A HOME VIEW OF MUSSOLLNTS PRESS HARMONT -in? Canadian National Steamships Prince Ruper,t DRYDOCK AMD I Mussolini: "I censider Italy's Fascbt press as an orchestra tr: 'It- up of vaxioas instruments, but all tuned in harmony." II 429, Florence. SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 765 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES . Specialty V "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" ? Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 DRY BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $30 'Double load $6.50 Large sack ; . 50c food CeUirfta. Large Load . ,,, S3JS0 noTnVPeerless Ege ;iT. . $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts ..' Sllo Alberta Soottess Laree'Eee $12.50 i Albf rla bootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump 513.00 Al&o all other classei? of coal. SmIio and Furblture Moving. Ezproaa ad Bgiraze Ilay and leht Service 133 Second Avenue VALENTINE DAY FEBRUARY 14 IS A GREAT DAY FOR A PARTY Dan Cupid has given us so many attractive symbols hearts, flowers, arrows, valentines cutout paper, etc, etc which make decorating easy. Dennieon party-favors, place cards, crepe paper, gummed seals, hearts, hats. Whatever you require for Valentine Day we have it. Special table favors and place cards made to order.- . Mail Orders Despatched the Same Day - SHIPYARD Operating U,T.r 20.000 Ten Floating Dry' Dock Engineer, triachmlsts. Boilermakers, niacksmlthH, Tallem makers, Founders, Woodworkers, l''c ' ELECTH1C AND ACKTYLENE WELDING. Our plant, is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK. PnONES 43 and 385 Telephone the office if your paper does not arrive WROTE FAMOUS .... 1 i" 4V.-. - - work of the man who i Swanee River" and other iof th soath, Stephen Foster. isaid: ' "JleJodies of the Southland i.'ouse of Representatives pro- jfitiag to hoaor bhr memory hi n issue or memorial nan dollars to be pt in circulation on Jury 4, the hundredth anniversary of bis birth. The whole world is to -be reminded of frit haunting chaster "The Old, Folks at Home." "Massa's in r Cold, Cold Ground" and "Mr Old Kentucky Home." Stephen ' rosier, about cne middle ofthe last centrury put down on paper tremendous and enduring sentiments, and dram atized the poignant aspects of & plantation life that is now a thing . of the past . His statue stands today in his native cit of Pittsburgh. Strangely, the man who wrote the greatest songs of the Southland was not a Southerner. IU stood afar off and caught the spirit of the eanefield and tht cabin, the portieoed mansion and the white seas of cotton. lb granite and brome his statue Is reared, showing the composer with pencil and paper in band, while a little below him and to One side sits the faithful fugure of bis immortal "Uncle Ned" with .lis banjo. Foster wrote the words and .ftmposed the musk of some ICO iiigs. He was a born mustefan fld an indefatigable artist. The words of "My Old Kentucky Home" illustrate well the qoaliti of bis genius. This classic, ac cording to tradition, was composed at Federal Hill, the old nwilor-hoate o-f the Rowan family near Darastown, Ky., on one of Foster's infrequent visits through t animates bis other southern soiigs. There Is hardly an effort at dialect to express the thoughts of the negro. Foster wrote always with unaffected simplicity. Music claimed him almost from his birth. As early as the age of two his brother and bio grapher recalls the infant Stephen used to creep to his sister's itiiitar and Dick harmonies from fits strings. Once, when he was seven his mother took him shop ping with her. A flageolP-anJ fhstrume.at that he had never seen before lay handy on a, ctunter. In another moment the ! boy had taken it up and the aft-'itoninhed customers found them selves listening to the strains of "Hail, '.Columbia." The youngest of seven children, -THE DAILY NKW3 Its way to a CinclnattI publisher. "Imagine my delight in receiv- inir inn for "Oh busanna , ne. n AD VV CHMrC wrote. - Though tW song was IIMiXlVI l5U1iUJ not successful it had the eliect : et atnriiHj m nn mv lof ftong writer. vocation "Here's one called the Swane. life a little stream in Florida," saU Morrison. "That's jt exactly," fhuVr Stephen, and left i'b haste. In that moment musical history bad bees made. ; Stephen E osvr 'lffttfed the art a music almost, by instinct, for he4 had few teachers. At the pfano he played well and gracefully, but with the flute he rose to the heights of a master. His xeiodW were the result of long bothns of toil. There were, for- taaately. few distractions to keep him from his work. For a while be acted as bookkeeper