4V " I I K I D February 15, 1929 OF PRINCE RUPERT .. huMrivi 1 i twenty- each with the other a follows: 1. In this Agreement the term "City" shall mean the Oltv of Prinze nnh.r n . lbe Province of British ,,,,,., 4. L Columbia, as at that vote of NOTICE, a 'present constituted or U It may from n.MM S wjU be taken on J5 " "me be extended, and the term , I'vlnw Jiaw in In ihi ine fnim- U)Un- .?T mean tho residents. whether ratepayer or not. and Indus- K i- City Hall, on the 1st trtaI oommerclal users of power M-.n-li D '1929 be-iJi.H1' Citf-JLJ1 inm "Corporation" ,j hi i, .i.i-.,, w. shall mean the Corporation of the City, i.'iuri of 8 o'clock a.m. and term "Company" ahall Include . , i' .'' ' -.i assigns. ' "' , 2 ltte Corparatlon will sell and , ,. l l iIlHliiR n TAKH' i-tni NO'1 transfer to the Company, but without M-.v.ird F. Jones has a"';'f rS?JHUe-ntl" ' . ,, . n,c- i"e Electric Light and Power Department ,! I'.etU nir.g Officer of the Corpoi-ation. as a going ooncem (if the -aid vote i l w Mil) F. JONES, City Clerk. T.M.AW NO. (excluding only cash on hand and in bank and accounts receivable) cousuit-Uf of. but wuhout In any way limiting the generality ol the foregoing, those lands and wuusr rights which It now possesses, occupied and or enjoya the uu of, at the s.te of lta development at . , , .ilO.-UilNO THS EX- ,i, . 1 Lane, .the dam now OOQ-. ii . i AOilEEMKNT WITH tucted at the outlet of the said lake, t.PO.i.iTON OF CANADA 1 fi ' Pwer. hoUBe nd machinery, ii i.K SALE TO IT OF , nd " tewi-mission and distribution '. ce; ai'rJC PLANT AT 'ne'' VtaUon lands and rlghU-of. I I KK AND THE TRANS-. wy: transformers, meters, stores, tools, , .XSIRIBUTION 8Y8TEM 1 j'u'P:tnt arid appliances In use by the ij!iP;'' Y OP ELECTRIC 0eParl'iDl -ree :rom all encumbrances "ave 4 lf hereafter partlcularlyecet forth, V!J POWES CORPORA- . v .ADA LIMITED TO THE !t,'"ld 'or lh? P ol M75.000.00 pay- :ble on completion as later herein pro-, ... r',ntu.., ai h. n vlded. - , ..rVinafser referred to , J. , h Corporation shaU have the I'gl'',t " i owns and operate! la priority to any us P;i.t at W-wdwarth Lake ?V,.lr,1?t"'i'a,'iy, to 5?ke at .Sn. praeM c of -''1'-tn tne Corporation's water u. and distribution sya- City of pY'nce Rupert wlth th P"- w the said dam. '.. 'r to Ir-ll" CIlW. lM u,e W8l'r "M""d for the reason - ?t" ai:d 'aor "e of the Corporation f-ir the a 1 moi-eys pur- !1 J '"-i the c tiisens. and the Coroorstlon ' s.tts to ui cart and diligence nd to i-r-.S t' e rciulre-nents ol t '"''' P-"'utions to sec . ;,, t... in Srf thi thBt not unnecessarily wasted i M-f J'3t " mde . and : p..- mcreas.nf 1 ld Pntick the Corporation v 'n- 1 rv m-ratian mrl '-nt-lhlrd cl the cost Of , .C"10 ,o1.1n ,0.m?.t "'f'?1 the malctcnarioe of the uid Pmainrtr rpjT c"r,orTu n'of " Bt n '" Corporation wished to 1 .f , .V.-fs"r S ?ra" ' ?P'- 01 --t directly fiom . .r Lit; l r- ,,kl dun n l?vaU3n nat higher ' tiJ Sr- 10 d"0!'U!lu' prweat connee- h . of -tot 2f US a ' J" Wtr m"!" Wllh l"e it e , , .h.SS. Inaw-csi. it ma do . and thereaftrr . ... - - 1 v w..ii3S). ana ui- ,rr... PhBrj, tl-.r. uf., , I?TJU txlUr 1376. ,d lh,t 11 win ' Ua maintain the said niSaM tcxt c n.a.r.cd in the fWr rese-red to-1: ti.e i.i:t:s'.i of the ,.'"it of iho C.ty it Is t.':.i..raiiy should un-.);.! .. Tit .) is ln- supply f electric ,-jr-ah!UK requireoMSlts cf Its titans t.i i'u:np-ny ad by ' Cjrmr.'ton and It j".le A her to and Is :cd tj is ' the Agree- v..S the jr sent hyiro-.:oi.aii.asiu aud dls- v. ill ' abiivrd irom any share 01 maln- naiu is lit suae of repu.r aad will not rs suet i..e lnei 01 the wa'.ers of Wood--vorth Lake in such a manner as to pre- ur ikjv. ui water to ine water main .:! IN- City, and th Cltv Er.clneer shall ' e the