t if' ... 3. 1029 NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. !. w u their household effects and bo trip 10 uuenos wju 8ettlei Republic, where I . stationed, ;. Wright of Albany, ...ml her niece, Miss of VancouterJ ,f t r.im the south on" A, a visit to the for-'1 LR MILES . pair of field ! - ;iiit UjcUt are i - ';. ' , a WIMTtleffgl slock ..i ..if pint" The U'hMi avfgo Ik 8 sfataajttflng a?nfc 00 v-'s " . higpor price. ' imwajr tterman la.sa all 111 and y lass" .at 9. TO MIOVV YOU John Bulger, Ltd. 1 H JEWELLERS Jaj II. Smith hat taken the position of mill foreman here, until recently held .'by -RobU jianey. Arrangements haveeen made1 to hold the annual Oddfellows and 'Rebfckah awvbies in the An- W. A. and T. J. fllcan Church on Sunday eve ning, May 5. nee hero of aboot ...onB umture returned ,,n.-e. this week, loat "edneaday after spending ,1 when Mr, and w,,nr month Seattle olher outhern cities. 1,-i.y and son Bobby, in ., wver. Mrs. nancy ih .... Wednaadey to' AlUn , vs with friends l ! join 3d by Mr. tupped his car as ,mi on Thursday's intends motoring r toiiKt from -that accident M. and entertained Mrs. C. at tlx 0. tables ICS on the and progressing his recent Midge on, Wednesday, eyainlng. Prises for high scores went to Miss Pilebufy ' Jiaid. :R. M. Dory, wgggjwlth Mrs. Burnett and 0. T. Sun- utti icvciviiiK ivnauiMimiB. ill tt Majr basket gueating contest the prise were won hy Mrs. Maren-tette and II. L. McKenney. Stanley Brooks left on Thursday with Robt. lianey and will accompany them on their motor trip south. A dance was held in fcfton's honor on Tuesday evening. The music wan furnished by Al. :-mafl of Prince Rupert and the evening proved a very pleaaant one. Frames Dover celebrated Iter ?"nth birthday anniversary so Tuesday evniir when she. ga tertained abut fifteen school nates' at a dinner ,karty Dr. Brujnqeltt IUa touirtrf'ji new Pontiatf com !Mfa vjl one of .notSer igtjiit of M which arrH4 forHPftai Qef- erai XoMrs aa;et a -the oeirln Bjng-the waek. The fund for pew for the An glican Church is gradually grpw-ing and it is hoped before Mig to have sufficient money thave these installed. Recently Jnioney has been sent from Ejsjfend for six, a friend in Winnipeg . has donated .money for another and rapt, and Mrs. Colthurst are giV- ine one. With the many other improvement which have been EURNEITS 0 S1.90-20-6 oz- 83.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 A nia advtrtisemcnt is not published or displayed by tht L1luor Cintrol Board or by the Government of - - British Columbia carried out recently, ,the -Installation of the pews will add greatly to the attractiveness of the church. H. M. Hoar, mining man Usk was in town on .vtn,. in i;tn into? ikuiert.i , of I VANDERHOOF Graders are working both east and west of here on the main highway, putting the road in shape for the forthcoming summer season. A gas shovel is also being used. CI Xfai-ifn ftf. niAiiroK Vna u-",ffbeo batting hre vith his, 0I, Hf A T T ici , mil, n. u. xjuitu. Mr. Carpenter is building a Wejlneaday. hert Bl Mrs. J. D- Moore .has rpturned ! to her home in Fort Fraseri Hw health is improved as a result of hospital treatmenj in Edmontpn.