S-tu; day,- Msy 4, I82D ITH Carnation :il T,.on me uaniry "-Tf - - shortage of doflblc-rii h, absolutely pure milk for every milk. use. For Carnation can be bought almonth's sup-rflyata time it keeps indefinitely. It evin IdPiu aovnral davs WI2 ... Local and Personal Kodak Time is Here ! Qrme We have them In stock from the tiny Brownie to the Cine Kwlk for movie. Come In and see them. We dtwJop and prist fkiurm. Dsrv?e. SIM. ZJiw Pioneer Drufjcrists THIRD AVE. r SIXTH ST -TELEPHONES 8'f,20C THE LABEL IS FLED AND WHITE 3 - Shortage E'l'r1'!:!- 1M after the tin is opened, so that there is no waste. Because Carnation is just pure, fresh milk evaporated to double richness and kept safe by sterilization, it meets every need for milk or cream. Undiluted, it takes the place of cream at one-third cream cast Diluted it gives superior results in all cooking. It is the most completely useful milk you can buy. Order several tins or a case of 48 tins from your grocer. CARKATIOX JELLIED EICE-One cup CerruthnilUk diluted with 1 cup water, 3 level teaspoons granutitid gelatin, tup rice cooked in milk M Under, yi tup iwstrt 4 cup trim koatan stiff, fruit to taste. Sook uktin injjutle . o) mMk tM tender. Add rrnt of tk koHTng kef, rlk and iJr. cool fold in eream end tk. Unrmld and tefe with any fruit and heavy cream. Lemon rind mtfs a nk fltm'tnf for the pudding. Address Send for a free copy of Mary Blake's Cook Rook. Carnation' SIM Products Company, Limited, Ayfmtr, Ont. It looks creamy It tastes creamy It is creamy Carnation "From Contented Cows" FLIT Produced in Canada "HOW . la Dentil Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone 686. , Kwnrt Lyne, teacher ot Pianoforte. ,5 Summit Apartmcrttt. Phone Black .95. 104 passengers aboard the Pi i.uiici L 1 1 ill x i hi ii i ill nil nnrin : Prince Rupert fhis morning from ' Vancouver and will a In visit I Any ox and Stewart Wfor retur-! ning otith on the Catala at the fir.-t 'if next wefk. May II ITSOM IIOSfRWU UT St ....... 'June S - -Not ealli.? .itooa. T'JtiiiMh- IS IM? as rtoH tit Kmc Ts tlwfSsurt swrtMUii on Empress f 'ut rails EaipreM , t Srotliatf AtinfT Ui Aufnu rvervwhere or J .1. fRSTSR. 8 8 Orwrnl Pam Aaent C I' K ::icoiht T( :cn:i'):i I FROM MONTREAL 1 TO Pl.YMOl Tll-ll VYUS-LONDON AlKUiiU. May 1U. June 14. July 13. August Aurmnla. May 17. June 21, July IS. Aug ust IB. Auaonl. May M. June 38. July SS, Aug- AMSttlk. May 31. July . Aug. I. PROM X?nrv TOHK TO PU-MOl Tll-ll. HB-l(MOV OanBMila. May ii; TuBcania, May IS. TO IJt'tCVMOUN AMI I IVKRI'OOl. ScyMWfc. My IS; (OaJimyi SaaaarlS. May 36. TO ttltKJiOI'KU A5II !OlTIIMlTON Anuitamia. Maw . as, June la. my t. 9erriK-, May IS. Mm S, 3. , . Msursisnia. Msy as. jum ii; jusjr w. FROM lOT0N ! T'MilTCNHIHWV LIVlMpOOl sytbls. May 18; ITaaoonia,' Juse 8. ANCHOR HUE-.- FROM NEW YORK , 1 Tr MItlXIMIKKKV MMH.WlOW OSnwroarts. May 11; Traiiaylvanla,!y 18 OT0R D3WALDSPN ' FROM MONTRKAl T nKI.I.ST-MVRNrK)l(IUlK4Wm-AMarln. May ft. Juns 7 Juty S. Aug. 3. ILatltla Mll 11 Jlina la tula la A... Q As SMI la. May 34. June 31. Ju'y IB, Aug! " Aoarma May si. June 38. July 38. ifo4ry t.ruer. Orarta and TraTrllerV ClWajuas at lowest ra.ea. full Informs-ttaav rtM Intal nget ta or Company'a Qrnees. W3 ntms t. W , Vancouver. DC DA1U M.fettS .i-v ,.,JL t t t t t 4 t 1 i 4i 4 4 Thn I . J-ull-t SCALf OF CHARGES W.' H.' Stress, C.N.R. auditor, who has been spending a few jdays OS ness, tit .. - rrr n tv; sti 1 - .....-. , C.ifirad."V- P- for SKeena, HiNiiiwmp4Hi- was among the Conservative Crit-MoaroM lts in the 'Iouse ' Commons at .