m" ' ' - - - KLWm. 1 PAGE SIS - : -r .' ' '' ' THE DAILY NEWS 1 .. . ., ... -... u,. Friday, iv Gkeaer Community Spirit A Fortune In Prizes $1 Makes You Eligible ... . . HOW are grea,t projects built? For instance . . . the Panama Ganal . . . the Roosevelt Dam . . . the St. T. Lawrence Waterway . . . the great Alpine tourist resorts? jjM -jinfe They don't jtist happen. They are not the result of luck ui iiaiic. xiaiuic id a laiui, uui hul mc ucici iimiiiig factor. Thete developments take place where people will them. People with brains, possessing initiative, imagination and determination, co-operate and build. Let us in Western Canada, co-operate to make Grouse Mountain what it potentially is . . . the greatest scenic resort and mountain playground, on this continent. Approximately $750,000 has been invested in develop merit to date. A highway has been built and other facilities created. Engineers advise that another half million dollars is required to complete this project. A worthy resort hotel must be constructed . . . the highway must be hard-surfaced . . . a great aerial tram must be erected . . . the mountain plateau must be converted into a paradise of flowers in the summertime, and a gigantic playground for winter sports. When you purchase a $1.00 Grbuse Mountain Greater Community Spirit Ticket, you help to achieve this objective. Every dollar received from this Campaign will be used to develop Grouse Mountain. You get full value for your money as the price of the ordinary ticket presently in use is $1.00, and each ticket purchased entitles you and your party to motor over the Grouse Mountain scenic highway once, now or at your convenience. J. The Company has made provision for a $25,000.00 Grand Prize and substantial weekly Cash Prizes which will be given to those individuals who help to make this Greater Community Spirit Campaign a success. The Plan is simple: For the duration of the Campaign there will be 30 Cash Prizes each week . . . One, $200 Cash Prize; On-. $100 Cash Prize; Twenty, eight, $25 Cash Prizes. Every purchaser of a $1.00. Grouse Mountain Highway Community Spirit Ticket is eligible to receive one of these Weekly Cash Prizes. A person purchasing more than one ticket is eligible to receive a Cash Prize for each ticket purchased. The names and addresses of the Prize Winners will be published each week. At the end of the Campaign the persons who have won a Weekly Prize will be J '' ' eligible, to receive the $25,Q0O Grand Prize. j'And, it is to one of these fprtunafe Weekly Psrize WinnersW , that this fortune of $25,00ti'in cash'Vill be awarded : Read the Rules for full particulars. Let us co-operate to make Grouse Mountain the greatest tourist attraction on this continent. To Western Canada it will attract a river of tourist gold. It will be, when completed, a source of pleasure and profit to all. Fill in and mail the attached coupon NOW! Rules Governing Grouse Mountain Highway and Scenic Resort Limited Greater Community Spirit Campaign ONEi TV. C.M"T baa aaada ataaiaiaa fat Grand Prba af I11.0O0, alaa WttkJy Caah Prira. totalling 1,000 Mch .k. (of tba dmarioa, al H CtMpaifa. TIm nk' Cadi Prini tkall b dmd-d llot On., 110. Cik Priw M IIOO C.h Prk.i iwntr-cilkt. Ill