R - M.nvh 12, 1920 Man in the Moon There are all kinds of I ut I net heard of oo who trying to abolift wlatt V. L ui) ui the naie navinsj ui rrp I iir)rniflif. In Inter yiars I rose at leVon And it was early too I i w eii tliow who rose at ten The were tire chosea fw. r,a ii. .a I'm old and stay Jji Ud . . . : i jr as yoir eoaW jHalf And I uuuld like to riiM l W Or ailier if yoir wUri. J;iko siyn the ftnly tlm: he Hkes Ten Years Ago in Prince. Kupeirl Mnrch 12, 1919 lletwoen 50) AmlOO men will l- emid.iytklFift tlw locil dry do.-k in the building of 'two !' ..ui roing ships for the1 OaWid n i . .'inment, states J. I Mill-I n .i Pittsburg, president of tits Fi one Rupert Dry Dock & En-" nr. yhi Co., who is in the city ie tion with the . cerlw n:. ueenient of operations. us , , Tin ine fii. '.'iiul will, soon start here. ffrrjvliig i nut. coi. c. w. reek v. a. I P lor Prince Rupert, will do- i il Lieut. General Currle In the of Commons against Sir Hughes sensational char-i " that there were unnecessary t' es among Canadian troops nt f imliiai and Mona at the conduit i the Great Wirr. win uddress Is i;ou Dunk ui Nova S ciim Bulletins. Vuncouver, 13. C, Willi .iiiplv lor a licence to take and une one thousand minds Inches or 28 c. f. B. ol water out ol Buck Oulch Crctk which noi l hern and drains into Duaae CreeK about eight miles from Dease ' L'lk" Tin- witter will be diverted (rum toe : 'i-rnui at a point about three-quartem i ! i mile from Dea.se Creek and will be iiktcI lor hydraulic mining purpose upon i :li i.l;, I' deacrll-od aa Heady MuneT Iam, Sunrise Lease No 103 and Creelci c.i :..i D.iUy and May n:--.-.om Water to diverted from Buck Ouloh at '. nni ri t Mu r. ManAn et A f rt . rc .k and carried by ditch and flume FOR RENT Mpderri ' fbu'f rOOliied i over bonchea to point of use. ! . wuu r.niT, Ilnnlr Hlnr-V High ft AkJV ififih o ret uj early Is whn: be1 goem ; i.' or fihMag. Tbw mostly fin , 'in ii.il is so uocomfortable be h:.t. to stay in It I., Win. ton Churchil says ting ! il - the most wonderful Waml -i h. wliole world. And I vr- .p the opinion that PrifWe 4 1 1 is the most wonderful i in he whole World. Thre . it. .inly nntia, Kkt) 1t' ) ii, feel in' tired awl blue t ii don't know what to dW, 1 . nothin'. )i iir appetite's not right, A ''I your waistband's gettln' tiltht, -t . stuffln. ' mi- plana are awry, vou feel yoo want to ery, Ho fishin'. '.mi can't so far ahead, 'hi Ksh that you were dead, top winhin. I ' ou know you talk too much, A :) voin neighbor's feel in' touch, stop talkin'. ' ur nerves' are all askew, 'J hi re Is one good thing to do, i; w-alkin'. j r ' i 'ur're rnnnlD rate debt, A mi en n't pay for what you get, stop buyjn. )' .iu'! Ii'e to rcacji the tort aiii are just about to stop, Keep tryin'. Grenvllle Kleiner. V Tv iHrgh low 1P DOtl 'tupnjint-l.overnor of ine ziat IHtrrafriri linrt I NOrictf thai Alfred II. Bryant, lice w4 patted on the ground , v" "W" Fnr Vanmuter dav of December. 