Office workers should ase Litebeoy Soap Thisk of the beadreds of duety ferm \edes thongs you meet touch every day | Thenk of the Seager to your skis You woced the bert soep ead more—the best drm ect- est. You gct both ie LIFEBUDY neate SOAP Its besiing soothing olds end Grapetul divinfectents thor ough!y ciernse end disemfer perticulariy usefol | bruise: cuts, wind sores, etc The carbetic odowr + Lifebees « sage of «os proton time eeebet-: outa) Pool Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress}Hote! CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer JOHN PELLICANO SEEDS! For the Garden Specially Suited for Prince Kupert soil FEED Giickens HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER P.R. FEED Co. P. 0. Box 332 908 Grd Ave. or om -- ~~ ee se reese BEEEERAEABEEREAEABEMAEMAEBES COAL Screened Sacked Delivered $13.00 per ton Termiaal Coal Co. Office Phone, Piack 85 Yara Phone, Biack 619 i : i } PRESSES SRE EERE EKER ER EE EE RRR ERE TOM LEE CO. 640 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labor, Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C, Phone 547 — P.O. Rox 735 The “Gartland’’ Boarding House ‘ 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydoek Beard by Month or Week. Phone Med 24 wor | 7THr walL? BEwe SUNDAY SCHOOL END BENNETT AS A SMALL TOWN ACTRESS PICNICS WERE reso son ant erator MUCH ENJOYED “we” re . «) hoa Presbyterian and Gaptist Young oes a, People Play Games on Beach an elill i oe West At Digby Istand +> Fr Bennett a e22 a2 the etar ett takee the part : = - - - ” . faen =F : =7 Toete = : . tt «=? ’ : w . hontr - - . . : - ; = : a+ : - . . * " with - . : PRINCE RUPERT WATERFRONT LEASE . ght - EN! Es ¥ be received bt 4 ’ ria, £ « b “= on Thursday be purchase [se wom : f land form = pert The Presbyterians. 3 s lance 345 feet thence - : eg 47 min. West a dis i : f 4175 feet t the Easter! | the said Right of Wa ' & salne.| : « Grand Trunk Pacific Kallway ' North 233 deg. 28 min. 15 Sec \gbeve mentioned iands m the tame of —~— . a Te ; : at following siong the East }e _ ah les . af | by tar) tf seid Kight of Was . Wited he point of. commencemer ; under Captains M : ana 4 ‘ 5 acres, more or less j . 7 : ' f ti ex ter : i i |Dousid Ross and Robert MacKay whiecb | MrOOOOOOSOOOOOOOOO UE PH GOG SO IPOD © To (Prospective Duiiders MMMM a! Ta Tay We have just received at our Wharf the followiug ives in building materials: One Scowload of FIR LUMBER Made up of Flooring, V Joint, Cedar Bevelled Siding and Double Dressed Finish 100 tons CEMENT 300 barrels LIME lcar load PLASTER 100,000 BRICKS 200,000 LATHS 200,000 SHINGLES We are agents for the Prince Rupert Spruce MILs, LTD., and can g you a figure covering the complete materia! for any buliding Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 116 and 564 Office, SecondAvenue, next Westholme Theat ve sovses IN THE MATTER f iseue of a fresh cer ee ee ore For the Sait L for application ate of title + s 4% = 46, — Section & ity | [ Prine upert, ~ 923 YOTICE is HEREBY I'VEN that it is Sundays —it my intention to issue, af ner the expirativs amu £0 ania me month from the first pupyiicatio# bereof, a fresh certificate of title to te Wednesdays m.ance ; ertificate is dated ¥ist day of Januar) utes ' 915, and is numbered 7115-1 Fare Returr ‘ H. F. MACLEOD Childrer ; ; District Kegistrar of Titles : : one % be 10 years DATED at the Land Hegisiry (Office } cheque overing one yeartiPprnce Rupert, B. C., this 25th day f iw : ‘ must accompany each tender, the | june one , J. Myhill i ques f unsuccessfu tenderers ¢ eo — —_ Ped 39 ‘ r - unuecialely rh > . : ? - ‘ j x‘ rec-} I highest r any tender nol neces WATER NOTICE is eoccoccoes . } accepted DIVERSIVUN AND USE | - tie a his f $ & nGerers must state whet business —_—_——_- ™ . . 4 ngeged in and must designa r 2 r! - POOP CC0CCOOCCOO CS o000eee *t what use they intend to make [ARE NOTICE that M. K Liliico, of ‘ " — ~" a . : . he premisea, how much they intend 1 Oliews, Ont, whore address is care Wm.| x ‘ ; - bas . : i . : 4 ‘ v7 nd in improvements, in what manner|®. Mood. Atha. B. a el ; NOTICE ; mn : : ip-| what time i ) take - ; . 