Thursday, January 10, 1929 THE ' DAILY NEW3 PAOE SEVER H- Man don't in the Moon 1 ' " 3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LO 1ST & FOUND If you watch out the flu germ '11 bite you. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. A man I knew : Had a touch ofi'the He took . three drlnti He never knew what Cured him of the flu. Grouching Is one of the mean", the devil invested to ;nmkt; life miserable, My next It nearly killed him and Ilia wife became a slouch And then one day He was completely cured; A local agent cornered him And got the grouch insured. Is it any wonder that infants often yell, considering the patents they have to put up with. One advantage Prince Rupert has over many other dtles is that ! there is no parking nace problem caused by farmer driving Into town in their ears on market i ' days. j Ten Years Ago In Pit tee Rupert Mrs. January 10, 1919 W. II. Collinson. wife of The following arc Hoard of Trade commit' chairmen foriJ the year: membership. T . I it. . i . tJ'.E rruieii; iraoe ann c-onrneirv, -Jiad deralened up to Twelre Moon on Itatidav. January Slat , 1039 for the Assets of tbo B C Butchers Orooers. Limited fPrlnce Hupert. B.C.i In Uuuldatliu an follows: Total Assets, conalstlnii of iStoek-taaYatfe i appnwJmatrfv t260t)00 Svt Dxterea and Ktrulpment ispdtoxi-mateir IJMOOOl. and Book Accounts mi- pretlmatelT 1 10.000 001 received seoaraMT tor COAL Your choic EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA AIho Rulkley Hay nnd Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone G8 Prince Rupert Feed Co. FOR RENT FOR KENT - rurnlnhed house kaepmg roomn by the day, week, or month. Phone Hed C07. If FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. Wan worried with the grouch. p0R RENT Knrniahl hr.,, I FOR RENT - Housekeeping I rooms. Apply Mussallum Gro-1 eery. tf. FOR RENT Four and Five i room, heated suites. "Summit Apartments" now ready. Phone 90, ll. C. Helgerson, Ltd., or Blue 345, for information. .26 A Dally News want-ad bring remits. I in r trict oi south h LIMJ ACT 4iee of latent ton to Apply PUBLIC NOTTCB la w.1 W 1. Land raee Runrt Land ReoordlM DIm-ot Mnce CumH. and situate si the M of Klin lalaifd. adlaceot to lot MIS. Rsnm 1. mwpg that BlUmor Spruce Mills, lautsd. of Vancouttr. British Cafanbi. ccuoation. manufacturers, intends to apply (or a lease of I be following described land arlT 36 darni 10 niauiai mt tea lust. more or leas, to low water mark; thence uumwwKeriT lauowtna low watec, man Archdeacon CoiUson sad mother : IX?t du on the .moat easterly corner of Lot SMS thence (ollrtett iwiiwuri oi ins " aaia lot to TJe pout o The Sfttis of Cansda last niht "inen installed Sf filers; as follow: BILLMOR 81001 KITXS. UVITTXD. president, G. W.-johnsfrane ; first j Dated Oeeember Mod iffi"" A"Dt- vice-president, J. C. Ksaght; second vlcvpr4dent. J. J. (Jillia; secretary, W. D Vance; treasurer. A. II. AlllsS.i: financial secretary, II. M. Daggett; inner guard, W. 'A.'CaMerOn.' tli: W.tTEB NOTICE Invention and Le lulldtnc. 