PRODUCED MltliJ IN CANADA i from Doubly rich in cream, Carnation Milk makes and economically delectable puddings and custards, velvety ice creams, smooth rich sauces and soups. Such tempting appetite can resist! Write for Mary Blake Cook Book Carnition Milk Product! Co, Limited 114 Abbot! Stmt, Vmicoutk, D.C Contented Cows UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED MalllntJ r'riMii 1'rlnr Rupert lor V.lMOl I tit. YICTOKIA, Swunsun ttu. Huti.Jale, Alert liar. etc.. fun-lUr, .1:30 p. til tor VA.NXllI IXU. YICTfJMA. Itutrd lie. Alrrt Hay. etc.. Krl'Uv mldiiUht For AI.H'ti AltM. AN VOX. NTFMAItT. NAAN KIVKK. Sunday. :i)0 p.lil. ' r ji POUT MMPSOX AM) U'ALt.H ISLAM). Tlmrwlay. rt.m. , 123 2nd Avfiw H M. SMITH At flit Prlnrr Kuprrt. It.C. Tl rough ti krtki)l(I to Victoria and Seattle .and lugsace checked through to (Inclination. , &8Sk B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES It UKlmTJ SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT HPAPIFir ," Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Skajway May 1, 11, 22 iv To Vancouver, Victoria and srattlr mh 5, 13, zu V y PltlXf'ESS UOVAL Oiraii Fall, etc.. Vancouver and Vic toria etery tria) .0 p.m. Agrnn lor an steamsuip Lines, W. f. OKCIIAIll),, AOEXT' Srd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 31 Ranadian National CVitLargeft iilway SyAcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Milling from PMNCK Ul'I'F.UT for VAXCOI XF.U. VU'TOKU. SEATTLE, anil Intermediate polnti, each Thunday and' Sunday, 10:00 p.m. t or ANYOX and STEWART, rath Wedntkday and Saturday, 4:00 p.m. For NOKIII AM) Mll lll IJtKE.N CIIAIII.OI It ISLAM'S. .turtiHilill) , PAHSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PPINfE Itl'PF.HT DAILY EXCEPT St'NDAY at 11:30 a m for PRINC E (1EOIK1K, ED.MOX-TO.N, WINNIIMl. all point) Eastern Canada, I'nltrd Mate. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Orfice, 528 Third Ave, Prince Hupert l'hone 260 '"'uttmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmttma1 BHaaaaaHsasiBBswssBBMBiaHMVBisiaHsiaV H B "Caterpillar Tractors" MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributor for II. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STKEET, VANCOUVER, II. C. Branches: Prince George. Kclownn, Nelson Terrace Turnins. 8 lbs 25c : his head. He was Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 1 O. Uox 575. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twjee daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or' letter, will receive our prompt attention'. S.D. Johns to ii Co. Lid. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, B.C. Dr Alexander PHONE S7S BK8NKH IILOCK DENTIST AlldicnCC udicncc Brcatlll Breathlessly Along; About 250 People Took Part in Ex-? Excitilli? Action Sweeps "hiblflon-llalnvilh Alderman-"" Splciuliaiy 'Acted "tiy Dorothy ATackaill a I'rudhomme, M. c. "'rr Cast ; Ingenious Photography; ' - - " i J..l Great Horse Race A very successful dance was . Violrl loaf nin-Vit at Rvhlhitinn Halt uul Great I under the auspices of the Fair Based on the old Drury Lane melodrama first pro- i Board, about 250 persons being ducedalmost a century, ago, "The Whip" is brought up' j present. The music was provided to date; in settings and dress and its multitudinous thrills r?GCrKtrlTS; are magnified by modern technical skill and photographic 4 door rind W. II. Sherman Jr. as- ingenuity! ' laisted. It all revolves around a horse-race, of course, as the; I Alderman Prudhomme, chairman tirlp inrlfpntns. with a 'creat (leal restincr on the nroner! lof the fair board, was an efficient the and ;orseg n,,ing big derby a great many people; : master of ceremonies, (everything moving well. Could Rot Sleep Heart Would Start Pumping and Pounding Mrs. Fred P. Ayerill, l36-12th Ave., Calgary. Alt., writes : "I was bothered to much, with ray heart I could Dot sleep. I would waken up in the eight screaming, tad my heart would start pumping and pounding. A neighbor lady told me to try to I started taking them and I ran truthfully say I am a different woman. Altogether I only took two boxes." Price 50c a box at all druggists arwl dealers, or mailed direct on receipt ipt ol of price by The T. Milburn Co, loronio, unt ., Ltd, JAMS Strawberry, 4s 75c R.thpberry 4s Coc Plum, Greengage, Apricot, Gooseberry 60c Cherry. Red Currant, Rlack, Currant, Pineapple 75c Orchard City Jilrns, 4 .i-.lV i..50c Mrfrmalada? Orango. m ...dlGOc Jams, 2.