4 sione | POT Second of water out of Spruce Creek ; : ; : ik tn ten ete nw an oo MGHIONS. | Srich flows cast lo west and drains into! 4, ‘ ; ; } hat prior to the erection of any wharr|?ime Creek, about two ané one half nttes | : ; ; H i H ; Ke a eee = y from Lake Atlin SS= . rr e and im Abe g delay 1 «| Ee en Gapounal — rhe water will be diverte@ from the| eS ; a y + anson . nd - ream st & point about i150 ft. below! ; ‘ ' Lands - - ; , hat provision must be made for the| #2843 Group om Jas. Nedved's ground.) WOTICE OF CANCELLATION } The Reliable Piumbe ' ie a i om sing shown on the omets||22¢ Will be used for placer mining pur-| ; ; oo , “of Waterfront Lot “K.” also aecess|?°°¢® Upam the Calder Bench Lease de-| ‘ . Ss 8 3 S ; 5 jio and from the water in connection with | 5° = as Hydraulic Placer Mining Lease | . ; ' } s 8 : s i« ai - . . . . > ' , Apia ; a . This notice was posted on the ground/ weber island. Kang ' ; i - sdraneea - “hua! lon the 87th day of May, 1919 | ¥ ippea 9 : : : - | R. NADEN \ copy of this ootice and an application | . . - we : Deputy Minister of Lands |?U"SUaMt thereto and to the “Water Act ‘ r fer offiee purpos i . _— ° tame ’ _ 1914," Will be fied in the office of the : : : - : e Water Recorder at Atlin, B. c | (ee 7 show or sanrple 1 Bap j 4 e ‘ ‘bjections to the application may be 4 VPSPSr tees Rost on : ‘ —_ - ee tsi fied with the said Water Kecorder or with B . EEC, : Sel ' the Comptrolier of Water Rights, Pariis . sadl —_ . ; ment Suildings, Victoria, B. C.. within , < © — thirty days after the first appearance of | HARRY HA rs « this notice in @ local newspaper ; souse ne 10 ! i M. R. LILLICO, Applicant, The Reliabie Piumbe: king out on Rupert barber It; Ottawa, Ont ; a . a aieien anit an Ghet By Wm. B. Hood, Atin, B. C., Agent.| Phone 489. P.O. } was a V¢ od por 4 a The date of the frst publication of this 880 G@anceel. Aves mad expanse f beacl ta notice is June 23, 1919 : ainp pportunity for playing aii} rarrvap royn. 0% Aimy vi j i WATER NOTICE kind games. Ove ne hun-| TENDERS FOR COAL DIVERSION AND USE . dred enjoyed the outis which is} NOTICE OF CANCELLATION —i ' ' = = EALED Te NDE ih S addressed Ww the TAKE NOTICE that M P. Olsen, whese ; the record attendance for any | UMue gued and endorsed Yuotation ft address is Alice Arm, B. C., will apply NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN hat t ' : . . : ; Dominion Buildings British Colum-[for a licence to take and use 10 second sii a a aa = all 7 0 a ooms t aj “unday Set pienic held | py Will be received until 12 ovcrock noon,| feet of water out of Tumble Creek, also] io pone, " “ah. a — ; ; AD; f: n the city. Messrs. Linsey Vucedag, August 5, 1019, for ine supply} known as Goat Creek, which flows west-| iin. on cach side of the Kitum ; . * c ‘ ' _ the public buildings throughou:leriy and Grains mto the Kitsault River,|).\ Seeahaar-aih- aida qummeeueeh” tek. a tl ve. and Fulton St: ; and Dug were in charge of the | nes vince of British Columbia about 17 miles from its mouth at head of] pit, Columbia Gazette on ane ' eeeceteaeoaneaoeseneooooees: '\ y bit umbined specication and form of|the Inlet of Alice Arm ary —__ t sports and very Keen competion |iender can be obtained from the Pur rhe water will be diverted from the! '” eed. R. NADEN f was dianlaved by the youngsters mosibe onl, Lepartment of Pub.ic} stream @t a point about 20 chains easterly alien siniate N le " F ‘ { : = Works, Ottawa, and from the caretakers|from 8.E. corner Lot 3196, Cassiar Dis Lents Simon ae _ ice re urnmish ; In the ball games the Harmbiim jof the different Dominion Bulidings trict, and will be used for mining purpose 7, a nt, : : f , eal aes aan enders will not be considered uniess| upon the mine described as the North Star " —— sae "40s Rooms for Genmtleme: { Abers did inuch to Keep Ui ~ |made on the forms supplied by the Depart-| Mineral Claim, Lot 3634, Cassiar Disirici ote suly he { sitement alive. It was very re-|*0t and in accordance with the conditions this notice was posted on the ground oy I rriew Couples citement 4 ” ei. forth therein m the 20th day of June, 1916 : f ; tantly that the seattered pic-| ach tender must be accompanied by \ copy of this tice and an application — t iit iak sal ais . a) | a0 Geeepted cheque on @ chartered bank, | pursuant