: : LHR VAIL? AAWwe nit age eeeee ee 888 88 88 , _ = — . ay i : ~ MAIL SCHEDULE e . ‘ THE DAILY NEWS af cossesseseessss® . ‘. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA | For the Kast. ; rmes . iyi eC : 2 — one ay $s and Sal | Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News af RIE WMATISH en Ge 5 en. ” es Prirting aad Publishing Co., Third Avenue ; From thé yon od —_" TT zN {AGING OF ae Suodays, Tuesdays and Thurs- H. F. PULLEN, Manacinc Eprror. letras all . BE , | ruil-3-tives sage ah 7 Dm SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 10 Quick Relief nas oeieaniitin | 7 cr City Delivery, by carrieg or mail, per month 75c. Vemwoxa, Orr. PaterGage ..ccscscssves 2 p. ~ We have just received a fresh s Ipm: os : sont : Bie year $6.00.! “I eufered for a sumberofyears icindays ..........-+-: 10 p. m. Mai' —Canada ; dav . © year 99.\"). Sundays .....--. By n er Great Britain. in ad — per aa Rheumatism end severe Pains resstaee pase eossovens 5 p. m.| NEILSON’ 'S CHOC COLATES To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.0.) _ , iyo a caused bY (Thursdays .........-- 10 p.m.| reser wrecin > ee &.r se ahau vy tung From Vancouver TELEPHONE 98 ae ae ae ‘t laa Sundays ...... bvees Me which we are able t to ‘offer at the follow i : 7 a ad being well “an a ine recom- tions oe 10:30 a.m “ an ive prices :--- TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 conte per inch.| [OST privates’ to me and [Wednesdays «. v3" ge tb. } Contract Rates on application. [oe ee ee © lesurteeb ...... 0: 10:30 a.m.\}] ROSEBUDS, 1-2 |b. boxes, 35c; 1 Ib. boxes, 65¢ | a better that I continued to i ASSORTED 50c; x 75c to $1 3 take them; and sow Iam enjoying Ge Anyox: ’ , ” attentions ; Suls 1919. | the best of health, t . : arger Sizes in F rope , DAILY EDITION. == «BB Thursday, July 24, 1949. | the ves a ledaibeatds cas vr eevee 8 paeel | wonderful fruit medicine”. | Sunday . — —_— a — , W. M. LAMPSON. | Vednesdays .......... 40 p. ™.) Phones 82 and 200 Store -O. Box 1680 : Fruit-e-tives” are sold by all (Saturdays .....,.....- 10 p.m 3rd Avenue end 6th Street Lenine Proves |. dealers at Se. a box, 6 for $2.0, | From Anyox: To Be Clever Man. ; —s st Se is. coieitecec’ p. m. —---— } ' uit-a-tives Limited, ( ‘ ‘ ; Czar Lenine, head of the Russian Bolsheviki soviet gove : BUPOGRIS 62s cciossccces P- ae ee, ERE rp neers s i shaw oes eeedckss . m. ; a ment, is a very clever man He has aii the qualifications to LAND REGISTRY ACT ) Sundays ee eeewees p- ™ a5+5TS . Sage es en es Cn a ‘For Port Simpson and Arrandale, Capital and ~— rve, “a 1918 — e:ks anes (eo sets, Nev. JUth, +o va _— He has adopted ali the old time deplomacy and absolutism against!) .ncanon No. 10,577-L File ones ie oka, cians 10 p. m.| ms Total Asset ’ a ’ th plication bas a a which the Russians fought. Yesterday news came that he had]. eee Toa ae teary sauith ol ae aah eae Ca E a RE spert, B. Cams owner ip fee under A ! - ney 2 terms of peace to the Roumanians on condition tha Sao > See. adie at tea UDONED » 0c nb ud oc hep od p. m. Mone arns Mo offered term pea , a ; nak 1222.58 if nein dees = Ser Simp and River TH! y secure (heir support against the Ukrainians and troops of kK y 6048, of ALL ANI Port son Naas i : ; oo is : ar e and one that may prove s een js as riaim parcel or tract of points: é A man saved a sum nic mey i case of es " it was a good diplomatic move and o rey lin ine Chy of Prince Rupert more per: |FTIGSYS ....--..0004+: 10 a. m. i gency. He left it in hi ae The difficulty in regard to Russia is getting reliable news arly Kkaown and tes og oe From Port Simpson and WNaas hy after year. He finally wither - . Those who sympathize with the Boisheviks will not believe a: seve 7. cag Pt): eee ‘Rupert, Map River Points: pie ra se Ths is how inter ’ *s ” ' ed to his creall : is thing bad about them and those opposed will not believe vit g re : tiaraiaiia “4 ant 6 Gum SEUSS ‘ant icodesdece ds p. m. } o atest o envi in ; 1 your mon Tv TH that nine nse to gover! we brut a ‘5 t bin 35 Gays from —— Ot teat, eatin a oxy good. The probability is that Lenine mean govern w a} he ge ar een ened : bia will cara more money 57 he is forced by stress of circumstances to adopt old time methods.