i ....... vtt vn n a vr v mpwo mTJUiV JUUK Axi xAUji,. pana ; (.Per lesser period, pah . h tlw molt ir nil rinffa nf Mnrlorn ' n fV1 Pnn ft . naftl In mlvanrn fnr vpnrlv lifrinn . . .Tfe'Li'j'. u . m tn HPS (DAILY EDITION The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMUIA Published EverxAfternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert iTJttjr delivery, by ma! DaMTO'n W' Avcnuol 5mjCRHT10N RAES , ' " I first item we would J raw your attention ia Pilotage, which Is shown as ItMru blghtr at Prince UupflR for a ship taking coosi leas cargo. As a ma) &fact' PiloUge charges, 'tt :mae at the two ports, .except at Prince Rupert the Ship pays $20.00 of the- rental of the boat which takes pilot back and forth. Some very exceptional condition might arise which would change thitt, but it is quite safe to say that it costs a vessel $20.00 more for Pilotage at Prince Rupert than at Vancouver. STALlA-They are ru: poiaon gas."- rier, yeatly period, pafd in advance; if 5, avane&Tier monin nr. . . . . . i tFTVnn.alwnf HiMnlnv nnvortinimr npr innh npp inaur s. . - of t Transient advertising on lront page, per men "ItMm- 'Fitting fitr Rnln' nf 'tmouver and Lining Grain' at Prin. e Rupert: PThese terms are synonymous but the figures given are usclesv for comparison purposes, since it is evident that neither of the fhiptt in question was completely; lined or fitted for grain. In jthe case of the Vancouver ship only a very mall amount If wovl could have been done! for tne amount stated. As shown, this charge at both ports should be eliminated if a fair comparison ia de-aired. Further, very little fitting ia required on British ships loading full cntKoes, most of them requiring 'none at all, as thir work i- dort'r by their crews before reaching; Tort. "Further we note that in the ning nixht and (i.iy VUm. UU) JtaiQ4oiiv nbn :.s;jBttih Local readers, per frjgprtion, per line 25 Classified advertiaitrE, per. insertion, per word 02 Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line 15 t.: Or four months Iter . ; ; 1.00 uy man 10 an otner pans oi unuan voiumuia, me uriusn tm- i V pire and United 'States, paid in advance, per year 6.00 iUljr mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 Saturday, April 6, 1929 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS made to pay for their high school course, but we are sug-: gofiting that under conditions such as obtain in northern British Columbia the provincial government should pay the whole cost of the education of such students, the city . Undertaking to do its part by providing a building in which . they may be taught. The city of Edmonton has just set a charge of $70 against students from outside points and the responsibility for providing the fee falls on the school board of the districts from which they come. That would not work very well in Prince Rupert,, because so many of the pupils come from districts where there are no funds for such a purpose. The settlers simply, cannot afford it. The nrnvinrial rmv. ernment is responsible for giving such students an equal uyyui luuiij wiwi muac living in mu city, me cuies snouiu not be asked to footsthe bill.' - 1 ' mok-- Mi X ( hi-- r COST OP LOADINT? "SUII WITH (iUAIN AT RUPERT LESS THAN VANCOUVER (Continued from page one). wli to to which S titer-?rt of V; ncouver costs. the enrtfo rte of six cents per ton, wnit;i id imposed by the Vancouver ancouver in. . n 1. 1 : ., , ami jj ill (lUtJBllon iniSl amounted tn &RT4."i().'i'ittiAtrtnt lor.ff tons. There is no corres ponding charge at Prince Rup ert. ing the last three years-lhere have been quite a faw.