-I'.'iiontMim Ottawa recently of the postal de- Tn ii.rtirf iinniimi iwimn ' Danmenu lie exnresseu the ouin- Msf M nilfTi of Bliitimnnfl , '-"i-" "v. May ai Dosimm jc Tort nof receiving adequate remunera- V Durnna ol Btaijru nt Mrs. P. R. Harris and daughter of Tacnma arrived in the city on .the Princess Royal yesterday af-jtsinoon from the south to pay a Wt wHh Mra. Harris' sUter. ( apt. J. D. Thurber returned to fK.rt last night after . the (nitfal trip to the fishing grounds jwfth hix new halibut boat -Vera Heat-rice bulft here duringVtHe ipast winter. The vessel, Which Wiled 8,000 poonds for wht(h she 'was 'paid lie and Cc. behaved excel- ferrtly, Capt. Thurber reports. . ? ANNOUNCEMENTS 444t4i Faitioard May 0. Hayseed Dance, fretsaw, . .Orchestra Novelty Dance TnVMbose Hall, May 10. jLast oLlhe season. T(ckets, 75c and' 50 4 from members or Me-( utcheon's Drug Store. i "Mother Dav" Court Whist.! Sorif and. Dance ta be held Sat-j urday, May 11 In the Scout Hall, I .Port Cfementa. Whist to begin at1 9 o'clock. Admfssfoir, gentlemen, 50c, ladles please provide. j Moose Annual Picnic at DIgby June 30. j GinghSm Dance to be held at Port Clements some time In JUhe. So be prepared buy a bowl jior a stenographer, salary 11,080 TV. 1 1 . i . i . . f ui 2 luuowinu is me scale of ihargea made for reading nMiees: illl'th Kntlro KA. jirviseiai Lonstaoie 1 la raw a n....t. . ... vwruB ui inanxs, is. t . . . .. ,. -i i retT!!t0 2 dty t""' "a' Kotleea 1. the Pr1wpert ,thi. Iftorni ptineral Howers 10c Irem a trip to, Vaflcouvet-. " tme ' ' ..k.i. . , . ii , i per I p ii uixhl. i t.. f fl"'aKe and r3naKemenl , . . ... atiiouncemerits $2. i iiMpeetor, arrived in the city e the Prince Kvpert this jnornln xxj.... 4 . . , from V.T.r, beinK on a vi.it ,? to the district M official bi-' " T 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Mr. and lira. Harry Zeffert .of! ', T"! . Stewart, who have been spending w.f LE 11,11 I n Frldy My 10-t a few week, in the aouth. are ,i:Anirra ar'rlflnir. in the city Priace Charlea this evening and Z'"'B: '" "iB a no art. mW gofhg through to Stew- !?emi;,"(;e lB'V.m?&P vu nip vh ucean rails on 01- 'ficiki dutg. : C. . Fletcher, secretary of the i . . , 8- N- v r, ibiti.k ri..-,w a Bre of the C.N.R. Tele ... vraniMr utaff will .dll 4nmA, Ctty emTtseor and Mrs. 1L A. MsLean sailed last night on the Princess Royal for Vancouver where they wHl attend the district Rotary convention. . Bishop E. M. Bunoz 0. M. t 'eft on ths morning's train fow Smithers where" he will conduct lonfii matio services tomorrow n St. ioiepW Roman Catholic 'hatch. R. E. Allen, district forester, left on this morning's train for a brief trip to Terrace on officii duties. Inspector William Spiller, provincial police, left on 'this morning's train for Prince George district on an inspection trip. Miss Phyllss Mooney R. N. of the Prinee Rupert General Hospital nursing staff left on this morning's train for Evelyn where she will spend the next few day a at the guest of Mim Anne Caa- tell R. N. ' j iirr " o . ftn Vilrrmvar in k r,i general cici ai uianajscr manager Ul of the uie unittr Graaby ! jirs.' ii. Harris and daughter.! ' , , rasaensrs comintr north on the w i. . 1K Wr Prfnre Rupert this mor- Ti' Jl ' lister and i.W. , fillip IIILIUUfU fllWUL - I Sons who will proceed to tMe 1 Queen Clwrlotte JKtands on the" ,t- 4 Fraier, inipector. of Charles Rocking, president and passengers aboard the Prince Rupert today bottnd from Vancouver to Anyox. i- ining's train for Prince George where he will take over the oper1 atfon of a bottling works business which he has ptfrchened. He was accompanied by bte son, Jack i Stevens, who will spend the snm- cation, arrived in the c ity on the VT" "i" " r,' "7Y . mer with him. afieiid a vacation at hi home in New Westminster. C. J. Stevens left dn this mor- CN.