PAuE TWO There e The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prlne Rapert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue II. F. PULLfcN - - - Maiuizlqg-EJftor . SUPERIORITY CO JIPLEX MISTAKEN POLICY are still misguided Deonle who think thpv can re NOT HERO THIS TIME FEATURES I VISITTO ; THE CITY in a feature article - iiye cf tamatioa today where 1 01 ' THE DAILY NET7S District News STEWART The C.RR. scirey party, which has been SurteytW thBttwte oT' tthe aNXgRailway 'thrpirgh Bear? Pater PalbJ yeachas discon-. by G. H- Untied work for the selson. They' tor 21 ' the the Canadian O""" National National made made a a preliminary preliminary survey survey PrinM RiiTwrt Ur havf iaith in rairvlvK rmi ux i'nnee itupert people, ii us nave iaren ui oun-eivrs. of Rajlvmy M3sa2tae the visit mites, starting at American aencan WlthoUC It we cannot succeed. Let US have faith not Only 'Sir Henry Thornton to the west is Tne surrey wttl be n?suBi resumed trees:, next 1- t t 1 . l 1 rra A wrOif. mtwt ctrMic i laiff nn his iMian u m a Allfnatlr Ann- in our inaiviauai serves, wi in or lUTgnwrs. . rey are a Vlhc en? J? pTnThu- dittos p7n , pretty good lot, although we sometimes know them too pen. The article says: . ; At Prince Rupert. Sir Henry Ifft Tuesday evening. H. W. M. 1 waH anH fomiliarftv hr&uk rrtiitemirt. Weil ana iaminaniy oreeus comeinjn. occasioned much enthusiasm by Roteton "resented a report to the If we cultivate an inferiority complex we are beaten GecUrtng that be bettered the Stewart Board of Trade on a re-rttrht 'in bad arcrved when the citiaens cent lnterrtew with Premier Tol- from trw rfart Wfl micritr. wpll Viuit Tf wp ml- pignt irora tne scan, vve nuw as weii quit 11 we cui- Q, mnmnity ed to mw. in which be pointed oat cer- tivate a feeling of SUCCeSS, not Only a desire to succeed, but have some ol the things tor which tain new factors in connection a determination to do so in spite of drawbacks, then we f? ? ftg" S eiffindTn are on the high road to victory: Much depends upon our courageously He announced, states. Awn nwtntal attrtmip i , therefore that as far as he is con- own menial auuuue. (xrQed personally, he ill do all The Power Corporation of Can- he can to hare the company build ada is erecting a new pole line ' HANDICAPS TO OVERCOME a hotel in Prince Rupert though, along Filth Street whleh. Itisa., There are in Prince Rupert handicaps to overcome. We XlTjLl '&Mi bVbSE sometimes have heavy depressing Weather conditions and ten, was beyond bis control. He an annoyance in the past. this tends Because of that it is to moroseness. necessary S ttSf- t. stewarTf5eervaUve a-' that we constantly tone ourselves up, exercise constantly rcient sun m the ism appropria-. soctaUon has elected officers for in order to keep fit, meet cheerful company and always ftt Md at RaUtof&m' R remember that we Can Win OUt if We WlSfl. All We have to Prince George and again at Bn- W. Kennedy: seereUry. H. A. montor. where he addressed the Stewart; executive, Mrs. J V. fin it rn vviah it hard ennntrh CIO 18 to WISH it nam enOUgn. beaid of trade. Sir Henry took oc- Cleg?. WHnsm Newell. J. Scott It 15 the people Who have OVereomehanoicapS Who have caskm to reply to criticisms that James Morrice. Ernest Love and been the greatest men and women. The effort in over- pSSSe' V" 1'8g' Comklg has fitted them for Still greater things. Here, then, the interests of the communities c w Homer, provincial assss- in Prince Rupert we can have the greatest little city in idon d'hL.J. EL p2JEL?t!!?e the WOrid if We Will Co-Operation, Community of effort, Henry denied the accusation and. rktorminiiriAn and a refusal 1a ho nut (fmtn nro tko hiof produced