| (wich may be elected by publication iD Queen os ae ae . + K_OF CA} : ee ee a the a wspaper your stteate=!For Massett, Port Clements an : i tS NI , iable news at comes through, Le e is to section 3¢ Land Regis i ’ AN ' From the most reliable news that con ms : ape ct” With amendments, and w wel Upper Isiand poiats: ti UNION win . same CAMA autocrat, just as autocratic as Czar Nicholas was, only of a diffe wing ‘ ‘sctau! Berens —— ot dia Wednesdays .......... 10 a.m. ' HEAD OFFI ; wy INNIPEG, MA ent type and morg diplomatic. ussite of a peptone betas Sin4 = ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and ez 4 oi rsom eniitied under suc "sale, j slat oints: aie [ What is Future ti persons a0 served” with notice Teenedaye oe ~- PRINCE. RUPERT BRANCH, nd those ciaiming Pk SR NOROD 6 o0-b 0 o's 0 6 0's the ; a ad fae a Of Unionism? r under ts a, ond s aay claim. “or Skidegate, Queen Chariotte A. T. BRODERICK, . peameger. | : any interest an ba NN - a What is to be the future of Unionism? That is a question i S aapeammrne “instrument, ‘and City and Lower Island points: o————_. - — a which many people are asking themselves today. When the Em a. it | oe “eencent autee Ga jrortnightly. === : mee , “ : ; , not registered under the provisions From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte pire was in danger Canada set herself to heip and gave up all side of this Act, snail Pa om sevung wD City and Lower Isiand poiats— N yppec de ec ru a . j ssues to centre on the one big job. Now the job is completed om caoln io in respect of the ™ THE ROYAL BANK OF CA! ADA : ; F land se sold for taxes, and the Regis Fortnightly. RECOMMENDS [TS and it remains to be seen whether the men with diametrically hail regisier the person en- opposed views will stay together or if there will be a general] S2."Ait Sus taeeS "| @er Skagway and the Yukon MONEY ORDERS ‘ > Ww ‘EAS lication bas been ai +} ¢ _— break up and a settling back into the old groups. It goes without! | iJ “tor SVeruneate ot indeteasibie Tiie| April 28th, 9 a.m. As a safe and economical method of remittins i » the above-mentioned iands, in the name i to S50 saying that there will be some disintegration, but just hew much | Be, above mentions From Skagway and Yukon sane es ) a es es “AND WHEREAS on investigating the} April 22, and May 3rd, a. m. These Money Orders are payable v thout charge at a ee 2) See a R = ~ stewart, Mapie Bay and Swamp bank ia ( _ _ (y men meet ‘ Ne we a und, I i rt : f October, 1917 = cate oS "ties of the nited States and are negotiable at over * The Liberal party is to have a big convention in August a said lands were soid Sa ba + Point. : Great Britain and Ireland you were the stered « assessed 0 . em ; which a policy will be adopted which will be more or less of a ye = register Foo—Thuretage ...... p.m. os cit dite es i t ' \ > ‘THER TARE NOTICE that at the : . ‘ Over $5, not exceeding $10, 6 cent Over $30, not exceeding compromise between the advanced section and those who believe | FURTHER, Tani Hon tee — ee ene Prince Rupert Seonsh A. W. Cameron, Manager : ‘ie » ’ » ive e« of [purspance of such application and issue « ia tiie s @ 4 i ‘ , Man = moving not too fast. Policies are always ¢ volved as at alt ertincate f Sodetoasinte Tithe to ihe said Never forget t look through we compromise. Delegates will meet from every part of the country |@n¢@s i the name of Robert Henry Smit i ore 0 D M4 - unless you take snd prosecute the properithe classified list on Page 5 — rs ‘ esodams to 4 ; — . - and as a result of the discussions that will take place the thought = a6 nes as = . of the Liberals of the country will be erystallized into something ODATED at the Land” Registry Office, NOTICE . > : . > . s 2 s confident, : Rupert, B.c., this 13th day of openness definite for which the party as a whole will work. It is confident! june, A.D. 1919. é IN THE MATTER of an application for S § PRINCE RUPERT : expected and much to be desired that a considerable number of at _ = » ead tne issue of : fresh Corticase of Tiik We : Disgric is e or all minerals, precious and base (save Liberal Unionists will take part in that convention. To Francis F. Tupper, Esq, coal and petroleum) under