Canada to a Large Audience to help Canada make Ihe best of I what it had? Mr. Bennett claim, ed that $600,000,000 of this . aAnnAnM f rn,i,,M. whlrh "tlon lor an overflow on the stage Indeed, those who came late had dificulty in finding seats. eontrol. . More than J500 men are The meeting was presided over fighting the blazes in the vicinily by C. H. Orme, president of the of Trail and Grand Forks. The Skeena District Conservative As- smoke is so intense that it is im-sociation. In addition to Mr. possible to operate trains. Dennett, brief addresses were , . made by J. C. Brady, M.P. for Skeena; Major General A. D. Me- 7F.PPFI.IN PLANS Tft Tl M II IT .. ivac, .u.i . ior Vancouver rtorin; and Sir George Perley, M.P. for! Argcnteuil, Quebec. j Mr. Dennett proved himself to be quite the 'able orator that was; expected and he made a splendid ( impression on his audience. He devoted himself exclusively to an exposition of the tariff policy of the ConserraUve party and, in this connection, took occasion to critt - j chc the poliNr lack of policy of ; the gvernmnt in the matter. Jiff swfrr.ior about an hour and pall;- After exftretttog Utt pleasure it was for hJta'tt e in Prince Rup- en ana wanking me ciusens ior the welcome and hoapHalitr that had been extended himself and - ,r-tv fn-tt explained, in opening, that he was not here on this occasion asking for votes but to talk wth the people of the problems off .Cariada nnd offer certain of bis, pa;,, solutions. He paid a tribute o J, . C . Brady, M . P. for Skeena, who was one of the most scholarly minds and one of mJ. the most widely experienced u ( mem bers of the House of Commons, who had ever worked for the in terests of his riding in Ottawa and wa Kreat demand as a speaker In the east. Mr. Bennett pleaded for a na- tttT problems. In doing this It was necessary to take into account the needs and views of the people of the Dominion as a whole nd not uf any municipality or province. Canada's Prosperity, J True there was a semblence- of 1rotpjrHy In Canada, but Mr. Bennett contended that the basis or that prosperity was the im- lJSSJfiftl to the world with avarice, wanton destruction and regardless of the future. He charged that no methods of conservation were en- ,oid f ibo.000.000 of its raw' (a tii. n,.t wht had the Liberal government done! Id ! I 'j. L,k .!, .nfaMrt ducrforriVfTcad; I Mr. Bennett crimen me snua- tion which was exist today whereby Canada was sell- rces to the Uni- ted States and fiuylnjr them back ' " tha manufactured aUte. That mant T", that money Inev was was going going out of Canada to give Jobs In the United States, providing work that could and should be kept in Can ada, Thus count be accounieu ioi , Canada's Adverse trade balance n,t ir. fhet that of every dollar sent out of Canada C7c went to the United States. The leader critlctiea me presen 4,iff twlirv. which he claimed caused more and more buying by Canada and lets nnu iwa I It meant that this country-jmw uo- coming more and more uepenuen. (Continued On PK ) in FOREST FIRES STOP TRAINS!: NELSON, Aug. 18. The for e est fire r,re situation in the Kootenay timber was burned out. but the fire is now believed to be under - - aw LEAVE THURSDAY ON FLIGHT TO TOKIO, JAPAN FRIEDRICIISHAFEN. Auir. 13 17 The Graf Zennelin nlan are 11 comnlete for saili'ni? narh- Thursday morning for Tokio with 20 passengers af 41 of a crew, - rhis will be the second leg H the rmA the word fHght whIch started when the big airship left Lakburst, New Jersey. (Early Thursday morning will be late Wednesday night, Pacific Coast time). PROVOST OF ETON - COLLEGE MISSING I come an infected port, as the re-UINDSOR, England, Aug. 13. i 8Uit of an outbreak of cholera. -Widespread search is being which( it wag statedi had reached made for vice-provost of Eton Col- the epidemic stage, lege, Hugh MacNaughton, the ....II ... .1 I I ..L.l. ...L. b n missing since Saturday, i WINDSOR, Eng.. Aug. 13. The body of MacNaughton was found floating In the Thames River this morning. . - - -- TOMORROW'STIDES Wednesday, Aug. Boston Grill IHKh .... 