-jljtes. of the same shin loading at both Ports under the same conditions. Voxels belonging to Ropner's mav be instanced. "In npite of isolated cams. which would apparently show thoj ontrary. it can be taken aa ae-' tdil fact that loading costs are! '!htrtnt''aMy lower at Prince " rt-rt than Rt Vancouver. "pnhr the popLte!" .... -4 in rdf:'s for NoU'i.kraker, have the largest! vvar nlancH ml Amsterdam. GETS McKEE AWARD ,00i' St . &LmM$A C. II. "Punch" Dickens. The Letter Box WOULD SELL RAILWAY - To the' Editor of The Daily News: Sir After reading with much interest Mr. Brady's address at the public meeting last evening, I con- hi right fool iorvard all the mercial pilot, of Edmonton. Alta., northern rime and, in partic.ur, his reference to the C.N. R. from Red Pass Junction to. Prince Rupert. Jt appears, to, me, and I, think to many others, that toe .management ot the C.N.R. has little or no interest in that portion of the system from Red Pass Junction to Prince Rupert, or, in other words, their northern outlet. And, whereas, we read a short time ago in the press reports that Mr. Beiitty says the time has arrived com- when the C.P.R. must seek a Production and Demand fory A'uir Ford Exceeds All Previous Records TIio nianufactiirini' sclitlules of the rjpard IlftibofUf - f 1 Fdr.1 Motor Company of Canada, ho. lOjJg. cdlcected as follows; Prince itcjwj i8teau itir?!?Sb'44Mi;,"it ting or lining charges should not have appeared at -all In the caae of these two ships; In the! Vancouver coats must be included at least, $674.20 cargo -ates. Slaking these corrections we find that comparative figures would show a loading cost of $3610.20 at Vancouver, and $2374.00 at Prince Rupert. The Vancouver ship was the larger, however, and the difference in favor of Prince Rupert is not ao! much as would appear from the above. "It ia difficult to understand why these two ship should have been chosen If it . was actually desired to obtain Accurate figures for oomparfson, since dur-v have hern Mcarijly huilt up until u new daily record for Canadian, ;, automobile production has heen ... reached. ! Despite this peak output, orders for'' jFS(ffeW9aMluTe. It'. is tlirremrc net rs-nrjlo continue a , liigh rttlo-ofproductin. To this Cud n rttwtlv ilof of material from more than 385 ftuiadiuu sources streams iiiln the Ford plants. And here, villi morts than 10,000 men on the pay- rolls (ulmost (loiilile the previous employment record) these materials nre com cried into New Fortl cars. Ford Quality of Manufacture lias Heen Strictly Maintained In tho ;iTort to Iiuilil enough New Ford cars to meet requirements, no deviation from the high standard of Ford precision ha heen permitted. TTiU stnudard, unhclicvahly strict, was Kt before the car Mas placed upon tlm market, and it has since , !.' rigidly adhered to. j '5Tln thosNov Fonl Car 10 '.diiTerent -'stlcl atluK ure ucd. Each s chosen for the specific iim; for which it is hest ndajitetl. In the traiiMiiinloii gears alone there are seven illiTcrcnt kind of alloys. likewise, the forged MccI spring pcrche, hardly higger roiind than u munV thiimh, Mill witliAtaud n;Mmlu of 15,000 pouml. This is .30 lit. tew greater than the strain put on them ill ordinary uc. : i outlet. Therefore, I who was awarded the McKee think the time opportune for the trophy for 1928, for meritorious people of Prince Rupert and dis- n;v. , , .,,') , service in tne advancement oi .nti io peuuon uie. minisier ot .. . a i - Every city in British Columbia is faced with the nrob- v,Bfn . riknnda. nurin ihfe railways. Hon...Chariea Dunning. lem Of providing an education' for a number Of Students year he spent 'a totajl .of--l,03G to open negotiation if posible with Whose narents are not. residents of the citv and who dn nnt hours in the air. the management , of the C.P.R., pay taxes in the city. Most of these come from unorgan-. ' ' ' ' f' ''' ized districts. Wo nvo vinf aiicrnroctinnr flint tVinon rnr?1c! cVimi11 . Vi I with a view of having that organization take over from the Dominion government the entire interest now vested in the C.N. R. system from Red Pass Junction to Prince Rupert. Bring about that change and in a short time the early dreams of our northern population will be fulfilled. This is our business. . We own the C.N. R. and I say let's put the above-mentioned part on the bar eluded the speaker, Mr. Brady, had , counter and ask Mr. Beatty and associates for an. offer. Thanking you, Mr. Editor. GEORGE B. CASEY. Daily News "Classified' ; adver-tiainjr brings results. . Clears Skin of Blemishes The Perfect AntUeptic Treatment It In no wy to rlil your pktn of plmplt, tilotrlie. blctni-lM. Juit apply Ih pure root Inf llipild D.D.D. Clur and (talDltM, lt aootlilnf f-kHnmta penetrate tbe akin and qni.klr drlrp ar tbe Irritation. 