sole Jtidre as to whether the level the :,d :rv 6 being malntilned d ( tei. g cotiftsd ay the said Engl-tv.,t thr suopiv of wfr Is being ' :.dpji-.rcd the Cair.riany shall comply !lr. ;vi and tU a.rectioas wh :h said ; .r.w.sti rcay irlve to ensure the level of ' '" ' 1 'it am'-' s 1 j.' b'l- so that r.o such dlrcrtlon hall be nuch as shall - f .iste tiw raising of the dam by tie Company. -i.e uDiupmy will maintain ai: terns o! the iyntm re.'rrred to in clause I' r of lr. a-- -n'11 .t '-nil h In a i.. ol U v irporatlon art. P". ttlon to supply sufficient dec-the Cuncll. .n i tncal energy from the develop-- n-)0UKrr required tor cient to be carried out In ac-;-.-3: cordanee with the urovlsicns of para- , .j&TBZ MUNICIPAL .,rirt ,e ;3 .co4. lhe Uen r-. r i ;:b tMiPORAriON or quueint ol.tke L-.-iat:on ind the i r.;l.101 SUI'EHT ENACTS ltr.- Il at any .:S7 a CftZv Hr "W" iefs c the C-rooratton tttl u.- electors ha, ana dons the use of the dam at tb out-'" "f h-pHn'tr l cf Wiworih Lake, .he Oompanr ' ''Si?5"11" '! !. i" 11 then t ralMacd from aU turtfce- ir A rremtiit shall j abiltj : conr-t'on btriwlth wrther ci wj-.h..'. w by woy ol matntonance ol otbarwlM TMwnn vr uh ana howsotvet UDo.-. recnu .evlB ts th f3e. JStttff '!.e Company. pr-.tovi an -the MnO fit tits, dam l.dfc !Uire-)l by both ana penstock herein :f or referred to f'v'"ITl - afore- ur .au part i ii present development : Tt jalfai u- dremed to at Woodworth Lak. (. lilOu w.th this By- j. The lor oli g sal hall be con-ih Llnffi: lotr and f- petc1 forthwith after th exkilUOn o' '.. ' this atrMmenVwrjen th Oompac shall . a itsj fcrins and condl- pay J78.000 to the Corporation -gr'rr " a .04 A.-reement ex cullon and dellve-) by the Corpora- ind OBUIirmed. and It tir- of appronriate Irsirumcnt trans-.. : r JU C rpDrstten to ferr rg t th Company aU IU right" irnt a ..! 1 Jim the title i.id Interest in all of the asset ..iy teHi thi.tof. he:ev are-d to be sold, and whan this ritloii n h-rebv su- Ag-e.i.er.t al-.M! havt bsn ratified bj tft C.npny the as- th 'e . itive Ambly of the Province 1 parur iph i of the of BrttUh Col.-mbls, when pcascMlon ;;. pri srii upon the tture-f tlii.ll be g.ven vo the Company one-j lf.ee 'torn e:niimbrances save as herein . ehall before Ui final provide'l. ! i uhir.r.K'-: io and :- 6 Out of the said purchase orlce of of fc ile.- on of the'H7S050 tiie sum ut tlW.ilOO ahall be .i.rr irovid'd lr I'irt VI.. 1 paid by t!ie C-rporat.on to the Montreal r Mu -.,' A.I " lrut Company to hold in trust and lull sbi.ll he cited as vest in trust-e securn es a authorUsK-.ii j! C.isJs Llm.ted 1 oy the Tiuete Act other than mortgages I on real catate. until all debenture of ,!. Ml .-'ICIPAL COUNCIL; the Corporatlun which oonsUtuU a 1 . Allot' or THE CITY ; charge upon th asset herein screed to : -KRT XL. Id I HI X rEINTlI , i.e sold or on the rat drivaW Uteri-' AitY A I) 1929 I irom are paid and dlschareed. If at III.ULLK '. rny time the Corporation ahall msk d- i : MKWT made this diy 111 rnp ,t o! any such debenture aa 1 iii our Lira, one , and the holder thereof or any of then. '-i'i 'nuil t : c c . . t t sitxTh sitxTh the the as'd as'd asset assets 01 or 1 1 any any of of them them "t t said said rates, rates, the the Oosapanj Oosapany j ahall be .nd.-mt:ified out of th aevuriti ' Tl0af Of T ' CITY Of 1 Of m.jiievs po lirM In trust. Pending "I it, iyeiri.fter csllcd uc le:u:t the mrorre of any such s- Cy TH ONE PART curitK.i 1 hall t paid to the Corporatloo Provided that this clause ahall only be .!r- i.tf.TaPN o;- CANADV tlndlng until sud. time as an Act L-u'f 'l!o the com-. asssed by th IflaUtur of the Provinc 'i fiiwaf r - 'of British Columbls vaUdatlog thu M )-.f Jgic u rt tea hereto WKMnt and 0sl Bylaw Of which ! ' ' t, Mf-11.se und afra forms a part and rtf taring that the de- AMANULLAH'S PERIL t i V Dentures of the City shall not be a charge upon the asneta sold to the Company by the City under thla agreement. A soon as such Act comes Into force the above mentioned sum of 1160,000. shall be paid to the City by the aald Trustee. 