T.-r ' I it1 ; J fa ibf Vancouver is the world's cham- pion largely because of the low jUpert Tennis Club will be held friction of his muscles. The nat- tomorrow morning wheij an Am-ural friction of the muscles is;erican mixed doubles! tourney less in Williams than In any tther person he ever tested whleJi ( enables him to attain his maxirkpate iri the play which p expec-raum speed of between 2 and 21 ted to be- interesting. This will miles per hour within three sec- only be the first of mail- tourna- onds. ,.jl! . j,. 'iM -.Ajiwn4-ulimnt! hv k Prfno. Pun. .hi PA3J5 TWO aw 6e Pajed ond Officers At an enthusiastic public I hall, it was decided to have uvUl.uuiv, mwno uouot mat me nrst league fixture will be on May 21. (championship from isas to i897 .7"''(i """c ...'.There is a nossibilitv that a rimihlp-riPJirW mnv rw nut nn ! , .i jma.ae tne. farmer this date, but this Is' not a certaintV. The o-rnnnfls and IFrank Gotch. one of the greatest ...v.Lu i, I:. stands have to be put in shape before this date. but. with the assistance that will be asked from the city, it is hoped t EXPLAINS PEKCY'S , SPEED Dr. Charles II. Best of Tor.on """to, who has conducted experf-r 4ipents with a great many ath-jltes, says that Percy Williams BIG LEAGUE BALLj7hnVutti7tTitTK 8Wath.e .. , . m the interior lately. The men s iNEW YORK, May 4. Rain and cold weather played haW with the major league baseball dtfle oa Friday, -only one game being played, the Detroit Tfgers Jpiking it four straight, over the hicago White Sox. GehrijferFa jiomer in the ninth vih two on Closes was the feature. BASEBALL SCORES American League Detroit G, Chicago 1. All others rain. i NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS m vV. Boston i st. imh 1 Chicaffo ....i.v?" Tiitfirgh Wew Yark1 4,, 400 Cincinnati 5 ( Philadelphia 4, Brooklyn 4' 7 AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS W Pet. St Louis 11 .788 Philadelphia 9 .802 New York 6 .GOO Chicago 6 .462 Detroit 7 .438 4 .864 :'Cfcveland 6 .867 i.V&shington 3 .300 " I-Ueston - SIR THOMAS UPTON WILL RACE AMERICANS LONDON, May 4. The Exchange Telegraph says that the jtoyal Ulster Yacht Club has ia- .ajsued a challenge far Utp Amri- CUP on hehalf of sir Thomas itylon, to beoome effect!Te in September, 19W, EDMONTON GRADS DEFEAT PARKDALE ORONTO. Mav 4 In an ex. "Tubition basketball game the Edmonton Commercial Grads defeat-d the Parkdale girls 23 to 17 last Bight. I fere fis Fear of League Elected meeting last night in the city eitv lpn vci lccii uiowii uui meic 10 mat everything will be in readi ness for the curtain-raiser. The success or failure of the league to carry through the season depends on the support it gets from the fans, and, as the teams entering are pledging themselves to put up a big league grade of ball, the rest is now up to the fans. y league officials. 1 Tbe election of officers resulted as follows: President Aid. George Rud-lerham. I Honorary president Lt.-Col. S. P. McMordie, D.S.O. Vice-president James McNuItyi Honorary vice-president Maxl Heilbroner. Secretary - treagurejc, James Farquhar. These officers, together with a 'lelegate from each of jthe teams entered, will form the executive for the league in 1929. ; i ,. Sport Chat The first tournament of the season on the courts of th Prim-P will be staged. Some forty or so members of the duo will partit i- cnnis vsiuv mis season. The Topley basketball teams fleam took an 18-11 victory from Illipn. 1 ql. Ai U - I X A J "v' "'f? TJfJ ." game wftMBurns Lake, the latter winning 7 to 6. Toplt.and Burns uutf grris played a eix all draw. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, Division 1 Aston Villa, 4, Sheffield Wednesday 1. Burnley 3, Arsenal 3. Bury 8, Derby County 3. Cardiff City 1, Blackburn Rovers 1. Leetfs United 0, Birmingham 1. Laweatar City 6. Belton Wan- "Wderaw 1. '-wSManrhMfpr 1LUA n r. 'wieaatle jyfetfted 2, Everton 0, ' BhfnMUftited 4. SundeJand Westham United 1, Hudders- neJd Town 1. English League, Division 2 JIull City 0, Nottingham For eat 1. Middieahorough S, Grimsby lown 0. MUlwall 0, Barnslay 2. Notta CountF-CJielaea, already Oldham AthlaUc 2, Bradford 1. Partvale 5. Bristol City 0. Pr?8taa North End 2, Stoke CHy 2. Raading 4, Clapton Orient 2. Southampton 3, Swansea Town 0 Tottenham Hotspurs 2, West Albion 0. vtoiverhampton Wanderers V Blackpool 5 ICIOUSLV Frairanf CHASE & SANBORN'S i. SOLD ONLY IN Klb. 1 lb. ad 2 lb. Tins THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, M;, 4, '"29 PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT Written Especially for the Dally News by the Sports Editor ' 3IARTIN BUHNS Dean of American Wrestlers Martin "Farmer" Burivv dean of American wrestlers, was the noiuer 01. ine wona s wrestling i wrestlers ever produced.; In his. long career of more than G,O0Q. matches,. 'Burns wap o,M,iJkius,.Jfor- the heavyweight title not only , for his ,. sk;ll and ' which, however, he held for only -trangth in comparison with hi,two years. Born in 1861, he ia weight which was only lfi&j still active in a wrestling school pounds, bat for his example of i and continues his daily exercises clean living. A professional ath- faithfully as though training lete of the '80's who neither smoked, drank or swore anil was frugal with his prite ring purses was unique. Burns' most remark - 1 4- WONDERFUL BOY CRICKETER 4 Fred Coyle (above) is the 14-year-old wonder who is astonish. inif snorts rirrlaa in A na.-nli.. with his formidable work in the ! cricket matches at Sydney, and earned him top rank among stars who are many years bis senior. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Continued from page one). Calmont, 435, 4.40. Dalhousit, 5.90, iSQ. Fabyon Petlj it t'r Home, 28.&04.O0. Illinois-Alberta, Nil, 1.65. Mayland, 12.50, 18.00. MeDoug.-Segur,- mi, 7.15. Mcleod, a.68, COO. New McDeof.-Segur, Nil, 4.45. Royalite, Nil, 17t.OO. Vulcan, Nil. 2.1S. Hargal, 2.88, Nif. Freehold, 18.0, 1.88. United, 18.40, 18.60. Sterling Pacific, 2.00, 2.10. Eastern Stocks Sherritt-Gordon, 8.20, 8.30. Noranda, 54.26, 54.30. J able physical development was the sire and strength of his :. to wrestle ton an education lasting regret in latteri years.. In 1895, Burns 'threw the champion, Tom Jen- for an imDortant match. His j greatest pride is his buoyant (health as he nears the three score ! and ten mark. ENGLISH LEAGUE SOCCER FINALS Mlddlesborough. Charlton Athletic and Bradford Winners; Pro- mcucntf ana uemouons LONDON, May 4. As a result of the final games played today in the English soccer leagues, Midlesborough heads the second division; Charlton Athletic wins the southern section of the third diVVio - honors in the northern section; while The Wednesday cinched the first division last Saturday. Promotions and demotions will be: Firs to second division-Bury juAtJce is now being perpetrated !. .ind Cardiff Q4ty. ; ' i upon the people here. in stopping Second to first division-r-Mid- inig work- It was our intention dlesborough, .Clapton Orient and t carry on a prograrn of con-Crinwby Town, : tlnaouf work untllthe road was Third to seeond-CharltoaAtb- fiftally compJeted. That is the tic and Bradford City. , waJ taat the road can ever .UiUingbam. in the southern De put through. j ection, and Ashington, in the -n j. 0f wurtesbeer nonsense aorthern, must apply for .read- t mft 48 the minister of public mission to Uie third division. worka that tte j;ork would - be done all at