1928. Am,lv Wunlafili. ver rn If. i ., . a copy or ma nonce ana an applies- . KHNT-Serr root f.e . 1 i'.-t iiV.n"h mter of crV Berdff "Ti bath, hear Aitorjum. ,, , . i,. .. Objection to the application may be SzO.OO a month, rnone 70 or Uli i it). iMi. ill liar. filed with the aald Water Recorder or' ,.. it with with the fh rvmntwiH Comptroller of of Water Water Rtohta Right, iUU, Parliament Building. Victoria. B.C. within thirty days after the first appearance of thla notice in a local newspaper. Tfce date of Use tint publication of thla Wttice is March 11. fsM. 1 ALFRED H. BRYANT. , - viutii'.ti itni'KirTTiiiES I m. ft, M. Tuesday, March 12 If lath 91l' ttm 9(1 fi fl ) "t up at ettbt: afewk f 91 1 tt a w.is :iwf jmifty. ....... 8:2g a.m. 4.4. ft i: t got to scnooi on time ikivc my head alt- curley. 20:4 p.m. 3.2 ft. Wednesday, March 13 2:4l a.m. 21.1 ft. 15:02 p.m. 20.8 ft. 9:02 a.m. 3.7 ft. 21:15 p.m. 3.8 ft. Thursday, MarcIT 14 3:14 aim. 15:44 n.mv 93 a.ni, 21:49ii.m. Frfday, SfaYch 15 . . . 3:51- a.m. JC-.3S a.m.' .. 10:23 a.m. 22:28 p.m. 21.4 ft. 20.0 ft. 3.6 ft. 4.9 ft. 21.3 ft. 18.8 ft. 3.8 ff. 6.1 ff. Safarday, March' 16 4:W a.m.' 20.9 ft. 17:30 i.m. 17.4 ft. 11:1c a.m. '4.4 ft. 23:15 p.m. 7.6 ft. STEAMSillP MOVEMENTS Twa)i m: Caffiomn S:S0 p m FtkUra s. Prince Ororite . m Rrtdav- m. Jflm I loyal . 10 pan PrM es". CtUII 12 midnight March U--a. Prlnceaa Mary P-m. Mfch It as, Prlnceaa Mary P-m. tr"i VanrfliiVM SuiWsr-Oamoaun WctfheMav as. Pr. Oeorce :e ...Noon a.m . .pjn'. . .p.m' FOR nRNT--Furnished modern hWse. HfttDuf vieV. Monarch range, $26.00. Apply 2 1 ff F-6urtli Avenue1 .Bast, j " : ' . FUItNITUIfE Trade in your" A. Mackenzie Furniture. Phone I 775. ! PniNCB RUPKRT AUCTION MART. We buy,, sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Gen- I I AHA4:M. nAftbtm, Iee to carry on In the City of Prince Rupert the business of a light, beat and power company, and, for such purposes to tnstal. extend, operate, repair ana f ti.d.H. Washes (Jh I and Eozema's Gone 1 k Tryti.b.D.ioapttoo W Xf alt aaed lru p BRINGING OP FATHER ...... V6li SAl-Ii--SmalI, g;oer Iiiterror. F'ist Office. Apply Box iH- J Jitfly NewH office. jt j ; : 7 , KOK SALK Kitchen stove, tate of J. C. Mcllae. WANTED lnch l1t Two line shafts 8 feet 16118, V inch thick. Thre"e lfAn ' Pulleys.' three BpefUM 12 hfth to 8 inch. Two Wooderr Pulleys. Apply Daily i. Newsy tf 'FOR SALE LoS'T and 8, hlock . , ! 30, !te. '8; irtrf Ave. $!0. for OLI Furniture SPECIAL .of Shlpmen Allots. Ixts 15 . Carpets flvfngnt wjeek. hniI J(. hl6cW. 5. McBrlde aicn our winuow i or u mp,. gt. $100f) fdrtthe tvw f-ots 7 rT1 X ...ft used f fUrmture il Kkt iliivA . . T I oillf 1ilA.P-1i' iui P. nn f.th 61 erm repair. vioi...Kl , . -K n.4l.. r-..lo and shipping. Workmanship,"';"""" """Vr" guaranteed. Just phone, l .J?' 