7. The meters of the existing con sumers shall be read so soon after the execution of this agreement as Is practicable by an officer of the Corporation together with a representative of the Company, and all revenue accruing there- irom prior to the date of this reading , the use of each and everv Dole reauired wr uie purpoee 01 tne corporation at an .aoBuai reww and atmillMytht vo tne company tnbutlon of dectrlcsl power for light heat and power purposes, sod will pur- vc 1 rum a ana irom no other person cr corporation, art h I electric pewer for light, beat and pover puivia id uoipration may require. , 12 The Ocrpciatlon hereby grants to th Osmaaa the rtstht to earnr Ati in the City the business, of tight,! vnv ana power comfisny,' ajid to Install ttwtd. everate. re&t iad mln(iliV In th MKrcts. tae ints ober public plaoss la the City p-ls. oondul's. wires. caMea and aU other eeeeHsry ""F"1 Mtpiianee I or UM UJt-otlwloB. distribution and sate of elec tric poaer rer llfht. heat and power purposes, with the rtoht nde' the upervislcn and dlreottc ofsno1fflrer sppoiaieo ey th Corpcrattoo. to trim and out any tree In such public places which may Interfere wfth the proper toatallatlon or operattac of (be Company equipment. 11 The Corporation hereby grant to th Company the so(e,'ah4 exttualve right. Uone and pnvliege dnrtflf trie term of this Agreement, or any .renewal thereof, to erect in and on any streets, lanes or other publla place In the City, any pole, conduits, wtres. cable rjr other equipment sad appliances 'ormlng cr to form part of any system for the transmission, distribution and sale of llabt. heat and powvrr. 14 Tit Company. wlU. before proceeding with the construction or extension of IU distribution statem or any pert thereof wtthin the Ott mil plaa thereof to the Corporation nd obtain the Municipal Oouaefl ip-prcval of such plans and will., where Kaalble. construct, erect or lay Its pole, eonduiu. wire and eaWea through and along lane in preference to street wed as highways. 15 When th Company at any Urn with the approval of the Municipal shall be referred to the Public Utilities Cnmmlasicm of the Province of British ( TI1E DAILVNEWS PAGE FIVE onatole surplus to meet Increased d- and 20 hereof, to cover any increase arbitrators appointed by the Corporation! mands. In the cost of supplying the service due ; nd toe Company respectively The 1 1 IB The Company wlir uppiy electric to any future tax, license, rojraUy, fee uorporauons right or purchase as j energy to the Corporation" and to the or other charge hereafter imposed by , bove mentioned la conditional upon 1 citizens for lighting and heating pur- ny Government authority, Federal or Its giving notice to the Company at ! pew, and for use In small motors. In Provincial. j least twelve month before the end of the form of single phe alternating; 28 The Company will pay to all Its he Aald term of twenty-five years, current at 110 volta. two wires, or at employees In the City and at Wood-j 32 if the Corporation shall fall to 110 and 220 volt, three 'Wires, at option worth Lake the prevailing rate of wages 'give the notice referred to In the pre-nf thA P-fim na n v arul . At la., norms 1 f r for all skilled labour rjrev&lllnir in vllno mnmnh t . 