IT rnrTTr-t- I I I . 1 16 ueSdayf August 27, 1929 TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE FITB MM 5& - V&M U Kl II Iftftfv III f ATI I MrilC ITT? n I LJ I CANADIAN, uni KS If? i MBStS LBjriVl ft U KM If W 4 n Tnl Phoni. 4 THi 4 Taxi, tf Dfnlld l)r .1. II r,n.. PW.n. THURSDAY, . fMHAY AND " SATURDAY - VV H J .. .. s a v i i in ii cm hi Mm. h a i viriAV arnvM in inn Yv fejte.S from faolflc arna ,M. JohnjB. Morgan aal,ed 1J fIMV ytuurnm II forie. forle. f k Summit Summit Anartmnnta AnartmnntH. ' Mrs. Mrs. a. a. W. W. Nlek. NlekerWS THIS WEEK - Three Days Only Sec Hand Bills for List of Articles Please Note : This is cash and carry . No charges. No telephone orders. No deliveries. Sale Starts Thursday Morning at 8 o'clock 7fie Pioneer Drutcists third AVE. 0 SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?t,200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing l iom Prince Ilupert rat VAMOttEK. VICTOUIA, Mwanson Uny. Ilbtcdalr. Alert Itay, etc- Tuesday. 3 :i p.m. Tea i.iMIKHJt. VICTORIA. Itutedatr. Alert llay. etc.. Friday midnight IS 1LICE A KM. ANYOX, SlfcHAIlT. Nas Kher. Port SlmpMHi. bun-day , 8:Mi I nl i ,i ro'vr siJirso.N ami males islami. rnursaav. p.m. , I J ' : il Aveiim- M SMI I II Agent ITIiiee Rupert, H.C. Tl rough tcket hi Id to Victoria and prattle jiiiM bugsMae theiketl through to destination. B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES StllPflS KrtMM IMMV'T tt TfUT (. 1o KrUhlkaa. Wrangelli .Jilneau and Skagway August it 8, , if, i, m, 2S. 26. Tu Vancouver. VI "r,i' and itle Augunl S. 7. HI. 11. 17. 21. tl, 38. FltlSCFS. MtHY Oinn Falls, etc., anroutrr and Victoria every Friday In p m. tteflts fur all steamship Line V. f Olt' im.ll. HIIftKIIM. UIK.VT lnl Ate ITlnre Uupert, II C rtion 31 Canadian National STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN RVICE HtlX H JU IT.KT i..r Woi ' Wyj1 vl WM end Inlfrmertlate pn'nt. Momla,'lilai, 4 ttKS WltJrtU)". 7 pWiift. I.) SOX ing STKUAKT. MoiiUa). H p in i l rlda, I p.m. m Ml.vSI.TT IM.KT I'tlKTH. Monday, p m I Mil Til ((I E: LllAUI.Olli; IMtMI'i, ortalfsfclij, !' .'. lu nKAUlVAY. rdfirfdaj, 4 p.m. ll..Vi:t,1l.l V.1$ WiSV iflrViff mil. tXCKIT MI'MIAY at ll:M a m fur I'HINt i; IIMIIKIE UiVION-1UN lMI't:0, all wlnl liaUl Liidfalr .(sr;M v a I I. irrMMiip i.itr Mtv Tiikel Office. 52K Third Ave, I'rin... :tuprtl'hnf 2f.(i la U S Ed IRl Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S 4S Dimension and boards. KILN DRIED si.ka Spruce and Cedar Finish, Ceiling, and SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edgegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and 4" Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and 6" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, R. C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 31 Ketail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 423 a DEMAND upert iSran "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." ; Smoked Daily by I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. i I'KINCE RUI'EUT, H.C Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results ' , iiariotte vnj. m w ft clt. D;.n. tiit. oak onm dav afternoon on Ln7 Pnafce rbakiitiol nunc uiatA u'fej. ivui i for . a . holiday trip to Seattle. A. D. couver, accompanied fcy Mn. Hamilton of Vancouver, who has been