Page 2 Tub OALLY AEWwe PRINCE RUPERT - | Published Every Aft : Printing and THE DAILY NEWS BRITISH COLUMBIA rnoon, except Sunday, Publishing Co.., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Manactne Eprror. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. by The News ! By Mail—Canada or Great Britain. in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. TELEPHONE 98 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. Contract Rates en application. _ _ DAILY EDITION. spe Friday, July 25, 191 > greatly appiauded and the « ST tone of ® ga g& Was ' . nil : a ciad ss and - _ Stil} The f wing tr ted: W Hi. M Be Fergus Ww. M i Br specia eq at Mary ‘of Are Mrs. Jarvis McLeod,| 5. AS 4 ar : t. BR ‘ a sor i quart posed Entertainment at Reception Giver y..... Clappet Waddel Last Night to Five Recently Davis a Lenees we two! Returned Members. vy « ‘ iene Ties pipes, the 5 8 at ai in-| Last evening in the club m- . wt. were heartily ; the members of St. Andrews So- .», ‘ y ciety gathered for a social night , Tem 8 a alex in honor f some f th etul MebD Th 2 stra members and their wives. Presi- -.....;. \ . . dent Macdonald outlined th = nie ject of the gathering a1 At ‘ fu a other meetings of the kind ta ‘ ‘ was been held to welcome home ores a 2 : ; rapt 5 i b i gray boys. This one was to do special _, wae 2 ' the bie honor to five of the men who } . r we Se returned since the last receptx hune th< ms ; The members were W. M. Brow Delightf fresh wis el W. Matheson. R. Robertson. R. ... * & emhere thet Wiggins one Ben Ferguson. They | gies’ Au siliary and da: o be. were very gladly received bac gan in the main hall with a high- ee ee of the society and es land schottische as a head-imer. pecially to the new rooms which 4 very jarge number enjoyed this have been fixcd up since they had)... ial evening and it was very 1 left for overseas. The president luctantly that. the affair was > the c -., : called upon Dr. Grant, the chap- , ught to a close shortly’ after lain. to give a short address. ae o'clock Dr. Grant very ably expressed the feeling of all present in a concise speech of welcome. In silence he passed over those wh: would never return from the fields of Flanders. A tear might be shed upon their graves but that was al! that could be done for those wh« paid the supreme sacrifice. Bu here were other boys back and |! Was especially glad to see them as many had been known to hin for a long time before their de- parture for overseas. Church Not Failed. Dr. Grant in speaking of the Church said that it was wrong to say that it had failed as it had been instrumental in bringing about much good to the human race. Many Sabbath Schools and community settlements and other benevolent and educational in- stitutions had been established by the Church during the past few years. In conclusion Dr. Grant stated that in every way possibl: it would be his policy to help those who had nebly fought for their king and country. Messrs. Brown, Ferguson and Matheson replied to the speeche- and all stated that they were as glad to be back as the member - were to se them. Fine Program. There was a cone ana varied were the program All the a ert and many item art s on th were PRESIDENT GETS A GOLD WATCH Presentation to S. D. Macdonald At Social Gathering of St. Andrew's Society At gather night Was tham the seas. J. 8. ng Pre presented with a gold Wal- watch society K in which work done at given Mr that he ing the departur had which ; a as Macdonald h Last Night. St. Andrew's ine D held in sident 8. M the mer had be by who elly he made eferred to the pre said that the a token of appr ad done his bit ciety together f the real beginning. P : sa the union provinee of advise ne Ride in Comfort sident plyir afte men Society last acdonald mas hbers of en over- a neat speech the good had watch was eciatior = sald n keep- r the wh: made it so successful at th. _Tetegraphs.) 25.—Editor H. ¢ Orange govern. Ontario 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your Service Day or Night ST Third Avenue and Siath Strert ROYAL HOTEL Section One Lots for Sale iat (3, Bleck 6 $475. Assoserd #1906 Lots 43. 