PAGE EIGHT NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. TEKRACE1' Toombs at" Port Simpson. The O.G.I.T. girls returned from camp at Lakelse Lake on Wednesday after a 10-day outing. Mrs. II. C. Creelmai, and sons of.Topley are guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. Raven. , C. McLachlan of Anyox,- was a visitor here during the weeks-' Mrs. II. R. Brummity was an afternoon tea hostess on Wednesday In compliment to-Mrs. E. W. Marentette, prior to her- departure for the south. j A wy successful dance, wm held here on Friday evening under the auspices of the Boy 8ftout. wh are favoring to rale fund to buy gym nulum equipment. There -aa a good crowd and good music and the boys proved' to be admirable hosts. , PRINCE GEORGE Miss Margaret Copkt)rfiturne4j,,( The weather here has been very on Wednesday after spending unsettled, with considerable rain, provement next week. A long standing dispute over squatters' titles to property at nnite the fact that the weather . Summit Lake was cleared up this .wKen h WuSmitli, inspector was cold -and wet -durip&-.the-Ee. whole of the time, they were ' liiW As' for the province.-sold al: camped, the girls were very en- the surveyed parcels except one to thusiastic over the good time, the so-cafled squatters at terms they had -and the splendid train-satisfactory to tnem. ing and entertainment they re- , ceived under the supervision of! Dr. Watson of Pouce Coupe, who became suddenly ill last week, was Rev. and Mrs. Allen, Misses Mary and Helen Lade and Mrs. E. J. conveyed to the hospital at Grana Mnore. Owing to unfavorable Prnirie by Pilot P. B. Calder in a weather, the Golden Keys did not Western Canada A ways plane en-go wed in map making In the Peace into camp for the remainder of the week as planned. River valley. Wm. LiUle returned on Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guest, Mr. day from Shames where he has nd Mr- Jhn JeIU8"' MTr' been putting up camp buildings Mrs-, Dv,d. nJIccDold' .J B' Turnbull and R. S. Edwards have for C. L. M. Giggey's logging bp- erations in that vicinity. ri;tued. t0 t0W? aftf lratte,nd,n? the Elks convention at Kamloops. Miss Mary Lade of Vancouver,. Mr. and Mr3. Alf Holmwood are who with her sister, Miss Helen spending a honeymoon at the coast Lade, have been holidaying at bofore returning here to take up the home of Rev. and Mrs. Allen residence. and assisting them at the G.G.LT. carap at Lakelse Lake, left on Miss Nan 'Craig left this week Thursday for her home. She will for Prince Rupert, where she will ; be joined at Haysport by her sis- make her future home, organizing ter, who left here on Sunday to dancing classes there. visit friends at that point. I ; "Kid" Gleason of Prince Geo-ge, Miss Lorna, Christy left on who for years has suffered. with Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. itching feet, has joined and gone P. Smith In Telkwa. away with a circus which visited ' here recently. W. P. Armour of Prince Rupert was a visitor here on Wednes- Rev. E. J. Saleska, local Luth-day. ., cran Church minister, is attending a.,pa8toral conference in Edmon- W. H. Oliver returned qtf Wed- ton.. neaday from Alice. .Arm where he has spent the summer. NEW HAZELTON The annual Flower Show of the Hazelton Horticultural So ciety was a great success and the financial result is expected to be quite satisfactory by the time final tabulations have been made. There was a large entry list and many visitors from the district were in town for theocr csision. In the evening there was a concert and dance. , A camp has been established at 13-mile on tho New Hazelton-.Smithers road where considerable work is to be done. A power shovel has been placed there and the double turn at the gravel pit is to be taken out. wui motor to their home m Oreys w. H. Phelps and son and A. solidated Mining & Smelting Co., have completed a week's examination ofthe Suskwa group of silver-lead, zinc and copper claims on the Babine trail about 30 miles from New Hazelton. . The company's further interest in the property- will depend uponi uso.ija m naiuiJii'3 iijui -were u- ken. The J engineer's 'rt ro aso ' ex-ambiine other properties on the the past two weeks with Mrs. C. during the past week, but pros- other side of the Babine range. rr i. iTi Cl.'