FA JE TWO 9. SCORELESS DRAW-IN SCOTTISH CUP GAME This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia THE DAILV NEWS TuesuV, r News and Views in Th e World of Sport OTTAWA SENATORS, WHO WILL BE SEEN ON THE ICE FOR THE LAST TIME THIS WEEK IN LEAtr E GAMES. LIONSWONIN FINAL GAME WITH PORTLAND l2ork VfCOCVKR. Star. NEW EMPRESS CLUB LEADING i.tfrf A (fold an Prf4 Place m t frHjImgg Lean as Revolt 4 ( of iMt; Nfgnr Km land eht down to defeat in the' fina appearance here in the A a rwraIt of deHsive lf-8 Coast League seheawfe, before in OTer th Pri" Rupert Hotel Vancouver with a -eofe of 3 to 2. lMt nfBt- Vew Empress Athletic The Buekaroos made- desperate riub nrtW ha8 substantial lead effort to bolster their league ,n th' tanding for the second standing and came close to doing ha,f of tne rrHe League sea- so bat the breaks were aaainst v,n Canadian National Oper- Bmprefts Athletic Club, 19. " '' Native Sons of Canada, GLASGOW, March 12. --Celtic Canadian Legion. 16. and Motherwell played a score lew Loyal Orange Lodge. 16; Grot draw in ;i replayed Seottfen ea ta, IL fowrth round game-rnrerdaji. Cold Storage, 15; Moose, 12. ! Ll - , ENGLISH FOOTBACL LONDON. Mar. 12 Bradford M df anted Wist BronnHah 'tvo fa Urt-. nJSF sansaanaw-rl7su. , nBK asananBr -' .4.ttf7laBZJ s&ri nni jriv The leagvc standing to date ia one in English secontf division New Empress rootooH yesterday. Iajruc Standinc W L Pts ...155 115 155 C. N. Operator .... 150 120 150 Canadian Legion ... 140 130 140 Cold Storage 138 132 138 Moose ..' 137 133 137 Eagles 1ST 133 137 C. N. Mechanics . . 133 137 133 P. R. Hotel 132 188 132 Grotto 131 139 131 Oranpe Lodge .... 124 14 124 K. of C 122 141 122 Native Son 121 149 121 Sport Chat Xel Nelson undnuMfdiy the Iv-akieman on the Canal ian Pac ifk Railway but his Yame has nothing to do with switching train;- "i srurrying over the tops "i li' ;-a !!. He is an internat-i ' n h 1 !:ur because he can jump 24( throuRh the air on skis. He made this record breaking f the Montreal Amateur Ath- it let ttoaiafilnv aed Jt is " eie?e$a$Jrl W v. (he Nr ex- Notre Oame flash, who handed Williams his only defeat of present indoor season, will-arse compete Miss Ethel Catherwood, the women's i hlph jumper, champion of the I world, will also be present, it is I stated. them. The Lions scored all three thnuB " Koata hi tke second period and "W bv tne Canadian Mationatj .... PoriJaasTs two eame in the first Mechanics, still Hare a ffrm held; two ariavtea of the last period. nB wond place. ;4 4 Fifteen penalties were handed U,rt niht wre as out. Seaeers of Vancouver get- '"Hows: LOST AX ETB FROM tin? tea minute ob the fcnen. 1 KnhrMs of Colombo. 12; GOLF HALL REBOUND Ragles, t&. ' Canadian National Mechanic. riCfOlttA. Mir. 12: 14 1 Canadian National Operator. When a golf baft rebounded 'I froni a rWk wnile nlarine Prince Rupert Hotel. 8; Sew on the Oak Bay links. J. H. McLougtriln mffered injnr- ies which necessitated the removal of an eye. ELKS' WHIST SERIES FINISHED LAST NIGHT Grand Prfzes For Season Will be Presented at Specially Arranged Affair Next Week The series of weekly whist tournament which has been conducted with success by the Elks Lodge daring th past winter came to a close last night, Mrs Joe Howe took the ladi' prise with a score of 2ffl while C. R Biggart, with 198, won the roenV prize. Next Monday ngat a whist drtot and dac4jwt() be held when one of the features of th-LeWtiflW vftyfi- jrte presentation t of grajKf priwa wr the season. 1 of RevilsMic !si rste'SLOffBATTING mosf famous Only Two Wickets Fell Today, Making Four Out for 367 Run Against England ftt n Mount Kevelstoke in 1925, this triumph beina the clnmina. MELBOURNE, March 12. tion of a life time's devotton to -Australia, batting all day in the the skiiny art to which Nelson fifth test match f'rfnst England took almost as soon as he cni.M iy. lost two more wickets, those i walk. He has. apparently, pas- ,.f " Ryder to make sed the herht of ,areer but. cl09e,f the nevertheless, he still ba o lack wiSketei l of admirers. England's first inning scor was 519, so the Australian representa-Per.