470 OranvlHr St.: Vanoaurrr. I C wUl apply lr a lloeoee to take and ise locoeo of water out oi an unnamed Th akSr Walt' Kb lMf1 fma tlu (iCorire 3Uam at a patnt soout half mile dls- BY B I. ite of of the tat and will be used tot Patmore; tTansiwrtatien, Kegin- This noucr was powtad on the around . . the sand dav of Oeeember. IMS .1 ., ,' ,. .,, -r aid Beaumont; port. J. U. Pills- a oo: r Um notice and an aopUca-ura. '-lsu pursuant thereto and to the 'Water p f:rii.. fi.u oury, retniKfr, a. i . uarae, iisn- v. win be filed in the offiee of the eries. G. W. Nirkerson; enter- Wair Roordr at Prince Rupert. .C. . , , . u, n Obtectlom to the aollcatlon aa be 1 tainment, G. A. McNicholl; pub- rtiea with the said water or liclty. 8. E. Parker ; finance. D. J&lSl&.otvMX. TO G. Stewart. wi'",t.hTJf,!i?.r ."iillEf:' ESTtTK OP M C. IWTmKHM A 1K lit. I.IMIUII ( tutliurlml AwiciMW) TXNDEfaS will be twealsed by the un- I PIK T . V (( UVHW sta trr waeawwwnw . I BILLMOR SPRUCI MILU. UfMITED. NOTirr. or election Aooltcant. MOHQAN. Arent. The date first PU biles ton of notice Is Januarr Sth. I9N. nertbr trten to t torn of the MuniolDalltv Of toe citv c: prince Kuoart that I reouire the nrmence of the said electors at ne taiy or Bids wli; b. Clrrk Offk-c OI r ipauty Hal! ruui. mi 1nce Rup- t.i B.C.. 011 the 1Mb day or janoery. lai fttett and Plstws 1039. at twelve o'clock noon, for the our- (b) Book Aeoounta rose of elrninn oersons to reMesent The bustnesa t now belne carried on as M:.or and AllMrmen and School t PT the Trustee. Lowest or anf tender Trusteoa . . not nscessaitlT a at so led . The mode of nomination of candidates laeiiw Caah. or Terms will be Btn hf!! t.r a follows- on aoorored securlMr. e cnnjldai -h shall m noalnated la For detail) or lurtlMr Informatloii ni- wnt.nn. Ur writlnx Ply to the Trustee. P O Box AUtJC A CONMON afTTmnce RiiDort. B.C MINKUAI. ACT rnn F) (SnlloH t (d) rCt Of AWLWATK I1X 91111 UV .UWWIll b two ec.ou of the municipality aa nronceer and aooonder. ap 1 thail be. cell vei ,1 to tin- Hettirnl:i Officer at an1-tim between ih dale of the notice and 2 u in nf trip day of nomination, the a!rt wrltlPK mavbe In tBe form numbered 3 lu the Schedule Of th. Munl-rlpal Klectlon Act. anil aha.l atate the name, resldenc and occupation or de-m-lntlon of ich per on Drorosed. In such FOR manner an nufflclentlv u Identify auch esndKiate: ana in inr y"--"',,"! iihall be - open s." iirTn inSrrJRnJril ISR Wiaii - - .niih tviii intrrTnuiii irtin&aT. rt nun Mt. .k. iTth dav of January. 1939. at uate In the Atltn Mining Dlvtolon of tbe Cciuncli. Chamber citv Hall. Prince 1 Casslar District Where tooated : The Bob KupertB C . of !' rh ?"v. JT0? " t rTacuonal Mineral claim on Tau Arm. hsrebv reuuireo w - between the SDeculaUon and Chawana himself accordlnslv. Mineral Claim on Wann River. adolitln oivftN under my hnd at lijoe Hup and to the north of the Jaek pine Mln- ett. B.C . this th dav of Januaryisw Lawful holder: KNOINUR OOLD MINES LIMITED. INC. Number of the holder's free miner's I certificate: 07O90 1 mSas8 Certificate No 97090. intend at the end of slaty days from toe dete hereof to apply to the Mln in Hfeorder for a Certificate of Imorortnisnta for the pur-pose of obtaintnt Orown Oranta of the above claims. And further Use notice that action under section 55 of tfce "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the issuance of such cerUfWiate of Improvement; Dated this 1st day of January. 1999. BNOINEER OOLD MINES. LTD.. INC. II WoN. Praeer. Aawnt. E. Returning Officer. FOR SALE FOR SALE Delco automatic non-battery plant. 