... innoti pects 'are arc tlmf that ltllrp there will will Vl( be ,tn an im IlTI- Rev. A.' A. Burnett of Kispiox has returned to Kispiox after spending some time at the canneries at the mouth of the Skeena, River. i 1 ReV. T. H. Wright-has been visiting Woodcock and Dorreen , this week. ALICE ARM I Misses Rose and Teresa O'-j Neill of Anyox are spending aj holiday here with their sister,! Mrs. Lofthus. The former will shortly return to her nursing duties at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. I W. J. L. King of Vancouver, secretary of the Utilty Mines j Ltd., C. 0. Wickenden, a director, I and P. E. Peterson, consulting' engineer, paid a visit of inspec- tion to the Tiger property last: week. The tunnel in No. 3 tunnel is tJ be driven 120 feet bj contract' with a view to tapping the main ore body already encountered in No. 1. and 2 tunnels. Nell Forbes and William Mc-Farlane left last week for the Taku district where they will engage in prospecting for the next few months. A successful dance was held in T. W. Fa'lconer's Hall on Saturday night. There was a large attendance. Norman Fraser and Angus Macdonald iff the Esperarita mine are on a trip to Prince Rup-9ft. pn company business. ' ' ' y ; Alice;. Arm and Anyox tennis player staged a ,yery oleee Vurtameni on Uve tel -court.. Anyox won nine set and 78 game and Alice Arm. eight set and 76 gsnvo. The pi yen were: Anyox Mrs. w. F. Eve. Mr. C. OundUl. Mrs. CO. Frlcker. Mia Mildred Dresser. M1m Blakey. Bee Oatman, O. O. Maclntyre. V. S. .McRae and Mr. Rtephtn; Alice Arm Mrs.. It. F. Kergln. . Was Alice Kergln.,. Mia Alice Hegterg.v.T. W. Falconer. Lorne Fal coner, Al Falooner and Dr. George preliminary development work on the Eed Bluff property, including trail building and camp construction, ha been completed and now a small crew 1 engaged in development work on the surface. J. N. McPhee Is in charge of operations. To lend all assistance they can T. Phelps pf Caracas, South Am- 'o the project for an international THE DAILY NEWS TuesdayAuKUst 27 RADIO MUSIC D. C. McKae Returns From Giving Demonstrations of Victor Radio-EIectrola i D. C. McRae. who has been spending a week or so at Stewart and Anyox gave recitals at each place with his combined instrument, the Victor Radio-Electrola, which combines the most perfect radio receptive qualities with the reproduction of the Electrola. Mr. MeRae asys that at Stewart he had an audience of about two hundred and three hundred at Anyox and those who heard the instruments were much pleased and good business resulted. Getting two Instruments of superb quality for the price of one, he says appealed very strongly to the people of Portland Canal, as it has also appealed to many in Prince Rupert. He says he finds the people of the mining towns a discerning and discriminate people and he expects to do considerable more business with them. McRae Bros, have a shipment of eighteen of these instruments just arrived and he expects more to follow, Advt. OFFICIAL VISIT BY REBEKAH HEAD Provincial President and Past Noble Grand Honored at Gathering Last Night The local Rebekah Lodge, of which Mrs. Thomas Priest is noble grand, received an official visit last night from Mrs. M. E. Knight of Ladysmith, president of the Rebekah Assembly of British Columbia, the formal lodge proceedings being followed by a social whj&l was ; plpg attended ,bjr membes of (he Oddferaws' Ledge-. '; ,,; ; . ' ' During the social Mrs. Knight was pretested with a souvenir of Prince Rupert by Mrs. L. C. Eby. district deputy president, on behalf of the local lodge. Mrs. Alex Mackenzie past- noble grand, was presented with a jewel of the lodge by Mrs. Knight in recognition of her pervlces. The provincial president made a suitable address and refreshments we e served. 