in the of fice of brother of his in Cincinnati!, but the field of business failed to attract him and he returned hi me to1 devote htm- self to- his beloved music--Hi PAeledies caught at the heart of the public as much as did the tftoftls He wrote for them. Mnnji other' songs of his be sides bis Southern pieces redoun ded to(his credit "Come where thy love lies dreaming" is still heard. "I see thee still in my 1 dr ms wnsw rittalL S I tribute .o ne memory oi nis moinar. The' tahids and melodies that tell of. the south' however, will remain always the closest to the heart of the public. "The Old Folks atUeme". te-a jewel whose i it lime'eanrfot dim. . MWay Down South," "Old Hlack Jots," "Don't Bet Your Money on the Shanghai" and "Camptowh Itaces" are included among the southern pieces upon which Foster's fame rests. At the height of his popularity he received let tern from admirers in all parts 6 the world. Washington Irving tlu other literary giants of the period wrote enthuslattlc praise of his work. A few trips to the youth on steam boats, a casual visit or so that was the frail foundation upon which Foster built himself a lasting monument ion. an interpreter at the planta More than once roster abode ft view York' whe his publUhers' LA !..!. r '' tttiL"- :i ... '. l. . ineir unices, jicic 11 wtjinc died underjtrggjfjgymstarites. 1H 1 850h'e marriea Jane MeDow- ell of Pittsburgh, but the match Seems apt ;to an Jdeal tine, inasmuch wife re corded hira as a dreamer anil Qflonary. A He was at the old American Jpuel in that city when he fej! an he grew up sensitive, shy and Ntetlm yiciira tc to absent-tpinded. At the height of to his fame he rimaiaed rimaiaed abstracted, abstracted, f" naijuit a havefbeert pfbeerl aafiia aVftfaS attack of feVer. cross the room, he fel wasn basin, cutting hhi indifferent to praise and to " nfCk Coke- When money. He would walk along the jF'P eame. ie' asked to be taken street with his eyes on the V oP'ta' wnere wme ground, composing. In the top 'er h died. floor of the white cottage, the In 1900 a statue was raised to home that his father, Colonel Wm. Barclay Foster, once Mayor of Pittsburgh, built, just outside the city, Stephen established a room for study and work. The halls were heavily carpeted, to insure silence. The furniture was a chair, a sofa, a table, a music rack and a piano. Uy the time he was 9, Foster was the star artist ef a jjoys' troupe that staged performance of its own plays in a carriage house. At 19 he was devising songs for a group of youthful friends who met twice a week for social diversion. Into this circle were Introduced the manu scripts of "Louisiana Delle" and "Uncle Ned" and the career of aiepnen roster as a song writer launched. Throughout Pittsburgh the tune of "Uncle Ned" was heard. "Oh Susanna1 caxne next and with others, found his memory by public subscription in Pittsburgh. The work, by Moretti stands Inside the main gate of Highland Park and the "White Cottage" is preserved by city ordinance. The Governor of Kentucky, in the movement there to preserve, the Rowan homestead in 1921, broadcast an appeal to all sons and daughters of the state to rally tb the supitort of the niglnul manr-hobse of "My Old Kentucky Home, WELL-CONNECTED 'Arry a his better half) And I sea to ,'s Uorushlp, I ses, "If you are a country family, I'm as good as wot you are," and 'e ses, "Vrfs, you're a branch of the Rodent family, ain't yerV 'e nes and I m think so. London Opinion. ., - v WELSHSPEAKER Kev. T Mrs. Richard Moore Tells Music. ...TJlSft. cjK..te.2ftL En-!-- Service Ice ROTARY CLUB Club About Life and Work pernaps uie nee teresting Address of Stephen Foster 01 vTT , Vk wrote for Christy, the Vn rninstrel. Wlthli- the short time of five agarfnat "the city. He had been'istry. In told that it always rained, that it Maudonald talk wm, "i his 'was built on stilts and a news-! .itituencv i ..,.' ,',lt, paper could be seeured only- once ! too lived, he t-,ad unit ttlei in three weeks. On the contrary, iaters goin r t ;K,;t 1 ha hH a rorv ntAAUint ttm hart, l lttl.ni la.4..u tfii It was a city in the making. The! stick to his A8" linn 1 111m Sneaks On ot k fnnml wnt limllir tn fhp ths in,lnu . ,- i; and Kellglon in in- Old Country, with its cla a a -ii 1 a. - u in laernaiting. u wu a cnaimw The things that make a man not what he geU. but what he Z SVV"' than man -w,vw 400.600 we"," copiesre - " " ' , ' In everyone At uie regular meeuu i years no iess . . i... ... .... j i it. n vm nM declared , Rev. T. IVOn Indies jaosic ibu jaiciiuj jjbq peer; prinwu uu n u , , . 