iss n Dlic Original Mr and Mrs. Rav Southard, who have been staeine a show here for the Moose Lodgev will -sail tomorv row evenrAforttue Prince .Rupert tor Vancouver. .. . Herbert Holt of the Diftby Island wirriees station sum win mm un the- Prince Rupert tomorrow eve- K v.SS S will spend the Christmas ana New Year holiday season. Joseph S. Rogers of the Rupert Marine Products Ltd. staff will ail on the Prince Rupert tomor-ow evening to spend the Chri9t-nas and New Year holiday season with Mrs. Rogers and family. Mrs. Ernest McQuade will be a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert tomorrow WM frtfil Stewart tbTiVlcWrfa- kherti fche will ependelCttristmiJin nd New YeapholldaW Dr! J. T. Walt formerly of thl he hC Wl Sif'(ln1l at St. John, N.B.. onj w. rjarton Barton, "VI month's Z"jf vacation. Sunday en route back to Vancou- D. FlnlayS( Finlavson. spend a T. P. Pitch. Canadian immigra tion officer here, will sail tomor row evening on the Rrince Rupert for Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year vacation. rialbv B. Morkill B.C1.S. will be a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert tomorrow ' bound from Stewart to Vancouver where he ver alter having spent the" last six months In Vienna. London and .Dtjblirt engaged It) , medical post-graduate work. Going to Jh Old Country. Dr Wall passed through here last summer. Capt. William Wright, for tho past few years marine supefin tendent at Vancouver for Cana couver where Dr. Eggert, u nr, r tnu-nsttn nfin-pr is mm- ianed as a lanic hont.i ext month candidate for alder- unaeretooa, will practice in xuture. the eittb. at thf :ivlc eioctior. i Mr. Piltsbury states j hat he h.vs not as yet made up is mind ue finitely. D. J. Hartley, Anyox school prin- . ipal. will be a passenger aboard j he Prince Rupert tomorrow eve-iing going through from the melter town to Vancouver where ir will spend the Christmas and ..w Year vacation. Mr. aud Mrs. Allan Carolan of '.lewan will be passengers aboard he Prince Rupert tomorrow gong through to Vancouver to tend tae Christmas and New ."ear holidays. Mr. Carolan is a veil known Stewart merchant. A. D. Baillie. chief engineer at he Rupert Marine Products plant, md Mrs. Balllte will sail on the 1 rince Rupert tomorrow evening or Vancouver where they will pend the holiday season visiting ith Mr. Baillie s parents. CNJt. steamer Prince Runert :apt. D. Donald, which sailed at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon for he north, is making an extra call t Ketchikan In addition to An- ox and Stewart today and is due ack here tomorrow morning at ' o'clock. The vessel, which will ail for the south at fl o'clock to- norrow evening, is heavily booked i vith people going south to spend the Christmas and New Year Numbers made f amous by Quality When gold is pure without alloy or mixture, it is known as "24 carat" the world's standard of value. It is everywhere accepted with confidence and is a universal symbol of quality. k (V .'..rfV-j:- C,'li "83" is accepted throughout the world as a symbol of quality and purity among rye whiskeys, torn; i -.' an Bottled1 torn the oldest stocks of whiskey in Canada, the Government strip tells the story. 1 1 1 i NYE WH I S KEY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia First Round In Carpet Bowling Several Games Have Hccn Corn-, pleted In St; Andrew's Society Christmas Tournament Following are results of first round games in the St. Andrew's Soeiety single - handed earpet bowling competition: is: J. uaaaan, n. 11: A. McLeod, 14. C. Tavlor. It; J. Smith, 9. J. Frew. 15; J. Watson. 7. O. Geddes. 10; Howard Steen. 7. A. Clapperton, 13; J. 8. Irvine, 7. Sport Chat The Jasner Curling Club has an- dlan National Steamships, has ( nowncea i uonspiei aai IOr u been notified of his transfer to! season as J-nuary 16, 18. 