; Point. iB.C to3, najmon carmers. In- . tends to apply, for a lease of the follow. !n describe! lands: . Commanclnct at a cost olsntMl n,ip the northeast corner of Lot 2259. Oraham Island: thence westerly 10 clislns: thence northerly S chains; thence easterly 10 ehslns following low water: then? southerly 6 chains to point ' cf ,,.,,,. nrt , more or lees. LANOARA FISRINO & PACKINO CO., LTD.' Henrt White. Agent; Dated May 14 th 1929. I LAND ACT 5, Vottre of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District Land Recording- District of Prince Rupert, and altuate at an unnamed point on the northeast of Zsyes Island, north of el;en extremity w the unnamed lake on Eaves Island. Take notice that Eugene H Simpson and Author Robertson of Massett, B.C.. Kcucatlon. cannerymen. Intend to apply 'or a lease of the following described lands: Foreshore Commencing at a post planted 200 feet sooth of hlzh wster at the extremltt ot the above-mentioned, urmsmed polnK thence east 20 chains: thence north 3 scnains to low wster: tnence westerly 20 chains: thence south to point of eom mencemept. and containing 20 acres. "hare or less AUTHOR ROB-ERTON. Bv the Arent. John William Moorehouse. Dtrf June 7th. 1929 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Thrtrugrtmit the City. VALENTIN DAIRY telephone fi57. j S.D.Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, CaK gary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will, receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone1 130 Prince Rupert. B.CL By George McManus APPROVE OF THAT TALKTOHER7I f SOMETHIN Q TO M M-SV.J VOUft PlGUKE ALMOST J "f MOT llC I t IT -1