Lots nineteen oF Milton, Queens County, 19), “Engineer No. 1, twenty (20), OR GE sova Scots. “Northern Partuership N \ Government Failure _— dred and eighteen (918), “Northern Par ' LIN - NOTICE nership No. 1,” one hundred and six (10+ —— SAILING To Control Prices. WATER NOTICE “Northern Partnership No. 3,” two hun DIVERSION AND USE dred and nine (209), “Northern Partwer NIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS | It was announced recently that government control of food ship No. 4 Fractional.” nine hundred and THURSDAY and SUNDAY MID or ; F FAKE NOTICE that W. KR. Tonkin, whose seventy-two (972), “Northern Partnership prices had ceased. With government control we all know what|address is 558 Empire Building, Seattle, No. 5;” nine hundred and sixty-seven Wash, will apply for a licence tw take! (967), “The Mitkey;” nine hundred snd happened. Prices have soared higher and higher until the limii|and use ptty (30, feet per second (25,000) sixty-eight (968), “The Plato,” and nin: et) of water out of Clear Lake, al80/ hundred and sevent 970), “The Daisy has been reached. People have been charged all they could stand|iknown as Clearwater Lake. which Rows eset Gates? a te Grow One (1 . west and drains imto Kitzeult River,| facciar District. without bringing about actual rebellion. It would be interesting |about twenty-four miles from ite mouth Notice is hereby given that it is my The Water will be diverted from the stream nti y o lo speculate as to what the condition might have been had the at 8 point ebous : ie ‘om the L, - one month “from "the ‘aeet puntients > odie . : : j i Clearwater Lake and will be used [0F| hereor, 1 j t Dominion Government taken no hand in the matter of prites. mines purpose em fee “lan Gane) above mentioned ‘mineral “clatme. tm. Use - til lie bese ribe as a $ - 2 chic é As a matter of fact government control was only a joke. The] group of mineral claims of ate Ede ee Kane t80e en VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. acre S&S. &. PRINCI JOHN / AOD omees ALBERT For Stewart July 19th, 260 Augus th i5th and Massett i Ra Southern Queen Charlotte |! es August 2nd, 16th « TRAIN SERVICE Passenger Monday, W*dnesday and Saturday af 11-26 am. for This potice Was posted on the ground 7 Prince George, Edmonton end Winnipes, making direct conne profiteers charged just what they wished and al! unholy hands|..'h2 53% n't ta, Tk Poy | Bumbered 778 4 >. tern all points cast and south . . : es f this notice and an spplication pursuant - were warned off. The government fell down badly on the matte: berew and the Weter ( Wate Land Registry Dasa, preteen. Bc ; AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES will be bea if “ office o ye e ’ of control of prices. They proved themselves to be anything but | ube e Prince Kupert, B.C. aid This 22nd day of July, 1919 For information and reservations apply t strong and as a result the country suffered. It was a difficu! Me 4 Gath tae s0id Wesel’ Resets en alee tales oe En emneton Gig Viebet Clea, G88 Tire Avenue, Phen? 00. situation, all must admit that, but the government did mot ris+ mont Doildings, “"Victoris “pe, ‘witha TAKE NOTICE that’ Oliver Brow aie Snore * . : P “ “ae : rownh to ‘the occasion. Even its strongest supporters will admit ii. | {BE 4% ont a © Victoria, B.C. 2ecupation machinist,” in ” wa . . nas to apply for permission to prospect They were ready to take the line of least resistance and that they W. BR. TONKIN, Applicant for cosh ona troleum on the West Co a ‘ e By John Pedersen, Agent site a See Gate Of tha teat blication of this of Graham Island, in the vicinity of West did. The food controller never controlled to any extent, and the a a hee Oe A wh Of MMS | iver, commencing at @ post planted one j AY ; : . ae Sey te, eet ee eee a ee ee Gee a A control of excess profits was a big joke except to the one who paid S .,.,| 10312, thence east 80 chains, thence south ; ’ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITIS5H| 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence Pe the bill, which was the consumer. COLUMBIA. gorth $0 chains to point of commen PACIFIC Lowest Rates to all Eastern Poin : 3 inent. P = —_—_— ——__— iN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- gy By a 7, via Steamer to Vancouver and the : le 7 rib . : : iN THE MATTER ‘OP Tux estate op | Died Max_18. 