traffic flsrures and other . "and r Mrs. J. Qraasan of Hjr- ' " w facts to prove the company has ?r;,B- ' k lor a trip needs now. f oeen and is doincj. its best to 10 Vancouver f promote the mterests of that line , " and Its various centres of An hi the moun- ctoij ivTn rrirc r t popu- . bTEr l.NTU I llh UA 'kUson. As to the sutgesUon it be tam this discrkt hat driven In looking back and reviewing the activities of the past TJTZi iTbe wne'Trtm . J found that neODle Who Were active a few vears atO brooat about ont over the dead PW"10" of the Consolidated - . " - m m - , "... .. Mlnfnir uv, now become quiescent They have perhaps given up SSSL0 nuMeu n executive nz a & 9, Smelting Co. on the A. T. Bropertv were susoendea te or perhaps have obtained what thev wanted.' thl the season and the I nei i f :7me lor olhers to step into the vacant hoes. i .p-a ! ' .- v : usually born. They are developed by cir-ni r - V hen there are no others, it is for the com-.ripiace folk, those who previously hare been part of the common ruck, to rise to the occasion and do their part Mary Ellen May Get Senatorship crew came down to town. Sara McDonald, assistant super-ltendent at the Premier eoncen-itrator. and his bride, arrived last week from Vancouver where they i jwere 'tvcun; recently married. uuiitfeu. They latj were: were. Says -l Vancouver j j S 1 by ! (Vancouver Son) anarchists had some such ideas. They blamed all the ills smith win pro? My be the first Itolllral lOTfWraTPflPCt VPrV larffPlV thf tfiniioht- nf tk normHtlnc- wnn t in tK. ; A frne display of ore from the- form thedrffl WknHfilrtiPhAflv t th M rlava th Mllelal Ottawa report the cur- the Stewart News oifke here 'ALICE 'ARM V;kle apper chamber. DeveJopmeBt will be carried on ZLx. 1 ' ." X J "" o V'. tot by the Bri- No more usafsd nUee in Can-! although -posibly the average person expects something J nSmMife cWw b7 fo'i?2n!Pntaf & smerttng Co. on inani,"V,r m person Who represents him. forsb. TroWr. ?t 7 Now v and then we find attempts made to assassinate MrsaSto has ajfaystfKdt taUtmittafL liil"1 ta Tortc prominent persons. The crown prince of Italy yesterday icio and intelligent part to eTeioped ifLy' te was very near to. becoming.the iictim ef sucJ a person S-8nf - oa' rtaa tne Snot gone truexo lts mark, the Cause Of Libertv. would add life and mteresti ire tonaal in the Saddle ora- for which doubtlesB iW nuyri thought he ivas making a to the Canadian senate. Her appointment would nerty est Hastinos Arm vfairh i not.bemg developed by the Sliver Struggle, WOtUti have receiver! a setback. Thd libertv that , orjy be a high honor to the we-.Cmt Mtoe Ltd. is betog driven in trirul hv vinlonr is rmr r, va cnf,i1 vM-f,. n men of Canada and British Co-' o: good ore. recant; the real thing. lumbfta, but would be a valuaWe "amples of whieh assayed II pert asset to the senate itself. ce ad. 35 ounees stiver, 26c In That distinguished but more or 'our per cent zinc and a less moribund body has reached e.0! copper with a total value' men Lindbere. through a combination of skill and !L?5!BfJk!T ' JL,.?" on account of luck, managed to make a Tone flight across the Atlantic, a probiy iuabi ; rtlhnvh 2, he was proclaimed a hero. Had some jM& accident hap- cCTS ffrf'u1: t s whlch0'." penea to tne macmne ana ne aropped a i i j i t auauuc, ne wvuw nave ueen prociai im sieht in mid- a fool. ton nni rwklttil i. t .