Friday, May 3, 10291 ,.:t'n bAlVl .NEWS pa;! rnsiitl Local Stlict p ersonal News In Brief .t t Dentist Dr. J.1 tf.- Gosse. Phone ! 1 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf j 686. ' . I DISTINGUISHED This finest blend will Kodak Time is Here ! Friday and ' Saturday, May ' 3 l night' Ms. on R. the B. Sklhner Prince George sailed last for CAPTAIN bq your final choice aw 4. are D5c days at Jabdiir Vancouver. COMING MISS JEAN GRIEVE ' HONORED AT PARTY Mr. nnd Mrs. P. G. Dawwm Give Delightful Pnrewell Affair for Their Mete Mr. and Mra. F. G. ONLY We hale H$tm In steek from the ifnjr Brownie to (he Cine Kodtfk for movie. Com Inland see them. We develop and print pictures. Daily service. Pioneer Drutjrists the affair. THIRD AVLf, SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES Wi.-m W y aiMflt tSBltHtssteii. I ITTTm ... ... ... LivaBVHn ihi nBaa. ; TiwwwmM'tM'i ii imii1! ! im 1 1 ri'riiinui:iiiiiiiiiiijiiijiMlaiyMhiMai 1 hi 11 f rr nviiiiim. iwmHPm 1 1 1 is' SATURDAY FRASER & PAYNE'S 3RD A VENUE AN D GTH STREET HOYS' j' KHAKI Jan.- v a?Ev of 01m dollar day sijeciai advertised. See our windows for iWffeli6iiiAR(iAiNS ON INSULA Y, FRIDAY S25 VARlJjillKST' QUALITY SrUN aiLKWe guarantee this quality to be absolutely pure silk. The shades are Gooseberry, Sand, Orchid, Red, Nile, Chin Chin Blue, Peach, Apricot, Maize, Maroon, Lllae, Mother (!", Black, Navy and White. 2 ynrtta for !. W-INCI1 PONGEE SILK A splendid heavy quality pure silk. X yards for ... .1.0 0 liKST GRADE' JAPANESE COTTON CRETE HO inch wide. 15 shades. 7 yards for $!. FIGURED DIM1TIRS A lovely range of colorings. SG inches wide. 3 yards for M (UKTAIN SCRIMS Assorted designs. SdendJdjWeartn;r quhllties. Plain and coioratt '6 ard for ..1 SjSI.OO LAD1ES',3U'IC IH.OOMKRS Bobbett awl ortllnaakaiyfe Turnbuil's make-; non-rip warns; In six shade. A wonderful quality irt !. HARVEY PURE THREAD SILK HOSE Assorted shades nnd sizes, Uegular $1.60 iwir for l.( 7rj HOUSE DRESSES All and mitkes. A Kood varletv of patterns. Values up to W.B0. Each !. '-v. V -CHILDRENS?IIOSIimY SILK PLAITED .llpSE FOR GIRLS Two and oim rib; In IHatk, White, Paeh and Brown. Sites C to 9. 2 pairs for $1.00 FANCY JACQUERIJ) 3-4 H08E Turned tops, aaaorted eimdes. Sties 6 to 84. 2 palm for $1.00 BOYS' ENGLISH GOLF llbsB-Aeaortwl iihades and tops. Sizes 8 to 10. 2 pairs for 1.00 GIRLS AND BOYS' FAWN CaIjIMRRR HOSE Sites 5 do 7'. 2 pairs nr $1.00 AND (iHHS; PLAY CLOTHING imlLL jftVERALLS LonL' sleeves nd'fyng 2tS- Eatf IWarJmnwd Rod and Bliie. Sites Exipient heavy weight cloth. .-.$1.00 GIRLS' DUTCH PLAY SUITS in jlltle and Khaki. Sites 2 to 8 1.. $1.00 BOYS' AND YOUTHS' KHAKI SPORTS SHIRTS Fjine watln Jttan cloth; sports collar $1.00 BOYS' AND YOUTHS' HEAVY KHAKI DUCK COVERALLS Wonderful value at $1.00 .Misses white or brown' strap 1 John'Mcnac returned to" the' runftg shoes for 95c at Jaboui 1ty on yesterday 'afteMbon's Btw Friday and Saturday. train front tf -brief trip to Ter- frace, Everyone Interested C.P.n. steamer Princess Royal meeting iCapt. Themaa Cliff, is reported "all tonight at 7:30. ftrtfneV 'lfste'K Miss Julia Cal j!dernhe: vvhren" will shortly. r in, seeing baseball a success this plne rl'lZtA , 'attend Cl f l'.. m,1 . w. 4 t 1.. in year, City iClue at 4 e'Jok this afternoon1 , jfrom the tooth and will sail at' MlA E. Maguire, who has been 1 10 p.m. on her return to Van. spending several . months here couver and wayporta. ,with hr Hicter, Miss Margaret