- day. July 16, 1929 TBI DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Fcshion Fancies I'l.ris Strep J;n Flocks the Lingerie Not CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & f OJJND ; THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE REATBECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Paris couturiers are mpha fimg the importance of the '' lingerie touch" in afternoon r in ks. Consequently many of he smurt dresses shown In this i "UMtry are characterised by a : ''tnrxH of line and design thai ; .imo.-it verges on "sloppinesa Iti- quality is achieved by j loppy bows, drape, swathing iinl bits of Jace. Mere is an excellent example, ruspberry r,ed silk crepe, this t- 'li'l employs soft bows at neck, vnxts and belt, edged with flesh- " lured chiffon ruffling. The -Mrt i a double circular, flar i f from the lew hip line. Man in the Moon Adam was ajwrdloer nif Eve asrardinere,'e ' y raised Cain and aW-lso a hornet's nesuB AT BLV A 1 1 latest abomination isihnme talkies. As if the graraajhene and ' radio and the ether talkers "imd the house were not enough already. .. "t all the people I adore, And this is sure enough the reaQj' truly Jolly ,glrl Wbo laughs at this retten stuff. ."" All the world is a stage but it " tk s more than a stage to make .'if audience.' ' Was It In Prince Rupert that ' schoolboy said Good Friday ." run what done Chef ieusVnrk (or Robinson Crusoe, Ten Years Ago In Pr'nci Rupert Jul v .16, 1919 The Anjrox baseball team is ' "ming herj! at the week-end and vill play games with the locals ' Saturday and Sunday after-ens. Some 76 members of the Van-"uver Board of Trade v)ll visit J'l inc- Rupert on July 2G In the "iirse of a tour to Northern and 1 - ntral British Columbia. H. F. Pullen writes a special juticlo in the Dally News de- f rihing Jasper Park wjiich placalj recently visited. " NO CJIEESE A motorist wfio owns one of 'how n)ftU ar which everyone makes Jokfcs' about was recounting fin wepetienjy. to a friend. "1 had a bit; of bad luck coming up from Brighton the other :..v. he natd. RI fan Jnto u trap."J Jx thut o?7 said Tils stf-calle,d rn. nd. grave'ly. "Was there'' any hocse in it?" LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Mptor Service -Coal, Band, and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and ... Furniture Moving. Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoy-able holiday boa tint;, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. KITSUMGALLUM LAKE LODGE Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake ! Good, fishing, boating and bath- Ing; beautiful scenery; twenty; miles from Terrace. Stage leaves Terrace 9 a.m., Monday, Wednes-j day and Saturday, $2 return . Rates, 53 25 per day. Write for special weekly rates. K. E. BIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Inlands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing. Excellent Cusine. Parties can be met at RkRIegate lor Port Clements. Wireless for reservations. MRS. RAJOUT Tlell, Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE BEAUTIFUL FRANCOIS LAKE For Rent By the Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucks from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate, B.C. LAKKLSE LODGE AND nut SPRINGS ! 1 ' is enened to iruests. Ihc lodire Is IfHuated on the shore at Lakelse IlLake. Good fly fishing for rain- lkv trout .Th. W sr.rlr.ini enn.l ' tain IJthia which is fine for rheumatism. Cottages for rent J. Bruce Johnston, Manager. Dr Alexander PHONE S7S iiksvuk morn DENTIST S.D Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through, .our connections we can make prpmpt execution 6f buying'ind, sealing orders on the Vancouver, Calgary rind Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston CoM 610 2nd Averiue-Pfione 130 . Prlnce"Rupert, B.C FOR SALE FOR SALE Stu debaker coach, j mechanically guaranteed. Burns j and Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE Seyen roomed mod - j ern house. Apply 147, corner Fifth and .Dunsmulr. 