Cai Print . . . thirty Prim ia all. TWOi Entry purdut i 1140 CrauM KUwuaia IUtK.f Cimltr Spirit Tick b tligibU l tKntl mm l lh Wa-klf Cmb PritM, wpnmg H dir-rtara, iharaaaluVra and .mploytt. f ika Grawaa MnMUMl Migbvaf aad Scvai Rt n Liaiiiad. at aSif nUaivti, TIIREEi A araaa punaatiaf ajata tbaa aaa liiaH Mil a tfiifcU M tacaita tath priit for tacb rWbtt runaaad I OUR i Each atta Um Prima Wiaaan tKall ba dmraiiaad aad aba aaaat aa4 addrtuat a( aach Priit Wiaa.t nibliaratd, Tbtta Priaa Wlaaata aad Va Priaa Vlnam ia attb tubatajutal h tat ifca daraiiaa al iht Caaaai abali b a(!dbi ta ttctift tbt I11.)00 Craad Priia, FIVE. Tba Craad Priaa tball ba aaardVd ta aaa al iba Ua.Hr Mm Vbaaaaa at lha aad al tba Graattt Caraaiuaiir Spirit Caaaiga, SIXi Tba auibad al aaatdini lha Prittt tball ba lait and Impartial, awb TVita. baldtt barifig aqual appartuajHy aithaut prtjiidica, Tba fallaaiag aall-kaaaa aa al aaajatitianabla rattgrilv baa atctptad lha tttpoatibilir a( aaardiag iba Paiaaa and Ibtlt daciaiaa tball ba iaal aad binding! HONOURABLE W. C. SM1ILY. Minuitt al Frn.no al KriiiU Calaaibla. ( W. ROY W. M.INTOS1I. Managbg4irtat Kill?, Dauglat k Ca, Ltd. R. I. MDOUOALL, Mtrabat Gtaat ft MrDaugall, B.m.ttr.. DONALD blcLEOD, aith Sttaan k W.Uh, Cantracton. DR. G. II. U'OITMINGTON, PtaaMtal Vaatatnat Dial Ct, 11. M. II. LLGGATT. larraarlr Satrtunr-Tiaaaatat Waad. Valhata I'lliM, ltd. DRLNTON S. BROWN, Prt.U.nt, Craalat Vaataunt Pukiy, Bura.ii. SEVENi It h aat aca.urf lat tba piuchaaat al Gnaw CoatmanMy Spirit Tkbat la titit Graaat Mawnuia during ibia caatpaiga ta bacaraa tbgibla ta iba priaa maflty, bul aucb ptrtaat raay dri.a avtt lha Graaaa Mawnuia ftcaalc liigbaay aata lat aacb litbtl parbaiad al tacb liraa at taita hit aaavtaitaca. ElGHTl Patcha.ara al tufctta abata applicariaa taupaat arrita at tba Cr.u.a Mtruataia llitthaay and ScanU Ratan Liraittd, an at balrtta SttM p.m. al Friday tatb aatk, will ba aligibla la rarriva lha currant Wttkly Cadi Ptlata; Appliratiaaj Cvupant tactivad aubia.uanl la that alma will ba aligibla ta iba rtitcaadiag wttb'a Prltaa, a NINEl All tacardt la ttgard la tala al tickttt and all maalaa laroraad aad pfd tball ba undrt tha tuptrvitiatt al Gaa, A. Taurha at Ca Cbattatad Amaaa. aatt. Vancauvar, B. C. Tba Daatiniaa Bank al Canada will ba tba dapaaitarp al all Campaig Fundi, TENt Fill la tha aitachad Caanaa atih tint and addrttt plalnlav writtaa. Arawh gt.00 lat aach lirkat dttirtd. Mtit la lha Grvuaa Mountain Highway and Staaai Rnan Uraitad, 440 P.nd.r Strati fill, Vanteuttr, B, C NOTEl Ti.4rl may alia ba futthttti al Ilartl bating Graara Mtimltin Community TUktit at lata, a . at Iba Campany'l affrtl, 440 tntn Si. bVtil. Kaataattr. J. C. . Coupon Application Grout Mounliin Highway IC Sctnit Raiort, UJ. 440 rn!r St. Wtit, Vgncourtr, B.C Gtntlrmrni Pirate itnd me 1 Grouse Me. Community Spirit Ticket. .. Q 2 Grouse Mt. Communily Spirit Tickttt -PI 3 Grouse Mt. Community Spirit Tickets"m' - I .tuch 1.0Cil tot t.di tlck.t d.irtJ.r' fjii ; ... ' Name ' ' Street City I und.r.i.nd mh rkM tnaltlat at ta drita atat lha Grouia l uaiala llighaay ancai alia that t.b akbn makta mt tli 'ilila la parlltlpala la tatb prim you art awarding la your Ctaataa Caatatnaily Suiril Caaipaiga. T OH