thereto “ to the “Water Act, ° { nickers gathered to board the fir payable to the order of the Minister of |1914,” will be a in the office of the Every Convenienc { boat for home There were a few lic Works, equal to 10 per cent of the | Water Recorder at Prince Kupert, B.C ; ‘ ; a jamount of the tender War Loan Bonds Objections to the application may be er ere er ere er ree er ere err » ate boats over and these Slay-jiof t Dominion will also be accepted as| fled with the said Water Recorder or with - | = rit or War Bonds and cheques if|the Comptrolier of Water Rights, Parlia Salt th departure Of the) pecuired w make up an odd amount meut Buildings, Victoria, B.C. within sone" nain party By order, Kh. °C. DESROCHERS Secretary FOOTBALL LEAGUE Department of Public Works, IS BEING PLANNED TIMBER SALE X 1719. ovmmsient-as ealed tenders will be received by the Minster of Lands not later than noon on Meeting Last Night Decides to tw ivih day of July, 1919, for the pur- , : ; hase of licence X% 1719, to cut 805,000 Mave Practice Game on Next | feet of Spruce and Hemlock, on Lots 6001 Wednesday. pies foe Kitimat Hiver, Range V., Coast rwo years will be allowed for re-moval of timber In Si. Andrew's Hail last ever Further particulars of the Chief Forest : San ; . thall® fans /¢ Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, me a ew f the footba . Primes _hupe rt, B.C gathered to make arrangcmetts - seen iat lated for the formation of a city leagu TIMBER SALE x 1649. Phere were very few present eaied tenders will be received by the which does not speak very well| Minister of Lands not later than noon on } . ; ; tie 22nd day of July, 1919, for the pur- for the players and fans who turt | chase of Licence X 1649, to’ cut 1,412,000 out to the games and practises. | feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock, on ap : ivea situated on Kildalia Bay, Rivers Inlet, lHiowever, the provisional bUSINESS |hange 2, Coast District lwo years * ye q a ff forming the league wa ad a aes will be allowed for re-moval isted and it is thought thet | further particulars of the Chief Forest- if Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, least three teams will enter for|irince Rupert, B.C the championship during Lhe season. On Wednesday evening TIMBER SALE X 1209. there will be a game between the sealed tenders will be received by the : : , Minister Of Lands hot later than noon on St. Andrew's and the Sons of Eng- | 4. t0th day of July, 1919, for the pur land Following this the com-|chase of Licence % 1209, to cut 960,000 feet of Spruce and Cedar on an area ad- mittees in charge will call a meet-| joining T. 8. X 1208, Ellersiie Channel, j Hasnwe 4, Coast District ing of all the players so that some rwo years will be allowed for re-moval Gefinite plans can be drawn up. f timber : Fa tats _——we-nustmen,| further particulars of the Chief Forest er Vietoria, B, ¢ or District Forester, STIKINE DIVISION CASSIAR LAND Dis | Hrimee hupert, Bb, ¢ THICT DISTRICT OF CABSIAN -—-.— TIMBER SALE X 1650. TAKE NOTICE that |, Robert Hyland, of felegraph Greek, 6. C., oeeupation trader, | intend to apply for permission to leaer) sealed tenders will be received by the the following deseribed land Minister of Lands not later than noon on Commencing at a@ pest planted on the;| the 10th day of July, 1919, for whe pur- W. corner, about 250 yards below Dee; chase of Licenee X% 1650, wo cut 886,000 Creek and 2 miles westerly feom Telearap }feet of Spruce and Hemlock on an area Creek. fronting the Stikine River; thenee |} 4djoining Lot 605, Chuek-Walla River, nerth 7% ehains; thence Gast 20 ehains;|Hange 2, Coast District thenee south 7% chains; thence west 20 rwo years will be allowed for re-moval ichains to the point of commencement mud. of timber leontaimine fifteen (15) acres, more or less.