ussday, July 16, 1929 You will derive Ear more gatisfiaction rom SALADA than you will from cheap tea "SALADA" TEA 'Fresh rom the gardens1 i 1 A Folding Kodaks From $12.26 V 2 C Folding Kodaks From $18.50 Kodak Film?, all kuim in xtock. Developing and printing t.;r amateurs. Daii.v service. Quality finish . Gtemes-Efctl. yfic Pioneer Drtiaeists THIRD AVE O SIXTH ST. A. W. EDGE CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DISTRIBUTORS IN Ornamental, Window, Mirror and Plate Glass British America Paints, Oils Varaihea and &UinCU, Benjamin Moore's Murcaco KODAK TIME Brownies from $2.26 Vet Pocket Kodaks $6.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks rrom $11.25 Nn. :i A. Folding Kodaks From $M.O0 Cine Kodak (Movie), f . 3.6. lens ... $100.00 -TELEPHONES 8't,20C 330 Second Ave. Tractors" CHEAPER LOGGING Old English Floor Wax - . ar:. Slmms Ilruhe '' Wallpaper and Building Papers Burlap, Cheese Cloth and Heaver Hoard fhone Red 53 PRINCE RUPERT Jt 1 . iKSBlr l s "Caterpillar MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, Sole Distributors for It. C MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER. B.C. Brunches: Prince George, Kclowna, Nelson CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20.000 TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle AH Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf V ' Al SmalT returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief business trip to the interior. Held McLennan, law student with Williams, Hanson and Gonzales, received word yesterday that he had passed his first year law examinations. C. W. Dawson, proprietor of the Omineca Hotel at Hazelton, is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the interior on yes terday afternoon's train. Miss A. Kudelka It. N. of the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital hat returned to the city after spending a holi day at ber home in Alberta. ' Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Casley charge against Carl Halver- rived in the city on yesterday son of driving . te the common danger was dlcmiaeed In city police court by W. ,E. Colliadn and s. V. Macdonald, justice) 01 the peace. I I The Canadian National Rail- uruva nffr tlu finaat limmr iHn in the world via S. S. "Prince JPftfft their future home inTrinee Charles -1,. c Stewart, (....,- Anyox, M. nup- Ma"ert; Va "Twenty. Veara Ago. Inlet leave Prince Rupert MonVc;uT lay, return Thursday; or make -. i week-end trip to Terrace ori Mrs. Robert Raabe of Smithers Smithers. Very low fares. Enquire arrived in the city from the in-City Ticket Office, Phone 260. terior on yesterday afternoon's J. 31. train to pay a visit with her sis- SPECIALS! t i-i t.i.j cwm. 3U.Di.. v." sm iiranersv,rc SUafield's Red Label Com- biBaiions, Each $30.Math Queen Chsfrtette Island Sfaan Shirts and - vws, StaHfleleTl S2tt) Cembina- tiofla, Each , SUnfield's 770- W Wool I fnce John via the Shirts and DiM Each $2.75 Qn Charlotte Islands, for ... . i Vaneonver where sheiwiH spend Stanfield's 7700 lFW Wool la racation. -i Combinations, Each $5.00! . .tanfieUTs 1800 Silk and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pascal of Wool Shirts and Drawers, ' PHswfi George arrived in the eity Each $3.75 on yesterday afternoon's train imm 4 U . ...111 . 1 stanfield's 1800 siik ana , Wool Combinations. Each $" .00 is J. A. Kirkpatrick SIXTH STREET is This Will Please the Girl va It is one of our new model IS a ladies' watches in the t - . ... w latest rectangular case, wun . oval glass. It is made by one of the largest factories in Europe and the parts are interchangeable so the' uew parts will always fit in case! of accident 1 ' The low price of $12.50 is only iwssible by the large output this ' '" swvice. , White or yellow gold filled. roHdfiuw-ER? I TMt STORE WITH THE CLOCK 680 - - --pin "Mrs. J. Smith and. u daughter sailed fast evening! gfy the Prince George for a veayon 'trip to 7o rrri7Bf Col. and Mrs. J. W. Nicholls and son sailed yesterday after noon on the . Printer, George- for a trip to-Vanc'oitver? : j " -.