'S ' 120 and we will.call. OHO RGB' --- - , J. DAWES, Federal Blodc. '1' 1 "u"c otice MOT1CB IS HErrtBT 'lIVETf that an PtUfattoat?lU be, deo,the Ul-htWe AMenVbly Of tht Prtfvmce or British Columbia at 1U preupt aralcyi by the Corporation of the Ctty uryroi of RUpert ffierel! Prince ter called the City I for n Art iihtim itim at, ta afl. tree from all encumbrances uporr such1 terms as it may deem fit. to the Power corporation of Canada.. Limited, (hereinafter caned thd Company), the enttr as set Of lu electric ugns ana power ae WANTED Small cotUge with one or two lots in exchange for 120 acres improved land with buildings in Burns jAkJ'J i irict. SAIA'AW AND TOWINd II ll H on or unncr ine wairr we j do if other noiisenqiu nicies, rnonc, riMlTFI) JlricJL?II. w fully IuiMsod for Diving anrfj FOK SALE One line shaft 18jfnera! Salvage Work. I feet lonjf and t inihfs thick, j floats and Scows of all daerjil-One 20 Inch Hanger; Four 1 J jttonK for Oiarfcr. Inch hangett. Two Inrge Iron j flow boats And Canons rot fiTrr. f'uHeys, Krtd J6 to 12 inch, (Baf gains in f'.as Kngines. AGKNTS FOR Van Blerck. rathwpe, I Ticks & ftallantyne lJngln-Ndrthwn i. C tlfttrfbutorB IktutUgti'lfrbrMfiers . I'honf, IMy or NTghl, .161 ' P.,0. Uox 1501 v nHLHivn iiBADACiins? i 1 nnn w fhe twn lt OKiiiyiirniii 38, block 9, jm?c. 5, on 0th Ave. This distressrng malady is i ... 1 . . . . i m . . t L ftLIta rUA .t ' W. fiSll. . Oiyi ; AlCltae, U. I,, very prtv.ueni. ai inn muc i ifpRae. KxeentOis for the Ks-.ihL year, ana as a ruie is symptom of a deeper trorjDie, ; buch an affections of the eyeiCi liver, kidneys. stomaCTi, etc. It may be also due to the after effects of influenza. Consult the Chiropractor in all cases. Relief guaranteed. Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL C and 7 Exchange. Rlock Green: 211 Phone lllark: 281 : rt)pm KycnirnJ T- -r TC7 RESULTS COUNT rit Itl nSn . t:.. "V nK.wi. n..I- i.s w r..nn.n n.n. Gas on stomach. Headaches, Ner val Delivery. Prince Rupert. 62 vousness Iaaomhiaa tatjtf.a-it . . Kheumatiam are 'rompletely re- j littved by our new form of dietetic rnofUTE j0 atld spinal treatment. pattment glns concern, and to , thr ft4Uprt.m c'ourt of llrlll'h t-alum- Read our National "Ad's," in SriET to the mpny the sole ana - bl (f att,r , A,iniliA.tra- . . v-nr-izine week Uoence and privi- Uie Jin rty M.ig.aine everv every wtejt. Cluslvs rifc power, u 4rt ailu )n lh, niarr of ,n, riatf ol I an jinfiii. imrnwu, .men cnnsuil ssy i I I TAKff NOTICK tfcfaflby matntsta In the aafd City' streets, lane' Honor, f. MtB.VcrutiPtbTK dat-cij and other puhllOjsce poJea, conduits. Deceiriber, AJD. .t92S,sIw pWBed" snrfice stid underground mtrescables ABmlnlstrstor 6f the estate of Dan Mc- and au other equipmenx 1Iwi .n nrtiM havlna umcin ana iuu apaiances )jxiaiiv M.M NeUl ( ilon. distribution distribution and tnd cuhiis claims for the transmission, asalnat