Rur.'duy. January 10., 1029 lnt VOl NO KING MICHAEL AND Ills MOTHER PRINCESS I Mm iit-i-tjs ur lillKKt'E IN SWIMMING C3STUME News of the Mines La w oi l ! AROUND PRINCE RUPERT i J dbine Report Not Very Encouraging; tiu.ihing V. ork at Topky-Ilichfiekl; Kit-sault-Eaglc Active at Alice Arm I"! ."iv is little in ike way of encouragement in the lat-TM-nv h rtjxirt issued by the directors of the Woodbine :i in i.:ie u. T.crr was i'i jiifttfy the v a: any c i k nad it im it to co.itain 100,00 ton.. mmTt ial ore. Mrn shifts daily are making l progrehs in sinking th" n .t: .in !"M'i :y ! ...... .... wiuiiaiuai uic. 1 lie most II1UBI nromisine- ijrumisiiip min mm- !i'v. in-i underground have been explored, the report fi;..-. ;i!Hi an attempt to prove up continuity, but the re-iil' from thw work are not satisfactory. TW rl noc nnr It :ii ;i' t; beanv revularitv in the shnwino-H anH it haA impossible to follow the values. Diamnnri H rill I no i. .i ;j tht- surface and , V ' .'H .' tin attempt to out- . . but was not in,' liing any ore of J value. Further drill- pvel by diamond drilling and it - expected that large bodsos of ire will be intersected by the tun GIANT BOMBS MAY BE USED FUTURE WARS j Dread of Such Destruction as They Might Hring Will Tend j to Keep Peace PAYTON, 0.. Jah. 10:-The continued development of huge lie: ial bomlis, arrntr experts believe, will ma.keatfimher war. auuh as the world -war virtually impossible. The destruction would be bo great that no nation would (lure go to war, these mei. say. The largest bomb now prescribed for use with the United States army air corps bombing squadrons weighs two tons, and .h capable of demolishing a sky- 5!Ts.per or battleship if released from its bay be:ieiith he wings of the bomber. Other bombs, weighing from 20 to 2,000 pounds, have been developed for special uses with aerial bombing squadrons of the I y Yd army rmv air i-nmi corps. The "monster of them all' more than twice4he size of a man, being 14 1 Jong and car ' I - -L j M rying a marge powaer sui-ficient to wipe oflt community. It would uly against very huge objeeiMfyhere the complete demolition of a factory or building would be considered of extraordinary military importance. Its enormous e-'.imnse and ; great weight make H impractical for other purposes. The smaller bombs, weighing from 50 to 300 pounds, while leu naifjiolders. Various workmen to Dfpmherttrctive t0 the imagination, . m l;iu with and throughout there is the repeated 1 If1 ?apabl of cnouh t"1' .,,.,num.;..l i'u ; ; ' to assure success of most misaions, army men say. Use of Mich bombs dropped from, air planes over a metropolitan ra coo Id render a city a Mtfca as New York helpless nd cajnplete-ly at the mercy of a superfor air force in a short time, thejj believe. Bombing squadrons assffned if pen a mission, arjur wucia; fur, would imp Mfctfi betnW to e!h at iaaervals betwaoa tK iw iff- 4.. t . l TW -mWWM-- IBttJOA' v. ng cmea on iiaMtod j, holeil. pre tf dm i.y . -t u,m that would. , nrkM win uthlwd ad ' ZTJS S. of oom- ,r:. .ra,ve'onment,The. .juendSd fbr tha mm Javl t ki.TI 'TV " "i;iJcn bid 'I by the u'sifce the of Wt.-tUblmhed for Tutnre develop-' WOaW sooa rfln out of food and neer to ,.n; ouarations. Values of ore k.. u..rr...i nP'inJr diaelooed at tho nw leei have far . .i . m u' " "TSS tiiKh ore : . vaiv v ivtvooi. A ratAmaMt awarta urlw nan ' " " moat of their lives developing Tbo JUtoauit Eagle Silver Mines MW iMarumrnte of deatroctioa Ltd. now controls five properties in tht Wrlght field laborator.e in the Al.oe Arm district. Theyof tbe BrnJy air corpi, nater, .ire the Sunrise group, consisting 3f 24 claims; Silver Cord, six; Ea!e. six: and Le Rov. 14. At Ih Toley-Kkhfieldrhe time, develonment is ii a liiwe r level from the !,,,$ concentrated on the Sunrise. N Tt new level has been wnere t tunnel 800 feet long is be-2it feet below the present Jng 1, which wal encounter k ni of th mine aid will i the ore at a depth of 600 ft. ii lor iitvtop!nenrt the fine w iTiir of oreidini loied recently lii.m..nrt drilling nmntfons. 1 .'Vhafs Mur idea oti playing i ling of ihebb.. tire will give otfy tW rUlmer atoaker '-Mil depth iff K.".o to flu "Whv. when rubber drops one iutn. Two v- j rich .