-y Williams, the world's t.ve team has a good chance to win T.i-cn,'r sprinter, will show his this match. The first four were w;.rts to Montrealers on April 15, won by England, although the h tj he will tnke piirt in an in- later team seemed to be gaining door .ithletic meet at the For u nv ! strength. The meet is under the auspices! , Jeannie: "There' a la the door col lectin for milte(fls.,, 4 ? Mother: "Ask her what done wl' the 'sst year." was TIE GAME PLAYED With C. Taylor's now leading in the standing to date: B. DaJgamo C, Taylor . J. McLean . J. Frew . . B. Cameron G. Scott ... J. Watson . . G. Abbott . .. . --i ' t Jb RAMS BATTLE (lame Warden of Park Chats esting!)- of Things Pertain ing to wild ute mere Not many people have seen a battle between two mountain . yards apart, standing s 2 f I 1 1 1 0 AFTER A CUP OF GOLD aSM Chick Ijjii. well threepence she got'ltan jotkt known Amer- eV. WM Ukil&d tnr !.. "vl" niriifn ( ount. the same Mother: wininer: "Ah An weel. weel. until until I she.thHt won the 1928 Derbv. !Kies an account o that, she guts is enthusiastic over his Try a Daily News WANT-AD. j nae muir fue me!" 'pects. i ' t i a t t j iome. in Juj, n AutfUif."' Jpsi l-cepntry Mr loo! egg s Ls Xaiional Parks croak tke , boundary to Calgary, Banff, Late Louise, and over tue mountain ta Jrtdr fci r AluvJ ifc""1!" al ,Vvm i-nry Hats, r rom there they land oa House fiy uack li- aiH-oHvar and down the coast. , Two Bighorn Charge Each Other The round trip in to cost eacl of Fifty Yard ami ttepeat Every line eight passengers $1276. One Minute ami Half BRAINS OF POKCUI1NE and the other two Jvk had ked alui- the placing aftreotx g in a special Hatchery al r, M.-iliKue Lake. These eggs were of brook trout, quarter of million in number, from the stat of Pennsylvania. One interesting visitor to the park that Mr. Lravis took in rams, but H. S. Davis, game war-! ,.h. , - ..... . vr" " ; I" .InTii Ad0Pn yr of Johns Hopkins jsuch an event and been fjniv,rsitv grilled of Baltimore. HiwM ir'Lh U- 5..1 in thw C X M.eeimens of the brains " terday and today on his way to t .hf) ,.11Blfc ... IN CARPET BOWLS i!"?!: 7. you pull ... ttdYnJ lean on it,if J, ifpit Wksninf the tug of war h) tu.JJrn! . . t ft raiOMtnt in.iv.ri.jh r. Ifa tttt hjiC i il, - - pltMyof tun and ' -pkality tkcn ..u iUuj ' Anrbor-DonaUMm. - Sail AtHhor-DonalJtt ;' A W., Vlimo;r- JBsf), r any :u.i,. Uoi, . N- LINE interesting r thing, uf Jasp. , nenj, he tt7h l nd hJ. b-"1 " George Abbott s Rink Makw FItiT""l T ., "2 .Tm 4 nd. that protect "f . " Pefaf on Standing in Draw ZTl" UT Z JZ '. J.l " ,n hilB",f- Utd "f , wari'4'-. ..- a ma,,-. n.ir it j wnicn lew ciuo.- mals would start when about 50 w.n u. ia .u. , T" afford to consul, r George Abbott's lim won its mn 5 xney sppro icneo ftr(.ntt. jn fhe' .raJl ' tbt ftLdr twb other dul. ing together woohf gwdbwtn on all animaj lKFL., rT vstrtage of the other. c fWH .rW PW down Ms head and tegap f i scon asm , ren uugarno nnas tk. .rM .fMV;n an.J ..-tit Will meet tHv awain narked th fomiinxt PoUowlsg is the eorrectec dfstonea. Suddenly, as If on. a prearranged signal, each? would LPts rise Hp and approach the other 6 again, and aftr the blow they 5 would seem so stunned that they 4 would not move for a short time . . . II I Al I -I 3 2 ,, littvnai a r ' AosS A-tage - t Around The World With Sport Fans (ii; Tbc Truap) Rar nrn nomt on tBeMmna? sheet v .- grlenUtt WMt4i to ta examine Min. ta th thi that can afford t at H St I ii it. Mirfj- fhn Bl mr. pet bowBngr taat Mgbt by. ?