1 n 1 n r mti" -v a w d) (f) censist of such llghu a now to act. and If net than to the Water Department and odeavour in every exist and additional lights BMtd under the Water Act of . sd; Kty to. Adupe the establishment, and shall be supplied by the Ccn- Protittce if it. wlU agree io aot, and, if the fostering of new Industries In Ui nuiff ffsnm tlnu tn nM Yhn j 4 ftANl af Al-hltraBOtl Sj r-tw e-Jter:lo" thereof. Tbe pnoe mem cr aroitraiion unaer tne atoiitb-rr Ump for lamps of hither o Act. but so that nothing ahall rtug or cwmetty thsn afore- P 1" RodwUl or sny other tn- BYLAW NOi CONTRACTFOR SALMON PACKER quency of 0 tyeBtrjeJsfxn4ri' Prince Rupert, and the clTle rate of tbexOUAK'to renew thU Agreemerit for Drydock Will Build 67'Foot Ve,8- IS (a) The niarlmum rates or a JyxiheU period to fee agreed upon, i shall snail belornr Deiong to 10 the the ctaiirattan Corporation .nrt and h! bei'' Prio whlcn. th Company shall exact 27 Nothing in this Agreement i,,rtJJteektied Shalt, iWY or Drtcer for the services . ,v.,. ,... k rv,mn.n trr h. in oaracranha la .nrf 20 after th? dateof thi reldlng sISSlS? id power In the City during the tion of sny Commission cf the Province here? lor such period shall, it not lone to the Comnanv 1 term of this Agreement, shall be as cr Biitian uoiumDia navinc jurisdiction utrvwt-cu iot o . iiuc LoiDanT snail assume ana it uui 111 ocjievuir ayw ro. w twuv uvui w imnw, . 1 . - . : does hereby assume sll the oblleatlons of M of the Corporation. The Company 1 as and when formed. .DlurrB as nereupeiore provided un the Corporation (which are herebv trans. ! may, regardless of such rates, sell d tiira 10 uie vompany so as to relieve ecirre power w nie orpuranon ana to the Corporation therefrom) under the ! consumers within the City at rates :oiowing existing special agreement be-; lower than those set out in said tween the Comoratlon and certain llaht and power customers, namely: (a) Agreement made between the Corporation and His Majesty the King In the Right of the Dominion of Canada, dated February 12, 192S. (b) Agreement madl between the Corporation and the Orand Trunk Development Company. Limited, dated October 18, 1020. (c) Agreement between the Corporation and the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Company. Limited, dated October 18. 1926. 9. The Corporation shall at all times ' the rleht to make use for municipal purposes of such of the poles of the Company as are situate in the City. sub to and in accordance with an fai.eeme"! to be entered Into between the part'-i hereto in the standard form of the Boll Telephone Joint Pole Agreement to be dentlfled by the signatures of the Bn-fr-r of the respective turtles hereto- iivikku, uuwever, alternatively mat Schedule "A" where the quantity of consumption, load factor, or off-peak rnndltlcris warrant the Company In doing so. and also for off-peak heating, cooktnf and similar' purposes, pro- viaea mat tnere snail De no dMcrlmln sel for Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co". Contract has been awarded by 28 (a) In the event of the Oom-;i tfcere shall then In existence ... rj, m.i, rM cf pany making any default in the ful- i Commission of the Province of Brit- r , ' . j , fllment or performance of any of Its 'lsh Columbia having jurisdiction over Co. to the Prince Ilupert Drydoek obligations under paragraphs 3, and Publlj Utilities of the Province. In. an(j Shipyard for the construction 28 hereof unless In the ease of a de- whtob -event such rates or prices shall , . , . , . faf under 3 a4 it siSi be fixed by such commissiSn.; of a standard type fish packer 67 happen through an Ac of Ood, flre.i 33 The Company shall apply. In the feet long with beam of lGVfe feet " !?