Maguife, sailed last night on the W. II. Manuel of Winnipeg, Prince George for Vancouver. (' M I ...... -n: 111 " .. rived 1n the dtv frZ the In- AttaUlon Eagles! All W,n,. Royal Navy this week, terirtr nt, nlL. ' atrnnu Mrs reimili..l In tt ,n lne ureat Va" and won his j u v 1 vs v 1 J v V4f nil V llll train in the bourse of ohd xt hhi Thursday night. May 2. Uusl- lriodfcal tHp-:on official busi- r.ess: election of officers and nees. Initiation. , jqi Mr. and Mrt. D. k -McIntorA- M. A. Burbank, C.N.R. will sail'hv'tho I'Hticp Knrv. slonsl pnffinppr fotnrnf ( further to the general gaiety, of Jert: tomorrow afternoon on -theit city on yesterday afternoon's Tetum to Amyvx -after: Having train from a trip to the interior There were a number of Bovelty. nent wmtti In iU. rtt t nt. nn offtHnl ,int( dances as well m a stunt program, tend ' the ' nurses'' graduation ex. j , , j including solo by Bill Miteketl. rAm k.v u: Mm v n fi. - I j A . fZ . J Dewar, ,ana,,.jrj. Lantz, diamond ,df iJJ men from, the west 1 oast of Vancouver L?land, ar-, rived in the city on the Cardenai this afternoon -from Hardy Bay. j They are on their way to Stewart. , Provincial Constable T. A. Camm, who has been spending the past week In the city re- J newing former acquaintances, will leave by tomorrow morning's train on his return to his post at Fort St. John in the Peace Ittver district. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, who has received the appointment of resi dent mining engineer for this district succeeding Dr. U. T.! James, arrived in the cijy on the Prince George last night from Anyox for n brief visit. He will assume his new duties . here on .lune 1. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived in port at : 1 :!H this afternoon from jhe south, having completed all her calls in the Skeena River, and sailed uf. 2:30 p.m. tor Port , Simpson and Wales Islan'd whence she will return here th'ts leveniiig and sail at midnight for Vancouver and waypolnts. Fair May 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS Board Hayseed Dance,- Premier Orchestra Novelty Dance in Moose Hall,' May iO. Iist of the season. Tickets, 75c and 50c, from members pr Mc-Cuteheon's .Drug Store. "Mother's Day" Court Whist. Social and Dance to be held Saturday. May 11 In the Scout Hall, Port Clements. Whist to begin at 9 o'clock. Admission, gentlemen 150c, Indies please provide. Moose Annual Picnic at DIgby June 30. Gingham Dance to be held at Port dements some time In June. So be prepared buy a bowl Commander of II. M. Won Won Ills JII9 V V. &. Colombo a In ..Unique j .KMlftMakementTtfl'j.iH Capt. C. C. Dobson. V. C. D, S. 0., In command of the British light cruiser H. M. S. Colombo.j which will spend several days at' Prince Rupert at the end of this month, will be one of the most distinguished naval visitors this port has ever entertained. which Royal Navy officers have long been renowned though his was a most outstanding one. It was near Riga that Capt. Dobson, then a commander of a small coastal motor patrol vessel with orpedo equipment encountered three Russian battle- Art Eiisson and Mrs. Easson and JeaBette Morley. iveaer of the candy booth for thetships and' ,n the en8uinK en" ukelele numbera by Alex Mitchell . ! Ladled AiH nf P!rt pr.h,.ii.. Bagement, unique In the annals of ! The happy gathering broke up! II. It: McMillan, who has been Church at the Ridley Home Ba-!! histoy of the navy 83 nk I about 2 a.m., when all present on a business trip east, arrived zaar yesterday afternoon. ! of them and sent the third IMwmd, I u'ikai )u nAniii. ,ut k.. 1 1. u. .11.. 