rUittag with them at Terrace. ' A." R- Lord, formerly Inspector of Mfchooll hep and for the past few years, Instructor of . geograefey and inepeetor of schools at Ketowaa. Mr. and Mrs. Cutis family, who have been months at Hyder where TT the Onlted ussngers urning to Oadner for and SUITS! SUITS! MA 1)12 TO OUDL'U AII'Guaranet'd SUITS STEAM CLKANL'D FRESSKI) AN II c Deliver to Any Part of tin City. Ling, the Tailor Thone 619 fkM -- -m I , 4'twn sfFrt and,. Premier,., ANNOUNCKMF.NTS ! t D. a Wilton, Ont. "I am taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound through t net hinn ot Life. It hel s tne and I cannot praise jit too highly. I was troubled with boat flashes and my tin i lis u-erp huavy 'so I could hartry waU to do my farm work. I v in hea'gri.ipe t your aid about the Vegetable Corn-pour. 1 and thought to give it a trial. The tiTFt bottle gave me relief and I have told other, It does for me. I am willing for you to use my letter if you choose." Mo. D. B. Fetbrs, Wilton. Ontario. Ask l'oul Neighbor Inlander Mess Board and room by week or month Cheerful Comfortable- I'llONK 137 Cutting, Workmanship and Style I K. .'..J- ..... 'a 4 i u jiii" erKenny u: aa i.. or toeir parents should pleate see the high school principal at the high "hr:ol any nfte noon from Tue-day to Friday with regard to the t oursea ttiev intend to take. J. 0. WILLIAMSON. (200) Secretary. ODDFELLOWS, ATTENTION 1 All Oddfellows a-e requested to attend a special meeting of tHe lodge on Wednesday. August 28. at 8 p.m.. to meet the Grand Master on his official visit to this lodge. Bebekahs at 0:30. (200) M. Mc ARTHUR, N.G. SW--SS A M an s Appearance Has more to do with his success today than it ever had. Anything that contributes to hia look of weli-to-doness le Justified yes, necessary! Ia there anything yojiknow of that advertisafe (success more than fi A 'NICE RING? Ccrjafnly nothing v a man weare Is more in c.vjdence. Let 'Vis iplace our Hag .lock before you. v' 1 (Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK Q. A. Woodland, local agent of Or lAfAI I AIW DrDEAVCfi Imperial Oil Co.. returned to the city LUlAL LHUl DLWlMLU ;on tne catala this morning from nriei Business trip to Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Rice returned to the city on the Catala this morning front Alice Arm where Mr. Rice has teen engaged recently In survey work. rryvi i in n nm in it leltvon tKe'Ba I tional Railways. ala thn-ifni nornlng from I -Blaa e vu4W MsU ajajwajl 11 . BUIklir Ul Ull file Davidson of Wlngham. i " " "aeon arrived In a Herald newaoaoer. Is . ,uito, in nt., arrived in the city fnwa m;J c" " u maraln the city. He arrived from the north on east on yeamwy arternoon s train in ,h7 "71 " , " Den ln the Oatala this monlng and la regla-the oourse of a holiday trts to tht " rrlr on af the mUilng com- ,k. rh,. un.w n..i ... rath Queen Charlotte Island points 1 Hn. Pattuiio ,,rrZ , M L A. .n and' Olor The vesMl took a large paaanager list ; SELT". cia. Jr"Urdiy frcm here to Uland' curies. 1 viiwh wwru 'Kir wamnv ntflnmri . ,. ' !,l,h Delphinium after a week's - t .i' , A. E 'rem er Orchestra's nnen nir trio to vaMou. ouen rn..,. union steamer Catala. upl Oapt. dance. The :'dlince of the season . ' r. pattuiio win open, the Moose Hail, September 20. A !toLJlthlL,n,T proceed tomorrow t,L whoopee ! 