- .nLfT!irnVX; and eight feet eight inches depth. tltrol, the Company wUl pay to the Cor- the Province of British Columbia for The vessel, of wooden ConstrtJC- atlon as between consumers where all Ption m respect or ecn such ae- ' ."''""i fJZZTTS ,on- wul De equipped Wlin a W fWnKiZ! SwJA'tS;iSJr h-P- Fairbanks-Morse c.o. en. net bill be le than the minimum fuIt con"iC as liquidated dm-epeelfled In ssld Schedule "A" ! uch tum hsving been fixed by (b) The rates and conditions on ' I""!"1 fttfi " J! rfertrlr mr thill h. .ntl "'-" " ssis. - present Session of the Legislature. gine. 34 This Agreement shall, but only rnnab uctlon will atart at once tt.h th. nrwnit nf th Mnnlrtnai UOnBt. UU110I1 Will gian at OUUB council (which consent shall not be and delivery date is set for June rf tXVc'S '" MtiLnrr. I opening of this 'hall be In accordance with the terms In the event of the Company , Company, either existing, or to be or- J ears saimon season. ana ronamcm sei mno in ocneauies 1 -.,.,. , w,. i ,nis fnr th nunmc of earrvlM XJlBVlUBj UC1U1 M r ' - -- - 1 - s r o 16 ' out the terms hereof, the said Cam- raifiea wim xne lsbt i-mtx Ol Uie ; w , JI . . tio mn. to h. nf .nfrtrfnt financial res- nnroi. IKITVi. ine VltC ly-.uiLnuiv vtujnuij win rai w 1 j" vrprvKTn ano wn-n -m inspector 01 , j..,-,, ,h .urn of aiOOOOO Mr DonettoUlty and abUltv to ctrrr Out the tKriSi ahli. VlrEliayfcT each day during whloh such ' undertaking, and everything herein in in the said schedule snail apply to I . ...,.. .h.n n.tiiii nun tn Icustomer. slgnlnt eo.tr.eU subjet to " "T " benefit of bTTlndmV upon dltwml nTl ZZ oooent. in crder to overcame the dif-j the parties hereto, their -.ucr. and dltlons s noted thereon ' ficulty of a mathematical computation, assigns. Upon the Municipal CouncU 20 The Company will supply, and',, being tne sum which may fairly be pprov!rt th financial responsibility toe Corporation agrees to pay for street r,.iwi a,i mmnenution to the and abUltv cf the said operating Com- tbe Company will lease 10 the Comor.J "?htln services during the term of Coruoratl jn . , pany. upon this agreement telng as- tlon (sTthe 'ojjtton of the (rpai)it'1f 'tonh f towtftg . ,7cT7nthe event of th. Company signed by the Company to It the Com- nutuw ativ nrh defsu't hereunder Dany snau tnenceionn De reiievea 01 (a) Trie service shall be supplied and should the City so flewr in saja odiuovudu nereunaTr. J ot 12.00 totfeativ.pole.L ., wfxom ki 'least' rk to dawn defiult may be referred to the Puofket ftS THe : Company wtu place at the he Corporation will lease throughout the year. i UtUUIe. O3tnroion ot ttoe said, Prqv- ' bisicl ' M th Octporatlea and the r th use of such poles of j (b) The initial tnstaJUUari IhaU tnce If then formed nd If tt will aftee Boref ti Trad IU lid u trial Research nr yorporauon as the Company may vquire.and. as may be avaltablel at the tub rental. t .' . 10. The Corporation will assist tut Company In every possible manner, to btln a good marketable title to Uie sit of the present hydro -eleatrlc development at Wood worth Lake, and to I. lands and rights-of-way (other than t eett. lane and other public places In be city; intended to be Included In this le. and rlgbu to the water of said lake 'ni'llcl nt to enable the Company to per- 7? ""T'",-trns be eunder. 11 The Corporation agree that dur-irg .the term of this ixcrtcment or any renewal th erect, it wlU not compete ' . is usi w mi Lisas wm.am ni j:u i OBJECTIONTO FISHING RULES AS PROPOSED (Ketchikan Chronicle) Nothing should be considered more seriously than the proposed thirjr days' written notice abnstRuted under clause ai ot mis 34 Th City snail rortnwiin suomit mernaiionai iisne.ies regulations fronrthe Municipal Council to agreement and If m the opinion of a Bylaw to the electors of the said s j,e halibut. Proposals are the Company. Mieb C-mmUlon or Board cr such city under the prevision of the "Hun- , , , , . w. f, , (c The price