PAGE SIX Vancouver. millions of babies have HCTUALLY. been successfully reared on Eagle Brand since 1857 when Gail Borden introduced this specially prepared Infant food. If it was not safe, pure, always uniform in quality and easily digested, it could not hold its position as the leading infant food. If you cannot nurse baby, do not experiment, use Eagle Brand. T11B Fkm BORDEN CO. LIMITED, Dept. A, 1 lomer Arcade Bldg-, Vancouver nd m frm rout Btbr WtUtt Book n Bbf Rmxud Book. NAME. ADDRESS . EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK M 31 Ocean Falls, etc.. Vancouver and p.m. Agents for all Steamship Lines UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings From Prince Kupert lor VAMOIVEK, VICTOKLV, Maj. Uutnlale. Alert liar, tic. rues. Unj, 3:30 p.m. lor V.IN4 0UVKK. V1CTOKIA. Hutrd.tle. Alert liar. He. Friday midnight For A LICK A KM. ANVOX, STtUAKT, Naas Klvrr, Port btinpson, bun-day, 8:00 p.m. For I'OKT SIMPSON AND WALES ISLAND. TnursOar. p.m. Hi 2nd Avrnue II M. SMITH ARcnt Prince Kupert, 11. C. TI rough tickets sold to Victoria and S eaitle .and baggage checked llimugh to ileotlnatloti. B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES NAII.INOS IltOM PRINCE Itl'PF.KT To Ketchikan, W angell, Juneau and Skagway June 28, wnnr ,nl l $ ,5' n-29- ArALfl llJ To vancourer, VMorla and Braille June 29. July 3, 6, PKINCE9.V MVJl'INNA Victoria tvery 1'rlday 10 IV. C. 3rd Ave., Prince Kupert, B.C OKC1IAKI1, (JEM. UAL AfiEXT Canadian National Q7ie Largefl ailway Syfltm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE from ritlNCF. nt'PF.nT for VANrol VEK. VICTOUIA KK.tTTLK. and Intermediate points, Mondays, Thursdays, 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 7 p.m. For ANVOX and STEWART, Mondays, 8 p.m.; Fridays, 4 p.m. Ivr MASSETT INLET POUTS, Mondays, 8 p.m. For HOITH OlEEN C1IAKLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. For SKAdWAY, Wednesdays, 4p.m. I'AftM-.Mll'.K TRAINS LEAVE riMMr. r.lTKUT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at ll:S0 a m tor PHINCE OFOKGE, EDMONTON. WINNIPEO, all points Lantern Canada, United States. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMMIIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave- Prince Rupert- BOX CUTTINGS rhone 31 -Phone 2G0 Load St, John, N.D, T3 Per DELIVERED HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage The most economical saws to use Simonds Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Heml tjt. and Acorn Ave. Do you read the classified advertisements? THE DAILY NEW3 Tuesday, July 1G. 1929 NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. NFW UAZELTON Miss Clara Tervo, who formerly taught school at Haielton, ha3 been the guest of Mrs. John Newick recently. I Mr. and Mrs. John Llnd, for mer residents of New Hazelton, and more recently In Anyox, were j visitors here recently en route to Vancouver where they expect to locate for the future. Indian dogs have been doing great damage to the poultry flocks at Kit-wauga. One man lest 32 turkeys In a Ingle day. Steps are being taken to luvt seme et the dogs done away with. . Visiting the Cariboo district recently. Dcuglss Lay. resident mining engineer, net Dean Brock and Prof. Williams who are heading survey parties to In vestigate the mineral