the said estate are" ftereW (f sale or electric power fir light, neat ana renulred to furnish same, property vert-power purposes, ana empowering the jltQt to me on or before the Bin day of Uke over the whole or any part of tb Prlnee Rupert. B.C. XmDany"s electric light heat and power Dated the th day Of Mtfeh. system upon such terms ax may be agreed , - r upon, and to validate a bvlaw (If as sented to oy tne electors, to wnom it is 4 Dm. to be submitted) empowering the Cltf td' 10:30 am. enter into an agreement witn ine uom- , Friday . Prtnreaa Royal .... 4 p.m. pany autnortcimr tne city to enter mio - -- - n n. IYim Mama nrf tA vaMrlatA tV uM arm . . March ao-las rrtneeas i Marir . . . .Noon ment and to trrant and confirm to the Oraham A Atlln Ave. .. Marcti SO a. PrUirea Mary ....Noon Oompsny all the powrra, privileges srd Ut A. At 8th St April 10-1. pnncesa Alice .....a.m. rltu thbyoqjVerred. eth Avt. a Pulton at. ... I'nr INirl SlinpMia awft Taa ItUer-- A. .. . . . ... 4 . &.nci h . 1 ,11. iiuti., u.v... v.iw w-.. - , Sunday- Camoaun ...8 pm. stn day of February, A.D., 1929 I niiii INirt Slmpoon ami Naas Itlver . fur j?feHal, I'mnKT, Anjos anuAlle Arris Sunday as. Camoaun' 8 pjn. '"ilnaaiHr - Pr. a rone , . .10 pnv, rruiii ilriart, ITrniler. ,tii)o and Allr Arm-Tuesday- at. Oamoaun 11:30 a.m. Fridays-sa. Pr. Oeorte Jrl l'r tjueen Charlotte lind March 2J a. Prince John ...10 pjn. April -. .Prince John 10 p.m I'rom Ipteen Thitrtn llnt March 21 ss. Prince John Jn, April 4 sa Prince John atn. fnr Aliioka . utarrh 90 as. Prlnceaa Mary Noon March S0-s. Prlnce Mary April 10. Prlnceaa Alice frnm Alaka vt.n.ii laa. Princess Mary March 24 . Prlnreaa Mary Solicitor for the Corporation of the City Of Prlnee Ruuertf. 07-w. 2nd AVe. At 2nd St CO1 Ave". Ac ruitett St. ... A.D I.KTTKK MCIX rtll.l.r.CTIONS 11th Ave. As Sherbrooke .... Uth Av- t Conrad 8th Ave. At Haya Oove Ava... eth Ave. As Hay 0 Circle st'h Ave Ac 6etrrn St tth Are. Oreen St. (Haptl). &th Ave! At MBrld 8t Prov. Oovt building Prov. wnarf O.TJ Wharf' O.T.P Btatlow a At' 80 A AC. PJ 900 7Jol O.05 9.10 JAW bis riit r 4 r at oat 1 40' tl: 9 4S. 8.1 1 IM 8.20 655 8.35 10.00 M 10 05 ilJ9 10-10 840 -r Ave. At Sth St. 0 20 850 1 Try a Daily News wnnt-nd. H will bring results, . i y . li ft AKTI'M eRETTV9UR6lE W inas I . . ' Cin lntajt y.)t la Cwal ljjnUrr. $ .BVftLFSo V ..Phone lllueS8, r 'lfcT'iW9,-S f' A.V.t MAILSCHEUULE uriy to enter inio an agreement wiin uie Aprtl. A.D.. 1929, ana all part lea in-., iv... Company for aupplylng to the City and aebted to the eaute are required to Sy Vll . - Its citizen electric light, beat and power iD( amount of their Indebtedness to ine lfMrtftys. tjncsj. Baturdays. w mU upon such terms and condition a the forthwith City deem fit, and further empow- may JAMES ,lun ...vim MSNBliTI, tv rl. thl r.t. . f..ttr nurOhlu l,t ruin I Ae Cant lr Stewart. ran. Uanih a. K) and SO I rum t(uren ClMtrlottra i March 7 and 91 ' T tlsaka iMtnl-- i March 8. so and id l"rm Alaaka ?. SO .. March IS and t4 ! 