per 100 watt or 100 Arbltrat-r or Arbitrators the said de- !3pal Act" for the ratification of made wnlcn meet Wltn tne unani- candleyower limp or lamps, fault ahall justify the termination of this agreement, and to grant to the nous opposition of the men en- spsced not further apart than this agreement, the Corporation may. ncmpuny the immunities and exemp- j in in ine h tnA...trv lnausiry, narticularlv agea parucuiarij on alternate poles. all be by notice In writing t.i the Company, tlons herein contained, and this S- IIS. 00 net per year, with terminate this Agreemerit and thereupon reement shall have no force or effect in to the -Closing Of certain I18I1- addltlonal charge of 1.50 per the s'-itM hcre.nfcr' re enumerated Td shall nt be enforceable until the .rjes areas mcoth frr each p-le span used !n Clauts 2 hereof shall forthwith re- time ts ratified and confirmed as afore- tn excess of two span '-t lr the n-rp-ratlcn together with ta'.d by the said electors. When hearings were being held per lamp. This additional aU improvements effected therecn. and in WITNESS WHEREOF the City has in Ketchikan by the intemat onal chsrge nall not. however, be all such 'urther ssseti may htw caused these presents to be signed by .:-.. he, p .VM. .nirft afpllcetole to any lamps tnstal- bfen arefrtd by the Company in con- its Mayor and Ctty Clerk and IU Cor- -ommission. ine e was a spini led at the date of the executloti reotlcn. therewith, and the Corporation porate Seal to be affixed hereto, and mown by the vessel owners and 01 wiis agreement DUt snail nu fne-es'-er pav to ine urmpany the Company has hereunto aiiixea ns nrjlains that was remarkable a be applicable In the discretsuti tbe fab- value of all such material as- rorporate seal attested by the hands ... ... o the C-mpany Ha all future "" t- -e --t"-d bv mutual aaros- of it proper officers In that behalf. tuwsi to tbe price fr the loo porm sbsu b entKid to deduct TAKE N0TICL that the aljoVe objections, it iieoomes an oc- eeott ScuneU as aforesaid. eommetM say' In psrsgrtph C hereof or -400 candlepower fftt.ry morr payable to the Com- is true 0f Ihe' proposed by- bv' a eopy -'.reful .tudv all ' due f . . 4W0n .j. ID. careiUl SlUQy uy an A Et)tuy -f. ten per '"f nvxeys due or accruing , , (10-VUl be charted CJompany to toe Corporation leW Upon which the Vote Of tne y. ? wh ar directly or in- h. not paid wttMB t fteeu day ,Tk Pa'"y w" Ken. lue Erectly concerned. It at once tbe th. The rv-mon Corporation ahau ahall b. be en en- from date of 'he reader- PjmibM, ru.-u. ftv Hall, on s..4.. - .l- tne sj the aaoour.t Mf. st any time and ircm time to 7 ' t: Vnnn iccumes me uuiy ui vnc vwimiier- Tbe rntrmber caaactty of Mm' w t the 1st day of March, A.D., 1929, ;lai club to gtudy the sitvatton. 1'..! l." fvlrkin; aUatS. ven't hour of 8 o'clock a.m. and HkewUe for olher organ iga- w-rx on we srrees. wne. cr cum pun- ,gi The XJpmpsnr shall not be cjuace in ine wiy 10 tne wij ei ex- , rtlfced to suspend lamps be- tendmf. repairing or maintaining Its twn tviw nrr to taatal sid d'stributton system. It wUl pm- . p-iN opposite alcte of plrte the aald work wltfc all abnven- j ' J itrtet to that whiST IU 'nt speed and upon the osmbletlon erduanr eaulement I tnstal - thereof shall restore the aald puMtc W JLJS, LtJTI (It IU witching of ttolamiM SSS SirtTr L?r ) t 1 be done by as offlcVr LJatETS? t inl The Company is hereby exon- S?. Tirbtle0nfcr,thde o C nf L 1 Th Company ahall proceed at . lit anvSL um nfc b be m a- " ' Um once with the further development of poa-er otber than Wrodworth Lake, and 31 The prices aei out In tbe pre- wlll complete wttbtn two (31 year a reding part(sph fcf Mreet lighting hydroelectric development havln a shall ootne Into foro immediately upon capacity of not less than 5000 IIP., th passing by th electors of the bylaw but should the Company be delayed ratifying this afrceioeitt and lis due by act of Ood. fire or King's etiepi'es. execution. 