VICE-PRESIDENT CHARLES CURTIS A new and exclusive posed portrait of Vice-President Charles Curtis, States, at his home in the Mayflower Hotel a few days ago. He entered thltles of ice-Priident at the inaugural ceremonies on March 4. -J or hundred dollars in concrete, tangible return for the money invested. You can sec this greater value in the richness and superior quality of : ih. UnHed inta his nw STYLE AND VALUE STAIOJAHD OI" THE WORLD ByDolm CARS WITH BOBYBTMSHER ARE WORTH MUCH MORE " Fisher Body confer upon any enr a value far beyond uny tiling , offered in comparison. Tlie actual dollars and cents measurement of this greater value varies, of course, with the cost of the car, but it is always Impressively large in proportion to that cositt In 'the case of McLaughliu-Iluick, it amounts to Several 1 CABtLLAC- UL BXUM McLACCBUX-BUlCMC - fJKtxe OAKLAXD OLUS3IOUILM i NEWS OF NORTHERN B;C. SMITH ERS (Lumber Co., has been appointed ...'to the positron of eSelii in the ic Is illsenlegnuing on me j)U0c works oil i. e. M-rr -in he -intent and-travel- .irmrw-rmnwt' WW ' nh Ih'vm J how dangerous. ine have returned east iid rjonth after iMklnfe An In- ton Ohio. Aid. A. B. MoffUtl ieft bat wieek f ir Itocmsater. Mn., wheVe he will receive surgical treatrriVst at Mayn Clink for trouble which !dVe!oid fwllewlng the extrac- ition of a tooth. I W. O.'Fraser, fwinerly employ 1 ia the office ttf th Cnnlnwa rl, .1 I . 'H - . MEWT INEIAl CANADA the upholster- I v5flara iug, the panel- I EjPfefyl ing, the finish, I IbKS the fittings, the seating luxury and the coach-work in general. As a matter of fact, the .McLaughlin-Hoick, in poihl or body luxury and value, takes rank with the high FISHER motors or , L I m i t r. II VirP est priced cars oul-aid a the Central Viators Crottjt. Comparison also places the other General Motors ears relatively as far ahead of tltvir respective fields). Only General Motors and FUher combine theina'ri-ufucturing elements necessary to fetich unprecedented value in a motor cur body Fully to realize the superiority in every phase of Fisher Body, camprtrc the Fisher ilody ears listed hehnv in any price fields trith any other car ul ihatjleld Only then trill you be in a posl-tion to judge mo (of- t&r Uihi4M,? Fisher lUidy value Is so evident that it is at once apparent hut it becomes et en more imprek sive upon potnt-bypolhtcdyhm parlson. Malie such camjparU sons at your first opportunity. of Canada. suc- Larrv Cantv Is in town .1. route one of the forVest funerals to tj. F,ay yotU .st.t.tlin 0I, 111 fcWUliew whs that bn1flew in Miction with the i tli.' iatc l. II. lletherlngton filteresti, 0f ue development h held under the nus- wftcV, ..i was compahy ,ns a, ,4,m ..a a). . nf tV IWJfin Legion proximately 'dim acres i land with llev; J. T. tfmtWon ftffidat- from the government, ri.-.ring. i,)p- ' feneing and opening up oi the ; ' i lands generally will I. II. Byrne has been el&lcd t' th,R 8U,nJnVer. ; i-rt'tArV ni the Canadian lotion here succeeding the late J. 11. i ii . ington. llifli officials of the Iw under- R. V. Smith 1ms arrived in the Jt from Victoria to take over . lit duties At accountant in the -.ret .rtl of thrftM.V. f . w Jirt,, ot lm . . ,tns office ha.' Wtl Tor le.-ue I. .iketball has TMn it- chllllwfcek en a three" ..k, n,.r her. There are three holMay tMp. - :im in the- Minr WlKlle, , . . ,. tJ . ,:. Mrs. Catherine wmur s .n ii the pr.iiries for tare years ; ...w t..;. k. u..i; paired as a relief perator on Magtltfate lanti for Wng I, fanailian National Railways. , tf-- fr w . . "iB.ltn.r ' 1 1 i barn -..ii Mrilli i. i Ilia t . a i . r - f to a I: . ami .Mrs, l.eorge Uulton. ' ' !' Jiess. BURNS LAKH Having ncarfy severed one of her fingers with a circular saw. .Mrs. M. A. .Moore of 'ichesinkut like has beeli receiving attention In llie Burns Lake Hospital. ThomaA Radley has purcliased Rlock i9 in the village of Hums Lake and, with the aldtance Iftf'Vancodver capital, will shortly Uommence the erection of a new -hotel, v , . . . A. ,M. Ruddy -has a gang of men' at wbtk on thf fe6mul4ian rf ;Jifs -ne,w Hotel building whkh is ,ppeteia "to be rady for occu within a few weeks. pation L Reuln- Nelson of Ootsfl Lake and Sam Coeker f VanoWhoof have bten among district visitors fin tnwn during the past week. 