(. " 'UU.-- - ' T. J. Shenton, inspector of mines, sailed last evening by the Prince . Charles for a trip to Stewart on official duties. W. H. Tobey, C.N.R. divisional superintendent, left on this morning's train for a trip as far as Jasper Park on' official business. afternoon's train and will spend iho tint msxr K r o TK v rrvr in roA frem Los Angeles to-.Harelton on their way here., "Mr. and Mrs. Alex Manson. who were recently married here, TttittM'JtOm tfeirl!fhenerrion ter, Mrs. W. D. Moxley, 201 Eighth Avenue East Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott, who were recently married in Van couver, the bride btfving formerly been Miss Con 'Linn, passed through the city recently in the course of a honeymoon trip. .. C.N.R. steamer Prince J oho. Capt E. Mabbs, rrd in port tt 7 o'elock last evening frost Vancouver direct ahd sailed at midnight for Varfeoirw via hMU - - " f , MlM1 Hubbard R. N. of ;the Prince Rupert General Hos- pitai nursing staff, bailed last , . . . . n.ii a conductor for the Canadian National Railways. Mrs. S. E. Parker , sailed last night on the Prince Charles for Tlell where she wjll spend a week. Sbe was accompanied by her children, Bobby and Florence, who will remain 'for some time on the island. ' Next Monday the Daily News commences something new. This time it is fictioa, a mystery story by Herman I.andon. Fiction what many readers have been asking for. It will rurr daily until the story is completed. Mrs. W. H. Aitkfliji of WKjnl-pss was here over te. weak-end with hsr husband who Is Are in-soector for the Canadian Na tional Railways She proceeded lucwicr isaiuruay evening and Mr. Aitken left Uiis morn-ing for Winnipeg. ' .... . . ANNOUNCEMENTS rw.e'- . : v. t-- ,--..u Mooe pkjfie, Jul 28' Catholic Bazaar, Ocltfber 2 and " 158 .. - . . :3U1TS! SUITS! bMApE ,TO ORDER Cutting. Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED 1 We Deliver to Any Part of thf City. ..'nXfagx th? Tailor 'PlVone' 019, luts iImio . -4 I MIsa Violet MeCutcheon re-. turned home on the Catala this morning after a brief visit with friends at Stewart. . ILirrv EwnsA'reUirnod to the citf ofl thelCataia TW mttrniag frbm 4 ' trip' to Alice Arm aid other northern points... , ' Miss Mary Herman and Mii! Annie Burns sailed last night on the Prince Charles to 'make -the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet ' W. Hayhurst of the ' Valentin- Diiiiry staff sailed last evening on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet Morris Bernlschke, well known Alice Arm mining man, is' a busi ness visitor in the city, having' arrived from the north on the' Catala this morning. Dr. J T Mandv. resident minJ.fc? ana - ilg engineer, returned to the city on the Catala this morning after: having, spe. ;t a week at Alicel Arm camp on inspection duties. Miss B. G. Lenox M. D. of the Anglican Japanese Mission here ailed last night on the Prince John 'for Vancouver via the tiueen Charlotte island on holiday trp. John McHngh, fisheries. depart ment engineer, sailed yesterday afternoon by the Prince George on his return to Vancouver after having spent a week or so in the city and district on official du ties. Ben Lipsin will sail tomorrow afternoon by the Princess Adelaide on a business trip to Van couver. Mrs. Linsin and family are leaving next week for Mon treal where they will,, lake up residence. :;. -in Mr Fred WVhh twb' chil - dren of Ocean ''V ''j&vejMJience classes here. She will as-hMi been vi.itin? visiting for