1918. Canadian Pacific Railway WILLIAM McKENZIE .LUGAN, .DE-|}SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION CEASED, INTESTATE DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Meals and Berth included on Steamer —— ISLA! PHONE A B C TAX] SER V ICE TAKE NOTICE that im order of Mis] TAKE NOTICE that William Tracger, of e . . Honour F. McB — nt vous. the = | Anyox, 2 C., oecupation machinist, intends 5 °° —— ALICE } 8. PRINCESS a " e ~ ’ i ). , was a to app’ for rmission t r t fk or Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert Ride in Comfort Saescanee to = ge Am eee coal snd See, gore “oo ‘the. following do During July and August ery Saturday at =a “ chenzle ean, ceased, : lands 4 ‘ 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your baviug claims against the’ said rstaie are isena’ te oo Vein of Wane For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Ruy : ; hereby required to furnish same, p: rly)}mencing at @ t mted at the sout During July and August every Monday at noon Service Day or Night verilied, ie me, on Or before the 23rd day | east corals ore tate. . the re eas tz Third Avenue and f July, D. 1919, and all parties in-jag chains; thence south 80 chains: thence Sixth Street 0) jebied to “ine estate are required to pay!east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains t. CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES oe amount of their indebtedness tw me point ef commencement snasenh For rates, reservations and sailings, apply to JOHN MeMULLIN, Per Austin aroun, haves, W. ©, ORCHARD, General Agent. ce inin : fated May 18, 1919. . —- — - DATED this 23rd day of June, A.D. 1919 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, 8.‘ es|iN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH BOOB BOBO OO el ee ch, il . COLUMBIA —S —e Section One Lots for Sale IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTHA- : TION ACT ' x | Lot 13, Block 6 . 063s: iheneseed $1,900 and Phone 37 P.O. Box Lots 1%, 14 and 15, Biock 6 $1,800 Assessed at 6,900 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF r ™ ' Lot 5, see OF iia a ‘ 575 Assessed at .. 1,800 KKISTIAN TEODOR SKIJELLUM, DE- ' ; Let % 7 ae +o 485 A sensed at 2,600 CEASED, INTESTATE _ . Lot 7, Block 7 +7 428 Assessed a 1.700 ; For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Lots 16 and 17, ‘Block 26 |. 2,750 Ascosted 7,300 TAKE NOTICE that in order of His t ' T EO. COLLART Honour F. MeB. Young, made the 9th day gee j H of May, A.D. 1919, | was appointed Ad- REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC pinz wwevnenor — flmuntsttinat to the state ‘ot Ebiuan’ reo THE SAVOY HOTEL. ME TRE BLOCK dor Skjelluin, deceased, and al! parties having claims against the said estate are — “~~ ~~“ ~werererer ; 7. hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before the 1st day of August, A.D. 1919, and ali parties in- debited to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebteiness to me forthwith F. T. BOWNESS, Manager Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. | | JOHN H. MeMULLIN, < OMetal Administrator DATED this ard day _of duly, 1019. rgetown uli r IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of @ fresh Certifieate of Tithe for Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold We! PHONES org ang 423. P. 0. BOX ene 3 coast Datei ‘ of Lot 039, Range | Th oT ‘ GIV Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. intention to tssue, atten” = canto, 0 Rennes i INGO presaste e Smeeton Tea Rooms ~erereer FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY pubticainnn hereof tet trainee! LOOLD BEnnerr itle to the above-mentioned lands in the name of Albert F. Young, which Certificate SPRUCE FIR CED "i's - dated the sixth day of July, AR ang is numbered 619.1 % F. MACLEOD, A Prunes pacuare " Land ee of Ties, Isnowing to-nigt ot the West- Prince Rupert, 8 ®. ¢ c, holme Theatre. * 309 SECOND AVENUE wsencecscereeee™™” The Business Man’s Restauran REAL HOME COOKING. KROARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale.