Thursday, July 24, 1919 offers spe Dominion of Canada you every safeguard for your investment in Thrift and War Savings Stamps. @ Your postmaster will register every War Savings Stamp for you, and if they are lost by theft, fire or other cause, you can still obtain your money, with the accumulated interest, at the office where the stamps were registered Sixteen 25-cent Thrift Stamps will buy a $4.00 War Savings Stamp worth $5.00 in 1924, NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS COMMITTER (British Columbia Division) Vancouver, B.C BvY THRIFT STAMPS arkin & Ward Electric C Parkin & Ward lectric Co. : " : LIMITED Electric Engineers and Coutractors Vac A . ieee pos Seer tee ae ss Poasters, and Fixtures. es furnished on House wiring and Motor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents for Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling Caille Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries Mosler Spark Plug that was chosen for the Transatiantic flights . ervice department will help 3 Lo pia uu Equipment A full line of Dynamos Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cabl Lamps, Searchlights, ¢ We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat tt es charged and 1 aired (1 { | t whi ng charged, we have one at \ lisp : sa (opposite Post Office PHONE 125 Avenue THE DAILY NEWB. Page 3 } |HIGH-GRADE ORE | t ON BIG MISSOURI, Rich Samples of Native Silver are Taken into Stewart by William Nobile. Ee ee ee me In the Letter Box Drea tiene msinimannetiguiuiigii SUNDAY BASEBALL lo the Editor | ; | You seem to see this Sunday baseball question through colored : Wore i strike of very high |lasses. If you are no respecte , KJ ; ’ | ; rade ¢ ‘ tie , if ius "hf I of the Sabbath yourself you might ¢ t) ; Mi sUrIDUS Orme my i ‘ i ik a8our gro » Was let the rest of us alone and give|” ’ “4 9 wrought ad from the property| us a chance to enjoy quiet on ‘ Wil ‘ } ; eeterday j é 0 + Says iSunday afternoons, It is very ’ : we sean ou . | oo % the 5 al papel lie also diilicull to seep in a proper frame | brough my of the highgrade ot mind when a thousand people Nn appeal to be ¢ ! sani ia to be heard cheering and ts , a . , . characte ‘ ne is 0 ‘ | shrieking and jibing each other tl , at r ' e 7 ‘ Premier he ore . } - and sometimes quarrelling and} in ; , : ' ae 4 ae ; i ! Siive : ' gentite pe fichting right in the middle of the} Mr. N a Ms : . NOODLE iiso brought a wece , . . jtown Why not have a circus} _ 7 of the gherade which had land " ‘ e | theatres running? l will tel you}, - — biel ‘aicas eal (= a 11Ca Yh [aes e€ i owing w hie vhich disclose y jwhy. It is because most of the} i The hea the fire drev a 7, a4 e 4 ' + . people like to respect the Lord's i id ' ‘ t} te \ 4 id | | hs Wy yeads 0 5 t ‘ surface 4h, Fy | iday and keep it holy and they do . ‘ : A a . » MARKIE : very revuts Si not want any such exhibitions isl , ' : si “0 3 a ay ch with other i he has es the baseball fans put up here \) ws % D ae M a — J ; yeen sent ) Sl UNalU an } You must mot think, sir, that I head of the Pacifie Exploration a Be Sure to Get ‘ jam against clean sport. If you : ° } Co, which has the property under 7 jwant to have your games, there lare long evenings whe : ro - . S ee a, re rhe ore was found in the new , sane play without hurting the | open at started this summer 300 feelings o t » : E i ! f any me. lfeet north of the cook tent on the : I should like to say something Silver ( id rhe hixherad ; ‘ eek side. e gherade ‘ about the way these basebal ie exposed by & crosscut >) ios. etl | games are condueted. The langu- six feet deep and 25 feet long age used by some of the ooters ’ 1 by : h ! : with no footwall vet Phis is the > } (Il think that is what you called best open cut developed thus far raPpPpe to nsure ts pe ect them’ is simply disgraceful. I do} It was only durin ‘ioe ad neta eat SMe What Ge oo vas dowvent ead — CONGItion in all climates and Spee do, nots eae bead we a | seasons. Sealed tight—kept right. The perfect gum in the perfect package. know but I am told that the promoters of the games \yé do not There are open euts on the E Pluribus claim, all in good ore bet large sums and then they get mad if the game does not geo the way. That is why they sometimes want to fight. Let me as one of the law which has returned high assays Development is under direction of iCharies F, Sturtevant, a well known engineer who arrived here ia few weeks ago. ’ abiding Sunday ones protest against games. GUARDS TALK STRIKE CHURCHGOER (Special via 6. T.P Telegraphs Montreal, July 23 A meeting gS po rt - be held i a few days of dele- ates fr hi; parts ol Queber ns ts ts re ee BE m P . a 4 eee m4 ies Ai iil WY Te seal: a oe a ts nt oe eee ee es Bi representing the prison guards out Ito discuss the question of a strik« ine nth | Between 1.000 and 5.000 guards ’ jar affected When Joe Beckett stepped f the ring in London last he left his opponent, Frank God | dard, on the mat. Beckett ad- jministered very severe punish- ent in this bout which was held | it the London Sporting