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, arrived in port I at 10:30 this morning from Van- ewvev, Powell River and Ocean Palls and will saH at 4 pjn. for Anyox and Stewart, whence she' will return here tomorrow evening at 7380 and salt for the south at 10 pirn. Unltan frtrhtr liPilKwAV ' Apt. W..W. Moanee, arrived in sort at 5 o'clock this morning I from' jStewart and is discharging a ttrsfr of coal at Philpott & RvittAibefore proceed teg south this tifternoon. The ChUIlwuk is Office i now 'IPP w'tn rdio tole- i.ii tl ,wlraPI,y na-carries an operator. Mr. and . Mrs. George McMur- phy, who- hfvs been here this week to- attend the nurses, graduation exercises, of their daughter, Mfss Jean MeMnrphy, will sail tomorrow night on the Prhtce Rupert for OteSn M where they will pay a brief visit before proceeding to their horse in Kew Westminster. Col. J. W. NlthelK report to the Board of Trade test night on behalf of a tpeefal onmmittee that it would not be desirable to ask for transfer of the C.N. steamship offices to Prince Rup- Mrs. George Bekerman, Second. en but recommended that a local ' o -twei Jas jlyris' husband, 1 representative be appointed here, rieu In buinesf In Tacoma, was fhe refjort was adopted and the I. nified with the Prince Rupert committee asked to eotrtinue and iailv News some fifteen years try to secure the representative. n its a pressman. j F.XDS FIRST TRIP i SURPRISE PARTY ON a II MISS TFODY A . FN Ijirge N'umlitr of Friends Honored Popular Young Iidy : It Night j Sime 40 or so young friead jotneu last night in a surprise pajy on Mfe Teddy Alten at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Allen, Eleventh Street. Dancing was the order of the evening and games were played. Delirious refreshments were served and the affair was altogether a very happy one. Ladies and j Children's j Silk Hosiery AT KK'ASOXARLK PRICES Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE ! ; -J News In Brief I flhttrcli $txvicz$ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue Thta Society Is ! a branch' of the Mother Chutch, the Phrat Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mais. Sunday meraing teryice at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Everlasting Punishment." Testimony meeting on Wedijea-day evening at 8 o'clock. The public is PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher, ftev. f. Uori Jones, M.A. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Jesus and the Womad.'t Sunday school lit 10:00. Evening service at 7 ISO.-;';. Subject, "Long Ropes Re-fpirre Strong Stakes . " SJbi'arKl art antbetn . LOGGING A.T HALF THE COST OF HORSES Rigger Production Economical Operation CATERPILLAR 1RACT0RS Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for R C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 940 STATION STREET. VANCOUVER, 11. C. Rranche: Kelowna( E.C.; Nelson, B.C. ; Prince George, B.C. Your Summer Home Can Look Tvice as Attractive Simph- ccr the oralis and ceUings with smooth, tight-fitting sht-ts ot (Wnroc Fireproof Wallboard then decora' 2. Gvprrx m ill aio make it coo"!r hot days v irmcr on c eights, tl7 p man or w m w Hi war mm Fireproof Wallboard For Sale by Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. V.'.f.w,-.. 111! t m HU m aa m if 1111 .-,.-,..;" Hi' I have something you want; you have somcthinf Hill. ITU gCl lUCllltl llllVUgll HIV HUMII IIU UU0