once,"incaning, as PiWAI' MIMCTDn e a" a once 'n 11 space UUIAL UlUlJlAlUi of time. The undertaking Is too WINNFP. DP RAfF ITMUILA Ui rtV.li Tock Vlqtory Cup Handicap With Ca'baliero second and Knight of' Grail Third IIUBST mtnaTD.t.1. r- i a ,f 4. , PARK. England, May -fapt- G. H Stet-Goughs Royal Minstrel won the Victory Cup handicap today. Caballero was second and Knight of the. Grail third. Odds were, . respectively. " 3 t0 L 100 t0 15' and 100 to 8 nilTflnnn lirilt II lirK. Wll I KEEP UP WORK Plans Laid For Next Season by Executive at Meeting Last Night 'traffic was concerned. The pre- The executive of Prince Rupert mier, of course, started explana. Singara at a meeting last nfght tioning. but It was too late be-dcidd to continue the choral cause he had already spoken from work" next winter with J. H. the heart. Broekleaby as conductor. Two "Having indicated to you the concerts are to be given, present- attitude of the government to-Ing choral work of a high order. , ward this place, and havinr al. At the first in the autumn it is proposed to specialize on folk the Canadian Northeastern Rail, songs and at the second, early next way, let me indicate the view, year, operatic choruses will be un- point that I have of Prince Rup-dertaken. rt In respect of railway trans. Members of the executive are portation. John Davie, A. J. Lancaster, "I believe that the facilities af. Mrs. Blott and Mrs. Rosa. ,forded by Prince Rupert, already constructed, should be utilized ... j. t ... to " ' the fullest axtent. I believe that WHAT WOULD BE THE BEST MEANS TO ADYANCE INTERESTS OF NORTHERN AND 'tniTnti a vx t - ItN 1 KAL D. The Dally Ne Jews invites U rKlZbo ARE OFrEKEU suggestions as to the best means of advancing theJnlereats of northern and central British Colum bia. As a recognition of our interest in the subject, we offer three, prizes for the best suggestions put forward In a brief newspaper article not to exceed 500 words. First prize, $5; second prize, a year's subscription to The Dally News; and, third, six months' subscription to tbe paper. A school boy or school girl ia just as likely to win the prize for this as is a grownup. Write on one side of the paper only and mail addressed: Contest Editor, The Daliy News, Prince Rupert, B.C. KEELEYSIDE IS COMING HERE e v" ..... --- - - - I fic economically belonging to any Charges d'Affaires to Japan to other djgtrict( and win, j ton-Arrive Tomorrow Enroute sequence, not only benefit this' to Tokyo Ldistrict. but the whole of Britiah.; H. L. Keeleyside, accompanied by Mrs. Keeleyside and family, will be here tomorrow. Mr. Keel-almost eyside will proceed to Vancouver on tne nignt steamer enrouie to Japan where he will open the office for the new minister and will hold the office of charge d'- affaires until Hon. Herbert Mar. ler arrives. Then he will be first secretary of the legation, Mrs. Keeleyside and family will remain in Prince Rupert with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pills- burv. Fourth Avenue " Fi. EL, u until 41T J settled j and Mr. Keeleyside is sends for her. i PATTULLO DEALS WITH ROAD AND RAILWAY AT .MbblKM. liAhl is Hi II l Uli- INC. NO LET-UP IN DE. MANDS. (Continued From Page 1) ,ha Hifft...mi nt hA in K - overcome in order to get the work started. Never Finish It "My opponent in the last campaign was calculating facetiously the number of years it would take were Mrs. S. P. McMordie, Mrs. to finish the road under our ad-1 A. C. Brand and Mrs. A. H Car-ministration. Well, it seems un- son wvart u1 1 1 nal'Q. K.i finish iH I vuu ... rc inuauvu . i "The protest which I made. how. over, did elicit a suggestion that some aerial reconnaissance would be done this year. I It seems to me that grave in- li,rge aml to eost,y to carrv ot , pt over a period of years, and that was what we had proposed j.nd were doing. Tory Attitude j "The attitude of the government towards this city is again illus- lrated by a remark made by the honorable the prime minister. whn sneaVlno- f h f th PaHfir n-t Ra.t.r n.i. way and the 8U north of th rnn,i, ...... vj.i ...u.