3. Catholic Baxaar. October 2 and 158 1 FARMER'S WIFE GETSSTRENGTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound afWnoon r oaj to Victoria NOTICE TO HIGH SCHOOL rurii ' T II- . Dickson, returned to port at 10:1S this morn'ng from Anyox. Stewart Mid other northern points and will aaU at S this afternoon for the south. The vessel has a Itirge passenger list going 'tare ugh to Vancouver and accomodation Aboard her is now at a premium. Mrs. T. W. Paleoner and son. Kirk, and daughter. Juaolta, who hare been Vending the summer vacation at Alloc Arm, are passengers aboard the natala this afternoon returning to New Westminster when the children will resume their studies Mrs. Falconer's elder aoa. Lome, will be going south later to eater the University of British Columbia, having been successful in his matriculation examinations ln June. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Dining room suite, brick-lined heater, almost new. Cheap. Phone Blue 23G. (202) FOR SALE McClary stove, new; brass water coal, also gas stove with pump and tank. Cheat). Phone Black 511 or call at 722 5th Avenue W. ater G p.m. (203) Try These Recipes! No milk equals that from our own Fraser Valley for any recipe, and that is the milk you buy in St. Charles Milk "Made in B.C." THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED VANCOUVER rjun nd dm It Kki'p Book, NAME ADDRESS.. BY DEATH DF FATHER Mrs. II. C. Fraser Daughter of Pioneer Chilliwack Physician Who Died Yesterday pafhy of many local friends In her bereavement. MAIL SCHEDULE' r the East Dally except Sunday. itom the Cast , ; I any. jxcept Tuesday.' Mall due To Vancouver Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays , Tnurrdsys Fridays Saturdays Saturdays l'rin Vanroiiipr y 10:30 ajn ....3:30 p.m. , 3 p.m. -..3:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 3 p.m. ...11 p.m. 4 p.m. 8 p.m. Sunusys 4 p.m. Mondays a.m. . Mcndaya 10:30 a.m. Thursdays p.m. Fridays a.m. Krtdsys 10:30 a.m acifte Coast, and is the guest of Mr. during the aumnvsy vacation. I Sandford ni bereaved last week bv ! ,or M'art. 1-rrmlrr. Anyox and Alice ua . swpo, saunersin , . the death of his wife. Ppe.--Mlsa. Davldaan la a cousin to A HaUeran of Booth Memorial Mr Stephen.. .MioDt tewh-ng who hM been! ,w , . Tarwng as special police officer on the JJ', Z J J, i.. . i.sitai bmm iiuri ,t.:A,u - . . engsaed in the transfer buslnew here. KV MOM 1 MM nmuilMI M " - wwmw 1 1 IIIIJU 1111, t barked here from thei Oatala thss no 00 Catala Wis rooming morning after , ha vine made the trio - I Mrs. hRiltlon here and TeWWh south aboard roncon eound frail SMWkrt to Van- the cardem Friday ntght purer. Mn. Campbell ta 'toe wife of tne custom offloer at: 8flTr HetgliU been following the same Use at Stewart, ar-. rived m the city from the north on the Campbell .Mali fsmuv are I . m . aboard ' fh" this gt-"" . , C.N.R. st-amer Prlnoe John, Oapt. E. Mabba. arrived la port at 10 o'clock iMt night from Vancouver direct and balled at t a.m. for Vancouver via Sundays ................. ..7:30 p.m Mondays 7 p.m. . Fr'daTK 3 p.m. From Stewart. Premier. Anyox and Alice rm Tuesdays ' 11 30 a.m. Thursdays ..10i30 a.m. I fvtirdy- 7 p.m. To Naas lllvrr and Tort HlniiHton I'rpin Naas Illver snd Port Slmpnon , UesdsM I) iO am Te'' North (urrn Charlotte Mondays 7 p.m. 1'rom 'orih Qoeen Charlotles Thursdays .....;.'