ee ee ® a : ces | ry H dL Buy Your Preserving Local News No { i We have for sale the House and Lot s ’ 2 orsets an “sb ORES rer gor om Dat «J No. 225, 6th Ave. E., Lot 19, Block 6, Strawberries as 0 y . . . - iy | Section 6. Has six rooms, two bed- this week from the Jost arrived@s car of Be : . : | SUPPLY joard. A. W. Edge Co., distribu- W , i Leth and TABLE * ome! who de. | rooms, bath and sewer. ath an » Menten Gites ett on Vee | i f th e —- f . ae ae awberry social al the Pres-/ ma G comfort, une p-tees bode eal. berry : . . plaster. Best buy in town for e will goerente to sell at the ibyterian ‘ b Friday night at} as well as cor | Very Lowest Crate ock a —- | money. $2700.00. Terms. od | 20 8 fit, i Price in Town H. Lougheed and family re-| rect fit, in a H a4 ; ‘ys by he sine d to the cit) 1 H. G. — LTD ree yesterday Corset, usually | aT ae Rupert Table Supply Co. — | oe | <2 re Macd a: cnoose tie Insurance Real Es Bonds PHONES 211, 212 a ager from the se: passenge - ' esterday : GOSSARD | 6 y . ; | _ 2 ty tw per a Tt) Dior Day «yp is au i - i é he “province is re-ltee + eet in the Sons 4 e adc t thos ci i} ° ae . ‘ i wing ihe inability of) Canada Hall tonight at 8 me + mand that their a j * : wT. + . rr . r : ‘ _— ; 2 agineering Co m toast seietnet on saci as Wake : mae: 8S | J ’ ' : ' : ey ring into the dis- 4 meeting the Fish Packers wand she on . \ : t ; nabile t Will be neiG if ne Carpenters \y Sarc. | : ; Hall on Friday evening at * The Gossa set et f | Vessels of any size Docked Mia nol ll aS nt | Repa rs ’ KiDG ™ stec ao tn eit, 24 ; 7 bowls eee & pase . a elas ? ahelen on of vrices an A Se ais af ec a&* OF S he at F isi . 2 y a sia fe ; : ‘ . | se king fee gt ge : a * again ready for sea and 2 ’ The Gossard iZ iA \\ . ter s is be £ aid ave 34% it ¢ cs iy = away a . : oy tears Of cartheh Raniiaglwede Front-Lacing Corset Bl | z the f«! echarged and . . - . z sii oe See es j Foundry Work - hon Mrs. Goldbloom who 1s selling can o ly be obtaine —— : } : ee ut her business announces t Ss. lly, as we are P Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at aati es i Rie to oe gee ehiemeent - omy ‘ ent ‘ae ao . ‘aiiatce s basebai ’ami is | sme fas : »? usiv arent tor Reasonabie Prices. . : -~ ¢ ead ear furs at i ; : « Va ver today on the|ready eo 7 widely-known make ai oe ih to play here over the|prices in order t i€a . ad . A > . a . . . Wr Machine and Boiler Work of ai! kinds MS Cnt. SESS SOD CEN PUN | ene itt cities a gp ey or iy-Whick returns south; *~™™ . ; a as Os . ee Ranet & ay | Gependents can obtain drawing+ the Goss s t r pi | —- ots, Mines, Mill Ca Rupert Subday ; i, wn — tod evening. The local boys have| #04 specifications for homes at strongly recomme ee Aw, a ae tising very faithfully all!steatly reduced rates from Wil- customers Designs and Patierns Made and Furnished. s week and some lively Ball is tom Bruce, Architect, Smith “a erie aes *hone Zi i} es me aay The Alice B. did not sto; . — . Bes © classified ads. O8 PAG*l wing her ecagine all afternoot . oe W hits ‘ resses f giriai- i yesterday. When not at the Salt/ ’ ; - —_ c from 2 to 6 for $1.00 each. Jabourlse ee ese 2200008066 0|Lake, es ree Cr) Corner Third Ave. and Fulton *t. WSte hens ee ‘')* TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 7 are — Sehool pieni Enid Bennett tried to kid the|*®* es eeseeeseeses|*! Disty Island — eee ROTARY PUBLIC ' sheriff ir When D OLSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR Grand cofffert in the Presb, > . ? We Eat - ’ SALE. Leaving town, Lando./terian Church Hall on Friday|® FOR SALE hater. Big laughing « West-| Fraser Street itinight at 8 o'clock. Tickets 2: NEW ARRIVALS IN : ent oO j NI Roon n privat each. The coneert wiil be fol- “ '. ’ 6-Roomed modern house and . See ee , a ne fe : oie oe lt one lowed by a strawberry social e 9 \ lot English Hill. $2.625 Pw sr ythes grap = a coves te erie > @itdet beard. abe. which all are savited. ‘ woes : aie os rrow 1 g f Stewart nees required. Apply box oat, The new float near the Rupe oe — - — = a 54s . : Daily News Office. 