0:42 'f. '. , LA ROE CAHABET 21:0, . -ftiv. 8peclal Dlnner.Thurlajr mid Saturday Dancing Every Saturday NUht, D to U Low '.... Dance Hall lor Hire 14:47 p... ;X Accommodations (or Private Partlc NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 457 Vo. XX.. No. 187: PRINCE RUPERT, .&, TUESDAY, AUGUST 13) Jjl2? Hon. R. B. Bennett Urges More Protection for All Industries Close to one thousand persons, in spite of the fact that the evening was warm and summery and not altogether auspicious f on the holding of public meetings, crowded into the Capitol Theatre last night to tender1 a hearty reception to Hon. R. B. Bennett, K.C., and listen with attention to a fine address from the leader of the Conservative Dartv of Canada on the occasion of his first visit to Ha Aifv RiipVi n keen intprp.ct-. wno rnkon f Vinf V.n r;;'' , C " i , "district is serious, with the fore the appointed hour of opening, the mam body of the weather continuing dry. At Fife, house was filled and it was necessary to find accomoda- near Grand Fo.ks, icoo acres of MORE TROUBLE ON BOUNDARY OF MANCHURIA I LONDON. Aug. 13. Further d pa' hr to (he Daily Mail last njH from Harbin, Manchuria, alleged sabotage along the P :r-:a Eastern Railway and CLne-M retaliations. FOREST FIRES IN THE SOUTH State of Washington Finds Valuable Timber Tracts Threatened' ! .. , ".riuT lion acre of -Washington-timber - lands am threatened by forest ' a- 40 of which are burning wM r.f the Cascades and a rjmber on the other side. Every t'"irt being put forth to pre-vcrt hi ir spread but some of the t'niber i. bound to be sacrificed cclr?3 the weather changes Immediate. 1 TORONTO STOCKS I 'Mi f affery, Gibbons & Collart, Ltd.) Amulet, 2.70, 2.72. Mandy, CO, 65. tl onbrldge, 13.50, 13.56. IMlifigi r, C.75, 7.00. Hul,n ay, J9.95( 20.15. I r Nickel, 52.50, 52.95. I.uKo .Shore, 25.50, 26.00. M '!'vrr. 16.75, laOO. Nij'MMng, 2.70. 2.76. randa, C2.30, 02.75. h'Ti itt Gordon, 7.G5, 7.70. in.ury Basin. 8J5, 9.00. Vii ond, 8.10, 8.25. H sme Oil, 23.50. 24.00. T--' k Hughes. 8.05, 8.10. BIG WORK AT OCEAN FALLS 1 Kecorwi r....( - i i i i- Ei5V.Cl,0n li"h iV?.IvlnK eei I$.,'50'f, r0' "cuing at Paper Plant i .instruction work at the ,:n Falls plant of the Pacific Ltd.. foreshadowed in the st annual report of A. B. Marvin, president, in nrnrPoHlnir sat- i-fact irilv, company officials re i endirj 6 ?VKlnAa V Cm I cna,tur of $1,500,000 and wUI spieled some time In the. fall Tartlal reconstruction of the was determined upon owing )Vhe necessity of replacing obso-"e fa.ilitios. The appropria-")n will also cover the cost of KMdby power equipment which ! " Permit full producllon being on at all times. A recurrence or the water shortage which failed the output of the mill au''nf IU early months of this . r wdl not in future affect pro-JJ'-yon, as the standby plant will pt ln readiness to supply I10Wlr m,. nt short notice. Causes British Prestige to Rise and Focuses the Eyes of Europe on Labor Government THE HAGUE, Aucr, 13. to dominate thi convention anv ooaomhlv fhirinp' nnst war vnnrs. Strpnuniis pffnrts " w raa?.e t0 Bri"sh witH?ut at the same time injuring French prestige or causing Italy to withdraw. While these matters are being discussed in camera, the onference is continuing to deal with the question of evacuation of Germany and 'on in regard to this