ua been taken up. . nominee. Evidence tor Crown All Given in Oliver Tar and Feather Case with Dr. Latimer and Others Witnesses Constable Says He Fired At Car and There Was a Ballet Hole Found In Oliver's Car On Following Day at Pehticton Garage PENTICTON, Dec. 3. Dr. V. E. Latimer, testifying yesterday afternoon in the preliminary hearing of Charles Oliver, charged with "forcible seizure," stated that Oliver was sitting at the wheel of the Sedan automobile into which Latimer was dragged last Monday night and taken away to be subjected to an application of "sticky fluid" and feathery Dr. Latimer also testified that Oliver threatened his . .life last AUgust and had given him M'ALPINE PARTY OUT ! : Five Member of V Expedite hxpfdition Jill 1 Rcsrhrd Civilization Today at The r, Manitoba . 7" . . i lng of the police commission. THE PAS. Man.. Dec. 3; An- Constable Frank H. Allercot test!-drew Crulekshank. famous North-, tied that the car belonging to Oliver land flyer arrived here at 11 20 'closely resembled the one he had this morning after a short flight i8een in front of Dr. Latimer's office from Cranberry Portage. Man.. the nUht the latter had been kid-wlih five members of the McAl- napped. He had fired a shot at the pine party which was lost In the car when it failed to heed his order norh for verl w. in'-lnrf! to stop. in the party ws Don Goodwin Warren Rolls, garage proprietor, H'n-n who Is suffering from frozen feet. i Andy" Crulpkshank. noted Van-1 coyvrr avuior, wno is onnging tne ' - 1 - 1 A m mrxTs t)i , we MCAiptne party tha old Queen of the Yukon 1. 1 th: district. He was the first fly- fr for the Yukon Airways and Ex- 'nlnratkm Cn in the Yukon Ter-, r! ;ry having been In charge of nut if the north, is well known in north. During-the last summer, he was flying in the Prince Oeoree district for the Western Canada 23. announcMlfiroi TAM Vn'nf1 in one "nw 'i' the Airways Ltd. He went from there would reserve 'IWir AltfJUy fWlHoster b reason of their prece-ta Northern Manitoba a couple of higher court, thus anticipating the :denre for hey smoothed the way monuis aeo to aia in tne searcn for the McAlplne party. Is Fined Today For Supplying To Indian Girl 0!e Holberg was fined $100. with option of thirty days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning for sup-lM;nc Susie Lelghton, an Indian, wj ti Unuor The girl was fined $25. wi ti thirty days' option, yesterday Ruemoon lor intoxication. t.v-denne in the Holberg case was also hnrl ysterday afternoon, decision be ins reserved until today. Bethlehem Steel Absorbs Pacific Steel Company look after as many as powiu.e. BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3. The 1 Lajt year hampers were provided Bethlehem steel plant Is reported ' and a g0od many who otherwise have absorbed the Pacific Steel W0Uld have had but a poor Christ-Company, a concern valued at from ' mag holiday were able to Join with ertycted to administer those du-i?er. escaped Injury when the Yu-t.i8 not. as n .Wostertfer for he be- kon Airways plane Northern Light lonns now to all Canada, but with 1 carrying express to Mayo made a a Vno'de? Of Western resources i ano uiiu western ticatciu interests uiijCicoiro niiiv.ii "hould be of value to the whole lst-m in Weekly Wages Montreal Women Are Coming Up MUWlKtflL. uec. J. Average jragM of women workers in Que- bee industries are steadily mount-'of of IlauDY vllC 11 no ,j w. w g of the female work- Cl-l-;r.,napjr Elechon.