14 Ss 1%, Biock 5 81.846 setsed at eoo Lot 5, Block 4 $76 Assessed at 120 Lot 2, Block 7 483 Asseeeed af 2.46 7. Bleek 7 425 Asseased ~ 1.76 Lote $4 and 17. Block 26 $2,730 Aserased : THEO. EO. COLLART REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC FRE : 3 WESTHOCLEE THEATRE FLOCK Dooce. Georgetown Lumber P. BOX 1632 Sdicechdhiniaiiies sedated iinet e. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR Consult Us. CEDAR | Lov! 10 GET RID UF RECUMATISM “Frult-a-tives” Point the Way to Quick Relief Verora, Ow. “I suffered for a number of years « Rheumetiom and severe Pains 18 Side amd Back, caused by st s and heavy lifting. \Vhen I had given up hope of ever being well again, a friend recom- mended ‘Froait-e-tives’ to me and after using the first box I felt so much better that I continued to take them; and now lam enjoying t est of health, thanks to your wonderful] fruit medicine”. W. M. LAMPSON. Prait-ea-tives” are sold by all Gcnlors ot Be. —_ 6 for $2.0, trial size 25 t postpaid by Fruit-a tives Limited, Ottawa. LAND REGISTRY ACT and 134 Sections 3¢ No. 10,577-1. File 6,091 TICE that application has been register Reberi Neary Smith of « hupert,. B C.. as owner im fee under 3 Leead from the Collector of tx f Prince Rupert. bearing Gste im { December, 1918, of ALL ANi thet certain parcel or trect of premises situate, lying. and being f Prince Rupert, more par mown end lescribed as lots ten and eleven tt,, Block 87, Section ~ ; iy of Prince Rupert, (Map Apphcaton TAKE N : are require w contest the claim f the tag purchaser within 35 days from au f we service of this notice b may be e@ected by publication im the Gally newspaper). apd your sttention allied to section 36 of the “Land Regis sct” with amendments, apd w ibe wing extract iberefrom — in Gefeultt of a caveat or cer- f lis pendens being fied be- fore » the registratx — @S owner of the prs m entitied under such tax sate, persoms 80 served With notice, and those claiming through fr uncer them, and ali *claim- ing any interest in the by virtwe [ amy Unregistered mscrumest, and all prsoms ciaimung any interest in ihe land by descent whose tith ts registered under the provisions { thas Act, shall be for ever es- topped and debarred from setting up any claim to or im respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Regis- trar shall register the person en- titled under such tax Sale as owner f the land so sold for taxes.” AND WHEREAS application bas been made for & Certificate of Indefeasibie Title t the above-mentioned lands, in the name f Mebert Henry smith ANDO WHEREAS on investigating the tithe It appears that prior to the 10th day f October, 1917 (the date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes), u were the registered and assessed own- r thereof FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the samme time I shall effect registration in irspance of such application and issue « ertifcate of Indefeasibie Title to the said lands im the name of Robert Henry Smit: less you take and prosecute the = proceedings to estabiish your claim, any, to the said laeds, or to prevent such proposed action ob my part DATED at the Lapd Kegistry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C.. this {3th day of June, A.D. 1919 H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles To Francis F. Tupper, Esq, Milton, Queens County, Nova Scotia WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NOTICE that W KR. Tonkin, whose dress is $58 Empire Building, Seattle, Wash, will apply for a licence to lake and use Ofty (50) feet per second (25,600 acre feet) of water out of Clear Lake, aise known as Clearwater Lake, which flows westerly and drains into Kitzault River, about twenty-four miles from its mouth. The water will be diverted from the stream at & point about 300 feet from the mouth { Clearwater Lake and will be used for mining purpose upom the “Last Chance” Mui he jescribed as the Chance” grou { mineral claims his Pothc® Was posted op the ground 27th day of June, 1919. A copy this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914,” wii be Gied im the office of the Water Recorder at vee os Pupees, B. Cc. Object es application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with Commptrolier of Water Rights, Par.ia