-i t . .i . . aara Hiniin m in rir - lhat Premlnenee recenUy when high the Doir.'nlor. need' mort lzA nold.ort assaybw more than Mr sm:k i. . .t-ii- sb wb u Utf ton was leeatMt rv- Diteman sought the heroic and'flrobablv found a nian of action Sh demands and Tf 'opmertf of the showings will be i . " i- i - . sets tmnn rtnnc Mat MnMuIlK '"1" Burme. watery grave He was a fool because he did not ?,cceed. &fg 'EJF&Kfig Had he won he would have been DrocIiined- oop of th amate Norman Fraser. managtne director of the Esperansa Mmme mwMM0 iivem, jwdwiuiv Kicait;rneia any otner oe- legialator In Canada. She waithe Co soent the latter part of last cause 01 me nanaicaps fie SUIIered. . first woman cabinet member in ln imce Rupert on company Fortune favors the brave sometimtftajd sometimes it JTX 2S S?i5?S does not To Use another proverb WhjChf applies in this her to this appointment. Her re- VhO cboppmg wood lat Wed-case. "Nothinir suceppds likp snifwR M J0"1 .bows. thal "he would make aiax Jaelc Edwards satined a heraelt useful in it. oamfui aaeMent fa which M al- mosi severed J one of his fine era. He wavs taken, to Anyox hospttai wnvre uie memoer was amputated. The new streets of Alke Arm are hem? skmrf plnM &f oh. istrusting buudlnes. Several of the I smaller ones have already been I moved and plans are being made k more several more uw xaiL A SB Iff nfnl hriAirm nartv held on Fridav rkht last in T. W. Falconer's Hall bv the A ire Arm Athtotic Clnb. with Mrs. H. F. Ker- gm ana Mrs. 0 Evindseo as conveners. It was the first of it eries of soeh events which win be held during the coming winter. VANJIERHOOF Mrx J f JnhnatAn wYn tm m ro?tint in an Edmonton hospHaL w viewing signs of improvement. Mr and Mrs. V. Makrrt have owed into the Oeorge Seott farm eon of Vanderhoof. R M. Taylor left last week for V c'oHa, to vWi hb aged mother, who is serious y itL t A J. F. Rue "of Vanderhoof heen aopointed farm Instructor for the Stuart Lake Indian Agency. i Miss J. Irvine has left for her borne in Vancouver afur having pent rtnee the first of Septm-I her vttJUnt with her nWf Miss iD. H. Baxter, at Webber Lake. I Twenty eandidat were prwn-ed for confirmation by Bihor O. A. Rl in Holy Trinity Andican irhHreh here last Friday evening. I Following a dinner ln the Van- 'derhoof Hotel, the candidates approval from the family! Such SUCH enjoyment of the meal! AU when it starts with Clark's Tomato Sou pi For into this soup has gone the excellence of sun-ripened tomatoes, specially grown for us, and the skill of many experts in its making I Serve it to your family. Every bodyll like itl CLPlRK, TOMATO VEGETABLE OXTAIL CHICKEN PEA GREEN PEA MUTTON BROTH SCOTCH BROTH MOCK TURTLE JULIENNE CELERY MULLIGATAWNY . CONSOMME W.C1.ARK.11HUX12. MONTREAL EuabtukmnU at Mmlrcal. St. Rant, PJQ. oup uui lldlTM, Out. j QssHSssaBCsT3skBmBBSBls sMade in. J STILlgfJABVBBBBBBS hn II ' " SWSli , mJ I LJ Tgggn B ' I E I M'ssf a sT sT k71 ' rfcD -V- 13fU H rBfl 8 ijn uivmumrL dllwmslkhbu The nutrient v1ur of (rn Syrup It rtcummended b (i,n..r it's fciion to be the healthy food for So h not anurr trt ndth. rnert) and happinet by hatinft ( nn HraiHl Corn Syrup always ready in cur kilt h'n. It's tirliiiou. EDVARDSBURG Famous ?ood Products " Ififff iSS scc ,S58 MSkk marched to the church for service. the The Canadian National Raitwav station at tTrunsr wis recenttv de stroyed by ffee'' aso was also the property of the section foreman, Lloyd Woods. The Oirls' G. T. dub here has decided to disband m favor of the Physical Culture Class to whkti it naa turned over its funds. E B Smtth of VnnrtArhfwf T. n Dickinson of Fort St James. Wil liam unnung of rtrt Fraser and Bart Black of Fruwr IjVo attn. ded the convention last Saturday at Williams Lake where II. O. Per-i ry of Prince George was chosen Liberal candidate for Cariboo rid-i ln& hi Ur- next federal election. I Dr Alexander PHONE I7S DCS NEB BLOCS DENTIST MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. If you lose anything, advertise for it.