| Further particulars of the Chief Forest KOBERT HYLAND jer, Victoria, B.C., or Distriet Porester, Date, May 20, 1949 itrinee Rupert, B.C thirty days after the first appearance of ? this motice in a local newspaper NOT UNIVERSITY RETURNE® ; M. P. OLSEN, Applicant ICE OF CANCELLATION SOLDIER STUDENTS ; The date of the first publication of this — i notice is June 26, 1919. _ NOTICE 18 TeEREDY rv) ag ; sp wh reserve existing over ceriait wo lend Univers K 2 LAND ACT on aham Island Queer Cha te Islan bia hat provided means w ; hiotric o ' : A Notice of intention to Apply to Lease Land. | jj) (1) %) "Wier of wich appeared lm who enlisted during the ; - 908 S ile Ss ' et ; IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE BAND pisTHICT,| ‘YS. eHd bw Sed duly. 1013, bs canes vear and have = intent ; RECORDING DISTRICT OF SKEENA, and poten eae ‘ | ‘ 4 ; situate in the vicinity of District Lot 792); ang, pepartmese their studt ; ; on Massett Inlet, Queen Charlotte islands. | ‘“"{s Department, Ponths. This pew ; TAKE NOTICE that the Wallace Fisher- a. ies the m ; ies, Limited, of Vancouver, British Cotun —_ os soldte students . ; bia, occupation canning company, tatends . ; " ' to apply for permission to lease the foi NOTICE OF CANCELLATION were Inte pte 1? en } lowing described iands - >? tha egular courses ma ; Commencing at 4 post planted at the NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tha the | + ad withe ul undue ait ? southwest corner of the northwest quar-| reserve existing ‘ certain { wh u $ ? ter Of Lot 792, Queen Charlotte Islands|on the Naas Hiver, Cassiar District. 1 _roe Distriet, thence west 20 chains; thence}of which appeared in the British « una north 27 chains; thence east 2.50 chains|Gagetie on the 25th Februar i‘ more or less tw the high water mark of | cancelled aoer Massett Iniet, thetee southeasterly and G. KR. NADEN ‘ following the said high water mark 33 Deputy Minister of La ; Th ‘ ° } chains more or less Ww the point of com Lands Department n mencement and containing rents 20 Victoria B. ¢ eS Gurvic S acres more or less 15th July, 1019 THE WALLACE FISHERIES, LIMITED ie ~" Per Fred. Nash, BoC. L.8., Agent Dated ard day of June, 1919. TENDERS WANTED ; ransfer SEALED TENDERS of ¥ ’ |; are invited fo ' LAND ACT ors ection of a Hall at Smithers, 4 on : - behalf of the Smithers Hall Compan Ltd PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT—-DIS Plans and specifications may [ biain a Ph 548 TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS.|6n application to the Secretary. Mrs. i | one Green 54! TAKE notice that KE. M. Lauder, of Queen] Hoskins, Smithers, B. ( P.O. I 102 lice. Fr Charlotte City, occupation teacher, intends A marked cheque for 10% of the amount ox INE =6Ollice, Fras to apply for permission to purchase the! of tender must aceon pan all tender . following described lands: The lowest 4 of any lender will not “ Commencing at & post planted on the | necessarity be accepted W ] C i south shote of Maude Island, about 700 All tenders to be in the hands of th e: e : oa: feet east of the 8.E. corner post P. Rh. No. | Secretary at Smithers. B. ¢ 1284, thence north 20 chains; thenee east] the 4th days of August, 1916. at to o'eloek | 20 chains; thence south 20 chaina; thence | noon _ west 20 chains to polit of ae The cheques of all unsuceessful ten eT a EDITH MAUD LAUDE derers will be returned to them F Date June 14, 1019 A.30|] Smithers, B. C., June 14th, ito FOR ELECTRICAL WORK SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF OUEEN CHARLOTTE DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Go to ISLAND ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that Kc Edgar Davis, of An FAKE NOTICE that Neil Mcleod of an Y yox, B. O,, electrician, intends to apply for) yox, B.C., machinist, intends to apply fo ; £ ermission to prospect for coal and petro. | permission to prospect for coa snd pet ° . eum on the west coast of Graham Istand/leum on the Weat Coast Sr ee : Graham tslane in the vieinity of West River: Commencing |in the vietnity of Weat Hive an at & post planted at the southe st commer] at a post planted at the soutin enmmencitg 336 2nd Ave. of C.L, 10,312, thenee north 80 chains,jof ©. L 10412: sAhence east 80 eb thence east 86 chains, thence south 80/thenee south 80 chains ee our" Phones 94 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of/chains; thence north 0 chains to polnt ol PLACK 367 — GREEN 3 commencement commencement : RDGAR DAVIS NEIL MeLEOD Save Wloney in Lamps Per Austin Brown, Agent. | Per Austin Brown, Agent Dated May 18, 1919 } Dated May 18, 1019