possibilities or the country north of Prince Oeorgj and Uirough which It is .proposed t extend the Paslfte Oreat Eastern IUU-way. Fred Q riff in and J. A. MaeOonald ot Smithers were visitors here and at Sketna Crossing on Sunday. William Ware of Hudson Bay hed- quarters In Vancouver was a visitor In the district this week. SMITIIERS The local Rebekah Lodge has Installed officers as follows fori the year: noble grand, Mrs. I. Bannister: vice-grandt Mrs. G. Jenkins; acting recording secre tary, Mies Bernice Clay; financial secretary, Mrs. E. Champion; treasurer, -Mrs. S. McMillan; U. S. N. G., Mrs. M. Fowler; L. S. N. G.. Mrs. L. Dawson; R. S. ,V. G., Mrs. B. Tanner; L. S. V. G., Mrs. L. McMillan; Inside cuard. Mrs. D. Kenney; outside guard, Mrs. J. Kllpatrick; chap- ain. Mrs. A -Darling; conductor, Mm. E. Carruthera; warden, Mrs. J. Gray; musician, Mrs; M. Daw son. The local chapter of the Na tive Sons of Canada admitted six new members at its regular monthly meeting last Tuesday night. R. C, Mutch has purchased an interest. In the J. S. Kennedy building on Main Street and in about two weeks will be taking over operation of the billiard parlor. The whole business is be ing organized into a . company with Mr. Mutch as manager. Misa May Pike is spending a vacation In Vancouver. Last Tuesday night, Smithers had a very heavy rain, it beintf the most sustained downpour of the year. Jackie iretherineton has been spending a week at Prince Georga with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker. Mrs. II. C. Lifton has returned to Smithers after spending a Soflday at Vancouver and elsewhere on the coast. Mrs. L. Hall has closed her tea shop in Smithers ami left for Prince Rueprt where she has obtained a position. the GREEN SHADOW A New Serial By Herman Landon A mystery story the solution of which will evade you until the last pages. Don't miss the first Installment Thin aerial commencon Monday next in the Daily News. STEWART . William Aitchison, local of the Consolidated' Mining & Smelting Co., has received In-: structions to also look after the company's railway interests here (pro tern. Is The Portland Canal Telephone ;Co. of Stewart and the Hyder Radio and Telephone Co. of Hyr der have amalgamated Into the Portland Canal Telephone and Telegraph Co. The two systems will be linked up at once with headquarters in Stewart. J. A. Hall of Hyder wiir be president of the new company' and' Ernest Love of Stewart, managing direc tor. Other directors of the new comnanv sri V. H T.nv nf Prince Rupert and E. h. Haddon of liyder. C. 1. Htbbard, who is heavily interested In. the Outland Silver Bar, is paying his annual visit to teh property. AIJCE ARM Harry Owen returned to town last week, after a visit to hia old home in Cardiff, Wales. Mlsg Ellen Anderson returned to her home here last nftor Saving been absent for ten months attending school in Van couver. J. N. McPhee returned last week from a business trip to Prince Rupert. Dr. J. T. Mandy. resident min ing engineer-,. Prince Rupert, Is paying his first official visit to mines in thitf district. Miss Alice Hogberg arrived last week from her studies at Vancouver aria" will spend two months' vacation here with her parents, Mr. jand Mrs. Gust An derson. ; PRINCE RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE SOON TWENTY YEARS OLD Twentv Yeuhl Attn rnlnmna In Vancouver papers recall that the Grand Trunk Parlfifr hr lot tha contract to a Neweastle-on-Tyne nrm lor the building of two steamers for the Vancouver-Prince Rupert service. The two steamers were the Prince Rupert and Prinep Oenrcre u hlnh ware Ae. '1 rani.) I. flt..I.. a., .1 wnien next year will have completed twenty years' almost con stant servke on the coast. If hey arc eclipsed next year by the companys tnree line new ships now under construction in the old 'nnntrv . thov . j will ..... at . laaat V. I . liofa 1,1. . . had twn dprnn nf nnnnlnr and enictent service to their credit. PRIZE WINNERS AT ST. ANDREW'S PICNIC HELD LAST SUNDAY Price winners in the racea at St. Andrews picnic were: Girls, five and under Editb Ritchie, Helen Brown. Boys, five and under John Watt. George Wllliscroft . Girls, seven and under Nancy McDougall, Jean Beattie. Boys, seven and under Jack Ritchie, Ian McLean. Girls, nine and under Mary Mary Thompson. Georglna Lamb Bovs, nine and under Ian Cur rie. Sydney Croxford. Girls, eloven and under Ruby Green. Msnrnret Johnstone. Boys, eleven and under Billy WIlMHcroft J. Currie. Girln. 13 and under Jennie Thompson. Ruby Green. Boy, 13 and under Billy Wil- 1 scroft. Peter Guyan. Girl, 15 and under Evelyn IMlirarno. Kthel Moorehou. Rnv.i. 15 and under Martin Hn-non. Peter Guyan. Single ladies' race Evelyn S'nr'e meh-fc race Norman M-rr-'ed ladies' race-Mrs. Mc prnwfRld. . Married men' rate Tom Beat tie. T'ee-'ediraC Tom Bcattle Fonr-l(irifl rGe-A. C.'snper ton. .Tmes An'4rew and Marcus n-n v.indred yard dash .Tamos n0n "pn and lumn Norma" M'T,Pnr1. LndlPV foolball kick Mrs AW Murrav. Von' football kick James Andrews. THE MARKET Following are retail prices cur- Cent in the city today: Apples Yellow N'ewtons, extra fancy box 3.75 Wineaaps, exfra fancy, box 4.50' Fruit- Valencia oranges 20c to .80 Lemons, Sunkist, doz. 45c to .50 California grapefruit 10 Bananas, 2 lbs, . . . . 35 Extracted honey, per jar 25 Comb honey 35 Dates, bulk, 2 lbi 25 Raisins, bulk, 2 lbs 25 Rhubarb, outdoor, lb. ..... .05 Australian Almeira grapes, lb 40 St a wherries. TVrrac 20 ' Cherries. Okanagan, Bings, lb 80 Cantelopea, each 20c to .25 Watermelon, lb 10 lums, lb. 26 'eachea, lb., 40c to ........ .60 Casabas, 2 lbs. ........... .26 Honeydews, lb 15 Butter- No. 1 creamery ........... .60 No. '2. creamery, 3 Iba 1.40 ChOifj CSmembert, 8-oz. pkg 06 Kraft Limberger, Aa S5 Ontario solids 35 New Zealand solids 30 Stilton, lb 45 raft 45 Norwegian Goat 05 Napo!oon Limberger 70 oquefort 75 3wift'3 BrookfieJd, lb 45 Gorgonzola, lb 76 McLaren's Cream, Jars, 45c, .85 Crookfleld Swiss, J4-lb. pkg. .30 Gruyere ' .45 Brookfield Canadian Cheese, V4-lb. pkg 25 Golden Loaf, lb 4K Flour- Flour. 4D. No. 1 hard wheat 2.70 Pastry flour. ,49 2.05 Pastry flour,, lQflliV CO Lard- Pure 26 Compound 25 Eggi B. C. fresih pullet MV4 B. C. fl esh pullets ...38A B. C. fresh flrsta, doz 40 B. C. fresh extras, .45 Local new JalU 55 iueaia , Fowl, No. 1, lb'., 38e and .40 Roasting chicken, lb 45 Broilers 45 Ham, sliced, first grade ... ." 