The Wise Man The wise man reads the classified advertisements and uses them whenover he needs to sell or buy, or rent, to find lost poods or to get a job. . Boston Cabaret Dance, Saturday Night, 9 to 12 - Four-piece Orchestra and Special Dinner. Gentlemen must be accompanied by their wives or lady friends. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XX., No. 120. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT, II. &, SATURDAY. MAY 25, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS CYCMNE LIBERAL Total Darkness Result of Cyclone in Saskatchewan : BROWiXLEE, Sask., May 25. Roofs of houses, sheds, granaries, machinery, water tanks and windmills were toppled over last evening- by a windstorm of cyclonic proportions. Several miles iof telephone lines are reported down. One of the phemonena of the blast was eight minutes of total darkness with the sun shining in the sky. For two minutes it was impossible for a person to sec his hand in front of him. BISHOP LLOYD i VISITING HERES Jii hop and Mr. Lloyd f' hcwan arrived this morning rr ttii! Prince Rupert and -are sending a couple of day in the before proceeding to their home m Prince Albert. The Bishop is particularly weft f.T'iwn. especially in connection with the strong views"'he holds in) r.-vanl to British Immltratfori: i Ewhop and Jlrs. "Lljyd tfWe'. n. at the steamer by Bishop Elx l ., IU J B. Gibson. WILSON HEADS 1 THE PRESBYTERY Out ing the session of the B. C. i K rence of the United Church i unrouver, the memiers of the h c Rupert Presbytery met ! hose officers. Rev. A . Wil-wax elected chairman of the -I'vlprv and Rev. T. II. Wright tlazelton. secretary. RAINSTORMS INJURE JAPAN T'lKIO. M,iv 25 Twelve nw- 3 arc known to have perished cr.j prcat damage done to prop-c"v ,and props by torrential rains m Prefecture of FujisMma. More f) iar 5000 houses were inundated. v.'ntccn fishing smack are nixing. Lose are estimated Ht Korr. than $2,00(000. WELL KNOWN NATIVE IN POLICE COURT AND THE SUPPLIER Joseph Sankey, well known 'h' oughout the province as 'he man who was found in- nnccnt. of the crime of mur- :' after being twice tried m connection with the Port t ngton tragedy, was up in ;1"s police court this morning nd fined $15 or IB days for intoxication. Jo.shua Tait, for a similar o! fence was similarly scn-tnnned. John Kramer, found guilty r supplying liquor to In- !ians was fined $300 or fhree months imprisonment. Several other cases will be nod on Monday. MINI CANADAWILL FACE PROBLEM U. S. TARIFF Serious Fight But One Not to He .Shirked Intimated Lucirn Cannon WINDSOR, OnU May 2St "We face a serious proln lem twlth our neighbors. We are not looking for a fight but' we certainly will not run nwny from It, Hon. Lu-cicn Cannon, Holicitor general, declared when discussing the United States tariff change before a Liberal meeting here last night. "We will ee to it that Canada is amply protected," he added, after asserting that the Liberal Government had never shirked its iCANNOTTAX Chief Justice Morrison Declares Province Has No Right to Impose Levy VANCOUVER, May 28 One of Britwh Columbia s . important sources of income tax Imposed un- rW th Forestry Act on non royaHy paying logs being einorted ' cTt of the province was declared ultra vires of the provincial Legislature by Chief Justice Mor-, 1 Kn of the Supreme Court today The chief justice found that tne tax was indirect and therefore be- vend th power of tnc 1 rovincc I to onset. Whether the effect of the Judgment will le retrowcuve . A' Z) K-eti MrDrttisW wnrpny iiumm-r r.i lAA hum t Hiwn7'Kcir Hrttiwh Columbia ior a eral of relation that it not bound i. ..... Ik. 4i mi 1 .ImaiiT tJ IHIIIIN lit-" A-A tuiwment of HRWB S ex- logs which fead been- mri tax k on v., ftutby the company iroro ww. Wad lndsh th, Ksqu WWa,V, maiv onVaiu nrilwuy mi" W n wid Nunainio . . T-' ... . .... J ...l.:..t. halt lun eouver isiana. ano "- o)d to the Henrv McMeary i.m-i,nr Co.. of Shelton. Wash., to be ?Tl?tM ' IJnltlHl BtateS. Pending dtermHi"" i th. n .ml l ion cusioms at ff P;,it author!