..'.... .1030 a.m To South Ouren (hurloK Aug. 26 .., from South Queen Cliarloll Aug. 31 ............a.m. To tlfltka Pol"!, Aug 16, 19U.36 and 30 a.m. Frhni Ala-ka lelnt Aug. 17. 21. 24, 28 and 31 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS tVr Vancouver iihirdsys si. Prince Rupert. 7 p.m Aug. 28 as. Pr. Charlotte S p.m. Aug. 31 ss. Princess Leulse t p.m. Aug. 21 ss. Prince John ....a.m. rioni Vancouver Aug. 3d ss. Prince John p.m. For Nans lllvrr and Toil Simpson Sunday -t-a. Catala 8 p.m. I'riini Naas lllvrr and Tort Plmp-on Tuesdays ss. Catala 11:30 a.m. lor Stewart, Premier, Anyox and Alice A rm Sundays s. Catala 8 p.m. Mondays as. Prince Charle 3 p.m. Fridays ss. Prince Rupert ..4 p.n. From Mrivnrt. Iremlerk Anyox and Alice es. Catala 1130 a.m. Thursdays ss. Pr. Charles 10:30 a.m Saturdays si SOFTBALL WAS A PEPPY GAME In a postponed schedule softball game last night the 6uDerintendenf t Office r6ie"5Ke'Tricre steti to teat' ttui Mrs. II. C. Fraser Of this City Round Howe 17 to lO. It was a peppr t I i.. brief tp to Anyox and Stewart on was advised yesterday of the death u "a""", the Superintendent's wed yeatfiv oompany business. : i Jfi Chilliwack, after a year's ill-' JSJ !' teh Albert & McCaffery, Limited, Ward Smith, manager of the Detroit nones 116 and 117 Twn srnwa 08 ior the 1 SOUth south ,Vr. , .Tn rlJfTJ . ,umP wm arrive with n a week Khutee will Inlet, board the steamer nrJpP ",Jlr " nnw w' Catal, at Butedale tonight and proceed to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. '0. R. Ollbert arrlvd In the city on ysstsrday aftamoon'a train from Terrace and sailed aboard the stcsuner Prince Oeorge tor Van filster fltmerlor arul twn nt br. n .v.. local siats or at niu i.., I Alert Bay " I "ess, Of her father, Dr. J. CI the first, fifth ud" ninth. There were Oeorge B. Casey returned to t!e Henderson. Dioneer Dhysician and ibout one hundred fans out to . Watt. C.N.R. dltlslonal maa- , , n., h. iI.Sty-oa the patala this morning from gurirenn of thP Prapr Vollovhe game. ter mechanic, arrived In the city from a wek t' Aijt)x retujrnad to! . , h ff town lWn' Mrs lr8' Fraser had ad anont1 SuPerlatcdtnt Office - Holroyd. ? J 8Pn Prince George on yesterday afternoon's cSaJnSs rxMtnte? i,4 .engaged In work on hii Harold, Morrtvn. Lwfon. Geddes cny to u pu mw. tminerai months with train. claims. . , even her father and summers, Smith b Tobej b j I Kenneth Meagher, son of Mr. andi i. ii . uiakxm istwwr 01 euwnm, Mrs J IT night on the Prince Charles to make ,,lcer of Bay. cal hoopital last week, sailed last night by the Piince John oe her return to 9kldegate. west via Chicago. Robert Cor'ett. well known Terrace In the range. V. L. Oander Wllmot ef Dttir ; member of the federal Geological Sur jchool law at the PrItUl Normal " Tmw. vfit 73 w" &Trir the cily on the hoa.,.in Vancouver, BM eadunged OaUla tot. monuM from Alice Arm. positions for a year with T. R. Hall. - ,h. ; ' .""'";.! He la a gueet at 0e Hotel Prince Run- w.tww .uu rTiuin ; . iert. The Oyro Club has decided to merge its regular bi-monthly luncheon fal Mr. uardner ' . . Una tc morrow with tho Bsard of Tne aboard the Catala today re-their home in Portland. Ore. - -- ,-. Tas been engaged In road contracting,,. ,::""'' ' "wnooni . ' wain n lunchecn . in w honor f air Henre r tw. ted BUte. government, are convention "JZl. v""" nom,MHn, i ton. ton. preeldeat nf of nn7'.n kI. and the exhlbltio jonly a week ago left his bedside. I Bound House Caroeren. Tulloch Meagher of thU cltv ar-l M11 IIUtohrm of Vancouver, who The late Dr. Henderson was 75 jforc,nn, Petemon. Ferguson. Teng, r.!?,. catala .v.. this beta vtaltlce at " Claiton clxton with wlth her her of ,.. and .i v.j had u.j . ! Bond f StrsctJan". naZ:J DeMarob. left on the Griffiths yacht Sueja.iu at nv 0ri e" monUBW-'! years age resided In i the. end of the week for a brief trip, etewart. , stater. Mrs. mua. Thomas iwuiH Wallace, nue, will win sail sail puiiii,,,..!, rhI1W!.lr '' , tnr forty-five ... rZ : .. Umpires-Smith h..v uuU,u to Alaska. Mrs. Dart Oraf strbm. wlfs of th J. K. Oordon. of the proprietor manager of Butedale cannery will Terrace Hotel, arrived In the city from board the steamer OaUla at Butedale the Interior on yesterday afternoon's tonight and Drooeed to Vancouver i rain to aiicnd tne exnioHwn. uu ouies. by the Catala this afternoon on her re-lhil"Wa(;kr years. c.N.R. No. 1 u.Up for tonight T ? I fl ! . O ft a T f.n cnt VA ta Mam .1 turn to Vancouver. . K . .... .vo.uva a iuovi, tic 1 0 Olil j t. nunjutl mil is, MOlTlSOn C, vived by another daughter, Mrs. ! HroW P- H-rton lb.. Astoria, s.i . uimticj iicuuciouu, uaitiiiiurc, -Maryland, and Harold Oeraid Potu who has been . patient Henderson,; in the local hoaprui. win sail on th foreman of the Borden Milk fac-i Catala this afternoon for his home at tory at Sumas. .1 He la a son of Customs I Mrs. Frasrr will Visva fho im.1 the round tup to Stewart, Anyox and : "-'t inlet. , Albert & McCaffery, Limited, - jphonea.116 and 117. Try an order Mrs. Pitt Tureer. who accompanied of cur Lakeside Coal stove size, a patient from the laaands to th in. nriW r.nrni.A iiur..n. CTtaiier II.. LAUlon UUm ta.. ' 8W Btvll lh m. Adam Mark., .w, M 'Sydney Kelland. wife of the nine1":'"1" "; here for the peat week making ar- organist of the Capitol Theatre, "(B rangements for removal of residence , Vancouver, and three sons Dr. " Vancouver, will tall this I. afternoon on v....- trj puiii. i. unai Ul OIIIIIIW UCK, i - III Ufan so ITsnJ..... T.t,I.. 1 Sport Ghat Considerable interest promises to be taken in the Ocean Falls-Prince Rupert baseball erlea this week In connection with t&e exhibition. The Improved weather) fcoojuttoos." V teikrtoft ia at- -trset more attention to the series. "The first game will be played torororow afternoon,, -the naper town players, ar.,4 riving tnHhe inorrtrng on thlieamfr Prince Rupert from the south. -Georga'ErnsfiawJf tlf45?)Ua-delphia. Athletics, and Guy Bush, of the Chicago Cubs, probably the two greatest right-handers, if not the two greatest pitchers ; in baseball today, will probably come face to face in the world series this fall. Tht is of course, if the Cubs and A's go through with their present purpose of running away from the rest of the teams, which seems almost a foregone conclusion. A glance at the rrcords will tell who is doing the most effective pitching in the National League. Up until , very recently Bush had lost but one game, although he had appeared in 34 conteatav, Of these he had won 15. which indicates that winning 20 games will