-g Vi. fnnda are necessary average wage gWRBg -saVS rome to the aid oi ine necoy at uio r- . . in . Ilftenn to twenty million dollars. It employs coo men. Tne annual pay ro.i Is $1,500,000. Big Maj jority of Co nservahve m CMJ: 1 tnghsh ..... I TTnir t7i mj rAA . i ivn, bisKiaiiu, wvv. w Arthur Steel Maltland, former Conservative minister of labor. was elected In the Tamworth dl-V'Mon of Warwickshire yesterday with a majority of 7.000 over his Labor opponent, Oeorge Morwlll. Cabinet Made No Announcements , : . , . - na unaer ine eiiect oi minimum - ' ., . .... W ?,ur On the Island of Montreal, the to in ivw. Ana in mc iex- the advance has ioeen irom jh.oh in ivm w , 1nM Wnp.. fnr wnm,n in the same industries ..-0- located elsewhere ; In the province also show advan- nrnnpr time. 1 ills iU 13 cvv I ZV . t j. n.. Ottawa. i5c7" 3-Mondays meeting of the cabinet failed to mi , any light on the subject of mlnkterfal appolntmenU. The. ferrorterfla,nd .hA colleagues L8. .0lft.5?: ul' luc cou" ththaJ matters connected with I"' coming session of Parliament seven days in wmcn to leave. Another point in today's evidence was the testimony by Chief of Po lice Davles of Penticton that Charles Oliver tried to have the poll rp rhlef aalc fir I-atlmer ti leave town because of trouble between Dr Latimer and Oliver's wife. When tha t-i 4 a f ra fit da1 lha &n I toot " ittusvu bill, sumv, nb- ness gajd 0liver and his brother. Joseph, a Vancouver Iawcr, mace the same request at a special meet- testified that the day loiiowina va v on va y IbvawitvM Oliver's arrest accused had bn his car to Rolls ga repaired. There wi a, lie saiar &.DUP i ' lei noie nan an i . 1 a a cxxiy oi we car. Rom W!W m with compound, The prosecution concluded its case yesterday t iUwr rnurt PENTICTON. Dec 3: -Counsel t0T Charles Oliver, who, is charged tlon with the tar and iealBerlhg 0f Dr. V. E. Laimer on November cnmtn Ua of Oliver, for trial wnen i .... ii i M irL.. r.V" " . , litis aiiCiiiuuii. -, nniincel Via nrrajviMwl tmnor ary ball for Oliver on two ban bonds of $1,000 each. It to Intimated that the defence will base their case on an alibi when the trial goes to the higher courts. XMAS CHEER IS PLANNED i . .. iimni.rlliu oollMcal appointments, ,irvM to Provide Hampers Salvation Army Mr nunnincr riiinnlncr will win nssi nssutne. For Needy and see inai None Go Hungry The local Salvation Army is planning a campaign this year to pro vide Christmas cheer xor many needy families in the city. Thu. ... r "tiv.k...ji.. v.a nAnniA r.ard.rVun- uui v . . . able to provide such things as would make It possible for tnem and their families to enjoy tne nappy season. In view of this the Army officers are laying their plans to the rest of the community. Also, a Christmas dinner was provided nf hv thnse' ?.5.7"Wi: .wihr;. Thli who did not ui 5'" i t i nrnnmra to mile uic uiu- . year ,v.r.-i -- - , ' vUlnn of hamDerS Uie lire, wojr. ui ,Y"'"" on 5n Also they will see hat Tnone RO hungry on Chrtotmas n. nlmUT " .VJLU "LL.'hleJ p.w-w. ------ . . t prinunK ana ainea mausixics. uic . pectea wny hw hJiumD has been from $12.14 In 1928 T j . wi.iiuo either monev or uro- Rla54nthlnB ceries or anything eise wnicamisiiw be kV i,H used tn to advantase. The names . f Honors Will oe duujiiki h .v n ,nC llv News Nea'S. but but .those .thOM who do not! 'wish their names to appear may 1 leave a request to that effect. , Four Candidates Mayor J Edmonton EDMONTON. Dec nP 3 3. -Tne The fol- loi ?Svty next: James Douglas, m James V " .East. V.,4 w w. a. A niinn umm u and Qer- land Pellon K.u t, LORDS DOWN LABOR BILL Pass Arcendmeni by Large Majority to Widow's Pensions Act LONDON, Dec. 3-The La-bar Government was defeated in the House of Lords yesterday 37 to 16 when an amendment was adopted to the Widow's Pension Bill providing that payments of pensions be limited to needy widows. The Laborltles have only a handful of members