- hc reotiMt af of Provino. Prwinrlal 7fuWft7 logs which Is Mng at 1 Son Crofton. Si anc If IN STER SAYS WILL FIGHT US. TARIFF THANKSGIVING FOR RETURN TO HEALTH OF KING GEORGE LONDON, May 25: Con- firmation that Sunday, June 16, be the date for National Thanksgiving services for the recovery of Hh Majesty from his srius ill new, was forthcoming from Bucking- ham Palace on Friday, when it U stated, the King will be present at Westminster Ab- bey. PROF. SOWARD WASSPEAKER Lectured Thursday Night to Par-ent-Teacere, and Other Entertainment Given The Prince Rupert Parent- Teachers' Association held its . egular meeting on Thursday evening in the Booth Memorial School. Mrs. R. M. Window pre sided. There was a large atten- aas f the- general ptiblfe h well as members, .to hear Profes dfr Bo ward, of the University of RrJUsi) Columbia speak on the "Outlook in International Af- Arrangements;Wiy Unide fto hold the usual "tea and sale of hnmt catkin in June. Tills was 1 ' al tne business transacml. 1 In addition to. Prof. Sowarjdls address a good musical program was rendered. The first item was a pianoforte solo by Mr. Sharpies which was received with much applause. Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill ac companies by Mrs. J. S. Black and Miss A. Dalby accompanied by Mrs. Cullin, sang solos which wore very much appreciated. During the evening the High School Orchestra played selections which gave much pleasure to all. DENIES SHE KNEW CONTENTS DOCUMENT SIGNED FOR TUNNEY BRIDGEPORT. Conn.. May 26. -Iwt. Kahterine King Fogarty, through her counsel, denies that sEe knew the content of the document she signed in which she de- dared that she had no claim against Gene Tunney Counsel wi ,"," " document does i not invalidate h or claim for half 'a. million doUar. iw riage. ..mprnn DftnVniARn mnisuiiuu wuuiuumu TO CONSTANCE MORROW . ; "'"""" ,, , mu . .. now here with Ce one! L.ndberg while her father: is If i U t ' ' i'" he threatening """ -r.' lot- tcra till bng received'by his .,iVA.t rlsiiirMor. Cnivsilnni Tgjf m.7tVimAtft ttb jPkr,i, f iMm -it r. - v U I 1 ft IM III1MVI inni COMES UP IN HOUSE OTTAWA. May 25.-A. W. . ... , . ' 7. ,,.. "V V""' stated in the House of Commons 4hat 99 per cent of the fishermen Columbia wxre op- posed to fish traps and 90 per et of he people of Prince Rup - ert wwe also opined to them. SASKATCHEWAN Homesteaders Flock Into Peace 5Y& frS " j v -XVV S?.L"T r' t 5HADED SECTI0N5I wniS L oho w where pnncip ' The above map gives a -good ides of the Peace River country out of which is in Alberta. The British Columbia part is shown n the insert in the Iet"top corner which is not yet served tjf a nilway. People are already crowding in there with the idea tbat he railway mayjgo near their holdings. The -wheat frWrt IhU-SfhoIe country wmiM vestern outlet were constructed and Prince Rupert is I Beefy to andle a great dedl of it. nNevfiiAmerwin - .-v Boat Taken off Rose Point by Fisheries Patrol Vessel A new trolling boat, the Katherine B., of Seattle, was brought in here yesterday by one of the smaller fisheries patrol vessels, the Rividis, Captain Shep-perd. The boat was fishing off Rose Point, Queen Charlotte Islands and it is claimed was within the three-mile limit. Captain Ludvig Thorlodsater, a sea captain, who recently turned to fishing as a calling and who was making his first trip in the new boat built in April especially for the work, stated that he was charged with being inside the limit, but he Qid not think he was that close. He had salmon in the boat when taken. It was the" first tirne he had ever fished. His boat is a neat fifteen-tori troller. CHURCH UNION IN SCOTLAND!: EDINBURGH, May 25. After twentv vears of negotiations, the (Church Union in Scotland was virtually completed on Friday, the Church of Scotland and the United Free Church of Scotland agreeing, by an overwhelming j mtijority at their respective as-1 semblies, to unite. The final steps ; which the constitutional proce-1 dure requires Will be taken in October. AMENDMENT MADE ; am AMERICAN iTARIFF WASHINGTON',' Ma)V25l -f- An amendmicntwa;made,ft6lheitariff bill increasing the present duty; on live cattle from one and one-' half to two cents to two and two and a half cents, PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, May 25. Wheat 'w as quoted on the exchange ,tt today at JU.lOMu 1 Trolling GETS WALK OVER A member of the British House who was unopposed ie Right Hon. A. E. Fitiroy, Speaker of the House for just over a year, and Conservative member for Daventry. Tradition is long-foun ded in Britain that the speaker being above party, should d- unopposed. Canada Figured in Empire Day Speech of British Statesman Befoie Chamber of Commerce LONDON, May 25. Canada figured largely in the 'mpire Day speech by Sir William Joynson HickB, secretary for home affairs, before the Canadian Chamber of ommerce yesterday.