110 volt, lYt KW. direct current. One AUTOMOBILES USED CARS 1 Ford Roadster Delivery 1926, $100.00 1 Ford Tudor Sedan.1927, $375.00 Terms can be arranged KA1E?TT7ARAGE - WRECKING SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT 14 RESULTS COUNT CONSTIPATION,, in the majority of cases, the cause of that tired feeling, headaches, nerves, in somnia, catarrh, rheumatism an.d a number of other troubles, 14 easily overcome by our new form dietetic and spina) treatment Results guaranteed. in every case; except those requiring surgical aid. , Consult :' R. EYOLFSON, D.C. PhiC, Phones: Office Blue 85. . Res. Red 589. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can jive Instant service in baying ana selling Mining Storks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have faculties' for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court Ac Po- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Go.Lt3. 617 2nd Awnue Prince Rupert, B.C BRINGING UP FATHER SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it," PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE & yenr old and In first 1 class TOWING COMPANY LIMITED ihape; Price f 300.00 cashl Ap P,y'Pprtflmp8on Hospit,--;-- " (Boats and Scows of all deacrpl- close in. AddIv 21. Knur Hi ! FOR SALE Seine boat "Hazel tlons for Charter. Avenue Hast. tf TJ..II.. t- X 1 rts.. L," 44 feet by 12; 25 h-p. Cor- Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Has engine. Fully equipped Bargains In Gas Engines, and all in, jrood condition. Ap- AGENTS FOR fly Wm. Leask, Metlakatla jVan HiA & FOR SALE Sawmill, boiler, engine and planer in running order. Price $1,400.00. Would consider good car or power hay press as part payment' T. ICj Tomlinson. Cedarale.rB.C. r WANTED ' , PIANO TUNING ' ; ANQ TUNER Work guaran- teed. Phone Preen 699. 31 C WANTED Painting, Calcorain-ing and Paperhanging.' Phone Green 699. ' 315 WANTED Maid wanted. 303 4th Avenue E. Apply tf of Rev. W. E. Coliison of this nontmir loiiowu! tstnuosRte. if thi 1 1 Ford ton truck chassis 1925, city, passed away yesterday at ?h m aeS ! 00-00 Klncolith. She had betn engaged n XMr in missionary work with her hus- hjlth water mark; thence in a northeast- band in this district for over 45 "eVRa rX-rnc. veara eaaterlv alonv the southern bouotfarv of J the aald fla-nt-Of-war to the nortSwes ua nun t jr iic uiiiiicot Northern B? C. Distributors Coolldgfi'Propeilers Phone, Day pr Night. 561 P. 0.;Box 1561 L 1 i CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC; VIBRATORY MASSAGE , INFRA-RED-RAY GET WELL t I By the use of these approved drugless and scientific methods you will find that this office is fitted up to give you the best of 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green; 2 Phones Black: 283 Open Evenings " CHIMNEY SWEEP ' J. ZumVthr ... - - i .4 f General 'Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves CleAnei'ahd Repaired, . i Phone 3 Prince Rupert, B'.C. WST LOST Purse containing. large sura ot money. FlfMtqr , plse phone 19 or leave at Daily News office. 'Reward. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. LKTTLK HO CUIXECTIONS Oraham A Atlin Ave. ... 1st Ave. Si Sth 8t AM. PJI 9.00 1J&H 9.05 7J3 ttn Ave. k Pulton 8 . 9.10 7-40 Sth AveT Thompson, 8L .. 8.15 T.4S tlth Avt. tt Shertrdoka .... 