-... Marmalade, Is 'amplTQmatr) qUi, interested one way or another in having it either win or . . lose. There are plot and counter- i " Diets, divers bits of connivins: PRESENT TION MA lit MISS OLGA KOLOSOFF BEFORE HER DEPARTURE Many at Steamer to Hid to Popular Prince Rupert Lady, Who Is Going to Peace River hour Thursday evening by the boarders at the Inlander. Misa Nora Riveti officiated, on behalf of all present, and Miss Kolosoff 'thanked ihem all for the rift. ' There wa also a big send-off at th boat, a large number of friend beirig present to bid Miss Kolosoff adieu and to wish her luck in her new home. Her i sister, 'ilrs. James Stewart of An yox, was n the steamer with her young son. They go to Vancouver land Miss Kolosoff remains with the members of her family until .the bfiglnninir of the week, when (she leaves again for Bsaver Lodge, Alia., in the Peace .River country. ana Q. Nilseon is parttcnlarly strikin the Lat.uttful. and 1 s':er3n cdnhlbutes another of , i , .i.,i of bemutKul A preritvtion ,a h:.s d-iffShf, v ;J!S?-?. -ctentio.. Onding in ozrt Lran. Arthur niavLmi othcr3. Inspcrtor WRHam Splller, pro-vi-d:.! ro::ee, rDturned 'to the !ty on Thurj-day afternoon train from a hrif trip to Hazel-ton on official duties. imUto MMother T) rKw M&C kfk i .T1TllmorninrWJ, '...'...UoaMUl.1 whereby P, Torstenson received serious injuries in loading logs across the iver, when, in some way the cant-hook caught in his clothing and he was thrown "ac- $1-00 , roM the pile of logs, landing on Prince Rupert ah rresn rruust ana vcgeiames rjrummitt Arrlvlns hvery Iioat vt 25c WAS JNJJJRED. WHEN LOADING LOGS AND CAUGHT IN CANT-HOOK taken to the hospital by Dr. STOCK EXCHANGE HOURS Word has been received in the city thut the stock exchange hours at Vancouver have been changed for the summer months The exchange will be open morn ings from . 10 to 11:80 end from 1 to 2. . Qui cher I j SUITS! SUITS! .Ma1)B to oiinER , I Hll . 'I. i. Culllt., Workmanship and Slyl All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANI PRESSED We Ik-liver to Any Part of ih City. . Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 ana isst-minute suspenses, perfectly handled through the direc- tion of Charles Brabin. I Dorothy MackaMl brings her beauty and chiirm to the leading feminine role and Ralph Forbes proves an eJ1eat fofl Ik the miiaeuliiie lead. ' ' i I 4 -llslulwrt June W.JJ6 ..w 4llJfc Mr M June 14. July . . ... . iOtiMM or Atfe'oU 2 tT0".-V.JIWMH)W Jtedee v....lllnntoa To lielfa4-MirrMiwaUMpw June 7, 'July s . . . .Duabrar. at Badfard "M eruung m BUMt. 1() I.IWMtwmi. 'una is Dwebtss of WVrtm-mfl June 97. 'July IS at Ttvk Oallint at oohb. I'Ko.m oi t:Ki:r To C'lirrlMMirg-NtutlmMatm June 4. June SS ! . . llontroral June 11. July a, Mmrnm of Atutralia June IS. July 9 Rrnprora of Sootland AduIv tn Menu everywhere or J J. POR8TER. S fneml Pa. Annt C P R. SiaUon. Vancouver Telenhone Scvmuur 'MS0 FROM MONTREAL TO ri.YMOrTII-ll.Vlti:-l.t)Mi()X Aacanla, May 31, July 4, Aug. 3. AlMinla, June 14. July 12, Aug. 9. Aumnla. June 91, July IS. Aug. 16. Ausonla. June 36, July M, Aug. 33. FROM NEW YORK TO Pl.YMorTIMIAVnn.l.nx'lifiv I'lirmthia, May SI; Oamanla, June 7. TO (tVCKNSTOWN AM) 1.1 VCItl'OOI. F' i-nniii, June 1: Lactmla, June 8. TO CIIKKIIOt ltd AMI MIHTIMMI'TON Aqiu'Hiiln. May 39, June 16, July 7. n-rMiK:,rla. June 6, 36, July 16, A(lg. 7. M.mrrianiH. June la, July 34, Aug. 16. FROM BOSTON TO jl I KVHTOHX I IVKHI'OOI FranconlK, June 3; Scythla, June 16 ANCHOR LINE FRfM NKW YORK TO I.OMlOMiKltltV ANI) ril.AMimV CsV-donltH June 1: Osmeronl. June 8. ANCHOR DONALDSON FROM MONTREAL To iii:i.F.MT-i.ivi:itrioi..(ii,s(i()v tllenla. May 31, June 38, July ao Aug. 33. AnduUa. June 7, July 0, Aug. 3, Auj 30 'etlUa, June 14. July 13. Aug. D. Aittonla, June 31. July 19, Aug. le. Money Orcer;,. Dnm and TravtillcrH' deques at lowest rate. Pull inronv.j-on from Incnl nger ti or Company'" 'ffloee, 633 Haitlngi , t. V . Vancouver n c. PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. FINE DANCE ' FILM PLAY "THE WHIP" RETAINS Rich and Creamy OF FAIRBOARD ALL THRILLS STAGE MELODRAMA SATUllDAY ... I wo I (fREAT ENGLISH STAGE PLAY "THE WHIP" 1 Show,, 1 7 nnd 11 p.m. . WITH DOROTHY MACKAILL AND GREAT f AST 1 , ,t COLLEGIANS NO 3 -T. VAUDEVILLE At 8: 15 Ijist Appearance of HARRY C. WILIJS The Versatile Ventriloquist Admission, 15c and 50c SPECIAL MATINEE FOR CHILDREN AT 2:30- 10, yr , 75 : 'PvmsU' goia Kbniair URNETTS Ja S1.90-2G(5-S3.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 A l mi.-. umiM-tifcuiiitiiii ik uul puljIUIiea or! o il ') lW Win no- fntirfi Honrtl or b lli? U"V" CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPKRATLNfi G. T. V. 20,000-TON FLOATING lKvl)() K Engineers, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmith ll,trn Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOBIv PHONES 13 ANI) 385 fSB HoiQ Biead& Bcffi' Bwad. FOUR