1 CERMAN NEWSPAPERMAN VISITS PRINCE RUPERT Is on Way to Mouth of Mackenzie River. Yukon and Alaska Wm. Droald left on Monday for tl . . , ... ...... ..., The new road from the unner Kit- Prince RUrwrt was visited yes- PMnce Runert to meet his sister. Miss 'V s expecieu mai worK will .ult ni... prrlai' nnH tnrlatr lit- Hsnrno I ...k Jenny Donald, who has been on an be started in the not far distant Tone mine h been completed by the ner, a Ge-man newspaperman, who extecded it with friends in Seattle future on a new bridge across provincial department of public work. is spending the greater part of Ir'wJVv "T'Ve Irom the Bulkley River at or near ,0;w h present year travelling over the aouth mUch on Wednesday. nagw,iget. A power shovel has th oW " ithe country and investigating Mrs. MoLeod of Anyox. who has been been moved from Skeena Cros- conditions and studying its natural holidaying at Hill Farm, returned homo gln(t to New IIalelton to work on on Friday. .i ,vi.t, ...m i STEWART tiia icvv 4iu nuibJl mil uc net-Mr. and Mia. Oordon; Sparke and essary If the bridge goes east of Hr. Charles F. Sandford, wife chiidiwa, who have apent the past the 0id high jevej gpan The of the editor of the Hyder Herald, SK .right-of-way has already been fted last Thursday night after an left on Saturday for i Hazelton, where cut on both sides of the river. il'ness of several weeks. they Mt their ear, arid from there history. He ha already visited Hudson Bay and the eastern provinces and is now planning a t-in o AkUvik-,ar thje mouth of the Mackenxie Rir.1 The first part of . the trip wlH;be taken bv fmoe ir4 ftr thW freie-up Mr. Iielch-ner nlar to buy h dog team and proceed bv sled. From the mou'h of the Mf)reniie he will visit the Mr. and Mrs.'c. R. Gilbert left on erica, left Haielton at the first highway between Fairbanks, I Yukon i and then to Alaska', follow- Monday to epend a short holiday in 0f the week on a grizzly bear Alaska, and Seattle, Washington, Vancouver. They were accompanied i ,i n,. r- 11 Vip Ifvrlpr riinmh.- nf PnmmorM. Wnr.M"ho rn country. and Stewart Board of Trade have tor the past few weeks. Mr, aiiberra joined hands. There was a joint sister of San Jose, Calif., win return D. C. McKechnie and E. L. meeting here of representatives of north with them. Bowler, engineers for the Con- the two bodies. CAUSE AND EFFECT Everybody decries the frequency of the Forest Fir? even the people who cause them. Too much time is spent' in bewailing the effect,, hot enough in analysing thc.cau.scv PLAIN CARELESSNESS was the cause of Eighty Per Cent of our Fire Losses last year. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE I Incorporation of Stewart under the Village Act is again being considered. At a public meeting last week, II. P. Gibson. W. R. Tooth and II. D. Rochfort were named a committee to carry on until an expression of opinion from the citizens can be obtained, i . ' John Mcnenghello has Incorporated .the old Empress Hotel here linto a company with capitalization of $100,000. It is estimated that $15,000 will be required to put the hotel in shape for use. BRUIN CAME NEAR TO GETTING A BUMPING FROM BAKER'S CAR TERRACE. Aug. 27: Mr. Daley, local baker, had. a unique experience with a black bear while motoring along the Ipg which be exoecrs to spend i th" rnr.b in the States. Mr. Lfichner gnent a year In, B"i1. where be had a narrow escape for hi He . He how bul let wounH in bis chest which are now healed but which came very close to endinr his career. At one time, too, the how he wag riding w killed by a cobra. To show how thorough is Mr. Lelrhner's work, h trsmrn-d the rai'wv f-oni Banff to Field and secured h rmmW of very Inter-eMng gonloffical sneetmens In th" mip n he np-ssed through. Mr. LfMehner gave Pr1ne Rupert tlie om:e-over and carried away a few sr-cimens of native work, GOLDEN WEDDING OF PRINCE GEORGE ELDERLY RESIDENTS PRINCE GEORGE. Aug. 37 In celebration of thsHr golden wedding anniversary veMrrday. Mr. and Mm. a. A. Kennedr of bH " eW recepUon in tMlr. ubo ,ksre A large number of frttndK of the .eldetlr coaple called ditrtng th. aiternoon and extended their hearty odngratutatloiw . Mr Kennedy wok born IP Ireland 74 years ago wb'le Mr Kennedy is eg years or age. rosd leadlns from the Skeena brtdae and Is s latWa X Ontario !on the Lakelse aide, the other night They were married ft Belleville. Oat.. lie came suddenly upon the bear tra-' and