in the House of Lords. f, u The House of Lords adverse vote is not regarded as other than possibly making the eventual enactment of the law In the form the Government desires somewhat more difficult. "Dunning Gets Welcome From . Finance Paper Anro"tifment that Hon Chas. Dunnlne ha been chosen for the nortfn'io of Minister of Finance of Canada Is to be welcomed In the vmk s a satisfactory choice, says hv.Flhan,ljl News. ft ifi flUlne that today, when .Wfegtern Canada Is loomlnn larger him' MT before In the economic man of Canada and the realization Is crowing that Western Canada trv bie eni or the Dominion, a Western Canadian jnan. Jhould .be ehosn todmlnlster the duties bf '! Denanment tr Finance. 'owmcr two of the greatest nance ministers Canada has known. His w mm imanwiT, nm in an nt Hr tpnut hf nncltlnn rW4l7t ri,ic 1114 UU.1.IV14 W t, t IV MlffleHlt dlfncult. An OYrentlnnallv hloh mnrwn is nis inneniance irom m nr-nrors. 1 In January Parliament will 'meet anrt shortlv thereafter the 'rt. ninninr budget must be brwym down Wit a vital factor In Canadian bustnea orogress Rohb budeets were, with their consistent tax reductions and announced surpluses, is well aopre-.lated by business lndrrs In these days when the chief function of statesmanshlD Is interorated In terms of economics, the Dost of finance minister of Canada Is the most Important of his new duties with thi well wishes of I Western Canadian. He will be tages since uus. irancq ana nisnpan did not intend to issue a,i colleagues bgan their industrial declaration subportlng the AmerU I investiaations -ana set tneir wage can note to China and uussia warn-schedules, lng them of their obligations under the Kelloee-Briand anti-war pact WASHINOTON, D.C., Dec. 3:- Four billion stamps, totalling more than 300 tons In weight, have been1 prepared by posi office officials, WJHJ fiiiu vucy, a ic- cord-breaklng Christmas trade. Upon the basis of advance orders. described as unusually heavy, they said WHS numoer OI Stamps wouia needed, or seven per cent more i than used last year. TOMORROW'S TIP' Boston Grill 4 Lit ROB CAHAKET Wednesday, Decemb Sprcltl Dinner Thursday and Saturday Dsniing Errry Saturday Nltht, 9 (a It 14:50 p.m, Is., v. ', Dane Hall for Hire Low 9:01 a.m. 9.9 40 Accommodation for Print Partle 21:47 pjn. 4.5 ft. A. . niONI 457 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XX.. No. 281. prince'rupert " ' . PRICE FIVE CENTS Kilts at Fashionable Wedding The Far' and Countess of Air London, England, for the wedding of the Lord Provost of Dundee, a WINTER IN THE EAST Fier" Sto syeps Great Lakes ana anow at jew xom NEW YORK. Dec. 3. A snow storm yesterday interfered with traffic and reminded the people hat December Is here. CHICAOO. Dec. 3 A fierce storm with low temperatures swept the Oreat Lakes with prospects of still colder weather. The whole eastern and southern states were more or Jess affected. The air mall from New York to Cuba is thought to have been lost. Plane Smashed, Men Uninjured, In the Yukon DAWSON, Dec. 3: Pilot S Nelson and C. O. Wann. a passen forced landing near Carmacks. iuc laiiuuiK KCtti aiiu ciiHiiic ui the plane were badly smashed. STOCK BOOM wtvt yt-itvt lrAmr which will ultimately link up Jas-I iVJ NPvV YIikK Pr Banff national parks. Is IVi llLiIf I ViVIV planned by the federal authori- jtler Through the enlargement of Publie,tlon of President Hoovert I " fn ' the named Message Followed by Dig i P f . ground the Dominion lluying Movement will first extend the northern ' road to Red Pass Junction. NEW YORK. Dec. 3. Publication , T4he b,1ecVv,e J ,tn,s extnslon President President Hoover's Hoover's message message to to1 "ltlJnately, "nk UP Jasper rsnnr n.o fniinn-aui hv a hrnnrt vuiii " i hnvtnir movement on the Stock Ex- I IX'? -hieh Vr ert i few specialties even higher. Japan Holding Back Regard To Eastern Fracas , TOKYO, Japan, Dec p.