will be ar- riva III. nun. i mull oiiuwucii, rc- resenting Great Britain, is the most conspicuous figure at tho conference. His firmness and ?,b,1,Sf Tning rhrP9U Hon has drawn the eyes of Europe - Po W-nI -obtl. add to ! ' Britain. PATTULLO IS COMING I IflPlT rAHPTITIiriirU YlOll tUllOlllUCnUI T. D. Pnttullo, M.P. for Prince Rupert In the legislature nnd forrner minister of lands,, isi expectlng to arrive In Princo! n,IMr tviilnv on tirtpf visit: ji0 wj probably visit Queen! Charlotte Islands before going 0Oulht PRICK OF WHEAT ! . VANCOUVKR, Aug. 13: The f toJny t THORNTON COMES WEDNESDAY AUG. 28 J Word has been received in the city that Sir Henry Thornton. nremMpnt , , nf tha r ' " - - Canadian National Railway, will arrive in the city from Vancouver the morning of August 28, and will be leav- ing for the .east that same afternoon at 4 p.m. This will glvi! an oppor- til nit V for th Hnrrrl nf Trade to nicej . the visitor and for him. to do anv bust- ness which- might arise lo- cally. i 1 FLIGHTMADE ! VANCOUVER TO MEXICO 13HRS. 4... 1 SAN DIEGO, Aug. 13. Establishing a new official mark for a flight from Vancouver, B.C. to lower California, Tex Rankin, the Po-tland aviator, landed his mosquito plane at trgua Caliente, Mexico, last night, just 13 hours minutes 49 seconds after Ieav- ing Vancouver, a distance of 1350 miles. CHOLERA AT SHANGHAI IS NOW EPIDEMIC SHANGHAI, . Ajig,13. The health autho'"itte of the international settlement here today announced that Shanghai had be- WINNIPEG BARRISTER DIES WINNIPEG, Aug. 13: Isaac Campbell K.C., 76 years of age. a pioneer resident and distlnguish- ed member of the Western Can- ada bar, died this morning. .. ; - - - The Uritish lion continues here as it has never done in it seems certain that a deci KING EXPECTS TO MOVE SOON LONDON. Aug. 13, King George made such excellent pro gress. since his recent operation, it is expected he will shortly proceed I. C? ll I - 1! .L lu iiu"i"Ki'i. o"iiuuik me re- imaindcr of the summer there. rnnrp-r rinr AT, i .rUfttOl riCAL.4) . HANEWGETS AWAY . PORT HANEY, Aue 13. Fire over thp 0eratlons of a loiririnir comnanv has alreadv .went over a thousand acres and hundreds of men after a twelve-hour fight are uriab0 to hold it and arc now con centrating on the removal of equi,)mcnt from tHciJpath of the We. 'Ireland The above photographs wer Shannon Power Development Sc the button which started the Sh a general view of the great inta the great system into operation. DUI8N OFFICIALS making official tour Walrondo to Go to Stikine River! With District Engineer and Postal and Customs Inspectors on Board The federal department of public works powe- cruiser Walrondo arrived in port last nigM, from the south, hnTln'gn''b(Jrtl Jr-P Forde,' district engineer: J. E. Miller, inspector of customs; E. M. Haynes, post office inspector: and W. A. Gourlay, assistant engineer, who are making a tou- of the coast on official duties. The party will proceed tomorrow morning to Stewart, whence they will go to Wrangell and Telegraph Creek. They expect to be back in the city southbound about the end of the month. MANY LADIES ' AT RECEPTION Ladies Entertain For Hon. R. B- Bennett and Other YUtors Between 225 and 250 ladies attended the reception yesterday afternoon in the I.O.D.E .Hall in honor' of Hon. R. B. Bennett and his party. The event was a great success. The hall was tastefully decorate in mauve and white with harmoniilng flowers. On the tea tables were bouquets of sweet peas and in the windows vase of fox gloves, canterbury bells, roses and gladioli. Mrs. J. C. nrndy was in charge of the event while Mrs. C. H. Ormo and Mrs. D. C. Stuart poured. Assisting In serving were