-lrikj"Uf tying 14,16 with CMfr -Taylor1. "'3 nTiut.n,. w'cn birth, "rtB' but but h he i( it no &r torioWfdot, rink. Ben DalgarL's rink' I. C lfi tfc tf?".; he ' nl interestod in a as a v aaav wsvw vwci i w aaar av A u, -l l ire and i .. j P1- aiswwfiv w luiivn Mb vi mm my i.Laodoaet bf 'Wysii tjj S and ehrbs are fuffert rtnf cided on a brown bear as their ! kerned with sincere regret faat XJrni yietfm. The first day they tried. the dlreetors of tM Bathgafe. a 5,125 tJl 1 'i KWl oiinu imo me ooxjuuo m ine secoM imrtsion of lmw -.uon est!', when a herd of elk which were, the Scottish League, have foend ".TdV planned a - o.rM,JLi. ? .w;n' 1r'. "ir to ffimnclal dif- eve"r had been m.vl. ' 1 the j flc-ultiami. The fact that Arm.- colonial government twn ntt!Lr. da," and "'.vdebank. H other hi. di.poaai Nonsu. h mrtlpVoTTdjae repor-'entrance of Ca.lc .. fn.JT- j... v?V " V. I ted to be in a precarious oosit dn! base. ,w,,unlui uj i.,c wi,r went nam ... . nairlak a4 uvaa aiiMl,i -j HJ .UJ li nunr inapcaiion 01 IBe prOO- - "" wear. vsauB( lit HIIU BmiUJPU l-. Several years ago when they shipped two Hve beaver to Lyons, France, they got a letter from the man In charge of them saying fioey nan tn mneb perturbed by ,tb restlessness of the beaver that wanted to cut down, trees all arotrnd theft new habitation. It WSM RMMffil'v tA lv.it. .-II tne Uid ( ountrv intent nn nan li . . . Jeannie (after a few minutes furing the Asao ,okl Cam at.i " " ! " .. . " at th Hnor: "Sh. ..v. .k. . 'tv,i t,,.. n- ..jii vwrpiane I'nriles . . " uioiia unr. iie- niii essw iiri nn ii: l. COminv summer mount i Jasper is to be visited by three Lang, airplane parties from Los Anveles. pros- The planes go first to Phoenix, Arizona, then visitinir the I'nited Horse racing fans at Tiiauna wflJ check, to an .. How now long long they iney kept aepi il ii up. up, ar Mr. track on St. Patrick's Day should tent, the hectic d. Davis does not know. He watched get their fill for once. Jhat is fish stars across 1 them for about 20 minutes and toffroth handicap day, and a such a solution they seemed not the least inclined card of 14 races baa been ar- Scottish soccer is i to atop. A blow was struck about ranged. Foot wfH be raw off be- .-ever -etbai k every minute and a half. fore tfct noon l4ghBj dilUat ftttre. Tl Increasing jn Numbers at ncao o'cleek. Pelfgwfihj an thing wrong with The animals are increasing in adjournment for hnaeh, the Mual permits one " ' numbers in Jasper Park, espe- Horace Sanaa progrank Melu- the cream while cially the elk and moose.. So nu- ding the CoftrofJi haifteas, will be content with merous are they that they do some follow. This is said to & the damage to the golf links in the tint time so many races, which winter and early spring, treading ; ,,ractlrallv Jnahax Aw Sk. z. l -ass - - "r the' ounirVi; 'fVom part L ,here n.rtL thoWSS itself. This vaaV M, Day of out at one time big game hunting ! and they did not see each other , ,l to P Mlnfnt while away, so big is the couatry. for thWM' thwads that (km ex-Temng of catching a bear for tra r"e" "r, b,n carded. the Calgary zoo, Mr. Davis said; they build a wooden box trap! Man eer fans, and esec-lined with sheet iron and laid i there who- kar! front the trail of haney to it. Tte had dr-!"rtrict in question, wffl have which cogfront many clubs taking part in this class of soccer. Bathgate have apparently fallen on evil days, and cannot draw crowds. Combined with the fact that it is at the foot of the league, it is also in ckfe proximity to two First Division clubs -Heart,, and lllbs. This. too. is an important factor. It is invariably tbe caw thaf when a elah cannot fWd a team that includes a few players who are above the average the neeeMary support fs lacking. The unfortunate ftert h that wialthj First League English f- his work part of the run ' When old cluh-f that have conti;t r Scottish soccer, t . to retire, the Si-..tt - shatrnl take imm ! set "their bous t aethW taken xh...;i,! fotare welfare ot divisions, and i token to (iad fiADIUM-COVERED HOOKS THAT FISH MAT SEE NSW TORK. M (HunVeotered hook-be able to see in ; the ocean depth the first time " in an oeeaaograph: Bermudii on whi' tomorrow. Another innovst oi 'jiXhawtion II. 1 ' do i a'. '(if