1 tt t-noon Mrs. Richard Moore war to eirdte the globe. It his Jones, who is supplying the pulpit class spirit' Mr and anobbishne. In the went 1 of the obitvt one felt himself to be in a country; jcula ly that emulations to be "on the make. ' t the Presbyterian thurcn, in an jir. j0nes suo he thought per r.,? , ,Krt naoer on the life and 1- , filiated into every lan- Jones remind .. - t 1 Mien a b ight plac. In the south provw the life of his fellow. a Ually N wS there seemed to be a conspiracy That was hy he"vas In the min- brio- results. - . rvi.. . She Africa, iU first line "Way down r. Jones, wno is a q""" ' onjeci in uie. nowever, mw co-i- ------- unii DAILY NEWS' SHOPPING SERVICE for Out-of Town Subscribers To serve its women readers, and particularly those who live at a distance from a retail centre. The Daily News has instituted a Shopping Service. The Daily News is read by hundreds of women living far from any urban facilities for shopping and it is for these that this shopping service is primarily intended. Of course. The Daily New Shopper will attend to the man also, although he can buy a pair of braces anywhere. IJat not every where can a womari get a bit of lace matched of a piece of cm broidery thread of the thousand and one things that make up the difference between a woman's wants and a man's. The Prince Rupert Merchants Carry between them Stocks running up to $2,000,000 and while it is not possible to purchase everything in this world in Prince Rupert, most things art available by return mail None of the Prince Rupert merchants can possibly advertise everything they carry in stock, but if the thing wanted is to be got in this city, our odt-of-town readers may be sure that The Daily News Shopper will get it when asked for. If any of our women readers cannot get what they want m . , 11 n i- i i a- rpt. rinSI.. 'n' incir nearest store, an mere is 10 ao is 10 write 10 inc wauj Shopper, stating what Is required with whatever details there may be, enclosing the cost, and if it is in Prince Rupert, '.The Daily News Shopper makes your purchase. This Service Free to our women readers and is the outcome of many individual requests made to our staff am their travels-.tlirough the dktn "j seasons past. This service nas been appreciated in these individual cases and is now extended to all with the hope of the same appreciation. So Do Not Hesitate Do not think you arc imposing upon The Daily News, shopper is awaiting your requests. THE DAILY NEWS PRIME RUPERT ,B.- C. Our !ft " M and had J " relgion. a. t h J service wus rent p,,, ' house we use f 1 . A. . , ,1 1 If" Jl WW I tr 1.1 r..l.m.. . . wrote .oaaa oi. the continent and even isiwtwwi'- w w ia v ".mim . J songs Tn'tonatve tonguen of Asia .and day afternoon. I onibc make as theynaJn Wf 't.'M, upon de Swanee ribber," is his- preoic ... Umon w.s 1UYmAfuin "CI,W was a Inman, coming 10 t an- ghr0us '" 01 on nure. 1 ' " n men tl torr Bnirsrdinr that line ai lory. jtegaramg inai uue a ...... .... 7i luitu.. heed in thi ir m. 1.. . echoing the joys and the sorrows tory is told. ilic auiikui ... 1 of a lowly people are much in 1851, entered the office of his the air Just now. Negro spirit- ( brother, Morrison and said an- juals and neggp poetry are heard xtously, -Tell me a good two-syl-in growing volume. The black table name for a southern river. j race, H would seem, is finding, I nwjd it for the song I'm writ- vjIces of ita own after inany ag.- y;;oo" sugisted Morris-ytars. It no (eager needs a .q. That won't da," cried Wale was known for its states-;fhr4he fmur that those coming P.wnis ha.l im. -rfre4 b8tt men, iU mountains, Its coal, ks rifle might not rise up and call was rumiHtv, strikes and its musk. The re-'thlm eursed. dogma on th.- ,;,rt ; bothtrfe Mgious traditions of the country! and theologian. somdW, were similar to Uiose oi acouana. i ine wing mm nutneo a mmu -.t.v.. .u,n rrin;( gome of the finest pulpit orators flot acquisitiveness, declared me ueoorn. in oraer .had been developed thwe. lipenker. "It is what be gives. It :ifht thinking j nnil : 1.1. .t Ir4na unnMt. man n ihiiIi lii . frnm from tlut the HMr ouwr - , M ne Unreil urged . . . . ! I 1.1 I I 1 V ! II. 1. 1 I I 1.1 A.. II.U W V. . .1 Stephen Colli, roster t toil M .Btaffhon. 'Reach me down the At- R speaker said he had ereatu ee." No man could coo- in on rihi h .13 pauo. a w souna w, The Aiu. came aown ana peaUnt, urprled ,0 se depths of its feeling, let Foster! with searehimr f&refingers the :: uot forgotten. Two years ago vip brothers hunted for two-4 bill was fBtrodvced in the j gvjkible rivers ia the setith. ' tribute anything beter than to im- If your News dozs not arrive Phone 98 before 6 o