( Jerrdd J6hn8nAmV retOrne here after having spent several months in Southern British Columbia and the United States. neat little, home ou his property, close to toWh on the north side of the Nechako River. Thomas E. Wells of the Engen istrict has been receiving medical treatment. in JtejmjJoRowing a rcef4,wcldent wheTrQJut hit htodifjjfflBrejyvith an axSCj; -" -x i MUVfnm Iffefd' an active tennm derlidaf were mar meeting of the n Tennis Clulu -W fixity! ipetitj? by the Nech sRonSto in aid of the skating rink grand prise of ,t26 "was woo; by George Ogslon atfdTIMer Jirizcs were taken 1y RrnWorlock, R. Wr-C RirharHii Cporvv Snell and a Stuart Jake Indian names La ire. ,v t Rpri are being saedk under the direction of L. TTTz. Seldon on the Government Telegraph's telephone ietveen Vanderhoof and Stuart Lake. The- line was damaged by falling trees during! the past winter. BIG SUCCESS Over JC00 Realized nt Annual Ef fort Yesterday In Aid Of Ridley Home The annual Ridley Home ba-saar and concert yesterday was a great success, in spite of .the inclement weather. There' was a large attendance of ladies who lent the affair their patronage and the substantial sum of I608.S& was realised, made up ae follows: Children's stall, $173.75. Fancy work, $11-1.46. Country store, $78.96. Candy, 947.70. Tea room, $36.35. ii....4 tan nr. l mil, pa.ufj, Second' hand stall, J 27.70.' Home cookinc $19.60. Fish iKHid, $18.40. Ice cream and soft drinks, $11.46. The tea room ws convened by Mrs. Shl(ord lartn.M hase .assistants were Mrs. J. C. McLennan, Mrs. S. P. McMordie 4and Mrs. A. T. Parkin, who poured, and Mrs Ernest Anderson, Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. William Brass, Mrs. C. E. Cullin, Mrs. A. C. Brand. Mrs. H. L. Landrey, Mrs. J, W. McAuley. Mrs. Victor Houston, Mrs. W. D. Chrlstison, Mrs. A. J. Curson, Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, Mrs. A. Hill-Tout, Mrs. W. A. McLeon, Mrs. H. B. Rochester and Miss Sharp, who attended the tables. Mrs. J. H. Hanson was cashier. i Miss Boulah McKinlcy had THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE cnarge-oi uie. icecream ana son drinks stand. Other assistants included Mrs. T. Strand and Mrs. J. J. Muldoon. The concert was convened by, Mrs. C. E. Cullin and Mrs. Rob-i Ukc. W$ arrange' program! wicn was 'm . J. ii I .Ik i ciatejtL mi Vrt, l ucKer -tH FRAE ABERDEEN Alec Fancy- McTJSVfsh turnlne 1 RADIO DIRECTOR OF CANADIAN NATIONAL MONTREAL, May 3: The ap- 'fe.Vsfai"" Pjiintment'.i8 announced b,y W..D. f M r ' vicpresidenf of'the Cana- National Railways, of E. A, " T . . .. Iur(- uut.A f ..t. , The day's proceedings were ""'"i" i'""- Jas. Turnbull of Hazelton who brought to a close with an auc- Icilty agent the Canadian Na- spent several days here at the tion sale which W&L conddetea ! tlonal Bytera at London, Eng-beginning of thS week in the in-,hv C. .1. Dawe's. tL ' ..'lnd, to be director of radio for - . . . f. . 1 - Tn terests of.;;the Jlartsbn Timber - Co., returned to Wednesday. (Tie interior on The B. 'b.'BridW'WuPmeVon Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dover. jthe system with headquarters at (Montreal, succeeding the late A. 'H. McEwfei. put. such a good footikller! Ii6w " ; did he managd it? ' Tennis, 'golf and horse-raefng James Some one l6ld him that are amongst the deck sports now players were admitted to the I enjoyed by travelers on steam-grounds free. Fife journal.- j ships crossing the Atlantic. PlMPLBf Cleared .mWmf A ImsbbI Ends Irriiation 'j ii . ii w w k hi u bh n nn eh n . h v m at ii mil - r -r m m fml x4 m. '. i- .J-A 4L Am III Mm ml :. I CWTJS'i . ?C XV M Ty lis ISVi -pl i ( AND 1 I M m 3 S iH 4 H i hit ; w- f.f saasrH on FriJaj and Saturday Richmond Louvre TIIIHD AVENUE, PKINCE KUPEKT, B.C. Rash Healed Expels Eczema : j art 1