1e rates set out In Belted- expropriation prorerdlngt;, or any cstise uie "A" to Bylaw No. 4M shall be iurr tilth thr rimnany ha no ton. (kerned to continue la fore a under tnl. tbe said time for completion shall this agreement firm the tints of IU be etrtended for a period equal to th ratlfloatlec aid due erecut. tune during which the M cause 93 Ncthtof in this ..grcement shall operated to delay the Company in release th Orrnpsny from ttabtllty at oompltUnf said works. The Company uv fcr Injury auvtalrstd or tferd by will thereafter complete further devel- any irou or property bV raaaon of opeiMot until 100.000 H P. cr more ,r rt -,r rmUHon cf th Oomsany. shall be available tor private or com- lu agents and servant!, and the Ccm- inarclal use for the 1tleen and Indus tov ebsll Indemnify and save hsrrn- trlta looated wtthin the City. Bueii less the Corpiratlon from all low. further cwelopment shall be carrltd cwts. ch.r-es damages or espensss out and completed from Ume to Ume which may art- -t be utSAtrrtd. suf- as prcsiects for the sale of po fered cr sustained by the Oorpcratlon justify, and if the Muulclpal Oouiuul M , plMtt of th cl. u, the com- shall at r "!T ' th Oom: Fny of the rlahts. powers, and prtvU- pany to undertak further devc.opn.Mt tztrs rwd wlildb. without at a time or to an amount which th XtoUri the e-eralltv ot tb fore- shaU not think the pres. Za L Oompsny .v w rk , FcU thn justify then the m.Mf Tr?t Z thTc-m psny on any street er lane In the Columbia If jueh a body shall then be TA JfL?1, " g l"'a ptoat "JWrTSn W t. .IssslAsa l It shsil bv .skura. U svw an4 4 as msKmai w mwny- table to both partita hereto: if twt, then to the Water .IVjard eonstltuted under tb Wete Act or the aald Province end If rttch D-ard absll n-t he aoceptabl to both parties hereto then the matter ah 11 be referred to arbitral inn a oorstitii'ed under Clause 31 of this agreement and any such decis ion snail b rinai and blnd'ng on r ,,n., f brth pertes htsto and f-rUtwIth , r, thrftr the C n -nv uidrke 111,., ! at 33 The Oompsny shall obsertt all ByU flf M Oorprratim and shall inform -ts n refujstleii' imposed by -..y,T).-s, , rn ,uy sjwaliesble to the " trptftv its ehetkis. " Te r!r ' p-wvs and ptlvtle """-rsari (winferred uipon the "r'rs1-" v , Aree;nrt msy be ""'fd and sojrved bv in Munlctpnl th oor" at. 00, and any perron frm 'im to time nd nomnlee such further deeel-pment l"r" Z. JTr aSn " D"" .2tLi ,L ,h Corporation ahall net Impoat upon Pf"Jr ' "iV":J?00.rf" rini-nscr (axsUoii. whether by way to th forms herein provided, the ... ding of 01 ilnm or rfhM, otnr rhaiws r"r' .isti-le er-erev reoulred h. ll- rinrtvse. "fr!? '"' Time: "That's the con sequence of wanting t. K't sttlon and the citlsen. for lltht, hat riU,' J pVlceaThlob tsTuMwrtr." ' inf." - llailgmhf Post, The Illiyi"' i"d pwer, smsut,m. i.iy- to cha.orjffigy Paraphs 19 desire to co-operate with the com- I a-vs t m mt n n tn aiiA tir 0 e ("a 4 Vi I uuoetvu IU J A VI t,ti 'preservation of the industry. Vow, when In one voice they raise p,-,, tne compicr to the hour of 8 oYlock p.m. Uons t0 g0 iato it. CondAiona The Ocmpany ahall Install tbe 5rrti ?nd f 7el,J0T .t,n treet Ughtlag y.tem wtth Mtlc pcrfcrman-e of sny affirmative tbe exceptacn of the lamps oe,wrt tf" P r tne Oamtny stut ri-.lr thrf .hih nessm cot:Tir-a. w-tnoui in aw ' shsIT oe- sfipjfned by or at the lnlng any other party, expense of tbe Corporation. 