1 1 1 .. . ' scurrvine to cover in '9 rrlnnlwl MR V.mmt .-! I. cujr un jrnwnwjr HUx" !.,,:.- rr"" ed about 80 voun l.tbn VOyage and a Mfe return- noon'B trin fl,r a brief vIs,t here ! Mp and Mra- - A- ryanl niVM - . ZLKJ femrwiU Imk to Vancouver. He aiiled-last night on the Prince! condition. In 1921 Capt. Dobson was ele- t - iL t , U - T I -i t vntpH In nraaant ns ii.injr. imrtv for ior their ineir nion niece, miss n.. Jean T..n ,f Mr. and ... Mra. 0 ., . l,,e w",;r,, ine uwrge ir Vancouver wnere tneyf 1 i"--" - C. . flnw u r..... t. 1 n u.-..u .m 1 . Js ... . .. jubipH mmmnnH nn rvu,v, " 1 ' vu., wiiii-ii win bimjiiu a " "'""'"v' uprraicB UlSiriCl convention . ", r--l f.relve who la .... leaving Sunday o . lut , . aiht ... on U Prinee George s,nc . that . vessel's a sawmii, here. He will sail of the Rotary Club. I last visit here "m. L An where for trip toTancwraadj4her1(Wltti en the Cafdena tonight. two years ago. will speiwj the 1 next three months, points In the south. ,f . : ' AnMba Astori and Alex Mac-' ''i---J Th irW wre decorated with i( t MIm Norah Carter; who htie IWf JfaiHptV W on the colorsand the verandah wae Dr. R. Agnew, Vancouver den- been funding the past1 couple oM'ilhCeoVtrl - fdr vVancouver .Klturned with green and gold creiw tit, who. haf been visiting var- vvar in the city, salfedarttyPtM' W'.11 iftnd a Knights pajier. the whole setting being jous JMlf4- p4ntaS ob profes- night on thv Prttiee (leoM-ft.Mf jCWfl1 cqMeiUlon. vifr HioMl fcfa arrivT (n the city Vancouver etirmite to KeloWial wUWUVJ'-ai- Music was by Charlie Balagno's on yesterday afteriionV train acrtinnartieS b fche' !chtldren of Mr. and Mrs. George Cicconne STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy , S. ,D. Johnston Co.) j Mvin-ntra and balloons, serientine. and sailed last nig'jt on the Walter' Hume.' Miss Carter will of Port C lements are in the city Sid and a.iked: fancy hats and noise makers k-nt Prince George for tar outn. later proceed easti 1 "ettrelj'te to Anydk vihere iey will ,s.. , t - ..... . ...Jj ' MvAjLi JVk. ..aBft.'J'- 11.. r- i' ' 'I 'mmt atiuu nil vtcuuyiK vl UIC f ICv .. . tift n '-sr.- r Bayvlew, 5!4, 514. take place. B Missouri, 1.48, 1.50. Cork Province, lift, 1-1. Dunwell,21,r23. Duthle, 55, Nil. George Copper, 7.25, 7 JO. Georgia River, 3G, 38. Golconda,, LG3. Grandview, 4G, 47. Independence, 9'i, 94. Indian, 5, C. Inter. Coal & Coke, 34. 35. Kootenay Florence, 14, 14 . Kootenay King, 4G, 48. L. & L., 3Vi. 4. Lucky Jim, Nil, 1C. Mohawk, 4l, 5. Morton Woolsey, 6V4, G. Marmot River Gold, 6V4, G. Marmot Metals, 4Vi, 5. National Silver, 20, 21. Noble Five, Nil, G5. Oregon Copper, 60, 51. Pend Oreille. Nil, 6.60. Premier, Nil, 1.90. Porter-Idaho, 52, 55. Reeves Macdonald, 1.80. 2.00. Rufus-Argenta, 24, 24. Ruth-Hope, 39. 40. Silver Crest, 7Vi. Nil. Silverado, 85, 90. Slocan Rambler, 18, 19. Snowflake, 50,' 52. Sunloch. 2.25, Nil. Topley Richfield, Nil. 33. Whitewater, 94, Nil. Woodbine, 514, C Oils, Calgary Dallas, 1.75, Nil. Great West. G7,'NI1. Mercury, 1.82V4, Nil. Mid West, 99, Nil. Mill City, 9.50. Nil. Recent. 65. Nil. ! f . - . .1 r ti 1 -v . cpooncr,, 111. Turner Valley, 1.35, Nil. Okalta Com., Nil. 585.00. Advance. 8.75. Nil. A. P. Consolidated. 4.C3. 4.G5. Calmovt. 4.15. 4.20. Dalhousle. 