4 A' 4uecewjfui dsnce was- held ttnV-KtuVday nlglft In aid al th frosnftal! There Was a lartfe st. fndancei,- Including many plp irom town. Mrs. P. V. tallon enterUlneil at a delightful bridge Mrty In honor of Mi-s. Howard Prihgte of Francois Lake. Trite winners wefre A. E. Mrs. II. I). Mac.N'eil. Mrs. Klssock and Mr. Robert Uowe. The guest of honor was presented with a beautiful cup nd saucer. VANDEKilOOF ilr. and Mrs. A. Finnle have irrbed In town and taken up icSfd'e'hte In the MaeAllan iiouse )n. Lanipitt Avenue. The Central Interior Grain and AyIVo1- shlppl a carload of rain to Prince Oeofge last week. Tt A successful social was held tat Vediiesday nftfht by the Halted Church IjAtiW, Aid at the home of Mrs. L. J. Preston. . ji A. Mitchell enteitulned a niifnWr of his friends at a successful stag jwrty last Wednesday, night. A poll bylaw hs now lieen tsit Into effect In Van'derhoof by the feu&nl of village coinmiMioneri. -Mr. and Mrs, Owen Uurdette entertained 6h Wednesday eve- hlng al a dance In Ike Hoard of IVAde Hall ih honor guest, Miss Marjorfo Lonfloh, Hhglahd. : E. A. Mitchell has been afrpoln- Ud lay-'rUelegaU! . to replwfnt VHXdernoof. aUh. United Cliiirch' vonmehce in Vnhcouver Ih May. The post office at Fort St. James has Veen moved from the ltudson Ray Co". More to that of the Takia liko Trading Try A classified ad. Ih the News and get RHBULTSI THE NEW I1ISHOP OF r ,lfEI.Mi.T.n ... n i Dr. If A. Wil- Kn.Ttfn Vnrlt nf fJik' VVfe.n i?rpin the erow James P. Ceie hs returned' t6 anJ vkJS 'inw- r unAnln n" ilinmtArt aflr .Aeivdlnir etprrtl t . ., . .. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERi New Deal on Vt'oodbine and Confidence Expr---. (ireat I'nwped Area in Stikinc; nr. :1 Esperanzn Meeting to He Held Here A new deal having been entered into i . torato ot the Woodbine Gold Mining ( Hugh McGuirt, the company has now in ,, os?fi8ion of the property at Stewart, i agiuentent for purchase the company lui i in cash on March 20 and another $15i.ih from, ttjat ilate, The new deal provides ; inept ol $35,0ix)' and the balance hi stock , together with monies received from .-m . such are secured . The new agree- roent will give the company clear mineral in t'. . .HIe to. the projterty. which Will bean proved. K nhle better finuocmK to be ae romplished, whereas under iW sM ' .igretment tois would liave bMa M.,'Mr!nold 1 impossible. The situation is coo JPiL sicMred by the directors to ba a i! U lavOrabie ehiuiKe from the old .igreement and .nentnieut far asore ?, , optimistic than tor many months !! p m'" ' fMrbft,f freely Wprtsaed. A. E. WUiepu. ,. . Munn has been elected preaiaent 7" of the company wiln .. S. Knowl-ton as vice pre: den: ..ud C;iit Charles Mutton of London, Eng land, and J. K. Matheson have been added to the board. Ton shareholders have passed a vote of confidence in the ne board and have given numerous expressions of confidence in tbo future of the property, .listing thnt thei position is better than was that oi the Premier Gold Minrla Co. at w time in its tarry history after1 It had been condemned. With1 $15,000 in the treasury ivhilable tor future operations, F. J. Cross laud., M.E., states that ibis will about suffice for five months' work on a moderate scale. A start will be made to sMsi ore as sooq as possible. Speaking on "Utvolopmont ot Mineral Remmrees of Northern British Columbia" at the convention of the Canadian Mining In-it i lute in Winnipeg last week, Dr f. A. Kerr of the Dominion Uoototcical Survey stated thnt the Sti'.lne River provided ready ac cess to more than 1 00.0(H) square miles of unexplored mineral area The territory made available for prospecting by this river comprised a portion of one of the two math mlhijrtil!Uone in British Columbia, Althougti the speaker admitted that the country had its drawbacks from a prospecting of their i point of view. The existence of Jones of Dr. Alexander rilONE 875 IlKSNKK lll.OCK DENTIST and for tin nary busine is president This Winter Ktt? Strong and Vital-Take SCOTTS EMULSION raa.w Rich In All Cod-licer Oil Vitamins MINING Stocks Noon and f."r.i3D.t'-r Ing pri'-M " v" Stock Fx.i r , ,a siock-lisi i- a fl3'!':.t vice in '-";'vdJoaT Mining st... in,tl Stock Kx.'har.gc Winnipeg ' J- 1 CO Vancouvtr. S.DJolmslonCo. SIJ 2nd Ar. Prince