1 HIAHD YOOH 10-130 ajo Sundy.- TueMdaya sad Tmmdays, raatl lti s JO pm T Vanruy ver -iMa train Wednesdays and Sjtur- days lUeadi ys PtfctayS FtWvys WawMfi weoaesdafa .. ..' w.sir a jn 4JB pJM ..8:11 son. ... It pat .P.BS. .. pjn I it SO air. .... pm .sf.m ITrntrer. AiiMit and Alice AruH-r ., Bdafi J . pat . Wed heed ays ... lil Dm ntSS :ettwart. Plwmler. Anvoa and Altec Arm "Tiaradavs Itjl m rrtday . ...kjm ta Naas Rlr mini-- SlPdaya . .' 7 pjn From Naas Hirer Pnltna Tueadaya 11 JO am. To 1urn Chariot r 101S 8 4J March 9 and n .9 pjrl. ..a.m. ..NVjoti . ..pm. I tt'imm 1 j i,nmipK,,,wi VAJHA.T DO VrOUTHiKlK it it' i t r . . -L. r- I OKU ttHOOUO 2vstr4 up SIR JAMES AIKINS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FO R RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ JJfiCAUSE IT IS FULL OF IIUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. This on n t W .11 Kit Mil H I; FOR UtifU'f Ftili SALE fot renCFtTlt SALfifoilV. roomed house Apply Mtissullem Grocery, .tf , arid t wo lot' Aeply JO 10, 10th I'M VV.H-I hmitMlt (fotjMit ,Aveiiue, E., rOohW tt'iid- liath ' I'fioiiar J17. F.Olt SAtl'V-House KOIt RN'f AiUoryifthilm?. pi.Trio.V ii omiaiii'a. ami, aewing;..mac1r- i oil nktrr - -TnT wiioiwy l'etVfirg rMn. ny the dayV week, ..j ;.wi m:.i ti.A ruv. If M . ' ' , , i . .4ipuJ J' V.RViW' - - and JT llJUUI.lt' IMIIIC UCU Wl. , - HIX .a. a .11 1 11111 awt rcngiisn inn. I IlUKany uuitruu aim uni tf. I'hone &7 rl store. BEAUTY 0PEltAT0R MISS MARY SIALT1K Exrerienced operafftfV moiU'-ra rhetfMkU Iri all JfrW f Wa-j'v rooms. culture and halt5 JrtH -l'. Matte apiofTitrfini by' p:TrVirrif Ked 189. RMItAnRASSlNO MOMlSNt .. JSk i - - - in - - - 2 i - - - ' tm Bui ii i in Peacetime aj-Ptriotism A FMe hrr Maihtmu tni SUvn t was an insistent purchaser of SHE Ircal producu. She knew the scmritv of her home depended largely on herself, and all mothers like hex depended on their u securing atxaajiproauc c4'Srcih the. sv mMMfdk Wm Il'u'try m bk snuntTY errkvyed fecure prsntiom and steady employment. That is why, when shopping, for an outer sannent for her tan, shr demanded a local product. The store clerk hesitated and told her the article she required was out of stock at present, but that a certain foreign-trade article was "just m good " S refused the foreign garment and left the store. c Back of this mother's insistence was a pride m the producu of her hswriekrid tb true peacetrme puiotisa. This story has a moral for McTCiMmti The progress of British Columbia depends on increased productvori and increased purchasing of British Col-aaaba rroducts by the public. Be rair to yrjurself' Be loyal to British Ct umbta! Sell wort British Colutnb prrJucti" BE PROUD TO BUYPRODUaS Early Ad. Copy is appreciated By George McManus