5.65, 5.73. Devenlsh, 1.25, 1.30. Fabyon Pete, 13, 14. Home, 23.9 24,00. IIHnots.AbfHJto. 1.75. Mayland; 12?T5,n2.80. McDoug.-Segur, Nil, 4.60. McLeod, 5.G0, 5.70. New McDoug.-Segur. Nil, 750. Royalite. Nil. 175.00, Vulcan, Nil, 2.10. Hargal, 2.50, 2.55. Freehold, 1.75, 1.80. Sterling Pacific, 2.06. 2.10. New Valley, Nil, 1.45. Eastern Stock Noranda, 52.25, 54.50. Mm orange m m II f Xpekoe m day at $1.19V4. ft- TKA 'Fresh irom the gardens' Mrs. J. Borsuk and family of Capt Dobson served with great Woodcock are. visiting in the city V. C. in the Baltic Sea toward the ,Jame Kpkevtky arrived in the, end of the conflict as a result of cIty 011 the Catena this afternoon a courageous exploit for such as from .Vancouver.. Ewart Lyhe. teacner of Piano forte. 5 Summit Apartments.! mil;- tj:j t tr flBlFtrfS ' .1 OFFICERS FOR Worthy President; Ladies' Branch Being Organized J'hone Black 315. 104 j Ladies' WatooTrilk bleomers' ,,odgf J J ' e,ected ff'Cer9 and. vMt. for 93c at Jabour Bros. E, J'1" Prfj.i:Ji a....j, ... o last night as follows: m v uuiui uj t itiay o aim VANCOUVER WOMAN I Murtcheon:8t dent'v-J Tfl HFAn W 1W S Worthy vice-president W .w ... .... u. Sherman Jr Mrs. C. A. Wickens Elected Head of R C. Branch VANCOUVER, May 3: Mrs. C. A. Wickens, Vancouver was el ected president of 1 . t t ri.?rIt"h Tait and w7 Murray. f'fi fri 1 , pnt. r. a iruu ieiumoia Dranch or of Ue the Women's Women Missionary Society of the United Church today. price op-' Wheat I : The -following uoiatlon werpj VANCOUVER. Ma-S;Whfl was quoted on the exchange to-! Chaplain L. Brewerton. Secretary Angelo Astori. 4 Treasurer R. J. Ford. Inside guard L. C. Scherk. Outside guard Alex Guynn. Trustee Wi Ig&bP I EAGLES' LODGEiP Thomas Clough Re-elected i Worthy president Thomas JjJJ' urougn. II. A ladies' auxiliary is being or- lfr'ATfe jr ganized in connection with the 1 lodge. BUCKLEY MINES VICTORIA Mr S Tnpnrnnra Mfv " ' ' , - tlons gazetted during the month . 1 i of April include the Buckley ft J. s Mines, of Vancouver with a eapi- "jti ' tal of $1,000,000. v-W A B J S H ? S riwwtawBe brocertenaEggs! Eggs! NO. 4 PEAS 7 tins ... ALYMER CORN 7 tins NABOB TOMATOES -2s 3 tins 40c NABOB TOM AT0S6 2 Vis . 3 tins 50c MALK1NS BEST BABY BERTS 8a. Tin 25c MALKIN'S BEST Of!APEFRUIT a. Tin 30c LIBHYSCORNED BEEF Is. 2Um ...r 45c PASTRY FLOUR 1Mb. aacka 50c SWANSl)0fN CAKE FLOUR- PJSt. ... 40c IB. 0, GRAN-ULATBD SUOAR I 10 lbs C5c SWEET JUICY ORANGES I 4 doz. r 75c fo BiOOd Now is the time to preserve them. They will not be lower in price. ritESH FROM THE FARM a& te Extras, 3 doz $1.00 ruMr'.- 3 -oz 80 wurs rirvir hams Avcrag- "j lbs. Each $1.08 LAIiK S SCUIS Assorted. 5 tins lr TOASTED MARSHMALLOWS Fresh and delicious; lb. . . .:(Oe MIXED CANDIES Special, par lb PATTERKRISP Chocolate-coated crisps. Per lb. ..' CROWN SARDINES Norwegian, in olive oil. 2 tins B. C. FRESH PULLET EXTRA GARDEN PEAS EGGS 8 doz 85c B. C . FRESH FIRSTS 3 doz 11.00 Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER No. 4, per tin . . 2 lbs Blue Point. .'Sit SLICED PINEAPPLE Ensign Brand. 2s. Per tin 2-V rnrc iwn Per tin 40c TABLE RAISINS I To clear, 2 pkgs ! PREPARED MUSTARD Libby's jars. Per jar . .'Sit .15c.' mm Per tin Sit 4 t j WHOLE WHEAT FIG BARS S,', 2 lbs. N:- Cll6COITEHCLAIRS- 4M. SfeW r mo hock, i m iu y feeaHhefts) . nkg . eacn 1 OtUfi'' PRUNES m Kf " " r - n 1L 1 - F' Aicuium him. a-io. patKUKr Each .'Sit Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 5 .41: .jfir.t.. 1 J: 4. 1 f S F I