1C4 FOR SALE Good Eats Cafe. Good location; reasonable. Phone Black 700. (170 j FOR SALE Iron and wooden pulleys, also two pieces shafting. Apply Daily News, Box xx. (tf) FOR SALE 3 sets adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Dally News Office. (tf) FOR SALE Fishing boat W. T, 62 feet long; beam, 13 feet. 80 h.p. Frisco Standard en gine; eight years old, In No. 1 condition. Phone Blue 159. tf ' ' i FOR SALE Dining room suite,! two sets bedroom furniture, I Brunswick Panatrope phono-1 graph, chesterfield, wicker sunF0R RENTaeani W.U furnigh. room set, piano. Apply Doug- " , . , A, las Stork, 1919 Atlin Avenue, or I Stork's Hardware. (tf) FOR SALE two Gilchrist jacks,' one new; two falling saws; one: boom auger; one peovy, three falling wedges; one dozen dogs; one sledge; all in first class condition. Can be seen by appointment. Bargain. Box 205 Daily News. 1C4! FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Room Suites, Chester field Suites, Simmons Beds and Beddlng, Linoleum and LlnoleurtriVVANTEDMjni offjce RtHrs. Ranges and Kitchen Hardware. We InvRe you to call. Mackenzie furniture PHONE 775 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $35 per month. Phone Green 21C. tf LAMI ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lewie land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording Diatrk of Prince Rupert, and situate 1st or waiesu&nd hail mut ; recogniied in forty states of the it?;if ol rK.uhe0.iunion- This .lecognition has bsen m i aoiw oriuia vu on th coast south East iue wnm lumbla Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation. Salmon 7oUoX"riS!LfS: Commencing at a post planted on the I 9? .r "S.? I East of Bartlett Point, thence North I East ten chains: tbenoe South East torti I nh&ini' Rnuth West ten chains to Hleh Water mark: thence following High Water Mark to ataklnx post and con-talnlng forty acres, more or leas. THE ANGLO BRT1 ISII COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. I. Walker," Agent. Dated May 17th, 1B29. LAND ACi Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land Ih the Prince Rupert Ind Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate on the East shore of Portland Canal one mue south-east of Spit rplnt. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation. Balmon CaniMMs. Intends to apply for a lease of the folluwltut desert bed lands Commencing at a post planted on the east shore of Portland Canal one mile south east of Spit Point; thenoe North ten chains: thence East forty chains; thence South ten chains to High Water Mark; thence following high water mark back to staking post; and containing forty acres, more or lens. TTlS ANQLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker," Agent. Dated May 17th, 1B29. LAND ACI Notice of Intention to Apply . to Lraxe Land In th Prince Rupert Land Reoordlng 1, DMrlet of Prince Rupert, and altuataj on the Bouth West coast of Wales Is- 1 lsnri facln. Bueton Islands. Take notloe that Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Limited of Van 1 oouver, B.C.. occupation, Salmon Can-1 nera, Interd to apply for a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on the Bouth West Coast of Wales Island facing the Western extremity of Boston Island-; East forty onaina following nign water mark: thence South one thaln to Low water tnarX: thenoe West forty chains following low water mark: thence North to locating post; and containing Ten acres, more or less. ANQLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO . - COMPANY. LIMITED. Doted Mey 1B28. wl'fi'fli ! " n UTE'l. . A Daily News rant-ad- VfJII'ptiiE bring results. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two modern houses. Phone Black 44C. '. j'FOR RENT Furnished flat. Ap- ply Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENTFour room flat with ! bath. Furnished. Phone G4T. j . r.UIl RENT - j' Furnished uriiraii- suite, Summit Apartments. Phone"! Blue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Modern house near business section. $26.00. Apply 210 Fourth Avenue E. tf 1 FOR RENT-r-Automoblles, pianos' phonographs and sowing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished Housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Av-enue East. tf en mouern iwo anu uiree ruow- ed suites. Palmer Apartment. Phone Red 444. (175) FOR RENT--Furnished twe fam- ily cottage close to new Lak-' else Lodge, on lake shore. For' rates apply to V. Sonde, Ter- race. ISO ; WANTED WANTED Hemstitching. Mra. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. 