17 and 118. Sydney. Australia, in a similar ! an extra day having been added to capacity. Capt. Wright Is well the regular session This i will be known In Prince Rupert through, the fifth annual bonsplel of the frequent visits to the port on of- club and I by present indications it ficlal duties I will be the best in history. Many outside curiers are expected 10 com- 1 pete ana uiey wui ue wen lasen Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Eggert, who s care of. left Prince Rupert over a year ago B F Mesener and A. T. Harrer.Iand have been In Europe for sev- There will be four competitions -.n irnmm smith mining man. eral months while Dr. Eggert has with suitably Driies for each event. Ibeen engaged in medical post-1 a banouet and dance will be held noon s train from the Interior and 1 graduate work, have left Vienna on the opening night to make every- i;l snil tomorrow evening on the ana eniuariteu ai uiumiwn auuoiu one acquaimra. me spiei commit- F rince Ruoert for Vancouver. I empress ,01 Australia ior a tee nas been nara at woric arrang- ; wuf atuutiu uic www, mw iiik nil iiir ucwiu bum iiiru ciiuiui Thn tiamp nf p H Pillsburv. arrive in a tew monini at van- win unaouDieaw oe rt Aarufa. j SKIDEGATE : ;in Keep Your Radio Young Equip It throughoutwlthR.V.C. Radiotrons and regain all the pep and tone quality your Set had when new. UY-227 (detector) $3,75 - TtiMtfcday, Deeembfr 19 PAtSE 1WQ 1925 KThe Gin of Quality ,,4, MMw' that has enjoyed (vT" tin est "V I IW a world wide li5ND0NDRYJ j Kf popularity for 180 " zzriZZziZ f Ml MMMw i vears. w uw.;.,., JOSEPH t JOHN VICKERS b CO . Li lONDO'J 1750 t.CWND This adverti ;r ru nt is not publi.-'n' -r );, vpJ by the Liquor- ntrol B'laru r .... .-uijh. Bl uish Columbia. PIOUR For All Your BAKING LOCAL NEWS ITEMS -7 S?C.IRaidIiolrons CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limits POWER CORPORATION OF CANADA PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. successful hard times dance km J I in the Pattullo school. , J. P. Dover, who has irf , Tlj Tectnt cold spell has been log his home with Mr lnd felt ery acutely on the Queen Stevens at Skidegate h chriofw Wands. ,i brief visit to prinw b.k "" O. VcRae ar.d D. May motored Rev. J. lOlllett. lnd is A Dtibe is secretary-ttoaaurer of ! iierei Irrnn Port Clements Fridaf (MaMett, made a visit i, 3k:ri. me nnirteenui uj utieuu t. vcr.v . mat, wttn, I Foryotimj ana oid ' Bam t s "N Qualifu ccVaIueX Acme Importers Temptation Sale ; A REAL PRESENT ' FOil THE LADY Silk and Wool Hose In all shades and in all sizes. In Christmas box. Temptation Sale Price, Q-f OR 2 pairs for i.iSO i Men's Shirts Tooke's, Arrow and Lang's Shirtsthe finest made. In broadcloths jvith fancy stripes and plain shades. Each one in a Christmas box. - Oj! , Temptation Sale Price V Men's Slippers A pair of slippers makes a comfortable, thoughtful present. We have a lare variety In Vicr " kid, Romeo style. Qff Temptation Sale Price V 9 'Here is your greatest choice of Gifts fot Him Let Santa Claus bring him some' thingiwhichvillmakhim think of you for l9&&t$r&m1iGet::it at the Acme. Andnat sale priced V .2 ' Men's Socks J1ie famous St. Margaret's Men's Socks. Pure wool. Regular value up to $1.25. Qtp Temptation Sale Price. . . Handkerchiefs Make an Ideal Christmas Gift Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs for mm. Half dozen in box. Excellent value. Temptation Sale Price, Q-f itVO per box Mens Bathrobes The German Emperor never wore a bathrobe and see what happened to him. Here is a fine variety to choose from. Temptation Sale Price $5.95 THE ACME IMPORTERS FOR CHRISTMAS MT : THE HOY THE Latest in Sheik Pants Broadway style, in fancy Velvet Corduroys. Temptation Sale Price $5o50 Men's Neckties Some men prefer to choose l In ir own neckwear; .but no man would objM fo an.vH.v--j choice in our store. In beautiful patterns and plain shades, fibular values to $1.75. QJJfi Temptation Sale Price. u THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, VL.C MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT THESE PRICES, POST AGE PREPAID.