9.30 7.50 Uth At 'A Conrad ....... i3i 1M 8th Ave. A Hays Coy Ava.. . 9.30 IX 6th Ave. At Mays Core Orela . 9 35 SIM nth Ar. At Cottrn st ...... a .00 TjW1 ttn Ave. ot Preen 8t. (llaptl). 9.40 I.U 5tf Ave. U MoBrlde 8t. 9.43 8.1 1 Prpv. Oqyt bulKlBl 9.80 850 Proy. Usvt. tVharr 9 as tM O.T.P. Wjiarf : lo.oo 8 JO P.T.K Station 10.05 HM in& Are. As 3nd Bt 10.10 8.40 ird Ay. Pulton St. , 10.15 8.43 Sfrt Ay,. 8th St. 10.30 8.60 ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS We have moved our office and showroom to 319 Third Avenue, where we have everything In eheH metal pipe fittings and fur? , . Phone "310. Sang, 319 Third Avenue I CO A L llox 467, ALBERTA HARD SMOKELESS We keep It under cover, there fore you get value for your money. ALSO LADYSMITH, WELLINGTON AND TKLKWA COAL Gj-avel and Cement IWHIUM & CO, LTD. U'lIONE 771 WANSON General Handy Man ( SMn' wafttaVpneM rnairpl Grading or any other odd j jobs, contract or otherwise. ( Phone 101 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS service and satisfaction in these r' vanouter- Tuesdays as. Catalt :S:30 pjn l i nnirirDcc trnw , branches Of DRUGLESS HEAL-1 Fridays as Prince Rupert ... .9 am tvp i rrtday s. Princess Roysl . . 10 pjn Consult jan 16 ss. Princess Manr p.m. DR, W. C. ASPINALL Jan. 30 -ss. Princess Mart p.m. From Vanronfer 8undy ss. Oatala 4 pji. Wednesday sa. Pr. Ruprrt JOJO a Friday as. Princess Royal 4 pjn Friday as. csraena pan Jan. 12 as. Princess Mary Noon Jan. 20 as. Princess .M&ir . 1 . . - -Noon lor Port mmprnn and' Nils' Hirer Sunday sa 'Tatala -rr.-T. -.... 8 p.m I rurn, Por. ijlmpon and Kaas R'lTer " Tuesday 4sT Catala ala t- 4. 11 1130 am lor Stewart. ITemleLTtnyok ileVM " and Alice Ann - '. Sunday- Cai Vedne'Klsy "as. Ptleiee Rupett tO'pltrf" From Stewart, JTerale,, Ano4nd Allet. Tuesday . Oatala "ir1-30 aJn PrMays-s. PrlBce Buprtt I, . .8 Jn. for (iieen Charlotte Iianilf- Jan Jan ia ss 36 ss I'reiu Ktrw'St Arm- Sunday Prince John Prince John From neen fhsrlolfe ' Isln Jan. 10 ss. Prln John Jan. 34 ca; Print Joan. for. Alatka . Jan. . PrtBjeees.Manl Jan --9s. Princess Mtt 1 1'rotn Alf ks Jan. IS as. Prtaveea Maxv Jan. 30 ss. PrlnosssMarr MAIL SCHEDULE t'or the Eaat Mondays, Wsinesdsy. Saturdays, may closes j 10:30 from Hie Cast rTTrreuitrr, Antei Wednesday 'i... .,...',vv..-K? rrom stewirt and ItemTer Tj TuelT Tuesdays j (It. rrtday .j.: .. .1... Kurr ilitnta Jan. 18 and X from queen Charlotte! To AUii8 rSfn?w Jan. 19 and 96 from Alaska Polnla Jan. 16 and 30 .10 p.m. pm Sundays Tuesdays and Thursdays, mall Cue , ,. J:30 pm To Vancomer Via train Wednesdays and, SiUr- day ,W:30 ajn. luceday jM1 P-"1 FrUsn n. Vi8: sm tnEb i. a pm O.P.R Jan IS sod $0 ...... P.m. I rum kaiwt.u. J( S'tndiy ,.. it.. 4 pja Wednesday . ...lvJIO jj. Frtday pid inU' A Be 7 PJ ;li pja 130 a.nv4 6 sfi Sundayt 1 p Jn from Nf Rltrrr Pol' .- Tuesday 11 JO am To Queen Charlottt-a ...9 P.m. a.m. a.m. .p.m. ' ' ' .... . EMBARRASSING MOMENTS VJ?7.XJVVXA- V ,JJtoMm 11 em ur rbs - FOR A 'REAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE' Rent One of Our IIEATEl) CARS AND DRIVE It YOURSELF "Walker Motor Co., Limited Phone Hluc 3S9 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Telephone the office if .your paper does not arrive By George McManus -r " . . . . 1 i i i . , i , I ., ii - . t " Otr - .