Buildings, Victoria, B.C, within Gays after the frst appearance of Bis Geltice-in @ local sew r W. KR. TONKIN, Applicant By John Pedersen, Agent. The date of the frst publication of this notice is July 12, 1949 Last ibe . IN THE SUPREME COUKT OF SRITISH CULUMBIA. N = mouees OF THE ADMINISTRA ION af is THE MATTER WILLIAM CEASED, oF THE ESTATE McKENZIE LUGAN, INTESTATE NOTICE ‘that in 85 TAKE § | ; : . On or before the 7 te iy, A.D. 1919, and ali per debied ibe estate are required (he amount of their indebtedness forthwith J00HN . MeMULLIN, Official Administrator. DATED this 23rd day of June, aD. 1999 ett REE IN THE SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA MATTER OF THE ACT and THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AIMSTIAN TEODOR SRJELLUM, DE- CEASPD, INTESTATE NOTICE that in order of His Honour F. MeB. Young. made the 9th day a May, A.D. 1919. | was appointed Ad- Ginisirator Ww the estate of Kristian Teo- dor Si&jrilum, deceased, and ail parties Raving Claims against the said a oy hereby required to furnish same, a © @e. on of before tne ugest, A.D. 1919. and ali vthes = Gebied tw the estate are requited to pay ihe amount of their ingebtedness © me forth with JOHN HH MeMULLIN, OMetal Administrator DATED ‘this 3rd day of aly te1¢ OF BRITISH 1 THE Thus “ADMINISTRA- is TARE iN THE MATTER of on issGe of & fresh Certificate of Ti the East Half (%) of Lot 932, < 5. Coast District NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN what tt is lication for aman m | Month from the date publi au } lithe t name of Albert Tithe 1911 *. Young, which Certificate is dated the sisth day of July, and © Gumbered 619.1 ett F. Mact 80D ia Land Registry OMe, eistrar of Titles. hrince Rupert, 8. Cc, jepe 13h, 19 MAIL SCHEDULE ® eteeteeeeeeeeeerer For the East. . Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. wdays et 9:30 a. m. From the East. | Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p. m. For Vancouver: | PPT Tee Cee 2 p. m. | Sundays ........--00es 10 p.m.) |Tuesdays .... .....+++. 5 p.m.) iThure@ags .... ..sse0- 10 p. m.! From Vanoouver WE bs 6.6 0 0 oe Gd 40 10 p. m. | Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a. m. | | Fridays bed Caen et reese a. m., | Saturdays bb edd wade o 10:30 a. m.| For Anyox: PBemEayS 222.0. ccs eeees 10 p.m.) | Vednesdays .......... 10 p. m.| a re 10 p.m From Anyox: Co p. m.| TEE 6 bc ccccscctvoees p. m. PD ows cK in cde tees <% p- ™. For Port Simpson and Arrandale, GERD. «nk os cccceves’ 10 p. m. From Pt. Simpson and ee OOEIOD 6 ck des ecesia m. For Port Simpeon and Naas River points: PO ccaceuke ouveen 10 a. m. From Port Simpson and WNaas River Points: : REND bocdascenecees Pp. -" Queen Chariotte Isiands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper island poiats: Wednesdays ......<... 10 a.m. *rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: OIG 05s ceseseesese p. m. “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: Fortnightly. From Skidegate. Quern Charlotte City and Lower Isiand points— Fortnightly. For Skagway and the Yukon. April 28th, 9 a.m. From Skagway and Yukon. April 22, and May 3rd, a. m. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. m. From—Saturdays ...... p. m. LAND REGISTRY ACT. (Sections 36 and 134. Re Application Nos. 10,597-1 and 10,598-1 File 6097. TAKE NOTICE that application has been made Ww register Dora Stephens of frimce Aupert, . &3 Owner in fee under four Tak Sate Deeds from the Collector of the city of Prince Rupert, bearing date the oth day of December, 1918. of ALL AAD SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of jand and premises situate, lying and being im the City of Prince Rupert, more par- Uculariy Known and described as Lot sixty- six (66), Block twelve (12), Section Two (2), Lots three and four (3 and 4), Block Ofteen (15), Section Pive (5), Lot ten 10) Block forty-nine (49), Section Seven (7), amd Lot Sixteen (16), Block — (29, Section eight (8) (Map ). You are reguived W comtest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from be date of the service of this notice which may be effected by publication dally newspaper,, therefrom :— - » @@d these claiming through or under them, and aii claum- ing any interest in the by virtue H © . § & ~ e = ~ = lal > é t re BE Hi F ef Fe “ ‘ 2 ae BE2e : | F é Ormes Limited "Fexalk Femedies Now is The Time to Get Your NEW BATHING CAP We are selling so! ‘ta season’s caps PRACTICALLY COST Come in and see them before they are pick Phones 62 and 200 Store P.O. Box 3rd Avenue end 6th Street " (¢ a — 9 ——e ~ mE "Mere . S48. 