Club. The iwinner neets Georges Carpenti who is the French champion FARM LOANS ithe winner of this match will n \doubt be matched with Dempsey jand if it should be Becket i or slashing bout is expected eS ew Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor i1ing in Music.” LATE) POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS Eh \epa to | graphs, V ns, Et Bows rehaired is wanves © vence “ wind truments repadded and adjusted '**0f Prince Rupert Acedemy of Music in Connection os With the Store. ae . w t Stock of Pianos and Organs ‘orth of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano The Weber Piano Thomas Organs rade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. | E.L. VAUGHAN ©" "ris teed Prince Rupert Music Store a lig ae ee ee _ La Casse Bakery Another 200 Ibs. of Genoa and rruit Cake be disposed of this week at 30c per Ib. Also all kinds of Pastry Wedding Cakes a Specialty rounding up your order, don't forget Domestic Bread The Bread with the Label to morning ‘*! Third Avenue Phone 190 rhe Co at the entrance to Prince Rupe! James J. Corbett, former heavy- | }weight champion, still maintains |} Willard was not knocked out by |Jack Dempsey in the third roun: lat Toledo He states that it is I not for lis opposing the opinion of the referee but that he wishes to see | ifair play. When Willard went to his chair at the end of the third| How Everyone Can Help HE Government has developed a liberal and broad plan to help soldiers settle on farms. It is securing land. It is granting substantial personal reasons that he| eee cones acne ttee! loans. It is obtaining advantageous prices on not counted out in that round equipment, implements, building materials and live - si ' stock. It is providing agricultural training and At the baseball game on Tues- | day evening between the Nationals | farming supervision. land the Tiny Tims a star catch was made out in left field by Jack Humbl He had a long distancs ay a we a But the plan needs more. It travel to get under the ball but} © \s/ 1c / ' - munity spirit of co-operation. That is as much as the Government itself can do. needs a com- he got there all right and stu K | V to the pill. nes . as Already Provincial Governments, Universities, Farmers’ Associations, and Veterans’ Associations are giving valuable assistance. Many manufacturers and sellers of farm supplies have as reed to allow the soldier settlers s | ecial prices Many \ very interesting specimel was fished up at the government wharf yesteruay afternoon in the form of a star fish with 18 points 7 a a ; It was of a bright red and successful farmers have willingly worked on Qualification parently must have been very Committees which have to pass on the applicants. Men hungry as the hook was not dow! who have had expcrience in lending money on farm property very long before the creature tf are serving on Advisory Loan Commiittees, judging land values. hold of the bait The com variety has only five points But even such practical assistance is not enough. In Further cas obs = yp Aphicn tyne d each community farmers can be of real service to the soldier ommenced this morning at tl der sere those men setiler. Chey can give him advice about local conditions. Salt Lake. Besides lengthening } wow os ee eee lhey can le nd him ana extra horse or plough, give him a day's the float a roof will be ere be repe help at seeding or harvest time, and extend to him that lover the men’s dressing statio —Grain Growers’ friendly, neighborly, respectful spirit which he deserves. \ polo course will also be laid Gulde. : . fas the swimming club wish In this way Canada is periorimiug a double duty. It is o get teams up and stage tw discharging, as far as possible, the debt we owe to our three events before the seaso! ovel rhe weather is idea! the work soldiers; and it is adding to the country’s chief industry a body of competent, willing producers. Full information about lands and loans for soldiers will be sent on reques( to the Provincial Superintend ‘The distribution of soldier settlers in settled rural. communtiies will be of material assistance fo the less experienced settlers in that they ean get advice and assistance NOTICE TO MARINERS Coast Island range light — harbor will without further notice | ent, Soldier Settlement Board, from their neighbors.” a = = ame |) discontinued and th lights | Farm and Dairy, it w position n Rogers Building, Vancouver, B.C Toronto proved o ne os ones ore : H lithe northeast point of Kk ila , SE FOR SALE Island and the other on the no ul (W. J. BLACK, Chairman) Union Bank Building, OTTAWA , Only $1400.00 ' Ying Room Electric Light Un Lot 48, Block 6, Section 7, near Saw-mill Kitchen, Two Bed Rooms, Water and DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. . to 6 years, for fo Limited lwest point of Genn Island rhe new lighthouse tows ! Soldier Settlement Board | beet completed on Dryad Point Campbell Island on Pealo iChannel It has a fixed viii light with red sector “The Daily News’’ Classified Advertisements Get Quick Results gingham dresses Jabout Girls