-An q i nfi offU cw SHKmcnt Bivca uuk iu or otherwise to associate herself with the proposal, VANCOUVEU WHEAT STILL GOING VV VANCOUVER. Dec. 3: Wheat Is Hill COing up. ii wus quoiea at $1.45 V here today as compared .with $1.41 yesterday. arriving at St. Mary's Church, Ml" w;ntfr?d Hleh. dauehter 1 Mr. Stevenson. COLD WATER 0NFLIGHT Norwegian Airman Do;s Not Like "Speculations in Sensations" and Doubts Statements LONDON. Dec. 3: The Malt to-day says that the accuracy of the report of Commander Dvrd re garding his South Polar flight is hallenged by Major Tryggve ""-ran. Norwegian airman and explorer, who- was a member of the Scott Antarctic expedition. A despatch from Copenhagen cites uran as sayine: "Im nn. Justified In saying Byrd did not pass over the Pole but the -whole expedition appears to be a speculation in sensations." He said the report of the American aviator did not Inspire confidence and In particular he doubted the statement that Byrd saw the cairns of scott and Amundsen. - Plans To Extend Jasper Park Road As Far as Banff EDMONTON. Dec. 3: Extension of the Jasner Park highway i to the west under a road scheme aim . uuiiii . imiiutiai ., uiiu uy a roan runnin" somii jrom nea rass Junction and alonir the Canoe ?th lSf anV Canada highway at th.DLBend, Knr.vTn vmiunil ailU IWTClObUKC. The federal government has been extending Its Jasper road system westerly towards Mount Robson for some time. Now It Is In a position to even extend its park program and make a derided step towards having a through route between the national Dlayerounds. comirmation oi these plans nas i been given by Hon.Charlcs Stew-1 art mlst(,r '0f interior, under' w,.0Vj.riepartment a iarge part ot ,h ,f?ls , :Tiorlc inrk l " handled nangiea DIED AGED 90 YEARS CALGARY. Dec. 3. Isaac Ken dall Kerr Sr., a resident of Calgary for 47 years and one of the best Known iimiuvrmcu in vunuuu, uicu today In his ninetieth year. He was 'born near Ottawa, Ontario. President Hoover in Message to Congress Stands by His Guns Urges Tariff Settlement, Tax Reduction and Prohibition Enforcement and Relief From National Defence Burden WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Speedy ending to the tariff controversy, prompt action to reduce taxation and strengthening of prohibition enforcement was urged upon Congress today by President Hoover in his message. Mr. Hoover stood squarely on the position he took at the opening of the special session when he asked for tariff rates beneficial to agriculture and industries whicjj have not been prosperous. He asked Congress to give earnest corsideration to the possibilities of prompt action which will rive relief from the continuous! v mountinrr exnendi- l i t u.f - The reopening of Congress after only a few days in-tervalince the closing of the special session reminded a good deal of Hollywood, the presence of microphones and talkies giving that effect. Otherwise the ceremony was without outstanding incident. TORONTO STOCKS i (Courtesy S. D. Jchnston Co. ( Close for Tuesday, December 3: Amulet. 1.75, 1.78. , , Dome, 7.05, 7;10. Falconbridgc, 5.40, 50. . Hudson Bay,. 10.25, 10.40. i International .Nickel, 300, 31.00. ..ImpertaJk!Qll,28-25, nlLi J4andy, 35. 36. Mlnlns Corporation, 325, 320. ' .Mslntyre,145,.:nll. , Stadacona, 04, 04. Sherrttt Gordon, 3.58. 3.60. Sudbury Basin, 3.92, 3.05. Teck Hughes, 5.05, 5.10. Treadwell Yukon, 6.75, 750. Noranda, 35.90, 36.00. Niplsslng, 155, 1.95. Ventures, 2.85. 