THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEC mi AT YOUR SERVICE TUSCANIA fro Hol.a. N S Mo dry, Do tk lo flyaovA, Horf oad londo. AT H E N I A to. Safe Job. NB rrWay, Dm. IStk troa Haiifoi. N5 St9r4r,9J4l1i to tXrvd train ce er- aSMa MdM &oet Ifcrongfc Tk Cutmi Wm Smp Col liit.4. (22. Nettings St. W.. torn i fTl W-w&aeUroor tlnostWp Spend this Christmas in the Old Country SoiBtfS bus conductors. .liftmen.1 taxi drivers.Oid-tim chemist's shops, butchers, fishmongers. An old-foshoo-ed Christmas dinner. A pantomime on Boxing ought to run over for Christmas this year. And when you do, soil Canard, or Anchor-Donaldson. Your ship is tike on English country house on Christmas Ere. Alreody you feel the atmosphere ot nome CUNARD CANADIAN SCRVICC IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ANCHOt-DONALDSON 1INE CAIIN - TOUSIST THUD CABIN THUD CLASS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (t iK.' FLOATING DRYDOCK Enclnetrs.31a5ujh?bj; Borji&crg, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC? XNDUCEjtrLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" K ippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. D.C. COAL! MINE HEAD LUMP Per ton $13.50 MINE HEAD EGG Per ton .$12.50 PEMBINA EGG Per ton $12.00 SPECIAL PRICES FOR WINTER'S SUPPLY HYDE TRANSFER 171 THIRD AVENUE EAST PHONE S80 HEATED STORAGE BAGGAGE COAL Try a Daily News Want Ad. I JUST A FAREWELL TO ONE OF t was pernaps not ntpnroiuiw THE WORLD'S GREAT MEN : at the nlimflMi of 19U Mar Donald WHO 1US JUST LEFT CANADA should hsvelnet with overwhelm-AFTER EN JOT ABLE US IT. ( tog disaster. Jfls unpopiUartty pur- 'sued hfca at a by-election at Woo- (ConUBoed from page one) ; wfch. when he lost .a 'hold. It was not. indeed. orUl the election of 125 that he succeeded creed and porter. Without htm. in re-mteiing the House of without bis ideals and courage cons as member for Aberavon land statesmanship Labor could Then eame an extraordtnarr J not have triumphed, tern of fortune s wheel. WC1- Nobodv tn oubUc Ufe has bad h-to o( the radicals fcor tiie Tmore cpsond downs than Ramsaj CTyde, be was elected chairman : : '. i MacDonald. Not even Charles the Labor party bv a narrow ma-' James Fox or Mr. Gladstone, at oritf. and stepped into the p- the height of their impopolarity . sition of Leader a', the Oppo&.'.r-r. in times of national crisis, arous- fines then his career has beer, ed the same degree of animosir? rontemporary history, as Mr. MacDooald brought upon: shy. reserved a rictxm some-himaeif by bis attitude during the times of Celtic melancholy, be is Great War. No paittseJan of mod- often ratanderstood. Biographers ; em times has made so rapid a re- have pictured hun as a dour. Cai-eovery from disasters which seem- rinistk 8coi. as a combination oj ed at the tame to mark the end Hamlet and rtehlander. Yet nc 'of his attire career. one who has read the beautiful I MacDonakfs young life was and moring love story of "Mar-Ibard. Born at the Morayshire fish-1 rar?t MaeDonald A Memoir." can log vfBage of Lossiemouth in 146 think of him as that. There are he was Drought up very largely . oassases m that book of sum under the influence of his grand mother. He went to the Tillage school, and the dominie, by en- Why Pay More? WHEN TOE CAN SAVE FROM 18 TO 18 ON YOUR PURCHASES? SS.O0 orders delivered free. On orders less than $5.00 a charge of 15c will be made for delivery. C. O. O. orders solicited. Our Week-End Specials! . BNSION PEACHES 2VS. gQg MALKIN'S BEST CORN ON QQn COB 3s. 3 tins U&K, FELS NAPTHA SOAP Per pkg SWEDISH HEALTH BREAD Per lb COOKING- J5GQ8-" Z doc . SPRINO CLOTHES PEGS 6 doz. - 74c 13c 1.15 25c Economy Cash & Carry 319 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. 'orelineas and pathos as would vara, the eoWest haxt. They Wl be story OX Ra nwv MacDonald r couraeine him to become a pupil ' romantic eaarishiD and marriage teacher, brought htm back from 0 Margaret Ethe'. Kelvin, nice of the work in the fle'ds to which he the v-eat Led Keirtn: and there had been put. At 19 years of age ts little in the love literature ol he was trying his fortune in Lon- the world more beautiful, cer-don. where, without friends and uimy not more noble. Margare without means, be had a deeper- MaeDonald died, and this book, at ate struggle. He became a clerk in tribute to her memory- is the best ; the city at three dollars a week, revelation of the heart of Ramsay His health gave way when be was MaeDonald. 1 studying tor a Science scholarship! Canada, tn the past, has we!