179 U'fUfAV Wartta' work nnv Wind.1 r j i i nu t).j r-n Good plain tpok. Phone Red G9. ; 1GS 42 perience, auout -r V years tbeoce westerly SO chatna; thence north-ai nnr. n.:i., erly B chains to low water: thence east- K "rV' Newfi. ICS WANTED Partner with some capital, in good paying business. Apply Bex 204, Daily News Office. tf j WANTED Experienced steno-l grapher, with knowledge of' bookkeeping preferred. Salary $80. Apply Box 20C Daily News. 1"0 CHIROPRACTIC I PROGRESS The practice of chironraetic is , . , , . , Ugni anu gaiuru uy me jicopie who have benefitted throuirh : chiropractic. It was not until ! 191C that legal recognition was ! first accorded. For your health' sake consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Phones Black 282 Open Evenings CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments given aeeoraing to ' our new &pmai indicator, prouuee better results. Consult R. E, EVOLFSON CJIIROPRAGTOR 1 C23. Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue 83 Residence Telephone Red 58!) , Established . 1024 j 13 h'S 1 i. n" ''!!. , OUH3 cairrrv! (iJI .TTi " .. ,-. ' GIRL : juld fadeTVski ttne SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under tlie water we do If," PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work, Koats nnd Scows of all deserip- tions for Charter Piw Pna(. A rB.si- - 11. Bargains in Gas Engine. AGENTS FOR Van Blerrk, Easthope, iiieka Rallantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Phone. Day or Night, 564 P. O. Box 15!4 BUY SIIRUBSALL'S SMOKED FISH PRODUCTS (Smoked Black Cod and Fillets) De Luxe Smoked Salmon-To cook, cut the salmon into small strips, place in pan, pour boiling water over the fish and stand away from fire for fifteen minutes. It cooks itself . Sold by- Burns & Co., Ltd., Frlzzell's, Bulkley Market, Watts Grocery Makes nice lunch sandwiches for husband or picnics. LAND ACT Kotlre of Intention to -Apply to l.eaMiLaiul la the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land lieoafdtng District of Prince Rupert, and situate t Annston Point. North Dundu Island Take notice that Langara Fishing 4t Packing Company. Limited, of UassetT. b. c occupation, cunnere. mteucu to apply for a lease of the tollow- line descrHed landa: Poreanora. Cominenelng at a peat planted at the. t mMMH AT llM An iTtllltAn Rnlnf eriT 20 chains: thence southerly to point of oommrojnent. and oontalnlng 20 acrea, moreseciessr LANOARA FISlfiNg; PAGK1KO W CO.. LTD. By Its Agent. JohnWjillam MnorebouM. Dated June 7th. XiXif LAMI ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease land Land Reoordlng District of Prmce Rup-crt, and situate near the mouth of Mae-sett Inlet. Qraham Island. Take notice that Langara Pishing Ac Packing Company, Limited, of Massett, B.C. . occupation, salmon canners. In-' tends to apply for a lease of the follow-1 ln described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted near the southern end or Hidden Island: nocl3' 1?rM;JuS,'M,to chaln,, fouowto low water, thence . .. . . .. ' . ... J "" " iwuuuiumuwm sw containing a acres more or less. LANGARA FISHING: tt PACKINO CO., LTD. Henry White. Agent, Dated May 11th. 1B2. KKIXNA LAMI RECORDING IHSTRlCT TAKE NOTICE that the BrHKh Columbia Pishing Ac Packing Company. Ltd , of Vancouver. BC. ocouputton, flahlng and packing Intends to apply lor a tease of the Collowtng described coreahore, situate fronung on Lot 3. Range 8. OoaM District: Commenetrig k a pom pnamea at a pomt on tne southerly boundary of Lot 2. Range a tZfTJTelST'X duetlon southerly of the east boundary of ixx .: uence noru&eny to mean ragn 'WMer mark: tbenoe westerly and souui-erly toUnwlnig mean high water mark, to the point ef oommeitcernent. and containing ten acres, more or lees. BRITISH COLUMBIA riSHINO -ti PACKtNO CO.. LTD. J H Buahnell. Agent. Dated 24th June 1B2B. Daily News -Classified" advertising brings results. the niuii" t - The Passing Show. Londoh AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT ' ' AUCTION MART. We buy, -Seil Or eX-) change an' kind 'or furn lure D1Mr,e?, ' Pr"1" Hupert, and situate t , , ,,c one ml!e South Eart of Bdrt)tt Pom i x or household goods, musical in-1 on th South west cout of Wales, instruments, machinery, etc. Cen- j tut Brlt)sll Colum. eral repairs, crating, packing 