1TCIIINQ STOI'S INKTAiNTI.Y A SV bottle prorea lit ' merit or rvur druaal"t alrea yaor Money tark. V.V.L Utt $U aralla. (l'tDX)J3.oap.) tV. J. tiitMr.s i.Tti. MlCUTCllEON, Hit! (KilST. FACTS AB W VI . "A k-A ' j! Tho excellence of materials used is matched by tho careful precision of its manufacture. For example, tho eight valve guides in every engine may deviate from perfection only hy l30th of the thickness of the average human hair. Tho simplicity and soundness ol Ford design is unparalleled. Such manufacturing methods ensure a rstt Vx r high degree of satisfactory performance over a long period of years. Vord Performance is the Nciv Standard for Judging A utomohiles The rapidity of get-away ami acceleration of the New Ford is a by-word. Its endurance, which If you hara not riittlcn In the new Ford car, or experienced the thrill of driving it, there await you the knowledge that car udue hare actually changed; that a really fine car ha come Into the light car field; and that ralue offered hy the new Ford cannot be duplicated anywhere. Your local Ford dealer Kill prove these statement by demonstration. mm Saturday, April 0, 1929 , ar ' m if i Mi-tfci t - ,r SPEED TYPISTS WILL COME TO CANADA FOR TESTS Toronto, it was announced in New York, will be the scene of this year's International Typewriting Contest, where Albert Tangora, (left) world's champ on typist, will defend his title urainst all comers. One of Albjrt's most formidable opponents will be Irma Wright (right) of Toronto, world's amateur champion. It is largely' as a compliment to the Canadian girl's success in last year's international event at Sacramento, that this year's contest ia to be typed off in htir home town on September 28. This is tit first time n a quarter of A century that tho championship has been held ut.ide the United States. BHaaVBHBaWBlall VOaVS rWab I-.an" f 1 THVi.f un n mm In ti. iicrmits sustained driving at the itghcr rjiccd hour after hour, U little xhort of man clou. The eae! with which steep hill arc rlimhcd in high gear is equally a iniprcivr. Slriflinjigt-ansMecriitgrntl handling tlie car under the mixt trying road condition are exceptionally siiuple. 25 to 30 miles cr gallon orgufoliue and remarkably low oil consumption giveaworthwhileoeratingeronomy. In city traffic and on cor.nlry high-ways, the New Ford perform as well at and oflcu better than considerably heavier and higher priced cars. In the light rar field it is absolutely without equal. Hy these marks of Ford crfonnance other motorcar are Ix-ingjudgrd. It simply mean that price iano longer the gauge of automobile quality. Ford Ileauly Is More Than Shin Deep On the surface the New Fortl car Is all that you want it to' be. Beautiful low lines, harinonioiMcolor combinations sparkling nickel, sturdy steel spoked wheels and balloon tires all play their part in making this u car of graceful proitorlion and handsome appearance. Hut its real Iicautv I huUihlc. The quality of materials careful work, manship; correctness of design the things that really matter these are the points in which the New Ford is exceptional. Windshield of shatterproof glass and a six brake system, fully enclosed, safeguard occupants hi any emcr-geiiey. FourcihcicntshH-kuborler in conjunction with the best proven light car spring system, give molcli- icss ruling coniiorl. All model completely equipped to pro ultimule in comfort, couvi ami salcty. t4t.! I '. . 'l(tl It, s are Ide the cuicuce WOim MOTOft COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED.. FORI ONTABtIO'