Page 5 THE DAILY NeEWs eye 6 Thursday, July 24, 1919 tome @ | ee ee Oe te ee ee ete EE Oe ee +) os ore | IN FALL FAIR | Daily News Classified A 1 et et ts tt Ot Ot Os ee LM. ° FOR SALE WANTED. kia i ih : e re roomed house or ANTED fh few days for POR \1,] Phere omed W . d Many New Exhibitors wit! Have GIL WANTEI mee iat bof E Ok, SALE ‘Three.roomed house Tuesday, mm y is busy business office Mus o : Products on View—Minera nf oa Mirage bape die ; ed — an Sh ae capable of learning ané ror ur y ical “4 hicl ee ‘'t appearance. Address Grout ent reasonable, Apply 5.00 report “Gompany™ ont Dek Daily News office. tf] SMigke up a general order amounting to $ or Econ The Coupons From the reports of progress Company ns C Brrcrarne Sard | le ries -- redeemable for useful t tl i tor meeting Office. MONEY Al 8 PPR GENT on build. over and you can have in Doz it car Be civen a ” directors , FI | | wie eda He mety night in connection with |>O [RED BY LOCAL BANK—} ing Loans. Apply Prines tu] L. M. F. EGGS for $1.00, regular price $1.40. You coos, [the fair, this yr lp iedlgmie Pree + services of competent stenog | pe: ‘ousing Ltd., Geo. y* save 40c. Sap fin Prince Rupert. ‘There Lechen| fapber. Apply post oftce bus} Rr Secretary. Case Price, 30 Dozen, $19.50 A Bar ain in hm pote yeeros 7" . Sea TeV IOe SPEER Ta tr Le FOR SALE—Household furniture. RIVED a great demand for space for ex- ane ! ; ‘ 8 hibits, so much so that it was ee —| ‘ary inole ums pd “ ve OUR OWN BRAND BUTTER JUST A a House feared that there would be more WANTED Salmon seine man Bn at Rid ene e od po ad SEIEES able i arge. Ri . —— h 4 building applicants than space available. capable of taking - : S lFOR “I Campba rockin ibe nough for . Many of these exhibitors have turned soldier vor othery tae ata en 0 nail 0% d “ aeons shown anything at the} Apply ‘box 280 Daily News a Aver west 174 LLER’S Li | E } th. 10% dow: © | the| Pt ‘ _Avenue : 14 | Oa Prince Kupert fair before and t i fice. 2a M T D a * “- a 1s oroughbred ¢ pani ad 534 i ‘ pa directors feel gratified with a WANTED—Engineer for ealmon|FOR se a “ “hid oa Two Seccée. Phones 44, 45a me interest yee laken Dy people eslae: heat sbbdhinnle ant + oo —— | : : ART outside the ci y. sal detki eeniiiiemed nets | F. WwW. H Minerais. _hox 264 Daily News. f Poy LJ | trey £5 «acl | ee The mineral exhibit will be un Oo a es ‘ ‘ Apply Ninth | . Hi I" tl agus wht ‘has acouaes| WAEERESS WARTED — With or out! 2. A “MOU ‘ lL eague, which has alre ady very without experience. Apply B.« | - = MALLETT [many nens feady. The Gis, Cafe, Second Avenue Pp hone FOR SALI Old newspape , = 2 play at the fair will be “—) oe: 2 465. i4 cents a bundle = 7 , ald . : = a eae —_—- ; ) ; the Leagu: - — — = ; permanent exhibit by tl WANTED fot sal OR BALI ‘a2 onl = ‘ i s e ers are sending | YOUNG WOMAN i fOr PURNITURE J = E PLUMBING AND HEATING and as its m -4 = a ‘ general office work. Apply box mae, Siheat uo|= ; ENGINEERS in specimens frum Skagway t QZ : . j 1018 | , a roan. SD Pant = : or SALI W. Hart. = . TEETH! (Se seinen « galt A —}LUMBER FOR SALE —P. W, Hart. | DON’T NEGLECT YOUR ; — ores will be availabl« MALE HELP WANTED a = | pen Sop ac pag te: hiel ail the bands in th i? oe we cut of emplopment —|= One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your 3 test, in which a bands in the vou are o ' , - | mages ) ; of Second Street. district are expected to partici and want to make some clean, |} OR REN r, Nurust 4 - on = Efficiency~ } Phone 174 ee pate, as the winner will be en honest, quick money, write at second floor of ees t 12 —— a6 "‘", e ove! es rug Store = ; “Sicaged for the next fair. once to box 12, Station ¢," Phere | oO m 1 Stor = = - 1 ie It is hoped to secure an aero South Vancouver, B.C 76 uitable fer docto | als P | = | rri g er ; { several of = = plane from the Government whic! | graph wall ‘ and : | of- | e | ; ces tro r Si i Street = ‘ will be handled by the local flying fi nting |= Yr. | } | FOR S . foe atte FISH BUYIN a —| a e | round wil +0 add | ! | — 7 = : OURS:— 4 as aa to ai * e i a aed I tor hl N ] August F lifteen un = OFFICE H Saturdays q to 12 only = even-Tro | ; ; asti ae . - = : , | ; h and finished basement. rhe pyrotechnic ca ‘ i, : { See " bath |Z ji re Femail | 1 | = ‘ . , ivears as cousidered coule ye) . aa . _ . = 2 Ave., W. yea it Was consid ae Fe | *" ; ly painted. 