be a dead . citicb for "Mississippi Guy." And the 20;.mark is by ho meehs out of hia reach when one considers 'that as a rule Bush fs a ate starter-and usually does .7 p.m. : his bt work at the fag end of I the grind. Earnshtiw'g carw- is mnrp an- ,' I . Ii i siiuonHi. ne was not expected to p m-, bear the brunt f the work when rftWaysS,"T."'Ir!.!Va.I'.!7m.! the 8a80n Btrtwl- H From Port Simpson and Wales isisnd joined the Athletic in mid-sea- rnaars p.m. ; son last year, and although Con-nip Mack said he was a very bright nrospect. little did anyone figure he would take the play away from Grove and Walberg, ' the two trreat southpAWS. That is I ilist whst the hlcr bov has Swn Tur.ys. S 3:30 K I" tT Thursdays s. prace Charles. 4 p.m wen going like two left-handed Fridays s. Prtn. Maquina lo p.m. houses in full blaze. For that Fridays w. Cartwia Midnight matter, thev nrp atill o-nlnir wpII enoucrh and are not causing Connie Mack any sleepless nights. But 'n recent games both have hart Hnrt ariAlts l!ornslisw maun. Sunday-ss. Cat.K i.ii "'" Mondsys-ss Prince Oharlea, 10:30 p.m am whl,e- v h,R run hU trin of v,c' Wedneadays-s. pr. Oeorge ioo ijn. tories higher than either of the Frtdsys-ss. oardena a.m. ; two lft-handerB. TCot "ery yer Fr-deys-ss. Prince Rupert 1030 a.m. are the two greatest f lingers In FrM&ys m. Pr. Maoulnna ..4 p.m. . tMf re8pecUve We. ,ucky Aug. so s. Princess Alice ..a.m.' enough to twt into the big money. U is almost a baseball tradition that each vear the top twirler Is workintr his heart out for a team that is down in the race. FOOTBALL PLAYER IS DISQUALIFIED SEATTLE. Aug. 37: Chuck Carroll, law student of the University of Waah- Frlnce Rupert 6 p.m. Ington. has been disqualified from For North (uren Charlotte Island j playing football this coming whiter In Monday. ss. Prince Charles 8 p.m Frnm North (Jiirfn Charlotte Island Thursdays ss. Pr. Charles 10:30 a.m. For South ()uren Chnrlntte Islnitrt Aug. 26 ss. Prince John ..8 p.m. From S. Queen Charlotte Is. Aug. 21 ss. Prince John ....a.m. From Aliuka Mondays es. Pr. Oeorge 1030 a.m. Aug. 28 es. Pr. Charlotte 5 p.m. Aug. 31 ss. Princess Louise '5 p m. For Alaita Wednesdays as. pr. Oeorge 4 p.m. Aug. 30 as'. Princess Alice ..a.m. From Port Simpson and Wales Island-Fridays as. Cardena p.m. Fur rnrt Slinpwn 'and Vfalcs Inland-Fridays -ss. Cardena .m. After telling two hundred million pounds of "SALADA" Tea ln the thirty-five years of Its ex istence, the Salada Tea Company has ust established a new record by selling over two million pounds ln the last seven weeks. amateur ranks because he agreed to help out the former coach in training the players. He was doing this without charge, he declare. BASEBALLSCORES National League 6t. Louis 6, Philadelphia 7. Cincinnati 3 Chicago s. Only two game. No American League game. The Standings National League W. L. Pet. Chicago .......... 81 37 .686 Pittsburgh .......... 67 9 .378 New York .'. 68 58 .543 St. Louis 60 60 .500 Brocklyn 54 64 .454 Clnouinatl S3 70 . 436 Philadelphia 50 60 .420 Boston 48 73 .400 Amerlenn l.nuiie W. L. Pet. Philadelphia 84 38 ,(VR9 JCew York 60 49 .585 Cleveland 63 58 . 531 St. Lotiln OS 87 Wtg Detroit 87 6.1 47 Washington M n.'i ,449 Chicago 4 73 409 Boston 43 78 .364 vH ; , , , ... N't , - i,..,;.i T ' 1 .. ,H :.: ta i AO i . . 'v3'