'b1' PacWnf compnjr Limited of van-ntil hit.nn U'.,-i,,v.! ' Cfuvtr. B.C., occupation. Salmon Oan-and Shipping. Workmanship nen, Intend to pply for a leaie of th guaranleeu. Jimt nlvnn P.lnck 120 and We Will. call. GROUUE DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block , Paints, Wallpaper, Etc SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapera, Faints, Glass and . .Art Supplies !. O. BOX 120 , PnONE 22 ELEVEN YEARS OF KNOWING HOW Is amtlipd in all uork in our ..Tie ntletht Anglo British Colum-is appueu 10 uii worit in our big, packlna- Comunv Limits nt v.n. Mechanical Department. A trial oouver. B.C.. occupation, Baimon can-will convince you that there is no i"S'wSrdr?iPuTn5S: torShore- ing to the motorist to deal With US. ROSS & MOORE, LTD. , . Chevrolet Dealers 1 Goodyear Tires;- Raj be t oh Linings Home Gas LAND ACT Notice of Intention Intention to to Apply Apply I 10 Lease licaae Land Land ! In the Queen Charlotte Land D!strlet Land Recording District of Prince Huo- ert. and situate near the mouth of N- den llarbor. on Manorredo Island. Take notloe that I. Author Rahertson. ,0Cna1a"pt nUhUd near the south eust corner of Lot 2719, Msror- redo. Island: thenoe northl r 10 chains: thence aterly S chains to low water, tbeucekUiwlng low water southerly 10 ehalra: Ihehce westerly to point of torn - niencemesE ana containme lour arms. , tnore Innn nr or less. mmjl ' ARTHUR ROBERTSON . By Henry White, Agent. Dated May 12th, 1B2S. KKEKNA LAND KtCOKIHSO DISTRICT .TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia Pishing Ac Packing Oomipany. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occuDatlon. fishing and packing. Intends to apply for a lease of the following tieacrfbed foreshore, altuate fronting ou Lot 10. Range 5, Coatt District: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest cor ner of. txt id, 1 nft s, wast uistriec; thence outb t chains: thence In southeasterly direction IS chains: thence In a soutb-ettertr direction 23 chains, mare or less, to ttlgh water mark at a point a mailt 10 r.naina, snore or leas, westerly 1 from the southeast corner of Lot 10: j thence northwesterly, following high ' water mark, to the point or commence- j ment. and containing IS acres, more or less. BRITI8II COLUMBIA rTSHINO PACKINO CO.. LTD." J. H. Buahnell, Agent. Dated 20th June, 1B2S. LAM) ACT Notice or Intention to Apply ., . . . to Leuae Land ' In the;Quetn Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, ahraUuale near Klaabwun,, Point. . VS mmiiM shmm 1 Take&wttce that Eugene H. Simpson ' of Maaaatt, B.C.. occupation, eannery-nan, intends to apply tor a lease of the ollowuift described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted about 10 chains southeasterly from the N. W. orner of Lot No. 2741. Oral-m Island; hence West 10 chains; thence north 6 Mains 'to low water; thence east 10 Jialnx tbe-tce south 8 chains to point if commencement, and containing S eras, more or less. EVOENE HUMPHRY-SIMPSON. Henry White. Agent. Dated May 11th. 182B. LAND ACT Notice of Intentiea to Apply to Leiwe Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate nrsr the mouth of Mas-wtt L-uct at Seven Mile Point. Take notice that Langara Pishing & Packing Company. Limited, ot Massett, B.C., occupation, salmon canners. Intends to apply for a lease of the foliow-Inr described lands: Comment lnit at a post planted near the northeast corner ot Lot 2230 Qrahani Island: thence westerly 10 chains; thence northerly 5 chains: thenre easterly 10' chains following low water; tbenoe southerly I chains to point of commencement, and oontalnlng S acrea ..ore or less . LANGARA FISHINCI Ac PACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry White. Agent. Dsted Ma 140 IBM. : it LAND ACT ill of Intention to Apply to Lra l-nd In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate one mile South East of Spit Point on (he East short of Portland Canal. Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Limited ot Vancouver, B.C., occupation, Salmon Canners. Intends to apply for a lease ot the following .escribed tanas: loresnore: Commencing at a post planted one mil Bouth East of Spit Point on the raat shore ot Portland Canal; hence East 40 chains following High water mark: thenre South 6 chain to low water mark; threes West 40 chains following low water mark; thence North chains to locating post; and containing 20 acres, aori or less. ANOLO BEIT1S1I COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY LIMITEu. - "W E Walker." Agent Dated Mty .2nd. 1838. LAND ACT ! t iwuna In. the Prlnoe Rumrt tAnl R.cnrf1lTi .following dencrlbed lands: foreshore: mile eoutb East of Bartlett pl'nt on the boutn wst oo.it of Wales Island: I thence East forty chains following high I water mark; tbenoe South West five chains to low water mark: thence West (forty chains following low water mark; thence North East five chains to loca- I Ung post; and containing 20 acres, more ANQLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY. LIMITED. "W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated Mar 22nd, 1929. LAND ACT , Kotlre of Intention to Apply to Leave Land In the Prince Ruperv Umd Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the South West coat of Wales Island half mUe South East of Bartlett planted on the mile Bouth East of Bartlett Point: ouutn &as xony cnaina lollow-ln High water mark; thenoe South West five chains to low water mark: thenoe North Wt frtv k.t.. ti tng low water mark: thence North East in iwuu post; na containing twenty acres, more or less. ANQLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED, "w E Walker." Agent. . r, Dated May 22nd. 1829. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leuse Land In. the Queen GhArlntt T rlKi Una iteosrdBhir' District of Prteoe Rup- JZ""T """"" tsr'jr9 J" Island, . .?.otl" " tuFn H. Simpson nd Author Robertson W.Massett. B.C.. occupation, cannerytnen. intend to apply "'01. (9W of tlte following described Ooaaxsncing at a post pSinted 200 feet south of high water at the extremity of the above-mentioned unnamed point: thence east 20 chains: thenea north H SliS! 'Sf' JIlTli0 WMM. fW WIU W VU, men cement, and containing 20 acres, more or less, , EUGENE HTJMPHRET SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBERTON. Br the A rent, John William Moorehouse. Dated June 7th. 1B29. , . . LAND ACT Notice f Intention to Apply to Leue lnd In the Prince Rupert Land Recording D-rtrlot of Prince Rupert, and situate one mile South East of Bartlett Point on the coast of Wales Island, Take notloe that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver, u.c. occupation, 8 Isaon Canners, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on mile South East of Bartlett Point on the Coast of Walea Island; thence North East fifteen chains; thence East forty chain.; thenre South went fifteen , chains to high water mark; thence following high water mark back to staking Post: and containing sixty acres, more or less. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per"W. E. Walker." Ageat. Dated May 17th, '929. LAM) ACT Notice of Intention to Apply l l.se Land In the Prince Rupert 1 nd Reoordlng District of PrlBce Rupert, and altuate on the South West Coast of Wales Island facing Boston Island. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company, Limited, ot Vancouver, B.C., o--upaon, Salmon Canners. Intends tr apply for a lease of the following described laAda: Oomrnenelne at a post plaoted on the South West Coast of Walea Island opposite Boston Island; thence North tea chains; thence East forty chains; thence South ten chains to High Water Mart: thenoe following High Water Mark West to staking post; and containing 40 acrea. more or less. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker, Agent. Dated May 17th, 1828. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I. rase Land In The Stlk-oe Land Recording District M i British OotuiHMa, and ait-ate abo-l, on halt, Baste Baste riy from the mWn of the Tulfcearwn' -River, which into the Takn River attout atx mil, up-stream from the Alaaka Boundary tine. Take notloe that I, James B. Stapler of Los Angeles, occupation, mining engineer. Intend te apply for permission to pufebase the (allowing dewrlbed land: Otmunenekac at a post planted one half mile Baaterly from ttie mouth of the Tutseruah River, thence East 30 chains: Mtence Nerth 90 chains; thence West 20 chain: thence South 20 chain and containing 40 acre, mora or leas, JAMBS B. STAPLER Dated June 10t. 1829. ' ISO Daily New "Want Ads" bring Quick results.