8th Ave renee upon, by, of course, an Would make good club rooms. = Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, . a i— ‘ added expenditure. It was thought | business centre. W. J. Alde: = $2875. rms. a ‘this es ature Was one ~which In busin = ust tha anaanieae . = : et well astbids coma De rndance = ; 7 aaa j might well be made worth while. | rO REN Five. om 1 how = mi om a ee su ~~ e drydoe} I art, or |= Pppo ; AND Hospital Auxiliary. “hae ba : |Z ; mee From as applications received Capt. Hvattum to Come to Prince phone Black 454 : : = 52: rire . ‘ t "em : La uiiding, nearly all wore tor the] SAPOFE WHHH a View to |KO TSS Sh __it MELA — - ro jooeee | dinponen sake Saiieeeen 4 Establishing. 4.00 per month 627 Ninth Will {che Ladies” Honpita!Ausiliar r te = = nn | ULL ODOODAESENGYESGOOOUEUYUHYEUUUUUSUAUUUOUUUUEAU WOODOOUDOEDESGOAAEAUALUGUGGUGEOELAOUAE ; . the Ladies Hospita! Auxiliary (Special vie G.T.P. ‘Telegraph ae | e mave requeased the epnce pee r Seattle, July 24.—It is expected | Hoy Bl = } n o P ae iture Pn = ., But a PLUMBING OW ing used in for a agente Saeed = that Capt. Hvattum ome b ait 515 Jeffre 0 = 4 ry frosnen os a ne ee ee a r the new independent fish associa- love -- = O ul 7 — N ee. a Everything augure well for the tion that is eontrolled by the FOR REN‘ Room, with or with = HARRY HANSO! h ) NDER NEW MANAGEMENT success of the a this ne - vessel owners — ml on out board. Phone Red 589. tf = the Plumber wit , the slogar lor a bigger an ~ | py ince Rupert in the near fu 6 eee ee = Ph on ; Exercise ‘ ter Fair” is being lived up to to look over the ground wifh a Lost = rou es twenty five = S k “ You Fit a view to establishing there LOS) small diamond from ring = perience. He guar- LZ ; f FOREST FIRES The Association was establish Dom tows Reward Finder = ad Bee nal ,* t | News | == ; se ed last spring and has done a please eturn to Daily ‘s = | eae al | ee at ee id ; : f the fish buying here Oflice 167 | Ss to e Plumbing : ae If ‘ : ; roa Pal Oo J , ee = ica Coerrereereeeoe Spokane, July 23 Governor D of late. It came into being as a MISCELLANEOUS = oa oad bai hee Cavin of idaho is en = result of dissatisfaction w ith the — - ~ = on DENTISTRY j)wasnineton to evasting forest condition of the local Hehecrie,, |(McGOWAN CYCLE & REP AIK GO, = ' enti sieacteal Aw i é aid against the devasting ., being claimed that the fisherm Indian” Motor Cycles and ¥ = ! plu ing plat 0 best fe rick Woy a ish-ao dea ihatandr taken 4) Were not getting a large enoug! cycles. Get your keys cut by |= ions, ete., and this ; OF 4 HOt a 6:80 p.m 30 and 40 forest fires are beyon price for their product, consider- our new key manbine. No meilie: = tion ; es a ‘ ; m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. 8 nm. control, In Idaho the loss in tim ing the price obtained in the east his, : Ainatemsnaie ana Sewing = SS in oan a If the Association decides to machines repaired. 