Mrs. W. R. McAfee, Mrs. H. B. Rochester. Mrs. W. D. Moxley, Mrs. George Hill, Mrs. C. V. Evitt, Mrs. R. W. Cameron, Miss Eleanor Moxley, Miss Sheila Stuart, Miss Jean McAfee, Miss Dolly Munn, Miss Alberta Hill, j Mrs. George Hill jr. and Miss Gwcn Brady. The visltprs were Introduced by J. C. Brady M.P. and there were brief speeches by Mr. Bennett, Miss Mildred Bennett, Sir George and Lady Perley and General nnd Mrs: A. D. McRae-. Mont all thoso present were personally1 -Introduced. .to the visitors. ' ' fi'ii. There were musical selections v Prof. H. A. PrvcVn Juvenile Orchestra. Furniture was loaned j by George D. Tlte. MANSON GIVES ADDRKSS The speaker at the Gyro Club luncheon today was A. M. Manson M.L.A. for Omineca. Harnesses the River ' t.iken on the completion of the first part of the great River erne, when President Cosgrove of the Irish Free State pressed nnon waters to rush into the he drace. The above picture shows gat?s at Parteen, while inset is President Cosgrove ' putting More than $30,000,000 have been spent in the scheme. 'A". lompronnses AmWgtfhe Powers at if lHtigue Conference THE HAGUE, Aug. 13. The great statesmen of the six powers this afternoon attempted to reach a compromise on the disputed provision of the Young plan in the privacy of their hotel apartments. While the financial experts of the conference attempted to break the deadlock between Great Britain and her allies over the British demands for an increased share in the German reparations, the heads of the French, British, Belgian and German delegates met to talk over the date for the evacuation of the Rhineland. While no date has been officially set for evacuation, gossip has it that the Germans will be able to celebrate the final freedom of their territory by Christmas. No announcement was made following the conference on the Young plan, but important proposals in a spirit of compromise on the financial deadlock are expected from Belgium, France and Italy. FLOATS TO BE STARTED SOON Transfer of Title to Site Just East of Drydock Now Being Awaited From C. N. R. Speaking of the construction of the new fishermen's floats here, just east of the drydock, J. P. Forde, district engineer for the federal department of public works, who is in the city, stated this morning that the department was now iiwaitiyig transfer of the, title lo the site from the Canadian , National Railways. Mr. Forde stated that tenders were being received for the work and forwarded to Ottawa and it was expected the contract would be let soon after the transfer of the title had been made. c.p.r7goes" TO HONOLULU! VANCOUVER, Aug. 13. It was officially announced today that the Canadian Pacific liners will call at Honolulu on their out-wardbound trips from Vancouver commencing with the sailing of tho newly-outfitted Empress of Canada December 7. The return from the Orient will be by the northern route. Shannon i J txpected SUMNER TOWED FROM SEWARD Reaches Port This .Morning, Having Been Brought South by Dorothy Halibut schooner Sumner, Capt. Mingo Soriano, fame Into port this morning in tow of the Dorothy. Something "went wrong with her engines about two weeks ago in the Gulf of Alaska and the Dorothy brought her south from Seward. The vessel Is tied up at the Cold Storage plant and It is understood no decillCjp Ji tpen arrived at,( as to wha( oUon will be taken in . conncctlon'wlth hr. Scottish Humor Imported direct' from the, Aberdeen Joke Factory , Sheffield Mau'nfaclurer ' (to Aberdeen Buyer) i "Would you iccept a knife In a gift." Aberdonian: "Na, na, that would be bribery." Sheffield Manufacturer: "Well then, suppose I sell it to you for a nominal sum, say one penny." Aberdonian: "I that ease I'll ak two here's tuppencfl.