movrd to Manitoba a few years veiling along the road In the same l'-r in 1091 They cam to Prince direction he wm going. When the'orirw. nt d Have lived here ever since. i bear noticed him she began running Thflr fldeat daughter. Mrs. J. A. I but still kept to the road. Mr Daley Mcleod ,,r Rgina. was in' attendsnce apeeded up his oar and kept right be- They hnvr two other dnUghtera and hind, at times almcfi bumping bruin, I one son living on tbe prairies, and who finally derided to give him the their youngest son. Hsrry Kennedy, rlKht-of-way. lives in Prlnoe nupert. CAPTAINS FOR NEW STEAMERS Skippers Donald and Nedden Will 1 Go to Uterpool.In Spring; Description of Boats ' MWaMM Senior, captains, of. Canadian National Coast Steamships, including Oapt. D. Donald, now of; the Prince Rupert, and Capt. Har- ry Nedden, Prince George, will go! to Liverpool next spring lo take ; nvpr inn yiaw arnamdrt rr npo ' David, Prince Henry and Prince Robert and bring them out to this co4KrA IIn 'ts announced by Sir Henry Thornton. The Prince David, Prince Henry -nd Prince Robert will each be 384. C feet long, Gt feet beam and a d-aft of 1C.G feet. The gross tonnage of each of the new ships will be between 6000 and 6000 4ons. The contract calls for a speed of 23 knots, which will place these vessels among the fastest on the coast. Each boat will have sleeping accommodation for 335 passen gers and a daylight capacity of 1500. The boats will have the familiar three funnels and will also have cruiser sterna. If the present plans are adhered to the thee ships will be launched :umultanouIlx. (rom thrafrnalell-Lai d building slipways , on the nsrjey, as construction is equally advanced., , The lawiwnke are Vjpefted to tike pMce ift December or January and, although no announcement has yet been made regarding 'h sponsors, the first ship will n nil probability be christened oy Lady Thornton. The first two Pince boats will be delivered on this coast by June 1 of next year. Sir Henry stated. The third will arrive by July 1. ' Supplementary matrleulatien exam-inationa for tudnu who failed in certain subjects at the Just examinations opened yeeterday at in) high rchroj. and will be In progress until Saturday evening with H. C. Fraser, Inspector of schools, acting as prvd4 log examiner. Oracle nine supplementary exam will start Friday aaorntcg n ;i i itorium Dance Aujmt 26, 21, 28 29, from .' 9 lo 12:30 PREMIER ORCHESTRA Good music anaa" good" rrmnie floor is the foundation of a good dance. That, is what you will find if you come here on the above dates. Ladies, 25; Gentlemen, 50c Mussallem's MEAT MARKET Specials Phone 84 DEEP Prime Itibt 80c Loin Itoantg 38c Beef CuttdnT8 ...16c Minced Beef 18c VEAL Loin Roait 40c Shoulder Hot 80c Vel Stew 18c Loin Pork Chops 42c j ALL KINDS OF COLD .MEATS I Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited j 417-123 51 h Ave. E. Phones 18&81 P. O. Box 575. I LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, afta Distributing. Team or Motor Servlcg Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. U MON. AND TUES. Two 5how 7 and 'J p m AAAjsaaa . a GREAT DOUBLE BILL MONTY BLUE in "CONQUEST" and MODERN LOVE" PATIIE NEWS Admission, 15c and 50c I i ism Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' UNION SUiTS at SALE PRICES Here's Value For warmlh and satisfactory service, you'll find RALHRIGGAN COMHINATIONS will suit you to a "T." Long sleeve, ankle length. Color, ecru. Regular $1.50 value. . . . , . CLEARIN.aP.RIC3S.95c'. - .:, COTTONADE PANTS Regular $2.25 value. Cleh'ring price k 1 $1.35 J. A. Kirkpatrick SIXTH STREET, PRINCE RUPERT FURNACE or STOVE WOOD Inside Spruce and Hemlock, Cut 11 and 10-Inch $1.50 PER DOUBLE LOAD , BOX CUTTINT'S, $3.50 PER LOAD rIYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage BAGGAGE COAL CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPKItATINii IV. T. P. -20.006.TON FLOATING "'"" Knglnccra, Macjilnlnts, Hqiermaker8, lllacksmiths, 1 a .,,4 Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Ktc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle AH Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Try a Daily News Want A