39 Time Is of tb eaaeno of Uila but the Company ail furnish Agreecaent and of every provision there - tbe Ocrporatson with all I lamps that may be required, at M Tbe term of this AftTaament shall erst and will Instil th same he ! twenty-five years from the date witty: further chart to It. boaasf. Oast sKssl mean the actual In- Si Tbe Corporation shall have th voice piice plus freight, de- r'fht st the nd of the aald twenty- llvered tn tbe Company' fife years to buy from tne Company stores. Prince Rupert. No all the Company's property situate fixtures are to be lnstaUed within the Ctty, together with aU th for lamps of less than 100 property o( tb Company then situate watts cipseltr. at or near the exlstlnc' Woodworth Tb Company wlU upon dc- t-k development, at a prto which U mmd of tbe CorporaUco In- net agre;d un between the Corpu ratals) at its own expense tn the lod acd tbe Company shall be referred street of tb City a fully to a stnfle arbitrator in the Corporation molern ornaroeutaf system of and the Company agree upon a single high intensity street lighting arbitrator; otherwise to three arbl-fixtures, tbe service tor whloh trators, occ to be appointed by tbe will be charged for at prices Oorpc ration, a second bv tb Company, in the same proportion per and a third, or umpire, by the two 100 wat lamps as those char- ' , ged for tbe lamps mentioned Ilet ttttton: What a disappointment Bob had been I Once he was always bright and cheery well-groomed. Then something happened. Bob became careleia. Seemed to lose his ambition. Even his appearance was affected. Why, she wa actually ashamed of him now I HiiVertion: What had come over Mary) Two yews ago Hill" EDWARD F .JONES. City Clerk. Concentrated Strength 1, 1 k he had been so much in love with her. But these days she was always so cross. Her old-time youth and charm had fled. True, he'd slipped somewhat, himself. But, Mary. . . What a tragedy that constipation can wreck so much happiness I It begins with such little things headaches, listlessness. But it eventually saps the strongest body, arid may lead to serious disease. And all the while it could be so easily prevented so surtly relieved. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is guaranteed to relieve constipation to safely prevent it ALL-BRAN is effective and natural Bulk or roughage relieves constipation in a AgW I 'Vss ALL-BRAN warranting, every effo t must be made to advance the interests of those engaged in fishing and the halibut production. WISDOM FKUM BAKES Peygy had been to the circus ni mother thought to impress a lesson. "V'hen dogs and ponies and monkeys obey so well, don't you think a little girl ought to obey even more quickly?" she said. "Yes. Mummy," was the Instant reply, "and I would if I had been as well trained as they have." Pearson's Weekly. The Romance that ended so soon ,t -j - natural way. ALL-BRAN fur nithes bulk in generous quantity because it is 100 bran. It carries moisture through the intestines, gently sweeping out poisons. Part-bran products seldom con tain sufficient bulk to be completely effective. Doctors recommend ALL-BRAN because it is 100 bran 100 effective. Don I rhk drugs! ALL-BRAN brings lasting relief. Far better than habit-forming pills whose dose must be ' constantly increased. ALL-BRAN is an appetizing cereal delicious with milk or cream, fruits or honey added. Mix it with other rereals. Sprinkle into soups. Use it in cook ing. Eat two tabletpoonfuls dailychronic cases, with every meal. It will protect the health of your family. All grocers tell Kellogg's ALUBRAN, Served at hotels, restaurants, on diners. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. 5Zs3tw2Ssisas""- i ALL-BRAN Ktlltft't ALL-BRAN I, lU sill tMt (iMrsnlssi Cat It aecsr. f Is 7rlfoa. II U 4ms I rstftes tsf fsstfsn fitly, w wilt ffmni Ik rtftss rb. if! :-.r. .1 1 .,1