-1 at South Kensington, and upon omed many Pnme Ministers off bis recovery be acted as private Britain In recent years she has! secretary for Thomas Lough, who paid homage to Lloyd Oeort and afterwards became Liberal mem- Etanlev Baldwin has acetataed bar of Parliament for West Isling- oher great leader like Balfour ton. This was a turning point of Birkenhead. Churchill. Yet It is no: his career. -exaggeration to say that never i Quickly abandoning his Liber-, before has an "Empire leader come ! aussn. ne wrew m nis kh m iwn to us m enrumstances wmcn o with the Eodattst organtsatton proclaim the old genius of the called the Independent Labor oar- British race for the moral leader- ty. At the 155 and lv elections j ship 0f the world Because of what; be stood for Parliament, and was; be hair been ard has made him-1 heavily defeated, first at South-1 self . because he is the missionary- and then at Leicester. In and chanmlon of a miehtv ideal-' be became secretary of the i and also baea-se he k of our Km-J Labor Representation Committee : pire's marroa and bone. Canals ' a faint body of trade unionists and t mav well bend all of her heart in Socialist, which quickly develop- welcoming Ramsay MacDonald i ed into the Labor party of today. I i He succeeded in entering Parlia-i ment as Labor member for Lei-! cester tn 1906. He showed himself a persuasive speaker and ready debater, and when in 1911 he was chosen sessional chairman of the I Labor party, be displayed ao Baptist Ladies Tea and Sale ac?iy w leaoersnip, In spite of the stormy weather his position tn the party became- ' the Ladies' Aid of the Baptist 5erev ... church held a tea and sale of home UP to ,tju .w. Pnt Jn his career cootata zJnWiast barlors. The MacDonald bad been regarded as , eveRBHeWlfcesaf ul v-no more than an able and ener- cially oA .jniir xbe rooms geUc Socialist with partlamentar7 were prettily decorated in keeping rifts beyond those of his col- with the Halloween season Mrs leagues in the Labor party. With George Htnberd was general con-he outbreak of war. however, he ; vener and Mrs J. Lindsay received took on a new character He was the itumu un nfn rH Ur. violently opposed to British par-, S Hammond poured. Mrs Ben IMcipauon m tne war rrom the he-; Morgan and Mrs. Frank Morris ginning, ana resagnea tne cnair-i were to cfaaffe of the home "x.-manship of his party when be in? Those serrmg were Mrs Ivar- louna mat tne great majority m it were against him. For four and a half years he was the arch-pacifist in Great Britain. He was not only the leader of an in sip nificant minority, but of a tiny fraction of his own party. During all these years MacOon aM was virtually beyond the pale of Britiab sentiment and svm- , pa thy. The House of Commons lis tened to him in stony silence, and when he wished to set out for Russia in 1917 members of the National Seamen's and Firemen's Union refused to man the ship When in the same year, he sought to attend a conference at Stockholm, which the Bolshevists proposed as a step toward peace negotiations, he was refused pass-norts. He went as far as to take a leading part hi th conference at Leeds in June. 1917. which passed a resolution calling for the establishment of councils of sol dier and workmen's delegates on the Russian model. With such a record as this, it son. Miss Pauline Furness and Mrs J Smith.. Other? assisting were Mrs W W DfraithalL Mrs R Green and Mrs P H Linrey. Week-End Specials SWIFTS PURE LARD S-to. Un NABOB ORKK BBAJS8 Is. 2 tins B. Si K. ROLLSD OATS 7-lb. sack - 81.00 35c 55c ROYAL CITY mAWBs- Qr RIE8 2a. Tin Odlx OOLOCN CHUBK BUT- TER -lb. brick QUAKER CO la. Tin 8UNMAID RAI8IN8 1 Uss. EYAPORATBD WHITK PlOS-lb. , SVAPORATED BLACK FlOS-lb. - CLARK'S TOMATO CATSUP Bottle .. ROGER "8 BYRUP 2-lb. tin 81.40 15c 25c 15c 15c 20c 20c BBEKIST PURE HONEY QCp -. tin .. ...Oul FLETCHER'S SLICED TONGUE in Each 25 c COMB HONEY Each 30c NABOB ASPARAGUS TIPS (?Pn 2 square fens UtJV BOOS 8torae firsts. flZr Per doz tO McINTOSH RED AB- QQ fffl PLES C grade. Bost O.OU MCINTOSH APPLES Household grade. Box FELS NAPTHA SOAP 10 bars 82.25 s 75c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Fifth Street Proprietor Phone 208 WITH Friday. October ? TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. Tonight PER CM1 . TALKING and Musical Program FEATURE PRESENTATION C. X. R steamer Prince John Capt E. Mabbs. arrived m port at 9:30 last evening and will lie here xniil 10 o'clock tomorrow, when abe will sail on her return south over the Queen Charlotte Islands I fer COUGHSXOLDS 3 Jt ; BRONCHITIS Thomas Meighen in "TEE ARGYLE CASE" COBIBDIES "WHEN THE WIFE'S AWAY" AND "UNACCUSTOMED AS WE Mil " ALSO, EDDIE PEAUODY IN A MUSICAL NOVELTY, "BANJOMAM V ADMISSION, 20c AND G5c Coal? Coal? Takr adraatafr of tm price l. Mit tn ar mt jusffi Hints aM r A I) V -MffrW-1 ro In amy mmftMr Al l iour. liay. Grata m4 rd. ruce Rupert Feed Co PHONES M AND 358 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage rT" PboneM Cartage, Warehousing, sua Distributing. Team or Motor Sen ice Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize tn Piano and Furniture Moving. LINOLEUM m. m e WMm your home with Uicsc fovcly floors 3. try S1 HZ? 'or, r. otnt. "on,,, Jcfe id "JAerr.d rie.. c w.. . ESP. On,- rUtLcld vu urn t Hu "'cl. h ;vr j-i - . 'ors 5f "C'J- rrf 5o,.:u5 cr jLt Souse Furnishing and Departmental Stores Everywhere