- "I See no rift whatever in anv nnmpr nf tVio Tr.mriiro ' ihe minister declared in the course of his address. He aid he didn't know where in any part of the world could be found an advance rnmnnrnVilp to tVio Canada has made, not only in miaiun oi manuiacturea gooas. Empire Day was celebrated generally throughout the British Isles. Premier Baldwin addressed an enormous ;athering in Hyde Park. The premier said: "When we neet together in equal freedom, we are united by common Mlegiance to the King, and in that unity lies our strength." FAIR PRICE -FOR HALIBUT At the halibut sale this morn ing Canadian boats got higher prices in some instances than UnreYiean, fftHpwing: were sales: American Lituya, 16,000 to Booth Ffsh--Tiea 'at 12.4 and 7. Irerie. .22.000 to Royal Fish -Co. at 12.6 and 7. Excel, 17,000 to Cold Storage at 12.7 and 7. Grayling, 20,000 tp' Cold Stor-ge at 12.9 and 7. , Betty, 11,500 to Atlin. Fisher-es at 13 and 7. i. Sirius, 12,000 to Booth Fisher ies at IS and 7. Reliance) 10.000 to Pacific isheries at 13 and 7. Yellowstone, 10,000 to Pacific Fisheries at 18 and 7. Yukon. 16,000 to Booth Fisheries at 18 and 7. Canadian , -. Olympia, 5,000 to Atlfn Fish-risaat 12.G and C. : J, Its. 18300 to.Royai Fish Co. " U 12.6 and 6. Cape Spencer, 12,000 to' Cold Storage at 142 and 6. Kaien, 7,000 to Atlin Fisheries at 12.7 and 6. Pair of Jacks, 5,000 to Atlin Fisheries at 12.6 and 6. Verna, 5,00Q to Cold Storage at 12.S and 6. Southend, 9,500 to Pacific fisheries at 14.4 and 6. Minnie V., 3,400 to Cold Stor-ge at 13.6. Salmon Palander, 1,200 Reds to Cold torage at 16 cents and 150 hite salmon to the same firm ;t 7 cents. , STHONtiLY FAVORS NEW PROVINCE FOR NORTHERN PART B.C. Henry D. Rochfort, who with Mrs. Rockfort and fam- ily arrived from Vancouver today en route to Stewart, Is very keen on the new. pro ' v'lnce for the north. He de- dares that Stewart is very strong tor the movement, be- Ileving that every place in Northern BriUsh Columbia would get better treatment if the north were is a posi- tion to manage its own af- fairs. agriculture, but in the pro- AVOIDTAXON SHARBTRANSFER SEATTLE, May 25. To avoid the increased Canadian tax on ales of mining and oil stocks, to become effective on July 1. many Vancouver brokerage firms have established offices in Seattle, . A. Pease, Seattle curb secretary. said yestefday,, with private wire oonpratjona fo tyeir home offices. Canafllaniirms .will carry on their trading on the Seattle curb. Pease declared. ROBBERS HELD UP ' BANK IN OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA. May 25. Five robbers held up a mesenger of the American First National Bank on a downtown street and escaped with the money satchel containing between eighty and eighty-five thousand dollars. BAN INTOXICANTS AT THE . EMBASSIES: WASHINGTON, May 25.-fei Esme Howard. British ambassa dor: to the United States, in a pr vate letter suggests that he would e quite agreeable to banning th use of intoxicating liquor at tM embarsies. BEAVERBROOK MAKES PRINCELY DONATION LONDON. May 26 Lord. Beaverbrook, Canadian born news paper magnate, donated $316,000" to the medical school of St. Mary's hospital to be given in in- stalments over a period of seven years. RETIRING IN JULY SEATTLE. May 86: In all something tike ISO employee q-f the city who have raaehed or pas, sed the age of 70 years will be compelled to retire on July V A few will get extensions in ex ceptional cases. " Scottish Humor Imported direct from the . Aberdeen Joke Factory A LAUGHING MATTER Mirrors were invented by a Scotsman to give Englishmen something to laugh at.