600.0% 918, ewer $155,000,000 -=SF —— ae. [mia ane tal and Reserve, Total Assets, Nov. 30th, 1 f Money Earns Money A man saved a sum of money in case of emer- gency. He left it in his bank « t year after year, He fimally thdres deposited and found t re ed to his credit. That i te up. Start a savings @ i your n will carn miore monry roo > UNION BANK OF CANADA THE PIONTER DANK CT WESTER? CANAT HEAD OFFICE VINNIPEG, MA’? PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, A. T. BRODE RICK, Manager —_ THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA OMMENDS ITS MONEY ORDERS As a safe and economica!l method of remitting a: to $50. These Mc Orders are payable without charge at ar bank in Canada (Y skon excepted Newfoundland. at cities of the United States and are negotiable at over mn Great Britain and Ireland $5 and under cents Over $10, net exceeding Over $5, not exceeding $10.6 cents Over $38, not exceeding Prince Rupert Branch - - A. W. ade, M anager 5 *a PE this DISTRICT 7 rd CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that Oliver Brown, Victoria, B.C, wry. for permissie to prospect om the West (c- ia ihe vicinity of West a st a post fed one the Southeast corner of CL. West 80 chains, thence ww point of commence OLIVER BROWN, Per Austin Brown, Agent. Dated May i8. 1919. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION— DISTRICT as’ af nite CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that William Treeger, of Auyos, B.C.. cecupstion machinisi, intends to sooty for eston to prospect for coal scribed om the following Ge- lands on the West coast of Graham Isiand, in the vicinity of West river; corm mene ot 6 et the south east corner oe L 10312; thence west! 86 chains; thence south 66 chains; thence $0 chains; thence north 80 chains to fF Ral S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILING ’ THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY. OCEAN VANCOUVER, VICTORIA ond SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY end SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. FA & & PRINCI JOHN / AO PRINCE ALGERT For Stewart July (9th. 261! gus ; , ’ h and Maseett. Port (Clete ‘ and I ale Ha : y 14th Southern Queen Chariot : s Augest fad, 16th a TRAIN SERVICE Wdnesday ond Saturday 4) Edmonton end Winnies,. making ell polet® ess and sowth Passenger Monday, Prince George 11:3e@ om @irect conne AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Por information and reservations apply to City Ticket Office, 5626 Third Avenue. Fhon® 200 5.5. PRINCE GEORGE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Tee PACIFIC Lowest Rates to all Eastern Poin’ mache via Steamer to Vancouver and Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steamer & & PRINCESS ALICE 5&8 PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert During July and August «very Saterday af noon For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, During July and Avuew every Nonday at te CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES Por rates, rerervations and sailings, apply W. C. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Stagway, Alaska, from Prince Rup* Prince Rupert, 2 66, Block is, Section 2; Francis F. T t, = assessed owner of Lots 3| 4, Block 15, Section 5; | registered snd owner of Lot 1é, Block 4%, Section 7; Donald Brown, 4as- sessed owner of Lot sitteen (16), Block 29, Section SKEENA LAND KECORDING DIVISION— Mat of commencement. fs WILLIAM Per Dated May 18, 1919 TRAEOER, P.O. Box For Comfort, Courtesy and Service THE SAVOY HOTEL | e FB sownnss. Manager Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Home Cooking The Smeeton Tea Rooms * 309 SECOND AVENUE etree” The Business Man's Restauran REAL HOME COOKING BOARD BY WEEK OR MONT! Running Hot and Cold ’* Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Se!¢: '