by it ;. jnj by this latest crime. by SIR HllRFRT W K '40. RETURNS TO CHILE; TM'A. Jano. Chile. Feb. 16. SEATTLE. Feb. 15. Leaving fic Meiyo Maru to the morcy ul KEYES IN COUKT LOS ANGELES. Feb. 15: Asa The Government Stewart Cloudy, 'south wind, win iiuiuiii ii iwiuiiu n j, nn unawiiivir t Smlthera Cloudy, calm. 81 Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 15. Port Sirapeop Bainiog, calm, r Hubert Wilkins, noted ex- 38. lorcr. returning from an Ant-: Atlin Part cloudy, calm, Z u uii expedition, arrived here1 Whttehorae Cloudy. Ihjfei ':aav wind, S B, MEIYOMARU IS ABANDONED Crew lA'ave For Japan on Steamer Nanko Maru 26. 38. d ing Arctic gale, 26 members t W( her crew are en route io JaparLi , . riJaden caravans. i - r j a unin r "n the rescue ship Nartkb MariT The Meiyo Maru is believed go-iff to pieces on the rock, , .Hftf, mad of logs and lumber is already hipped into the ocean and the lumbc strewn about is a menace I, tin vitvntjAM Carmack Part cloud, calm. 5. , Dawson Part cloudy, 8ft. Mayo Part cloudy, 8. wtod, GYPSIES DKOW'NKl) 'ZAfiltAB. JuKo-Slovakia, FeU 16: A caravan of Gypsiee wore drowned today in attempting to cross the Noviex River where they had been camped for the eek. They had neavuy PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Feb. li.-"What was quoted on the lcl exchange today r $1.80. FUNEBAL NOTICE 1 at trip late Mrs. A. II. fceves. until recently state prose- MePherson will take place at 2:80 rutor. appeared in court yester- p.m. on Saturday afternoon, reo-da.v in connection with n motion runrv 10 from the Pentecostal for a new trial which was held Mission, Fulton Street. No flow-""rr until Tuesday. ers, by request. Tv Tl n rmT raw n w rmm . Whole Problem of Empire Strength JJeinp: Worked Out Uh I h If hkltlVI ' States British Secretary of State for Dominion LONDON, Feb. 15. Canada's recent orders for two Irstrovers is declared to be intended as a contribution to h- Ktrpnfrth of the Kmnire as a whole hv the dirertor nf : o.m , . . , .. o - - ' t -rf I iwi aim iwinsinK .ttl Ancjmr :a ai services in Canada. j in ice off island Hon L . M . C . S . Amery, secretary of state for the Do-. mon, speaking at a meeting of the British Empire1 Seattle. Feb. i6. Jame Icacae said: "Canada s wagon is hitched to the star of the posey, supposed to m maddened rni ire strentrth and not necessarily to the street lamp of oiler and storekeeper of tru big navy . We are trying to work out the whole prob- ffiBtfp, Z' taken - of Empire security as a matter of proportion to our , graphical and strategical positions aftw ta bad refuml to join Ut 8; Mr . Amery said that Canada, because of her expanding comrMtnions who took to the life- c ;xantile interests, was bound to take part in the defense boats and wee vttktd up by the ' I ; 'It' scoo dUU bliau biiio lUiiuabaAJaa uum uj. c v & mint; iuw . -w r,;Mc rt0frtn Uo cnirl fViof linva wa tVin V. fief) fOWV WM taKWl H, UlP nect ion with the building of the new destroyer. CHICAGOISAT -"RAIN FELL iN -LAST SHOCKED 7UK0NRWER Cald-BIooded Murders Yesterday Bouse People of That Hardened City DURING MIGHT ihip was irwiiigiag craiiiy on ber : anchor chain it a bawy surf 'thetera hag 3F"S ' rrfWEql" i aboard the ArreWir' Hghthur up j the boilers preparatory to jfettmi . ! up steam so as to be towed to , . Dutch Harbor. The crew nan al ready been 'anded at Dutch WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. A THF. AH OWAY MAY LIMIT NAVAL SHIPS Britain to Take Initiative This Time to Bring About Pact WASHINGTON, Feb. 15: Sir Esme Howard. British ambassador? announced today that Great Britain would soon initiate' efforts to bring about further limitation of navul armaments between the principal naval powers of the world. The dalay in the congressional iabt.age of a fifteen cruiser construrfon bill had retarded the British efforts toward further disarmament toe oiabasaaJor said but now that the measure was enacted he hel 1 that the grovnd was cleared for rcw ' tHsrujaio-a. A.iy new parley he said would ccrtainJjj proceed on th? assumption that the recently authorized cruisers would be built. FEATURES'OF VANCOUVER, Feb. 15: Open ing at $14, Pend Oreille closed !t $16 for a net gain of, $1.75 on la sale of 14,000 shares yesterday. Later Despatch i Reeves Macdonaid opened at $4 SEATTLE. Feb. 15: A wire- and dropped to $3.90, spurted to Telegraphs)' fe roeaaaffe from the cot ?4 JM) and closed at $4.26, up 8 ll AiO, Feb. 15. The (tally weather report states that guard cutter Chelan which yes- cents on a sale of shares. i!noded murde- here yeater- there was both rain and snow t rday rescued oiler James Posev Golcenda sold up to $L4 cios . ... . x i r.,i i ! 't a. i a am when eight men were snw aiag we luson iver uuring fronl the AUoway, said the haw- mg cents axranger at (I v.- v machine guns after nav- um nigni. ine oniy piace wnere Mr which she had pot aboard i: j be n lined up againat a wall mr weather waa recorded this the AUoway had parted and the (..:!il such a stir that eren this moraine were Wfcttehorse and freighter was drifting in the vic-t used to the operations of Atlin. but at Mayo it was S8,inity f Unimak Pasa, a danger r'-rncn. is insisting on a general above and at Dawson 22 above. avifation. c:cr. up The killers escapea in j ne report ion own ; h: powerod cars. Some of the Prince Rupert Raining, calm, t:i;c: of the victims were cut in .temperature, 88. . . . i , Ml n fin t L Tl I I . of the police one oi me. Terrace Cloudy, calm, w. n,s was still auve, uw. ne rr-3 to givr any information, "u ial prediction is that the r-'frs have BeHled thef ewn Roaawood Cloudy, calm, 80. Alyanah Cloudy, heavy north wind, 38 LEASE OF MUSSEL SHOALS IS FAYORED Grandview ctosed with a net fain of 5 cents at 7S after selling to 74 V on a trade of G0.000 shares. Home Oil touched $8.00, profit taking setting it back to $7.25 for a net gain of 87 cents. KING SMOKING LONDON, Feb. 15: Indica tions of the King's progress was mussel shoals under the Madden theon, "the King bill. smoke again." has Hodj Hodgson, 5i ! i H.i, m 41 41. Mtve row developed yeste-' given today by P. K. Alice Arm-Raining, wtedy. w a comralttee of th house the Duke of York's private Ayox Cloudy, calm. B4. kpwrttl favorable to a leaae of retary who told friends at, House of Commons Will Not Consider Any Move Toward Return of Titles Motion of C. II. Cahan Voted down by 114 to 60 Yesterday and Dunning Says Government Members All Opposed To It OTTAWA Feb. 15. The house defeated the motion of C . H . Cahan which would have referred to a committee the question of foreign granted titles or other distinctions to civilians. The vote was 114 to 60. Hon- C. A. Dunning said that not one member of the government was in favor of the restoration of titles . It was unthinkable that any committee of the house would recommend their restoration- The main idea was that the committee in the future would gp ' 1 into the question to remove the personal desire to brine back anomaly now existing. However, ! titles, but he thought the message since apparently it would be in terpreted as a move to bring back titles it would probably be better that the motion not be passed. One nnemely, Mr. Dunning said, was that universities could give honorary degrees of distinction, but the King could not. 0. H. Cahnn said he had no CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Cverycm read the Cluilfled Ad. LABOR CABARET If you lote, tdvertlM tor It, Special Dlnnera Thursdays and If you Una, locate tn owr. Saturdays ,m Dancing every Saturday nljht Wbktever you need, dr " 't from 9 to 1Z. Dance Hall for Hire GET TIIE CLASSIFIED . PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations Parties for Private Northern and CeniraJ British Columbia's Newspaper rbone 437 Vd XX.. No. 37. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS TITLES PROPOSAL IS TURNED DO Canada Takes Place in Empire Contributing to Its Defence testroyers and Otherwise v DARK POLITICAL CLOUDS HANG LOW OVER AFRICA FISHING ON ATMIDNIGHT JUNEAU, Alaska. Feb, 15: Twenty height halibut boats large and small took bait here yesterday for the halibut banks. The sea- , son opens at . midnight , tonight iurwj Ketuhik&n and PeUvabarg are begun to without i ,Uait of any ., quaatity. The halibuters are believed to be sent to the King in 1919 was em v-.lfacinga.jpleadjd season because of market conditions. About fifty boat, cleared from Prince Rupert so far. ON FARM BOARD .. i . harassing to His Majesty. Canada! was the only civiliied country in Beaudry Lemnn of Montreal, which the irovernment could not General Manager of La Banque grant distinction for meritorious Provlnciale, who has been ap-i senlte. He urged, that some pointed a member of the Cana-"order of merit" or other distinc- dian Farm Loan Board, with Hon. lion be made in this counUy for Ernest ('. Dnuy. former Prime1 n deserring service. Minister of Ontario. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of S. D. Johnson Co., Ltd.) The following quotation were bid and asked: Bayview, 4V, Nil. Big Missouri, 1.95, 2.O0. Cork Province, 19, 20. Cotton Belt,' 60, 58, Punwell. 15, 17. - Dutbie Mines, 60, 65. George Copper, 8.75, Nil. Georgie River, 65V. 57. Goclonda, 1.43, 1.44. Grandview. 704, 71. Independence, 11' , Nil. Indian Mines, Nil, 7V. Intern. Coal & Coke, 37V, 3Stfc.i Kootenay Florence, Kootenay King, 39, 20, 21. L. & L.. 4 Vs. 5. Lakeview, lVs, 2. Mohawk. 7, 7ft. Morton Woolsey, 4, 6. Marmot River Gold, G, 7. Marmot Metals, GVfc, 6. Nut. Sil. G. S.. Nil, SO. Noble Five, 68, 09. Oregon Copper, 76, ,80. Pend Oreille, 14.26, UM. Premier. 2.10. 2.11. Porter-Idaho, 50, GO. Reeves Macdonaid. 8.90, 4.36. Rufus-Argenta, 88. 89. Kuth-Hope. 82, 55. Silver Crest, 10, Nil. Silverado Com., DO. 1.30., ; Silversmith, NIL 17. -SlocanvKing. 9, 9'f. ScovrfLake, S8b. 89. Sunloch, 4.00, 4.06. Terminus, 9, 10. Topley Richfield. 48, 50. Toric Mines, 2.00, 20. Wh'tewater. 1.12. 1.16. Woodbine, 1-2. nil. Bluebird, 20, Oils Kabvan Pete. 8. 8 1-4. Norsnda, selling t t2.00. , ' itA Mil The tiext general election in South Affwa is -likely tO'Be V v reneral H-rtrnv. Persists on going to th,e PrrmW He't7r.r believes that the rijrhts i ry binet ne- UJtna i'remior. qpwitr, qtxwitry with his; Government of the df df iha' ihJiattvei'j South Africa -Bhould "native" question, be very much cur- t-'ied in oHr to assure the "white populatfon' of that part'ftf the British Empire that tkey will rot pventnsi'v be driven from the States by the ever-increasing native race. The above lavout -Ko, a rot'frh man of the Union of South Africa, with (top) Earl of Athlone, Governoy-General of the TTot). (ifti P-eneral Smuts, former Premier and leader of the Opposition, who is bitterly opposed to General Hertzog's campaign plank; and (right). Premier, General Hertzog. ZERO WEATHER LONDONTODAY Snowfall Along Southeast Coast of England Heavier Than in Years LONDON, Fob. 15. -.Europe continued today la the grip of an unprecedented cold wave.. In England the temperatures ranged trod eight b4Mf zero to a,w degrees above: The -weather la de-scribea irf th WoN since 1895. Batons, unaccustomed to such weather, have suffered greatly. There wsb an eight-inch snowfall atvDover and the fall along the whole channel coast was the heaviest in years. In London last night the thermometer went to two degrees below aero. There was a g ay fog in London today which penetrated every bouse. MURDOCK DEPUTY VANCOUVER. Feb. 15. John Murdeek, chief oi fiolice at Point Grey up to the tiase of amalgam ation, yesterday was appointed deputy chief of Vancouver. Scottish Humor Imported direct from the ; yjberdken JbV Factory "Man. Dauvit," observed Sandy, "marriage is an awfu' expensive business. A month after I wis merried, she asked me for a pound. Three weeks after that she asked me for anither aad last Setterday it was the same again." "And what did she due wi' a' that money?" jinked Dauvit. "Dae? I didna gie ber ony." t