135 wens = 95 = DENTIBT valued at $300,000, organize and operate in Prince “Rg oc ape 7 = S a E Office: Smith Block, Thire Avenue. . — ‘ a robable that it wiil exlliieainaiiiinctns dimeames snilens = a = a ma a = HARRY HANSON f°: Phone 454. | GOES SKYWARD interest itself in the matter oO FARMS FOR we ¢ | = | ‘ ‘ re ; , " , ‘o — 3 ? ee a hp Anau ala nee ant ee aan une districts = 139 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert, ° oe (Special via G. T.P. Telegrap the fishermen and others to e& farms in well set e st iots | ; ci | B mea Wan level yesterday |into ikon a co-operative desis in Western Canada; low pri vo RUUUNUES EUR AGLAAUAUUEGEUGGAEGGL ALL ; Hotel Prince Rupert ed a new high level vesterday ye sweniiie thin fie anaes ‘epiinetia iit il when at sold oo the exchange here Concert and story telling con lat ds in Sunny eee a - - i ‘Teé ce rt ot of $2,000 in | ‘50 per da and re ——— ee ee on . | pe ea yr assist new | tl, President Harry Lipsett, Manager ‘ 7 "res “a and cake a s | impro ents assis tdward Lipsett, eee ae ‘ $1.50 per day and up. cream, tea an | . , as et, | sam, wiltetY Lives : u eee. en aes i wo oor 7 ‘ x - “sd klet Edward Cunning 5 " . 2h, Refreshments | going fast "Oo! ee UAL “ of ss m Zo ‘ x ; ' iRST-OLASS CAFE , si via G. T.P. Telegraphs 2 Admission w2| ool Sent, Bae Aven. bee | ? A La Carte. ” er July 24.—The | &Xtra. ‘ eee a G. Loughran, General Lani 3 tt am eee Kio de Janeiro, . 2 sa ) | oa paennne ane — ‘ ihe is suffering from a plague\« «« e% s# ee ee © at nail 744 Hastings St. V | ipse f . S } eae \ couver, B.C, sea teellitiedeees ; St J H t ] of locusts that is damaging : TO SUBSCRIBERS ° neo | eins a ih ‘rops. . ice i ; . a es 0 e croy : E . Subseribers to The News *| IN THE es an application tor | FISHING & CANNERY coUPmENT—mARINE Han s 7 aa : e o a es ertilicate of Title for ; (LATE “gq ) ‘ Provincial Governme nt idiers’' * are asked to pay the de * the issue of a fresh | ctiieca ot (Tithe, toe aan to wen : ‘ST CLASS ROOMS— jloyment Bureav and Soldie ; * livery boys each month */'9 Section Ave (5), City of Prince hu en dean aa - a4 ‘ nes cudineiiiion . ; a » . tempor. ery , . 83 oeeen FF ; ‘+ and Cold Water. livil Re ee oe a * when they cali, except . ee NOTI e i here by given mt mr | ee ee Cord mn - pen t on 0 ss . : : ~ ry ollice 6214 : co ete having * where payment has - : int ne from the _ fires rrpbltcation | ae c ‘ "Prince Rupert. eee 1 omen in|* made for the year in ad- *) a eantaned” inna to the name of red Office: Prince Rupert c PUBLIC NOTICE vacancies for men ant ae or/* vane. The boys when i SkyAUIun, whteb certineat was | Registers bitice sents taste fk OF THE ESTATE OF lslerical, factory, a to above collecting carry official re |! oth x ember, 1912, | 68 Water Street, hagtoone Me. ae 7 me BALE ARED i ither work should apply uri* veipts which should al - oie’: MACLEOI ss a | Sealine B.C. » Ww 12 o'eloeck noon of ne Phone 553. * ways be preserved E nie Stic 1¥19, for the purehase o oe Sid | Lang komistyO - . ind rine “ Block thirty 7. » great sani * ao Rupert, B.C a os lion five me City of se MURESCO, the gre ' es oe in the Provines “aa British anne ih 6 W Res Os. aseneeen iat « d ‘ —— ‘st De® Placed in an envelope . addressed to me an Ferguson Esta aud i “ marked che que piyabe thers for at least 25 per cent f the tender ar telider will ihe accepted i all unsuceesstul lender eturned to them n h-aeceptance of tender vl i HI N H. HOSKINS OMeial Administrator i 1919 Ad TIMBER SALE xX 1661. Will be “ 'T’S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON’T WEAKEN By GENE BYRNF® ARE You A Cook le received by the BRIDGE ‘ fer Bot later than hoon on July, 1919 for the pur te X 1664 ft cut 502,00; Cedar and Hemloek ‘and V“IPWOoOd Of an area situated Hane %, Coaat Distriet yea Will be allowed for re f inber YES ‘'Heulars of thy Chief Forester, . Distriet Porestes Prince . ee TIMBER SALE X 1169. Will be reeeived by the ‘18 HOt jater than noon on ‘must, 1049 for the pur \ 1169 to eut 2,250,000 “eda Hemlock and Bal ‘Homing | 217, Jolnson “O@st Distriet ! Will be allowed for r Mars of the Chief B t District Forester orester » Prinee | MEAN A GOOV coe8! OANeSM | | RAVEN'T MISSED CHURCH InN “TEN Yeaes ! (S Yours’ (SA Ear LIFE Re YOU DONT