for fe past nairAT or or "ume her duties in Prince Rupert two with Mrs. DenJolme nt the Stirling Tea Rooms, left last night on the Prinee John for Skidegatei;Ai t Vm all e robtt toTlell wheWlhey 'WiUtvi.T)4s m tht local teaehftfg holiday at the new fatffl'home o;i Mrs. Rajout. Union steamer a'ija Qpjp A. E. Dickson, returned, itv .peak, at 10:45 this moraing, from Anyox. Stewart and other' o pt h er points and will sail at 3j0 this afternoon for the south! Passengers going through to Vancouver from northern points of the vessel include: E. P. Short, G. Willis. J, H. Synkier, G. II. Broth-erton and R. E. Parkes, from Stewart : H. O. Belllrving. from Arrandale: Paul Cacic, Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, Miss Ruth Williams and Miss Jean Williams, from. Anyox. and Miss D. Bur-rowes and Miss Gardiner, from Port Simpson. Passengers disembarking here from the ship included': F. Whitehouse. A. H. Brook, V. II. Smith, T. II. HeJU-wvU, A. D. Johnston and M. "Bernischke. from Anyox; Dr. i. T. Mnndy, Harry Evans, Mrs. Dahlberg, Mrs. T. Hodginson and Miss F. Hodginson, from ' Alice Arm; and Mrs. J. A. West. Miss Fowler. John Lox. Mrs. M. Tomerj and Mis Violet MeCutcheon, from Stewart. ,T00 LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST-Bunch of keys on ring. Finder return to Bath-house. l!l! VL.t,k A W Reward. D.J 165 FOR SALE Terrace ranch of ten acres, .three quarters of a mile from town. Over J100 bearing Jruit trees; two-roomed , hovae; barn; price . $"4000. Terms, $500 cash and balance as rent. Apply Mrs. A. Clapp, T.O. Box 577, City, 165 - MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. We have been appointed sole agents in Prinee Rupert for the famous BROOKS-BANK CERTIFIED MILK. Price. 25c per quart. The same in Prince Rupert as in Vancouver . VALENTIN DAIRY For Diarrhoea And All Bowel Complaints There is nothing superior to "Dr. Fowler's" ".fhare there a any looeenee of the bowels. This valuable preparation has been on the Canadian market for the part eighty-four years, and is always looked upon as the old standby, by thousands of families, whenever a medicine of this nature is required. . . 1 . . Price, 60 cents .a bottle at all druggist or dealer. Put up only by The T. MUburn Co, Ltd, Toronto, Oat. Summary Total sales 183,500 pounds. ' American,' 136,000 pounds. Canadian, 47,500 pounds. American Trinity, 50.000, to Booth Fish eries at 13.4 and 8. Radio, 40,000 to Atlin Fisher ies at 13.6 and 8. Franklin 1,000 to Pacific Fish eries at 14J and 8. Excel 16,000 to Cold Storage at ieanc is,uuu io jOia aiorage; at 1.6.2 and 8. - Canadian E. Lipsett 4,000 to Booth .Fisheries at 14.4 and 3. . Livingstone 20,000 to Pacific Fisheries at 15.2 and 9.1. Scrub 8,000 to Cold Storage at 14.4 and 9. Gibson 9.Q00 to Atlin Fisheries at 14.4 and 9. Bingo, 4,000 to Pacific Fish eries at 14.4 and 9. Nuba 2.500 to Cold Storage at 14.2 and 9. NEW INSTRUCTRESS FOR DOMESTIC SCIENCE HAS BEEN APPOINTED HERE Miss Ella Roe, who has been with the domestic science department of the Victoria public schools and was highly recommended to the local board, has received and accented the annolntment of , ftenior teacher of the domestic at .the commencement of the next school term. Within the next few days the tiffs filled.; HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. R. Fiddes and Mrs. A. J Deane. Vancouver; Mrs. Mc- Caine, Mrs. T. Haddick and Mrs Bond, Winnipeg; Mrs. Castledine. North Vancouver; Mrs. Lawrey, Mrs. W. L. Pexton and Mrs. G W. Hamilton, South Vancouver; Mrs. D. 