-an be sure of a rebound. llt- c.l al lhi !!its. division ,say that people wtu have had war laid down at the.r very doors, will soon have to bring peace . ' They reaaon further that tfei nations of the. world will caeai to realise that with the coatiaoed development of huge aorta bombs, capable of wiping out communities war will become too horrible to let any nation dart an offensive. Experimental work with nsmj i . daiky at Wright Field. FORMER LOCAL MAN IN JAIL I Judge Who Sentenced (tcorge Mc-! Alrkltr In Montreal Was Ilk lloyhood Prieiid , Gmrfe (ampbell McAUistor, 1 who four or five years ago wof-ked as n clerk in local retail .-lures nnd who f'ur.c two years v i wa.s Hont to mil at Vancou ver for victimisinjr I'rinre Rui H, b"siiu8s men through issu ance of worthlcsH checkH, has, ti i' similar offences, again fal len into the toils of the law at Montreal, according to despatches from the cast. In Montreal he ulso I'orgod .the fignnt'iiur. ol In :il merchnnts .ind his oierat-ion- became known after aece;-taiu e of the chi rks hud been ro-fused in Prin-e Rupert banks. One of those t he 'l;s wa;i rir.iwn on the wrong bank an l in another case, wrong initials vere used. Mi AII'ster's scheme in Mon-irea1 wuh n'mtlar to that which lie etnp'oyc.I in Vancouver. His u ..ual pruetice was to call on . wholeMi;,. firms, nlnce orders for Sir Saiyiad Taimu; bin Fni?ul bin Tuskl, 8ultan of Muscat 'I. "V" i-u ..titH of merchnndise nod Oniaii, who recentty paid a vieit to England. Above he in I to 'n el; e- ed !-eie and, Inelrl- ' n 1 1, ' i i h nviiur Westmiimter Abbey after laying a wreath on jent-iPy. ronnest that a personal Hie I nki.owii Warriors Tomb. 1 1 heck be cashed, the amounts in THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE the most of cases being around $S25 and ?ome times higher. On some occasions, ho forged the i .a nice of the local business men. 3trangely enough it was Mc-..:i:.ter'K fate in Montreal to appear before, Judge Enright, who was a boyhood companion .-f hflwin Sherbrooke.' Quebec. ! Judge Enright s'ejKqnced him to ivo yeai'B imprisonment in penitentiary and, inpassing sentence, caid: "I recall you as a young man with' great promise. Wher; the prison gates clang be hind you at the conclusion of your sentence, come and see me 'tid Lwill endeavor to do all that 1$ possible to set yu once again In the right path." McAllister, who Is 41 years of rrc, gave unemployment and a raving for liquor as the causes h actuated him in circulator the bojrjis checks. UNNECESSARY EXERTION -m j.orv it her first game) What are they chas- nir that ball for? Enthusiastic Son To see who :an place it in the basket. Old Lady That would be very y,3ty if they would get out of BLAST RIPS UP L ONDON'S STREETS Here is the first photo to rech'tl s cm: 'plosions uaepMth .Lafidon, street?. M , telegraph comn4liiHta'U5 gwlized .i'icI ' " tin i.t showing the damage wrought by freak sewer t . ..n a mile of roadway was torn up; telephone and sc' cr .l scores of persons were injured In the blasts. oM.Sfih other's way. Montreal Star. I The taxi-cab, eeh lying on fta" side, w;.k blown into the air for more than thirty ,feet. v , riff ' v:'Tii , T ' ' ' ' " v 9hcGtft mmMmm ' L that- MlS'43fiB you lynow j Mi St t V , : i : i , ' oices you Galli Curci . . . Jeritza .. . . Ponselje lovely voices ' Jcrysal-pure . . floodtagSo beauty brought there by the new Orth&pbonic Victrola ii gV -i; Meiea that sing away in your memory when the song itself is ended. A flute ob-,! bh'eato that keeps you wondering which i vok ami which it instrument, no true to pitiu reouant are both. Why! you are at the concert, in your mm hornet Yet you feel here in your living room you tmut teach 1 1 1 i out rand touch the fwf oisJintf in' 41 si Ofrtho&h Truo Sound Tlie wt mindly intangible thing that makes musiivil tlrvams come true, as often at you wish, is "Matched Impedance", or "Smooth I1o of Stiund", something ecientista evolved only reiTiitK and gave to Victor for you! Compart1 the new results with the oldand discover the difference. For cnanning homes you may wiect a cabinet of fine woods. Electric drive, which casta a Utile more, if you wish it, eliminate v4bdiag. Crict'B from $1400 to aa low at 4115 oai convuiient payments from "UU llaatar's Voice" Dealers. Trad e Mark Refi'd Victrola Vktor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal OrficeftoiJc only if it bears the dog Trademark