578i astne Seen Werke Ghich wie - 2s yi nh ou $< eee . , $s 55 it bunit at Digby Isiand is now i i ‘ > s ‘ : » e — eu , Yo es CITY OF PRINCE RPERT place and completed with a wall Now showing at the S Seamed ite CM Bee a ¥ aoe mame ) TENDERS ror POST HOLES Suit dows to — ee W.. modern. ¥3.256 terms :, ' _ * On Ba é i . a by the tyjgrade. The float will be used as] Double ( orner & xt Avenu . os - ert - , ly, fos thse “em . 'P on oles | @ tie-up for Geo. B. Hull's boat a4 K - a ~~ ’ : : Lux ' ' sect =p ations from ihe Lig a ° . © and Tatlow St. & . ‘pita but ‘ ia ‘ une — so Special train will leave Prir coocroe PPG LDIIOD § One nice t near Drvd i a ea ‘, ‘| 4 BE KSBA Nk Purchasing Agent jRupert for Prince George on Sun- ; $200. ' es day night carrying Vancouve 4 ; _—- —— : NERAL A¢ } - es ree . hick coon deaoeahiiil MINERAL ACI Board of Trade and business men speci Values in + Children’s s Shoes | M. M. Stephens have ts made | ERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS me ~ - wish te ace anes . i irs Director Pt > Blu e 92 NOTICE them rom FEnoe dupert. - Oe ee eee ee eee Se ee eee ee ee ee cooet LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE | Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Clark, jumm|particulars call at Grand Trunk a ae d by E Shh Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. UE dineral Claima, sitéete tm the Meat mane |City Office Third Avenue 173 Come an e fitte y Expert Shoemen | Division of Cassiar District. ” : ee ‘aie Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. sr enere, located: —Os 2 Ses side of) St. Andrew's Society social and ent Cc Ss. s. u ¥ ranby ’ ia ! ox. i . . i E NOTICE a. Se of}welcome to returnir members *gent J. F. Maguire, Smith Block. - of fensen. B % acting oo en a one we ae 7 GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM Granby Consolidated Mining, Smeit-|t@kes place this evening in their = 9 : or a, ae ~~ club rooms on Second Avenue. A The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 _— me wre eee wee Certificate 0 ; ss-c, i . O R K. Kty days Teemn she date hereof, w apply fine musical program has been —- SELL ie ements,” forthe purpose of ob: | af ranged. All members and lady) = - — What DSR EE 0 OE pall openers spmne ome u urther take notice « J i. ses } bee ome tion 55, must he commenced prtore ithe Ladies’ Auxiliary are invited.| out this morning baving boa scout i Grand 1 east aS issuance of such certificate inu- | : . +r 4 Williams. the sun . day was J. Z. A , provemet Lr July, A.D. 1919 Provineial Government Employ-|, iailhonh at Melting: tins Va Eye Glasses H. N. CLAGUE, B.C us? | nent Bureau and Soldiers’ hes Stamantad Skil he tinlhiei al te-Establishment, temporary of : a. § set ; pee eames sa k- MINERAL ACT trip. Gurneys CoEeS ed poe i fee 621 Second Avenue, Prince| j ‘ , \ ing stoves in 1543. Still ir Al z ERTIFICATE OF 1 IMPROVEMENTS |} tupert. Returned soldiers, men Advertise in the Paily News * the same line of business re 5 or. NOTICE | nd women requiring ewploy- she ——— 1919. Hundreds in use in —____——_——_ pak ke seine Jam om om, ey nent of any kind should register " Prinee Rapes t. "anon ® Fraction Mineral Claims, siuate, cith the above, No fees charged. cs Sa Rs ae Ctstses mare many uses, vor fGisines, “SY MnO Division Of Assit] Phone $53. P. O. drawer 1674 e ' io ttiéte~tee cant Where located: — Appro ely swe ss On SALE aT My qe paapete——the restore “up Falls Creek, Grammy Bey, NOTICE thai I, H. N. Clague or| Ladies’ summer vests, with half} . niles uj ! “ 2 7 : ; 4 , TAKE 7 ; - : 4 i , 4s tiem be city of Duncan, B.C, acting as agent|sleeves or without, for 25c each | r or 9 ‘or the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smeit . y' are tatenaed 06 foc welt and Power Company, Limited, Free|@t our sale. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Hardware ana senly. 300 0 wot OUR : SALE rtiicate No. 32188-C, intend, . *. . sty days from the date hereof to @ iy . then you should make hasic w dis- ‘ the Mining Kecorder for a coronas P. C, Bailey of the local police | | t £ ai : VENI ws ~ a . aa wi f improvements, for the purpose of ob- ° is “xp =k . : (COORD AVENLUI , = me RF 8 sining a Crown Grant of the above claim force ts expected back from | as 5 . or Phone Black 114 we and further take notiee that action, un-|the river on this evening's train | r section 85, must be commenced before none foo . i cusien con EE ella ssuance of such certfeate of la |Where he has been making further | i | ; . : iments investigations re i i e aeers tay be ali that prevents Dated ‘this $74 day of July. A.D. 1019 ra ae a6 gards the al j 2 | having visual perfection, health H. N. CLAGUE, B.C.L s§. leged stealing of shoes by i ‘ pe eA NNN ie Chinaman from MeArthur’s shoe | i i store a few days ago. Seven pairs | ' GR SALE | ET e1a your eyes end were found hidd th ; | ! rere foune en in the bush : . + A th f not this © . ‘ : ste ’ . : 2» advantage in buying v : S Sale last: Ou 1 k zs A Complete ! |near the -Chinamen's . place: 04 Take advantage in buying while this Sale lasts 1 ty . residence. goods are selling at very low prices and it will pay you to j our-Toubin ouse we aor - J el os . . . 1 ° ° 9 le WwW ry ii : muy ahead for the future and save money. i lots, good view, near dry- i. ‘ e Ladies’ wiitte and black hose 2 : . , dock Fred Joudry ; for summer wear at 25c¢ per pair. -- . : | 00 mat tere ea Jabour Brothers, Ltd. 71 Our HOSIERY SECTION offers special values. @5e, BOc * i ractical Opt smeisist ; : ° and 7Qc per pair for cotton Lisk and Half Silk Hose; black, whit : “THERE are a variety of reasons why this store Should get your patronage Goods always are the M. J. W. Prescott, J. P., of Van- eouver, is in receipt of a letter from Lieut.-Col. J. Warden, late} commander of the 102nd Batta! Third Ave. «- - Opposite Post Prince Rupert Office ; or tan, Our KNITTED SECTION, ( Five-room house plant, fireplace harbor and heating Ladies and Children, Vests, | ae B. C. Advertise in the Daily News. ; a from 25e, 40c. and SOc each, Combinati » from $1.00 view, 4 blocks from dryduck fy ae : best that are “‘getable,”’ on, who is at present at Omsk to $1.25. & ~ — : : e ; ibe " The 0. GC. ~ $2500.00 ] ,,rces alwave in your [[piberia,| Phe gallant 0.6. in e Phon® Groen GOT 1017 3rd Avenue ff! favor as much as condi-~ . ree Our CANVAS AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR offerings & | fd Pa ; . done six months’ travelling in within the reach of all Children’s, $1.00 per pai: ; Terms arranged. tions will let them. Mesopotamia and Persia, and G5 & GANO Letten Bains dee ae onde cet | . Dalgarno & Watts : If you have not been across the Caspian Sea to reach pair, high laced ; , McCaff Gibbons : coming this way, makea his present destination. He an- ° ery, BU. LDE RS AND CONTRACTORS start: you'll not be sorry. ticipates being back in Canada! a j & __& Doyle, Lid. Speen i Heavy Cor . shortly. Speaking of Siberia, the ‘ j struction, Kepairs and Alterations officer says it is a country of vast i b KB I t A i Viret Clase Stai ae Work and : i Rea! Estate Vinishing . John Bulger possibilities. | a our ros., e i Estimates Cheerfully Given Jeweler a ~ ; ; : } } * BRICK AND CONCHETE 6Vii. vInNG CONTRACTONE The Store of Worth and Beauty. for Fisherinen, Swiveldy 50c, dozen; hooks 3¢ each, Ful.) ler'a, Ltd. Phone 45. = Third Avenue | Merremerern CE eae |”