'O'Brien and Mrs. J. Warren, Port Alberni; Mrs. A. C. Skaling, Kamloops; II. Hmiridis, Chicago; W. II. Doodson. Smith ers; C. W. Dawson, Hazelton: W, F. Binns. Balmoral; Mr. and Mrs. M, D. Mackenzie and baby, Nova Scotia; Mrs. A. G. Fox and Mrs. -J. R. BorsalL Coronation. Alta.: Mrs. Machan and Mrs. W. M King, Begins: Mrs. Scott and Mfv McQuaig. Biggar. Sask.: Mr. Ladlin Brown and Mrs. F. 11 Bcowq, Kamloops:, Mrs. M. W. tjne. Mfss A. M. Storey and Mrs. M. H. Kelly. Calgary: Mrs. T. Sletto, Champion. Alta.; Mrs. J. Stockham. Dunblane, Sask.; Mrs. W. Larsen, Ponoka. Alta.; I Chiddy. Wetaskiwin; Mrs. Hew- son. Red Deer; Mrs. A. F. Ar- cher. Mrs. J. A. Clarke and Mrs. I Ira Stewart Edmonton; Mrs. J. 1 rtiava anA f v c, ,!... T..-.. xt.. ir ... 't t,., I'"'' -o.j., 4.1.0. ..uu- T. E. Weitteg and Mrs. E. J. Pike. Moose Jaw; T. D. McLean,! Thulme River. Savoy Chafl'AvnbihfJMEMte'!HR G. Cunninfehyi. USpSattfgton ; F. C Freemltn. Wuver W.' II. Thnrne.''ON.R.f 'J. tampfcell. Snokana: J. Marrst Noe0 Taelflc Canneryti'W. 0. Lapdlnle, Spil- ler River." ' Royal St:m WatsOfl. Sproatf Lake, V, 1.; t . ji. sma,ntidge, a,wi k. rrout. C.N.liij M. ft. IBoche Sunnyside: fall: Leslie tod V Brett, citjr.- j Central j C. Atkinson, Vancouver. Mrs. S, P. McMordie, wife of the mayor, and Mrs. J. C Brady, wife of the federal member of parliament, were among guests of honor today at the luncheon in the Commodre Cafe tendered liv the local Ladle 1 -the" Royal J?wridr to visiting delegates to the Dominion convention. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Oourteay nl 8. D. JefanAon Oo. Ltd.) The., following quotation; w,ere hid and axkeds, ., ,,, ;,. ; B. C. Silver, 1.30, 1.45. Bayview, 2Vi,' 3. Big Missouri. 1.38. L40. Cork Province. 10. 11 yh. Cotton Belt, Nil. 50. Duthie, 62, 56. George Copper, 10.65, 10.80. Georgia River, 33. 34. Golconda. 1.10. 1.18. Grandview, 43, 44. Independence, 8V2, O'a. Indian Mines, 4, 6. -Inter.. Coal ,& Coke, 37, 38. Ko6tenay Florence, 14; 14V'. L. & L., 2, Kil Lucky Jba, 11, 12. Mohawk, 3, 4. " 1 MorUAi Wootsey, 5, ' Marmot River Gold, t'i, 5. Marmot Metak,'i2V4, 4. National Silver. I2V2. 14. Noble FWe, 62Vi, 63V4. , Oregon Copper, 26 Vi, 20. Pend Oreille, 5.30, 5.C5, Pioneer Gold, Nil. 1.45. Premier, 1.66, 1.70. Porter Idaho, 45, 52. Reeves Macdonald, 1.75, 135. Rufus Argents, 28Vs, 2J)Vfe. Ruth Hope, 35, Nil. Silver Crest, 5V2, 6. Silverado, 65, 80. Silversmith, Nil. 11. Slocan KiaK. NU, 6H Slocan Rambler. Nil, 12. Rnowflake, 40. 41. Sunloch, 25. 2.46. Terminus, fc, 7. Topiey Rkbfleld, 2, 20. Wellington, 9, 10. Whitewater, 7. S. , Woodbine! TOltS. ' 1 Oils "A. P. liiaolVdatsd; 36r 3.87. Calmont, 4,14, 3.20. Dalbdusft, 4.00, Nil Devenish. !46, 50. FabyaH Wtk,U, 8. : Home, HOiKi-SAtf. Illinois Alberta, 90, 95. Mayland, 9.55, 9.00. McLeod, 3J0, Freehold, 1.15, 1.2S. Hargal. 1.42, 1.45. Sterling. Pacific, 1.92, 1.93. Eastern Stocks Sherritt Gordon, 70, Nil. FOUR-YEAR-OLD GIRL PASSES IN HOSPITAL Little Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hamdford Evans of Port Edward Succumbs to Dropsy The death occurred at 8 o'clock this morning in the Prince Rupert General Hospital of Hazel, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hamdford Evans of Port Edward. The little girl had been suffering from dropsy and had been in the hospital about a month ago, but ws ie nr nome- M"tT Urk to wnich she Buccumbed. It is likely that the remains will be taken for burial to Vancouver, 'where the child was born. The fthr. who Is a Skesna Rlvur ... fisherman, will arrive In the city Try a Daily News WANT-AD. ATTENTION,' WOMEN OF ' MIDDLE AGE! Mrs. Goodkey Tell Her Experi-Compound of Life WI thf trouble with me and I wssrun-fjown,thin. and weak and could not sleep, had a poor appetite and could not do much work. I am taking Lydia E. Pink-ham's Vecetabla Compound now and I feel like a well woman. I aav it advertised in the papers and tried it and I.vHi P PlnV. ham's Sanative Waah. I have recommended it to a tot of women friends." Mas. Wu. Goookky, Uyemoor.