55 Ham, whole, first grade 45 Ham, picnic, lb 23 Cottage rolls, lb Bacon, side, sliced, lb .CO Bacon, side, sliced, best grade ....... ; AO Veal, loin M 45 Pork shoulder 30 Pork, dry salt .36 Ayrshire bacon, lb. ..35c to .50 Veal, shoulder 36 Pork, loin ; 45 Pork, leg 40 Beef, pot roast 22c to .25 Beef, steak 35c to .4 Beef, boiling ...18c to .22 Jeef, roast, prime rib , . . . . . .36 Lamb, fthoulder 36 Lamb, leg 45 Lamb chops 45 Mutton chops 40 Mutton, shoulder ......... .30 Fish- Smoked kippers, lb 15 Kippered white salmon, lb Red smpked salmon .45 Smoked black cod, lb 20 Finnan haddies, lb 26 Halibut 20 Salmon, fresh spring...... .80 Nuts- Almonds, shelled Valuncias .G6 Brazils 35 Walnuts, broken shelled 40 Walnuts, shelled halves CO Almonds ........ .35 Peanuts 20 Mnnchurian walnuts .26 California walnuts .45 No. 1 mixed nuts, lb 35 Filberts 26 Fenl 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 5 and Bulkley Valley 2.75 Oats ; 2.75 Bran 2.00 Shorts ., .'. 2.10 Middlings 2.00 Barley 2.75 Laying mash 3.G5 Oyster shall 2.0 Scratch food 3.10 Beef scrap 4.50 Ground oil cake 4.25 Baby chick feed 4.50 Fine oat chops 3.25 Crushed oats 3.2 j-2'' Fine barley choo 2.85lWl, Dried fruits-Lemon and orange pt 1 .35! Citron peel 40 DOROTHY MACKAILL in XMHren Of The Riiz' COMEDY -THE HUKGLAU Admission, lumber Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S4S Dimension ami Boards. KILN DRIED Sitka Spruce and Cedar Finish, Ceiling, ana Rustic. SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edgegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and 4" Sitka Spruce Ceiling X x 4" and G" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED 'PRINCE RUPERT, H. C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 381 Retail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 123 DEMAND u Rupert Kipp 'THE DAINTIEST RREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. Black cooking figs, lb 15 White figs, lb 15 Currants, lb 20 Apple 25 Peaches, peeled 20 Apricots, lb. ...r .25 Prunes, 904 00, rMtw 35 26-lb. box 1.95 Prunes, 00-70 lb. "2 1W. . . .: .25 40-50, 2 lb. 85 Prunes, 80-40, 2 lbs 35 Evaporated pear, halves, lb. .25 Vegetables New beets, 3 bunches .25 New carrots, 3 bunches .25, Sack 4.60 New potatoes, jb. .......... .50 Parsley, bunch .......... t . .10 Garlic, imported, per lb 35 New green onions, 8 bunches . 10 New cabbage, per lb. 00 New turnips, Bunch 10 California onions, 4 lbs. .. .25 Local head lettuce ......... .10 Victoria hothouse tomatoo. . -.25 Cukes, hothou qaoh , , .. , . . .,p Waahlngthn spinach, 2 ll. .25 Cauliflower, head, 25c and.. .30 Sugar-White, 100 lba 0.50 Yellow, 100 lba CIO I'M AMINE Pat wss sprndiruc the night in a hnunttd rcom. Suddenly s voice moan-1 ... . Pl. .. ... iorv "TtMrsH there's! 117,423 Avc- l 1 honcs 1B& ' only you sod me. only you and me.' "Dejorrsl" cried Pat, "there'll only .b vou when I eet this otlier boot; on." rsrchlc News. MON. AND TUDS, Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. AND JACK MULHALL l'ATHE NKWs 15c and 50c. Brand" ers free! I tee: l CHINA SET FREE (Three Pieces) 1 tea pot $ ;i sugar byl 1 cream lug jjj t jjj Total . St ALL FOR 52.1)3 1 lb. B. 11. Coffee 1 1 lb. 11. B. Tea, B. 1 11 1 earthware tea pot J Total 72 r,J ALL I'jflK $1.50 1 China Cup and Saucer . . $ ' 1 lb.' p. Ux Tea, B. L " Total $1 " ,; ALL FOR 80c Take Votir Choice Now. Only Limited Quantity MussaUem Grocery Co. Limited P. 0. Box 575.