3.00. Wright Hargravea, UP, U3. STOCK QUOTATIONS (tbuKujr 3 D. Johnston Oo.) BaJView, 2V4, 3. Beaver Silver, 6. 8. Big Missouri, 68, Nil. Cork Province. 5, 5VSt Dunwell. 5. Nil. Duthle Mines, 40, 43.. Oeorge Copper, 2.75, 2.80. Georgia River. 15 ,16. Golconda, 76. 80. Grandvlew, 23, 23V'2. Independence, Nil, 5. Indian Mines. Nil, 5; , Kootenay Florence. 8&, 8. Kootenay King, 6V, 7. v Lakeshore. Nil. 1.- . Lucky Jim. Nil, 9 -'"K Mohawk, 2, 2V3. ' Morton Woolsey, Nil, 14. Marmot River Gold, 20, 25. National SUver, IVi, 10. Noble Five. 44. 45. Pend Oreille, 2.90, 2.95. -mlcr 1.70. 1.71. Porter-Idaho, 25, 35." Reeves Macdonald, 1.15, 1.16. KU;us-rgenta. 10, 11. Ruth-Hope. 20, 23. Stiver Crest. 6. 6V4. Silverado, 30, 40. Slocan King, 2, Nil. Snowflake. 16. 17. Terminus, 2, Nil. Topley Richfield, 5, 5Vi. Torlc, Nil, 1.00. . Woodbine. 2, 2. Bluebird. 5, 5. George Enterprise, 12, 17. Oils Mid West. 28, Nil. Mercury, 78, 80. A. P. Con.. 2.12, 2.14. Calmont, 1.03, 1.04. Dalhousle, 1.80, 1.85. Devenlsh. Nil, 20. Fabyan Pete, 6V4. 7. Home 11.40, 11.50. Royalite, 65.00, 67.00. Freehold. 70, 75. Haigal, 1.01, 1.05. Sterling Pacific. 1.43, 1.44. Meriand. 1.R3, 1.65. United, 76, 77. Mill City. 7.73. 8.25. Eastern Stocks, Vanctver Sherrltt-Gordon, 3.50, 3".6o. Noranda, 25.70, 36.25. International Nickel. 30.25, 31.00. Sudbury Basin, 3.80. 4.00. Teck Hughes, 5.05. 5.40. Ventures. 2.75, 3.00. THEY'RE OFF A layman whose duty It was to read the lessons in church came to a nassace concerning "the char- lots ot Israel and the horsemen thereof." Unfortunately, the word "horsemen" came at the bottom of the page, and. after a slight pause. occupied, .in turning over, he ' vu lng the next word as "they're off." I -Churchman. a 1 BYLAWS AT VANCOUVER Mayor Malkln Is Campaigning For Them View To Relieving Unemployment VANCOUVER. Dec. 3. Mavor Malkln, who is not in the field for election this year, owing to the fact that the mayor ot the city now gets a two-year term, Is out campaigning for the bvlaws which are to bo voted on election day. He is askinir for $3,500,000 for the new Burrard Street bridge, which he very desirable Just now to relieve he unemployment condition.. Heik.aqqi port bylaw, the sewer bylaw aha ie , , ALTA. MAN WHEAT KING Joseph Smith of Wolf Creek, In Foothills of Canadian Kockles, Wins Honor at Chicago t .CHICAGO. Dec. 3. A wheat grower from the foothills of the Canadian Rockies, Joseph H. B. Smith of Wolf Creek, Alberta, was selected arwheat king at the National Hay and-Oram Show today with nis sample of hard red wheat which weighed 63 ounds to the bushel. Canada tn mphed over C. E. Ed-son Smith or Corvallls, Montana, holder of the championship. for tho past two years. By his victory. Smith gives Canada the record of having produced fifteen of the last, nineteen wheat kings. . Obstacle In Way of Success Naval Meeting LONDON. Dec. 3 The chief difficulty in the .way of the success of the naval conference next month is thought to be the differences between France and Italy. An attempt will be made to adjust these. A NOTABLE CROWN Speaker (at Labor meeting) And where. I ask you, is Julius Caesar? Where is AtUla the Hun Whert-ar,e Moses Robert Bruce, Charlemagne, Hannibal? Euthuslastlc Usher Stand up. boys, so's the boss can see you. Fort William Times-Journal. 'Scottish Humor Imported direct jT, m tha r r. l I.Vt , l.l.fl, i Aberdeen HE WAS RIGHT An Aberdonlan on tho eve of marriage asked a friend what the ceremony cost. "Weel Sandy," was the reply. "efter I got married I asked the Minister, 'Hoo much am I due ye?' 'Oh,' he replied, 'Just what you think she Is worth,' and when t landed him a shlllfn' he gave me back a sixpence, and man d'yo ken he was rlghti" .Pi