-i. . . ,.n,iuijai. n 11 lull. 1L ia , stated, will be carried out this ' year. The prime minister, in rt- iernng to tne tralllc from the :PeaC River country, referred to it as pouring down into Vancouver, with PrfnisV Rupert .'"as a side line." "I at once rose and drew the at- 'tentlon of the house to the fact that the premier had stated that ( he considered Prince Rupert as a side line so far as Peace River ready apoken of the charter to' it can share in the traffic from the Peace River country in major degree. Instead of con-structlng any further transcon tinental line. I believe that north and south laterals should coo. nect up with the Canadian Na. tional. Rich Territory "There is an Immense territory, rich in resource, tributary to the Canadian National in Britfsh Columbia, the natural outlet for, which is Prince Rupert. A great deal of this torritnrv ( n (J competition with any other port, and I wish to make it clear that any measures which will be of as. slstnnce in the establishment lf north and south lines to feed the Canadian National, with Prince Rupert as a terminal, will receive my most cordial support. i "What I have Indicated 1 founded entirely upon sound! premises, ia the sane and sensible thincr in rln will nnt llivi-rl traf- Columbia." TENNIS DANCE FINE SUCCESS , i Seventy Five Person Attended Annual Affair Last Night ; In J.O.D.K. Hall The annual dance last niffht in the I.O.D.E. Hall of tbe Prince Rupert Tennia Club waa one of ...... . . j..uh line uuiBiuiiuiny: auu uiubi ueiifiiii- fful affairs of the present social season There were about seventy fVe persona in attendance, the hall being tastefully decorated with club colors and appropriate From 9 p.HQ- uHtil 1 :S0 u.m. fine music was tlispeat-d hy Al Small's Orchestra. After supper, catering for which was in the icapaDie namia oi jaiaa vera i 'Smith, there were a number novelties in which boxes of choco- i latea, as prizea, were won by Miss Margiret Palmar and Mlaa Vara Smith. ; Patronesses for the function Carl Brand was master of . 1 T J J o fx t iTrruroniew ana mof oiniin pre- Mded at the door. Th committee in charjre consisted of A. C, Brand, & E. Crew, Poll Howard, Mia Caroline Mitchell and MUs Vera Smith. ORATIONS ARE HEARD OVER LOCAL RADIO HtrUrt Manson Winner of (;6ij Medal Hut Ilb Irvine Did Well Herbert Manson. Ik Veal - of tiff, wo the oratorical . hiiiiipnn. ship of British nwi 'vncouTer last my, be. fore a large crowd of jo : i,: heard the eight contcst.-.i.t. tne various provincial ' give their ten minute . jjuboi oi j'nnit people heard the ine rauio put unfortunately me small regenerative set- .,. 1 '! locally interfered tn s.mi.j with hearing Bob Irvii: . !,. '.a sptak.-T. It was evident n..a iCuiued him -If well !, rlble local shu'K.Ih at tit: ftred so badly that it w.. :ible to heur what he saM he had finished sutakiiu: il uuble ended. H received tremem ie. now at the (I- efjaddras and, also when "resented with the si I hy Hon. R. H. Pooh y. iGnral, who officiate.!. nnen Children Cough PERTUSSIN Quickly toothing and healing Zam-Buk Is splendid for skin troubles of all kinds. It heals with the aid of Nature's herbs, In Nature's own way. BURNETT'S 13 oz' S1.90-2G.6 oz. $350 ESTABLISHED,1770 A Am This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Lienor Control Hoard r by u,e (Jovcnimowl of British Columbia